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Effect of Being Absent from School

Aini: Can you come to my room for a moment?

Farah: why?
Aini: I want to discuss important things with you.
Farah: Okay. But it can't be long because I want to play online game with my friends.
Aini: Where did you go this morning?
Farah: Of course. I was in school. What's wrong with you?
Aini: don't fool me. I know where you went just now. You went to the mall right?
Farah: Fine that’s true., I admit that I skipped school today.
Aini: But why did you do that?
Farah: I just want to release stress. the teacher always gave us too much homework. Sometimes I feel
like there is no time to rest while at school.
Aini: But that’s not the best way to realise your stress. It will only affect your studies.
Farah: I know. but it doesn't make any difference if I attend school. I always fall asleep in class.
Sometimes I don't understand what the teacher is teaching.
Aini: it is your own fault. You always sleep late because of playing online games. You need to go to
bed early to be more focused in class instead of giving reasons. You should be aware that skipping
school is a very big mistake. You will miss many things that are taught in class and have difficulty
answering questions during the exam later. If you get a bad result in your examination, you will be
more depressed.
Farah: But the teacher always punished us with severe punishment if we don't complete our
homework. I always feel embarrassed with my classmates because of this. I was once forced by a
teacher to wash school toilets as punishment for not completing homework.
Aini: That is the right way for a teacher to educate you. You are the one who made the mistake, so
you have to accept it. if the teacher finds out about your offense today you may be given a more
severe punishment. In fact, you may be suspended from school. That is a more embarrassing
punishment if compared to the punishment you received before.
Farah: All right. I can't deny your words. but I was often bullied at school. I never told this to anyone.
I always forced to buy food for classmates when the recess time was over. Because of that I was
scolded by the teacher.
Aini: this is a big problem. You should report this to the discipline teacher so that they can impose
action on your friend. skipping school will not solve your problem.

Farah: Alright. I will report about this matter to the discipline teacher. Thanks for advising me.
Aini: Okay. You’re welcome. But you must promise you won't do it again.
Farah: Okay I promise that I will never skip my school.

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