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STRATEGY PRACTICE: WEATHER DIRECTIONS: You will hear three weather announcements. They will not be repeated. Below you will read three questions about each weather announcement. After you listen to the item, answer the questions. Questions 1 through 3 refer to the following weather report. 1, Whatis the problem? (a) Ahigh pollen count. (8) Excessive rainfall. (©) The flu virus. (0) A broken air conditioner. 2. When will the problem abate? (a) By today. (8) By tomorrow. {c) In two weeks. (0) Inten years. 3. What advice does the announcement give? (a) Breathe deeply. (8) Take frequent showers. (c) Stay outdoors. (0) Wear a mask outside. Questions 4 through 6 refer to the following weather announcement. 4. Which of the following best describes these winds during this season? (a) Predictable. (8) Unusual (©) Ordinary. (0) Common. s. What will the winds do during the next 36 hours? (A) Subside. (8) Increase. (© Escalate. (D) Stay the same. 6. What advice is given concerning large boats? (4) They should maintain radio contact. (8) They should remain in the harbor. (c) They should move to another island. (D) They should lower their sails. . Questions 7 through 9 refer to the following weather report. 7. What type of weather did the Pacific Northwest have? (A) Rain. (B) Snow. (C) Hail. (D) Fair skies. 8. What type of weather was in the central region? (a) Rain. (8) Winds. (c) Snow. (0) Fair skies. 9. What weather conditions might the southern Pacific coast be experiencing? (A) Flood. (8) Cloudburst. (© Drizzle. (0) Drought.

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