Intro Philo LAS Week 1

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Introduction to the Philosophy of

the Human Person
Activity Sheet
Quarter 3, WEEK -1 – 2
1.1 Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view. PPT11/12-la-1.1
1.2 Realize the value of doing Philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on
life. Ppt11/12-lb-1.2
1.3 Do a Philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic


Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 1
Name of Learner: ____________________________________________________
Grade and Section: ___________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________Quarter 1/3 - Week no. 1


I. Learning Competency (MELC)

1.1 Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view.

1.2 Realize the value of doing Philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life.
1.3 Do a Philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective.

II. Background Information for Learners

The word “philosophy”, particularly Western Philosophy, originated from two Greek
words philos which means “love” and sophia, “wisdom”. Love of wisdom refers to the strong
desire of the human person to possess knowledge and apply it correctly. This is the application
of knowledge that uses human reason to investigate the ultimate causes, reasons, and principles
which governs all things. In effect, philosophizing traces its roots to when people started asking
“why” and tried looking for answers.

Today, we know Philosophy as the study of general and fundamental problems that has
something to do with our existence as human beings, the foundations of our knowledge, values
that we hold on to, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy makes use of information gathered
from other fields of knowledge and not just its own conclusions and is considered reflective and
meditative in nature.

Why is there a need to philosophize? Philosophers have often argued about the role of
Philosophy in man’s life. We all have the potential to philosophize since we have the tendency
to wonder and doubt, to reflect on our experiences and we have a never-ending need to learn
and discover. How do we value and cherish wisdom? This is by understanding the world around
us and by attempting to solve the philosophical questions that we are faced with. Being able to
understand things in a critical and logical manner is an important goal in Philosophy.

As we grow older, our questions are influenced by our experiences and circumstances.
We find ourselves asking more “serious” questions such as: “Why do we need to study?” “What
do I need to get better grades?” “Why can’t I have more friends?” You may also heard your
parents and other older people ask questions about various concerns such as “How can our
budget cover our family’s expenses?” “What should I do to earn more?” etc. People ask these
questions to help them plan and decide on certain tasks. These are the questions that we often
hear in everyday conversations.

What were your considerations before enrolling into the track and strand you enrolled in
Senior High? How do you see yourself ten years from now? have made a pause, right? It
might just be a simple question but it will require you to make a self- assessment before you can
even answer. We often encounter deeper questions in serious conversations and we spent a big
part of living pondering many questions, and our lives become more meaningful because we
search for answers to these innumerable queries. This is the essence of Philosophy- the search
for answers to life’s questions. Being able to think and reflect to every situations and
circumstances in our lives leads us to a better understanding of ourselves and allows us to have
deeper and wider perspectives of the things around us.

Reflection is an important aspect of Philosophy. One can engage in reflection by

examining one’s thoughts, feelings, actions, and learning from experiences. Reflecting on
situations, activities, actions and decisions enables a person to gain insights that will help in
effective decision-making. Consequently, philosophical reflection will pave way for gaining
wisdom and truth. Not only do we gain a better perspective but a lot of human activities are
brought about by reflection. Examples of these activities include making wise choices out of
different options or alternatives, learning from past mistakes and avoiding in committing the
same mistakes again and before making any conclusion or action, getting all sides of the story
and gathering all relevant information. When we are doing philosophical reflections and we are
engaged in finding ways or methodologies to eliminate any practical problem or abstract idea,
we are already “doing philosophy”.

In the process of doing philosophy, having a holistic point of view is very important. A
holistic point of view or holistic perspective is looking at all aspects of a situation first before
making a conclusion. The skills involved in doing philosophy include critical, logical and analytical
thinking, observation and communication skills. Holistic perspective, or “holism” also states that
(1) the whole is usually greater than the sum of its parts; (2) when the whole is less than the sum
of its parts, it’s still greater in the sense that it brings us closer to the truth. This means that one
does not confine one’s understanding of the world to one’s own perspective, but also includes
the perspective of others. For example, asking a professional to give some light on a certain
issue or conflict in a broader sense.

On the other hand, partial point of view or partial perspective focuses on specific
aspects of the situations. This perspective is an important component of analytical thinking, as
an individual focuses on certain aspects of the problem in order to understand it. Though partial
perspective is useful, philosophy utilizes holistic perspective in making sense of the problems
and issues related to the human experience.

This Learning Activity Sheet was designed and written to help you understand the
meaning and process of doing philosophy and its branches. It is also important that you have a
good grasp of the concept of holistic perspective and partial point of view so that you may be
able to reflect on concrete life experiences in a philosophical way and realize that the ultimate
goal of philosophy is to help you find your value and significance as a human person.



▪ Looks at all aspects of the given ▪ Looks only at a limited number of

problem or situation aspects of the given problem or
▪ All aspects are given importance situation
when making conclusions ▪ Conclusions are made bases on
▪ All aspects are tied in together to considering some, but not all, sides of
form a general overview of the the problem or situation
problem or situation

▪ Using different sources of information in ▪ Using only one source of information in

doing your research doing your research
▪ Listening to both your teachers’ and parents’ ▪ Listening only to your friend’s advice on
advice on what course to take in college what course to take in college
▪ Not judging people by what we see on social
media, but instead learning to know them ▪ Judging the character of people we know
better just by merely looking at their Facebook

III. Directions / Instructions

*Be able to read your text book, Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
*Read and understand each activity provided in this learning Activity Sheet before
accomplishing it.
*Use separate sheets for your answers with complete labels and with proper naming
convention as reflected in every activity sheet.

IV. Exercises / Activities

Activity – 1.1 (ppt11/12-la-1.1) Distinguishing a holistic perspective from a partial point of view.
Directions: Distinguish holistic from a partial point of view by completing the matrix using the
statements below. Please refer to guide questions for activity 1.1. Write your answer on your
separate answer sheet. (10 points)



1. Conclusions are made based on considering some, but not all, sides of the problem or
2. Looks at all aspects of the given problem or situation
3. All aspects are given importance when making conclusions
4. All aspects are tied in together to form a general overview of the problem or situation
5. Looks only at a limited number of aspects of the given problem or situation
Activity 1.2(PPT11/12-lb-1.2) Realize the value of doing Philosophy in obtaining a broad
perspective on life.
Directions: Ponder on the quotation below and answer guide questions for activity 1.2. Write
the answer on your separate answer sheet. (20 points)

Activity 1.3 (PPT11/12-lb-1.3) Do a Philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic

Directions: Look at the picture below. Using what you have learned in doing philosophy and
Holistic Perspective, write an explanation or viewpoint that you can think of in this scenario.
Refer to guide questions for activity 1.3. Write your answers on your separate answer sheet. (20

Passengers flock to a bus in Fairview, Quezon City for a free ride June 1, 2020, the start of general
community quarantine in the National Capital Region. Photo by Boy Santos, The Philippine STAR

VI Guide Questions

Activity 1.1
1. Which of the following statements belongs to Holistic Perspective and which one belongs to
Partial perspective?

Activity 1.2
1. What can you say about the quotation below?
2. Do you agree with it?

Activity 1.3 Do a Philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective.

Ponder : At first glance you would ask: “Why is there no social distancing?”
“Are they being “pasaway?”
VI. Rubric for Scoring

Rubric for the short essay (activity 1.2 and activity 1.3)
Criteria Excellent very satisfactory Satisfactory Needs
10 points 9 points 8 points improvement
7 points
Quality of The insight The insight given The insight given The insight given
writing given was was somewhat was vague and was not somehow
excellent. informative and general. related to the
organized. concepts.
Grammar No grammatical Few errors in Minimal number Moderate spelling
usage errors spelling and of errors and punctuation
punctuation errors

VII. Reflection

I learned that Philosophy can broaden my perspective in life through…


I realized that in doing philosophy I am required to look at all sides of the story in life’s issues
So that…

After learning the concepts of broadening my perspective through doing Philosophy, I

therefore intend to ….

VIII. Reference for learners

Abella, Roberto D. M. Div., D. Min., Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human person, C&E
Publishing, Inc. pages 10-11
Cruz, Michelle B, Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, module 1, Shools
Division of Bata-an pages 20-24

IX. Answer Key

Use of rubric criteria
Answer may vary.
rubric criteria
Answer may vary. Use of
*Activity 1: Guess the

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