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year 2 2020-2021
Midterm Exam Date May 8th , 2021
Course title Probability and Statistics
Faculty of Applied Science
Course ID MT2013/MT2001
Duration 50 minutes Question sheet code 2021
Instructions to students:
- This is a closed book exam. Only your calculator is allowed. Total available score: 10.
- At the beginning of the working time, you MUST fill in your full name and student ID on this question sheet. There are
18 questions on 2 pages. Do not round in between steps.
- All essential steps of calculations, analyses, justifications and final results are required for full credit. Any answer
without essential calculation steps, and/or analyses, and/or justifications will earn zero mark.

Student’s full name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Student Id: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 1: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Group ID: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Invigilator 2: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Suppose that a bakery will get a profit of $12 for each sold cake. If the demand in a certain day is given as
below. Find the average and the standard deviation profit of this bakery in the given day.
Number of cakes 0.000 1.0000 2.0000 3.000 4.0000
Probability 0.043 0.0016 0.4567 0.394 0.1047
(A) µ = $28.8079 and σ = $13.1929. (B) µ = $30.1896 and σ = $11.4039. (C) µ = $28.225 and
σ = $10.1848. (D) The other answers are wrong. (E) µ = $30.1896 and σ = $10.1848.
2. The diameters (cm) of plastic balls produced by two machines are independently and normally distributed by
N (8; 0.17). Let Y denote the difference between the ball diameters produced by those two machines. What are
the mean and the standard deviation of Y ?
(A) E(Y ) = 16 and σ(Y ) = 0.8246. (B) E(Y ) = 16 and σ(Y ) = 0.34. (C) The other answers are wrong.
(D) E(Y ) = 0 and σ(Y ) = 0. (E) E(Y ) = 0 and σ(Y ) = 0.5831.
3. Some kids are playing a game. They draw on the ground a goal region including a rectangular with the dimension
30cm × 40cm and 4 equal circles with the radius 8cm. Kids will close their eyes
and randomly throw a small stone. If the stone falls within the circles, they get
3 scores. If the stone falls into the square but outside the circle, they get 1 score.
In case, the stone falls outside the goal region, then they get 0 scores. It is known
that a kid gets scores, what is the probability that this kid gets 3 scores?
(A) 0.7313. (B) The other answers are wrong. (C) 0.7754. (D) 0.4491. (E) 0.446.

4. The lifespan of a certain battery type is a random variable with a mean of 9 months and a standard deviation
of 2.3 months. Suppose that 102 batteries of this type were randomly selected. Estimate the probability that
the average lifespan is more than 9.5 months.
(A) 0.0081. (B) The other answers are wrong. (C) 0.0232. (D) 0.0195. (E) 0.0141.
5. If A, B, and C are mutually exclusive events, which of the following statement is TRUE?
(A) P (A) = 0.3, P (B) = 0.2, P (C) = 0.6. (B) The other answers are wrong. (C) P (A)+P (B)+P (C) = 1.
(D) A, B, and C are independent. (E) P (A) + P (B) > P (C).
6. A college professor never finishes his lecture before the end of the hour and always finishes his lectures within 4
min after the hour. Let X be the ( time that elapses between the end of the hour and the end of the lecture and
3x2 /43 , if 0 < x < 4
suppose the pdf of X is f (x) = . Find the median of X.
0, otherwise
(A) 3.2587. (B) 3.1748. (C) 3.8448. (D) The other answers are wrong. (E) 3.6901.
7. A university has investigated that 95% of their students graduate from their bachelor’s program, but only 8%
of them, who have earned the bachelor’s degree, will apply for the master’s program. Suppose that the decision
of applications is independent between students. Choosing 18 students in this university randomly, find the
probability that at least 3 of them will apply for the master’s program.
(A) 0.1726. (B) 0.1526. (C) 0.2679. (D) The other answers are wrong. (E) 0.4675.
8. Suppose that an online shop always delivers their products to their customers within 4(days since the bill was
cu2 , if 0 ≤ u ≤ 4,
confirmed. The probability density function of the deliver time is given by f (u) = If
0, elsewhere.
a product delivered by this shop is randomly chosen, what is the probability that this product will arrive at
customer between 0.5 and 4.5 days?
(A) 0.9435. (B) The other answers are wrong. (C) 0.9652. (D) 0.998. (E) 0.5459.
9. Here are the percentages of cotton in material used to manufacture men’s shirts: 37.6, 36.7, 32.4, 38.2, 31.8,
30.6, 36.9. Calculate the median of these data.
(A) 36.8. (B) 36.7. (C) 37.1. (D) The other answers are wrong. (E) 36.9.
10. In a certain assembly plant, five machines, B1, B2, B3, B4, and B5, make 46%, 33.8%, 7.1%, 11.5%, and 1.6%,
respectively, of the products. It is known from past experience that 4%, 14.8%, 13.2%, 14%, and 5.5% of the
products made by each machine, respectively, are defective. A finished product is randomly selected and it turns
out to be defective. Which machine most likely procduces this item?
(A) B2. (B) B4. (C) B1. (D) B3. (E) B5.
11. The life in hours of a 75-watt light bulb is known to be normally distributed with σ = 26 hours. A random
sample of 13 bulbs has a mean life of 1050 hours. Find a 99% two-sided confidence interval on the mean life.
(A) [1031, 1069]. (B) [1012, 1050]. (C) [1062, 1100]. (D) [1072, 1110]. (E) [986, 1024].
12. The following circuit operates if and only if there is a path of functional devices from left to right. The
probabilities that each device functions are as shown where p = 0.9. Assume that
the probability that a device is functional does not depend on whether or not other
devices are functional. What is the probability that the circuit operates?
(A) 0.8251. (B) 0.9697. (C) The other answers are wrong. (D) 0.999. (E) 0.9151.
13. The age when smokers first start from previous studies is normally distributed with a population standard
deviation of 1.3 years old. A sample of 11 smokers found that their mean starting age was 13.5 years old. Find
a 96% upper (one-sided) confidence bound of the mean.
(A) 14.0801. (B) 14.0252. (C) 14.0017. (D) 14.0527. (E) 14.1859.
14. A civil engineer is analyzing the compressive strength of concrete, which is normally distributed with σ 2 =
1200 psi2 . It is desired to estimate the compressive strength with an error that is less than 15 psi at 97%
confidence. What is the smallest sample size required?
(A) 22. (B) 26. (C) 24. (D) 19. (E) 20.
15. In a certain town, there is a unique bus line to the airport. The buses depart from the station every 15 minutes
and the first depart is at 7 am every day. Suppose that a traveler arrives at the station between 7 am and 7:30
am with the arrival time following a uniform distribution. What is the probability that he/she has missed at
least 2 departs?
(A) 0.0192. (B) 0.4215. (C) 0. (D) 0.2275. (E) The other answers are wrong.
16. Of the registered voters in a certain community, 55.2 percent are women and 44.8 percent are men. In the last
local election, 68.1 percent of the registered female voters and 62.9 percent of the registered male voters actually
voted. If a registered voter from this community is randomly chosen, what is the probability that this person is
a woman who voted in the last election?
(A) 0.5804. (B) 0.5716. (C) 0.7106. (D) 0.7348. (E) The other answers are wrong.
17. For ordinary exams, universities in German use a 5-point scale to evaluate their student. The below table
summarizes the Calculus scores (X) and the Linear Alge- y x
1 2 3 4 5
bra scores (Y) of students in a certain German university
1 0.0466 0.0190 0.0547 0.0173 0.0386
(rounded to be integers). Students will fail at a course if
2 0.0907 0.0997 0.0479 0.0232 0.0985
their score is at least 4. Find the probability that a student 3 0.0763 0.0029 0.0983 0.0306 0.0489
in this university will fail at the Calculus course if he/she 4 0.0496 0.0063 0.0570 0.0864 0.0026
has also failed at the Linear Algebra course. 5 0.0040 0.0003 0.0002 0.0004 0.0000
(A) 0.3483. (B) The other answers are wrong. (C) 0.4249. (D) 0.4937. (E) 0.258.
18. Suppose that the number of a certain item purchased in a fashion website folllows a Poisson distribution with
a mean of 3 items per hour. If the prior information shows that there are at least 2 items sold between 7pm to
11pm, find the probability that there are exactly 10 items sold in this period.
(A) 0.5477. (B) 0.2767. (C) 0.4725. (D) The other answers are wrong. (E) 0.1048.

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