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Owen=The Legend of Jack O'Lantern

Legend has it that many years ago, on a Samhain night,

a man with a reputation as a trickster, drunk and
quarrelsome, known as Jack the Stingy, had the bad
luck to meet the devil himself.
It seems that the devil had heard of Jack's evil deeds
and his ability to swindle even the smartest. Jealous
that someone could outdo him in this regard and
determined to check the facts, the devil wanted to find
out for himself that Jack lived up to his reputation and,
if so, take his dark soul to hell.

That night, as usual, Jack had had too much to drink

and was very drunk, wandering through the
countryside, when he met a mysterious figure in the
middle of the road. But still drunk, Jack quickly realized
that this being was the devil who had come to collect
his ill-fated soul.
Finding himself trapped, Jack asked the devil for one
last wish in exchange for his soul. This wish was one
last drink of beer.The devil saw no reason to refuse his
demand so he accompanied him to a tavern and let
him drink his fill. When it was time to pay, Jack tricked
the devil into turning himself into a silver coin to pay
off the debt before accompanying him to hell. But Jack
had no intention of giving his soul away, so he decided
to keep the coin by putting it in his pocket and, knowing
that the devil did not tolerate crosses, he also kept a
silver cross next to the coin.

Carlos=The devil, knowing there was no way to escape,

had to promise Jack that he would not return for his
soul for another ten years. Ten years later, Jack and
the devil met in a forest to settle their debt. The devil
was ready to take his soul with him, but Jack still had
no intention of giving it to him, so he quickly hatched a
new plan saying: "As a last wish... Could you please
take that apple down from that tree for me?" The devil
thought he had nothing to lose, and he jumped to the
top of the tree, but before the devil knew it, Jack
quickly marked a cross on the bark of the tree. Then
the devil could not come down. Jack forced him, once
again, to promise never to ask for his soul again. The
devil had no choice but to accept.

Jack died a few years later, but since he had been a

drunkard and a con artist all his life, he couldn't get into
heaven where good people went. Nor could he enter
hell, where bad people went, since he had deceived the
devil so that he could never keep his soul.
"Where am I going now?" asked Jack, and the devil
answered, "Go back the way you came." The way back
was dark and cold, nothing could be seen. The devil
threw a burning coal at Jack from hell itself, so he
could navigate in the dark, and Jack put it on a turnip
he had hollowed out so it wouldn't blow out in the wind.
From then on, turnips or pumpkins on Halloween are
known as Jack's creepy lamp.

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