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Introduction to philosphy

Assignment 1:
Submitted by harmain arshad
Enrollment 02-117222-042

Examine a character in any movie ,Tv shows or novel in the

light of Aristotle Virtues ethics. Discuss the virtues and
vices that this character exhibit .

Their storyline main focus revolves around Islam and the story builds up.
Jahan Sikander is a very complicated mysterious character from Jannat ke
Patte (the Parodise Leaves) written by Nimrah Ahmed. Now Jehan Sikander-
personally my all time favorites a character from Nemrah Ahmed’s novel
Jannat Ke Patte .He is shown to be complicated guy…has had a rough
life…never lived in riches…and life has always been humbling from him.He
has to work through everything.


Jahan sikander has exhibit many vitues in his personal life.He exhibit
both intellectual and moral virtues. He was a fiction character but
personally I really liked him .He was a ideal character that inspired
every person .

The vices of being Fear virtue has been seen at that time when
he was in operation threater in bed and the eye operation has been
started . The fear of losing his wife had also seen at that time when his
wife got kidnapped and he was doing every possible things to come
back her and his fear of losing her has been seen clearly at that time.

The vices of quarrelsomeness has been seen at that time when

someone asks his to take a picture but he refuse it angerly because he
was a Army ISI Officer and he never takes a picture.

He never tried to express feelings towards his wife .He was a very
complicated person.He never reveal the actual identity of his character.
He perform several characters at a time. He wanted that his wife
discovered it herself.
ARISTOTLE VIRTUE that I experienced in my life or
how I plan to practiced in future
The most expensive virtue of every person that I have observed
in my life is loyalty.I think loyalty is very
precious,valuable,costly,priceless,rare in this creul world.
Alhamdulliah every relation that I have made I practiced loyalty
in it. I know there was many difficulties comes in this path to
attain firm position in it .But my believe gives me a courage that
everything happens because of reasons,there is always reasons
behind it Loyatly makes me optimistic .My patience level have
been increased .I am able to bear and hear the stupid questions
and even try not to give any response in it .
If u make relationship that based on loyalty then u never
embarrassed to make it .Loyalty is the name of commitment and
dedication.Loyalty is very valuable in future ,and helps u to
make a stong ,firm and longlasting relationship.Sometimes it
may be hard to be loyal but loyalty defines who u are and how
well u sleep at night.
I experienced disloyalty many types in a relationship, friendship
but all these incidents never changed my nature .Because I
believes my nature will never harm a person just because that he
or she misused me
If there is any grammatical, tenses error ignored it because it was my first attempt .

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