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Assignment 2

Problem-1) The tower for a transmission line is modeled by the truss shown. The crossed members in the
centre sections of the truss may be assumed capable of supporting tension only. For the loads of 1.8 kN
applied in the vertical planes; compute the forces induced in the members AB, DB and CD. [Answer: AB
3.89 kN (compression); DB Zero force member, CD 0.93 kN (compression)]

Problem 2) Five steel rods, each having a cross sectional area of 500 mm 2, are assembled in a
symmetrical manner, as shown in Figure. Determine the deflection of joint A, due to downward
force, P=2 MN. Assume that, initially the rods are taut and E=200 GPa. [Answer : 13.33 mm
vertically downward]

Problem 3) The axially loaded bar, AB shown in the Figure is held between two rigid supports.

The bar has cross sectional areas from A to C and from C to B. What is the
displacement of point D, where the load acts. What are the reactions at the

supports A and B ? [Answer ]

Problem 4) A stiff beam is hinged at one end and supported by two springs of spring constant k
shown in the Figure. Where should a force P be applied, so that the effective spring constant at

the location of P is 20k/9. [Answer : ]

Problem 5) A truncated spherical cone of wall thickness is supported on a horizontal base as

shown in the Figure. The cone is subjected to internal gas pressure p. Neglecting the weight of

the cone itself, find the principal membrane stresses at the level h below the apex. The

apex angle of the cone is , as shown.

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