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Dabur (derived from Daktar Burman)is an Indian consumer goods company
founded in 1884 by S. K. Burman. It manufactures Ayurvedic medicine and natural
consumer products.[5] It is one of the largest fast-moving consumer goods companies
in India.

It is the fourth largest company in FMCG sector in India after HUL, P&G & ITC.Its
annual revenue is US$1 Billion and market capitalization of US$ 4 Billion1. Dabur
has established itself as the most trusted brand in India during its existence for over
125 years. It is also known to be one of the largest ayurvedic and natural health
company in the world with the range of over 250 ayurvedic and herbal products.

CSR Activity Dabur’s CSR initiatives are driven through Sustainable Development
Society or SUNDESH, an outcome of the vision of Dabur India Ltd founder Dr. S.K
Burman. For growth to be responsible, it should go beyond numbers. It should do
good to the society, create a better world. Dabur India Ltd. believes in this kind of
growth, and constantly strives for. At Dabur, commitment to good governance, ethical
conduct and social responsibility is core way of doing business, and is strongly
aligned with its drive to create and increase value for all stakeholders. Company
define CSR as conducting business in ways that provide social environmental and
economic benefits for the communities and geographies where they operate.


14 Villages to be ODF

“Dabur has targeted to more than double the number of ODF villages under its fold to
26 by the end of 2019-20 fiscal..

The Company has in place a CSR Policy in line with Schedule VII of the Companies
Act, 2013. As per the policy the CSR activities are focused not just around the plants
and offices of the Company, but also in other geographies based on the needs of the
The four focus areas where special Community Development programmes run are –
eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition, promoting Health care including
preventive health care, ensuring environmental sustainability and employment and
livelihood enhancing vocational skills and projects.


Sundesh Sustainable Development Society (SUNDESH) is sworn to the mission of

ensuring overall socio-economic development of the rural & urban poor on a
sustainable basis, through different participatory and need-based initiatives. It aims to
reach out to the weaker and more vulnerable sections -- such as women and children,
illiterate and unemployed – of the society. Today, SUNDESH operates in Ghaziabad
and Gautam Budha Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh, and has -- more recently –
established presence in Rudrapur district of Uttrakhand.

'700 Se 7 Kadam'

A special campaign was designed for this initiative, powered by a video and a
microsite featuring stories of women who face hardships daily. The message was
conveyed through the story of Lakshmi, who has to walk nearly 700 steps just to
relieve herself, battling fatigue, snakes, and more. The site featured more such stories
about women from the villages of India and the price they pay for not having access
to a toilet at home. The campaign also asked people to do any or all of seven tasks and
the brand will contribute Re. 1 from the sale of every pack of SaniFresh towards
building toilets. The tasks could be any of these: share the story, take a pledge, notify
the brand where a locality does not have a toilet, invite your friends and family on
Facebook, tweet about the movement using the hashtag #700se7kadam, share about
the initiative on your social networks.

Machhar bhagao abhiyan

Through a mix of audio-visuals, street plays and other awareness generation activities,
they have been able to reach out to1.2 lakh people in 232 villages of Uttar Pradesh.
Almost 50 per cent of the programme component is concentrated on why mosquitoes
are harmful and also educate people about the effective prevention methods.

Samajdhar Maa, Swasth Bachcha Dabur Lal Tail

Samajdhar Maa, Swasth Bachcha Dabur Lal Tail has taken the initiative to make
mothers in rural India more aware about the various healthcare issues concerning their
little ones. Christened'Samajdhar Maa, Swasth Bacha', this 60-day rural activation
campaign was under taken in Chhattisgarh and MadhyaPradesh targeting 1 lakh
women in 5000+ villages and towns. The basic aim of this campaign was to address
and engage mothers of infants through a health check-up a for the infant.

Swasthya Chetna Abhiyan

The past few years have seen a surge in outbreak of flu and viruses, taking a toll on
India. In view of the rising mortality rate of diseases like Swine Flu, viral & other
infections, Dabur Chyawanprash rolled outa mega community initiative – Immune
India - aimed at spreading awareness about the need to build your immunity and fight
such deadly viruses.


Jivanti has been working with marginalized farmers, educating them on latest
plantation techniques, giving them free saplings for cultivation and entering into an
arrangement with the farmers to ensure sale of their produce. As part of its larger
community development mandate, Jivanti also supports rural schools, providing them
with basic infrastructure while improving sanitation facilities in these institutions. It
also runs several other initiatives towards community and village development.
Jivanti also been working with local NGOs (community-building organisations) for
several of these initiatives.
The idea is to work at the grassroot level and develop partnerships that lead to a
larger positive change in the society.

Vision :To create a society where people are self-sufficient, live in a healthier &
cleaner environment, have access to better education and do not face scarcity of food
& water.

Mission: To help marginalized communities, empower them and make them self-
sufficient, protect the environment, provide quality education environment and
improve quality of water & sanitation.

Aim & Objectives

• Environment Sustainability
• Healthcare and Medical Assistance
• Promotion of Education and Vocational Training
• Protection of Art, Sports, National Heritage
• Other Welfare Activities


Health service The objective of rural health care is to mobilize the community and
build awareness, equipping them with adequate information, skills and confidence to
access health services. SUNDESH provides health services across villages. It extends
primary health services to the poor and the marginalized rural people at a reasonable
 Health care programs 
 Eye Care Camps 
 Mother & Child Healthcare
 Prevention of female feticide 
 AIDS awareness

 Education & Literacy The education initiatives of SUNDESH for underprivileged

children include non formal education[6-14yrs non school going] special school for
working children [8-13yrs] remedial education [6-14yrs school-going] besides
holding classes for women between the age of 18 and 45 years. This program success
is reflected in the fact that a host of mothers are now following their daughters and
seeking admission at our adult education center.

Non formal education SUNDESH holds classes for underprivileged children between
6 and 14 years of age. After completing their basic education, these children, who
have either never had a chance to see a school from inside or are school dropouts, are
then encouraged to get enrolled in formal schools

Medicinal Plant Project – An initiative by Dabur INDIA Pvt. Ltd. ‘Dehi me dadami
te’ (As you give me, I give you in return). This quote from an ancient text sums up
dabur’s commitment towards nature. With a strong foundation in the Himlayan
Kingdom, INDIA, Dabur has taken many strong -- but quiet -- initiatives in last one
and half decade towards corporate social responsibility.

 Dabur upholds the tradition Dabur also value nature's bounty. Without the fruits of
nature, the vision of Dabur would never have been fulfilled. And that is the reason for
unfailing commitment to ecological conservation and regeneration.

Income Generation Programmes: 

 Capability enhancement programmes have been introduced 
 offering vocational training in cutting & tailoring, 
 machine& hand embroidery
 bee keeping
 mushroom farming
 mehandi application
 vermi-composting

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