Expo Cultural

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Some nutritionists point out that nutritional status is the result of a wide range of
social and economic conditions and constitutes the general level of development. The
conceptual framework of the causes of malnutrition disseminated by UNICEF proposes
three large groups:

a) Immediate causes: Those related to inadequate intake of food and micronutrients

and infectious diseases.

b) Underlying causes: Related to the low or high availability of food at home, the lack
of access to it and its inappropriate use.

c) Basic causes: Related to the political, economic and ideological structures in society
that regulate access to resources, which determine the poverty of families, is the root
of the problem.


We also found that the vegetarian culture has grown considerably in these years,
especially after the COVID 19 pandemic. This new lifestyle has become fashionable
among young people for various reasons, such as a study that discovered that the
consumption of diets based on plants was associated with, on average, a 23%
reduction in the risk of diabetes and because this lifestyle is aware of its environmental
footprint and seeks to minimize it as much as possible, starting with its basic needs
such as eco-friendly things like bamboo utensils So, vegetarian lifestyle is good for your
health and take care of the planet.


The lack of time of people today, together with the preference for fast food, has
caused the habit of cooking to be lost. This is also a factor that generates obesity,
because we stop consuming nutritious foods full of many vitamins. The reasons of that
decisions are:

- it’s done almost instantly.

- Some days where you just don’t feel like cooking, and it’s as simple to prepare
or buy.
- It’s Cheap

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