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_______________1. This type of literacy identifies what the information is for, where to find it, and how
to evaluate it.
_______________2. It is defined as the as the imparting and exchanging of information or news.
_______________3. This refers to various channels of communication between a person or persons and
their intended audience.
_______________4. It is the ability of an individual, either working independently or with others, to
responsibly, appropriately, and effectively use technological tools.
_______________5. The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and
effectively communicate information in its various formats.
______________6. The skills and competencies that allow individuals to engage with media and other
information providers effectively, as well as develop critical thinking and life-long learning skills to
socialize and become active citizens.
______________7. People discovered fire, developed paper from plants and cast instrumentality or
weapon through stone, bronze, copper and iron.
_______________8. In this age, the Internet paved the way for faster communication and the creation of
the social network. Moreover, voice, image, sound and data are digitalized.
_______________9. People harnessed the power of electricity that led to electrical telegraphy, electrical
circuits and the early large-scale computers (through vacuum tubes, transistors and integrated circuits).
______________10. describe that all forms of communications are under the control of the governing
elite or authorities or influential bureaucrats.
______________11. The theory lies between both authoritarian theory and libertarian theory because it
gives total media freedom in one hand but the external controls in other hand.

______________12. The theory says people are rational and their rational thoughts lead them to find out
what are good and bad.
______________13. Educate the audience as to the meaning and significance of the “facts”; ability of the
media to teach the various norms, rules and values.
______________14. Give publicity to governmental and political institutions.
______________15. Provide a platform for public political discourse, facilitating the formation of
provide a platform for public political discourse, facilitating the formation of “public opinion” and
feeding that opinion back to the public from whence it came.
_____________16. media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is
traditionally mechanical.
_____________17. This means to communicate or transmit a signal, a message, or content, such as audio
or video programming, to numerous recipients simultaneously over a communication network. To make
knows over a wide area.
_____________18. is the term we use to refer to different types of media that provide us with important
information and knowledge.
_____________19. Printed and distributed on a daily or weekly basis. They include news related to
sports, politics, technology, science, local news, national news, international news, birth notices.
_____________20. happens when different (two or more) media sources join together.
ENUMERATION: (20 points)

1. List Down the Stages/ Elements of Information Literacy

2. Enumerate the Function of Communication and Media
3. Four Theories of the Press
4. Types of Media

Activity 3: Types of Media (10 points)

Direction: Key Type. Write “P” for print media, “B” for broadcast media,“N” for new media and MC for
“Media Convergence”
1. Facebook
2. Smartphone
3. Radio
4. Internet
5. Brochures
6. Magazines
7. Internet
8. Google
9. Movies/Films
10. Google

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