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FOR EVERYONE PRACTICE BOOK LEVEL © INTERMEDIATE a ee = OS a ee Oo? ff © € =& ff A COMPLETE SELF-STUDY PROGRAM ao Author Barbara Mackay is an experienced English-language teacher and author. She has written for major English-language publishers including Oxford University Press and Macmillan Education. Course consultant Tim Bowen has taught English and trained teachers in more than 30 countries worldwide. He is the co-author of works on pronunciation teaching and language-teaching methodology, and author of numerous books for English-language teachers. He is currently a freelance materials writer, editor, and translator. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Language consultant Professor Susan Barduhn is an experienced English-language teacher, teacher trainer, and author, who has contributed to numerous publications. In addition to directing English-language courses in at least four different continents, she has been President of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, and an adviser to the British Council and the US State Department. She is currently a Professor at the School for International Training in Vermont, USA. = 2x ig — @quaee ‘nana 3 m3 0 € & C)> ee | LU «a me yy we A Zc < Om @ Le {| % ue Be Penguin Random House US Editors Allison Singer, Jeony Siktos Etitorial Assistants Jessica Canta, Saran Edwards ilustraters Eawood Burn, Denise Joes, Michae\ Parkin, “lemma Vesting Audio Producer Lis Hammond Editor Danial Mile "Art Esto Anna Hal Project Manager Christine troyan Jacket Designer Natale Gedwin Jacket Editor Claire Gel Jacket Design Development Manager Sophia MTT Producer, Pre-Production Luce Fracsinelti Progucor Mary Slater Publisher Andre Macintyre ‘At Director Karen Sell Publishing Diretor Jonathan Motalt Ok India Senior Editors Vinestha Mokkil, Anite Kakar ‘Senior Art Editor Cahaya Sayan Project Editor Antara Matra Editors Aonibesh Das, Nisha Shaw, Seetha Natesh, Art Editors Namita, Hoana Sharma, Sok Sebi, Shiprs Jain Assistant Editors Ira Pundeor Ateendia Gupta, osha Sunder Benjamin, ‘Anta Yadav ‘Assistant Act Elters Roshi Kapur, Meena Goet Priansho Tul, Aanehat Singhal Mustrators ty Roy Arun Potlirayi, Bhai Karak ‘Managing Editor Pakshalica Jayaprakash Managing Art Eater Arunesh atapatra Production Manager Park Sharma Pre-production Manager Balwant Singh Senior DTP Designer Vishal Bhatia, Neeraj Bhatia [DTP Designer Sachin Gupta Jacket Designer Surebhi Waahwra Managing Jackets Edtor Salon Singh Senor DTP Designer Vackete) Harsh Aggarwal abut Kumar aera ou ttn teh uae th opr eserved above, no part othis punicahonmay berets screa wo etoaure nt sree sysem, or {one nay ae. ar yanmar lane mana pee, ‘bed net Brisin by Doing Kaos Lita is person repairs surgeon & Pipes and water supplies aE) (This person looks after janie iat ° © | passengerson fights. | eae ( This person operates \ ( ‘ © | Mansexpeonte. architect —————_ — © (nckceceimeeat, | (_eteme e e eae a (thisperson (ice) ° Jesigns bun caer 1 , (designs buicings, J ° (a ee flight) touandvacations | attendant ee a This person puts out ) o ere fi fashic ft t © | rspevonwmestocts | | SERRE | Sas ay > N 621 Oe is o Neerpanve electrician J architect firefighter journalist ° eee butcher J butcher plumber * , r > cpilete RON vet © as pit ~) *) Zh 7.3. READ THE JOB ADVERTISEMENTS AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ry Law Firm is looking for an intern for one year. True [71 False [] @ The intern at City Law Firm will get a small salary. True [1] False (1) @ Youth Orchestra candidates must be over 22. True [-] False [1] @ The Youth Orchestra is looking to hire technicians. True (| False [1] © The news journalist will have many days off True (] False (] © The trainee fashion designer will work long hours. True [7] False (] © The trainee fashion designer will get to travel. True [1] False (7) @ The travel agent's position is full-time. True [1] False () Ivan loves his new job at the bank. UPPER /ERALD JOB LISTINGS For the most comprehensive career listings City Law Firm is ooking for an intern for 12 months. ‘o salary is offered, but the position may lead to a full-time job, = si Musicans wanted for Youth Orehesta A chests Are you age Betineen Ib and 22? Apply online with your CV nee a A ‘News journalist needed. Good salary and generous vacation offered for the right candidate. ee eae Trainee fashion designer wanted. This isa full-time Post and will involve overtime and some travel, Oe ere Part-time travel agent wanted. We offer a competitive salary ancl good prospects for the right candidate. J 7.4 FILLIN THE GAPS USING “JOB” OR “WORK” Q What time do you finish @ Annabelle starts at 8:30am. — @ Sam's cousin helped him get his first @ Joe is looking for anew Laura has a well-paid in finance. Ove had to allweekend. @1 asa freelance consultant. a *) 28 E y 7.5 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, Emily is being interviewed for a position at a company. What position does Emily want? Trainee [| Intern [7 Part-time [_] @ What field does Emily want a career in? Finance [| Law [| Education [| @ How long is this position for? Six weeks (] Ayear (| Six months ["] © What type of job may this position lead to? Full-time [) Part-time [Freelance [_] © What opportunities will there be? Vacation [| Training [| Promotion [7] © What kind of salary can she earn after four years? Average |) Low[") High [) © How often will Emily have to work on weekends? Always [] Sometimes [] often [] @ How often will Emily have to work shifts? Often ["] Sometimes [_] Never [| © This job has four weeks’ x. /Aa| 7.6 FILLIN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL Paul has just begun his career in medicine. rise career @ They gota pay of 5 percent. @ Doctors can earn a great unemployed © Mil be late home tonight. | have to work jeaiat Blay @ Peter was for six months before he got a job. freelance @ This position may lead to a job. © Evamight because she hates her job. full-time vacation @ Henry works for himself. He is a reporter. oierinne 29 Routine and free time You can use adverbs of frequency to talk accurately a New language Adverbs of frequency about your daily routine and how often you do work Aa Vocabulary Leisure activities and leisure activities. Be Newskill Talking about routines |Aa| 8.1 FIND SEVEN ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY IN THE GRID NHLBINEVERLRKBLKZFTLP RJRYJAYILYAUJNXUWZSRQ KCHHLKHBGWVUADVUHDPAN SDBVZNQHEHEQNZNXANARK CFZCYMQTZQRNSQRHMZLEM JGHTUQACFHOFTENFNAWLY HWBKNQXOREGULARLYFAYF OZUOSOMETIMESNZGNNYQR GCIK)BVHUSUALLYIQMSQS Fy 8.2 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER usually | _forwork | at9am. || He | \leaves|/ © | frequently ) _after_| _eat_|| They 7pm. | He usually leaves for work at 4am. © { movies | the } (once aweek.] [to] [1] @ {cook | | always || 1) dinner.) |_nearl fis eJ col ys) UL) J ty) @ |_never_}\ work. || is || He || for }| late | @ occasionally | | works || overseas. | | She } ~) 30 | 8.3 MARK THE SENTENCES THAT ARE CORRECT I wear hardly ever a suit and tie. hw a) ° phil hardly ever wear a suit and tie. A o hl She gets home sometimeslate. [] @ She sometimes gets home late. [1] Aint e & He almost never goes tothe gym. [] @ + He goes almost never to the gym. [] ° ayy Theyveryoftenareathome, 1 @ ©, They are very often at hame. oO os 4 He hardly ever takes a bath. a) ¢ = He has hardly takes a bath. a ° Fr @ Heis always on time. o © * He always is on time. Oo © 6.) He rarely goes fora walk o ary fas” He goes rarely for a walk. o e 4 You frequently stay outlate. = ] © 4, You stay frequently outlate. =] fem: | nearly walk always to work. | nearly always walk to work, We occasionally go out for lunch We go occasionally out for lunch She plays regularly tennis. She regularly plays tennis, They never go on vacat They go never on vacation. He goes very rarely to the doctor. He very rarely goes to the doctor. You are hardly ever late. You hardly are ever late. We regularly visit our uncle We visit regularly our uncle. She often goes to the park. She goes often to the park. $00 00 000000 000000 S MATCH THE PHRASES WITH SIMILAR MEANINGS. all the time Sai =) ol none of the time ) ( regularly ) ° aay oe | sometimes 5 ( usually a} © (____ most of the time | =] ( never } o | frequently. ) ( ‘occasionally ) L *) Fy 8.5 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS. | visit my cousin hardly ever. © She has very often a sandwich for lunch Lhardly ever visit my cousin. © | go almost never to the theater. @ They work rarely on the weekend. © He gets nearly always to work early. © You often are tired when you get to work © | watch occasionally a movie in the evening, ask frequently my boss for help. @ She rarely is late for work. @ She takes occasionally the train to work. © They have sometimes a party in December. ‘© | have almost never time to cook in the evening. “) E y 8.6 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. © * Lucy is talking to her friend about her new job. Lucy is happy to go to work every day. Lucy regularly travels abroad for work. True (71 False [| True [1 False (] @ Lucy often asks her colleagues for help. © Lucy sometimes takes clients to restaurants. True [1] False [| True [| False [| @ Lucy is sometimes late for work. © Lucy's office rarely pays for entertaining clients. True [] False [1] True [1 False (| © Lucy is often early for work. @ Lucy very often takes pastries to work. True [1] False [] True [1] False [| 32 8.7 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, PUTTING THE ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY IN THE CORRECT PLACE Itrains in July. [often] 1¢ often rains in July. @ | go to the dentist. [hardly ever] @ He plays hockey with Ken. [occasionally] How often did Bobby see his friend: @ How often was Bobby tired? @ What did he see while he was in London? © How long has he been in Australia? @ How often does his family visit him? Ss 8.8 READ THE EMAIL AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS London? Bobby hardly ever saw his friends in London. @ How often does he have to work evenings or weekends? (© When does he usually finish work in Australi @ How often does he email or video call family and friends? © They have breakfast at 7am. [usually] | make the dinner. [almost never} © She is at workin the evening. [very often] £e To: Ben Jones | Subject: Life down under | We You asked me how I came to Australia | used to be amnurse in London Life was very stressful. | | dist aaye worked reings and ested "hardly ever saw my fiends and Iwas always | tired. Then | saw an advertisement for nurses to work in Australia | ppt and go te job. was so excited! ' have been here for six years and leis great. "ow work na childrens hospital. | sometimes have to work evenings or woekends, but its not all the time. Most days frsh at 8pm, | miss my family and frends, so I regularly emai or video call them. My family visits once a year and every two years | go back to Britain | allthe best, | Bobby | | } i oe | 33, Everyday activities English often uses phrasal verbs to talk about routine 9° New language Phrasal verbs. activities. Phrasal verbs are two-part verbs that are Aa Vocabulary Work ard leisure mostly used in informal, conversational English. Be Newskill Talking about everyday activities FJ 9.1 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS They out eat every weekend. © Do you chill often out with your friends? They eat out every weekend. @ She wakes usually up at 6:30am. © We don't out work on Thursdays. @ Max doesn't get ups early every day. © Mx. Wallis checked the into hotel on Saturday. © | up sometimes meet with my co-workers. @ Does Laura normally turns up on time? *) FJ 9.2 FILLIN THE GAPS USING THE PRESENT SIMPLE FORMS OF THE PHRASAL VERBS IN THE PANEL mo fra This topic often ___comes up at meetings. turn up e ce $i Mybrother____ late for everything. meet up wake up e at 1 at the gym twice a week. 5 L : work out ° Katy never early on Saturday mornings. ttt ae eo They sometimes with friends on Friday. M 34 Fy REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER like )/early.||_getting }| doesnt) jake )| up} @ (nights.| | stay }{ 1 )(Friday } (in (on Jake doesn't like getting up early. © {meet} (Well) (up) (work, } (after } © (late. | (The | [turned } { up | | bus } @ (his } (out | (room. | (chilling } (in } (He's) @ [out }{ friends. }{ our )( ate }(We]| with} @ [name] {comes} { never_} { up.} | Her] @ [the } { checked || hotel || today. } Jo } _into } @ [quite } (out) [ often. } ( they } (work) @ (grew) { Oxford. | (up }(_in_| | Sam | L *) 5 y LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Jack and Kate meet by the water cooler Kate met up with Jack on Friday night. @ Karl turned up late at the gym on Saturday. True [1] False (Not given [-] True [] False |] Notgiven |) @ Kate got up late on Saturday. © Jack and Karl sometimes go running on Sundays. True [] False [] Notgiven [| True [] False [| Notgiven [)] @ She had lunch with her sister on Saturday. Jack never chills out on the weekend. True [] False [] Notgiven [) True [| False [| Notgiven () © Jack always stays in on the weekend, @ On Sunday evenings Jack usually watches a movie. True [_] False [| Notgiven [) True [| False [| Notgiven [] Ae 35 | 9.5 FILLIN THE GAPS BY PUTTING THE PHRASAL VERBS. IN THE CORRECT TENSE ut His children, Tom and Alice, grew up (grow up) in the United States. | o at Im. (meet up) with some of my friends from college later. ° e ei. ! He likes to (chill out) in front of the TV on Friday evenings. © eo di! Rosa and her sister Anezka ___ (get up) late yesterday morning. ° we \'m tired. I think | (stay in) tonight and read my book. e ict We aren't going to (eat out) on Friday or Saturday. o afi lal Mr. and Mrs. Williams haven't (check into) the hotel yet. *) t J 9.6 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD USING PHRASAL VERBS. Jim has registered at the hotel. (check into) Jim has checked into the hotel. a © Shall we go toa restaurant tonight? (eat out) a @ Tom was mentioned in the chat. (come up) © Malik lived as a child in Vancouver. (grow up) a a @ Our manager arrived late for work. (turn up) © Rob spent time with friends yesterday. (meet up) a @ *) 10] Vocabulary 10.1 THE BODY WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES, Fet—F $ straight hair o A 3 # = 4 we |ew i @ [= @ # fF tooth straighthair beard eyebrow long hair ear red hair nose black hair short hair teeth eyelashes wavy hair bald blond hair pony tail mouth eye brown hair lips *) 37 Describing people You often use more than one adjective in a row, for example 9° New language Adjective order when describing people. in English, adjectives must be Aa Vocabulary Adjectives for describing people written in a particular order, according to their meaning. Bre New skill Describing people in detail FJ 11.1 WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL IN THE CORRECT GROUPS =Ssse | curly old attractive green tall__—beautiful thin straight young —_ brown FJ 11.2 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (beautiful |( eyes. }{_gray )(__has | { big }(_ she} he has beautiful, big gray eyes. © (has) (thin) (He) Ca) (_ mustache.) (brown @ (thick) (has) (Susan) hair.) | gorgeous, } {blond} {_long,_) © Gn) Gd Ga Gene Gat Gee © (has) (_hait._||__shouldertength, _}(__curly_} | attractive, } (black _} (_she_ 38 oO 11.3. READ THE ARTICLE AND ‘ANSWER THE QUESTIONS aes sau ON THERUN True (7 False (| Notgiven (1 Supermarket robbers on the loose Fictewingasupermarket between 20 and 25 years, @ The leader has straight blond hair. robbery inthe early hours She had short curly rod hair True [| False [) Notgiven [| of yesterday morning, police id shi black ate looking forth eBid she wore black glasses, wee people The third person @ The driver is a tall young woman. ae tobe involved in the scene of ‘he eae eit True [1] False [) Notgiven 1) telat stictee es young man aged between oupwasa25and 30. Hew : tall, thin, middle-aged mon rsaverage © The driver has short, curly red hair With shoulderength, straight be Sa long. curly ieee lack hair and a short ba True (] False [] Notgiven [) The of the vehick mustache, It you hes ofthe vehicle information 2oeeg aaa etee he robbery @ The third person isa bald man. ei 'gec___lease contact the police. True C1] False [] Notgiven C1 I . a 11.4 DESCRIBE THE PEOPLE USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL, SPEAKING OUT LOUD n i — o a e Heis_bald_and hasa She has shoulder-length, He has red hair. brown hair, brown mustache curly bake eo ° black short He has short She has attractive, paar straight hair and a red hair. spustache WH) Vocabulary Aa] CLOTHES WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES. pajamas o e ° ° ° oe o ° feone suit jeans shorts Jacket belt high-heels striped sandals _pajamas~ socks dress tshirt leather bag collar checked buttons suede boots silk scarf tie cardigan ~) 40 What I'm wearing The present continuous is used to talk about ongoing 19° New language Present continuous actions that are happening now. It also describes the Aa Vocabulary Clothes and fashion current state of things, such as what a person is wearing. Ble Newskill Describing clothes Fg 13.1 FILLIN THE GAPS BY PUTTING THE VERBS IN THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS é Samantha is wearing (wear) anew summer dress. oe fe Martinis __________(choase) some new boots. e 4S Im (mend) my favorite wool cardigan. eo qt Alisonis (shop) forr some new jeans. ° j My little brother is (try) on some pajamas. «) E y 13.2 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ey ee describing a fashion show. Who is this season's collection by? © Whatis Milly wearing? Rosa May [_] Miller Brown [7% Elena [] Askirt [] Acoat [] Adress [] @ Whatis Elena wearing? © What color is it? ‘An evening dress {| Jeans [] Askirt [_] Light blue ["] Dark blue (1) Pale blue [_] © What color are the buttons? © What kind of cardigan is she wearing? Silver |_| Gold [| Black |} Cotton [| Silk |_| Suede | 4 Fy 13.3. REWRITE THE SENTENC! (CORRECTING THE SPELLINGS Anita is makeing a cake for her birthday. © ianya cshoping tra new dress Anita is making a cake for her birthday. @ I'm puting on a pair of new boots. @ I've lost a buton from my cardigan. @ Brian is liveing in a house in London. @ He doesn't have a lot of expensive cloths, © She's buying a pair of causal shoos. @ They're takeing a lot of photos of the city *) [ J 13.4 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS WITH THE WORDS IN THE PANEL He's wearing a ai ; cardigan. ° 1's wearing a pair of t a a £ o She's wearing a pair of ° He's wearing a | e « 9 e He's wearing a * She's wearing a leather a a | belt sandals cardigarr shirt boots suit) L *) 13.5 READ THE BLOG AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Helen’s Fashion Blog I MM bouts "ma fasion wr acm wring nF th sure Ire abut he est rons and whats new in fshn, love my booaice wore es Passion! Today I'm browsing the stores on the Rue de Passy. = My style this season I" summer, and the colors for this season are yellow, orange, and red. These a the colors that all the top designers are using this month. My favorite collection . this season is by Donna Maxine. I'm ‘wearing a short orange dress from her ‘summer collection witha chic red belt by Rooster. She also has a fabulous ran of skinny denim jeans in pale yellow, orange, and green. You can wear all of the - with any of her stylish cropped cotton cardigans in a range of eight colors. i This summer is all about color! 'm also looking at her gorgeous sande collect in a range of pastel colors to complete the look! . © Helen's favorite collection is by Rooster. True [1] False (1) Helen lives in Paris all the time. True [| False [7 © Helen is wearing a Donna Maxine skirt. @ Helen writes about the latest trends in fashion. True [] False (1) True [1] False (1) @ Helen is wearing a chic blue belt. @ Helen is looking at some stores today. True [] False (] True [1] False (] Q The cardigans are available in eight colors. © Helen loves men’s fashion. True [1 False [1 True [1] False (1) @ Helen is looking at a collection of boots. @ This season's colors are yellow, orange, and red, True [] False (] True [1] False [1 43 Vocabulary Aa 14.1 THE HOME AND FURNITURE WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES cushion o e ° ° ® ® oO o o lawn cupboard cushion living room washing machine shower | bathroom. saucepan bed rug dishwasher towel bedroom | plants frying pan light kitchen crockery mirror bedside table *) 44 Daily routines Collocations are groups of words that are often used together in English. You can use them to make your spoken English sound more natural. ‘ag? New language Collocations ‘Aa Vocabulary Routines and chores Be New skill Talking about your day 15.1 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (the (does) in Nick}{ morning.| laundry the] | @ (floor) { day. } (Katy) [the] [every J (sweeps } Nick does the laundry in the morning. © (crexy) Tony) (evenings) (waters) (the) (Garis) © (every) (Gishwasher) (Mia) (the) (day loads) @ (dog) | Tom } (the) ( after (walks }[ breakfast.) © (week) Jamie (the) {mows) (lawn) every } *”) 15.2 REWRITE THE NOTE, CORRECTING THE HIGHLIGHTED ERRORS __Hi Harry, Emma, and Paul, = While (ne visiting your granina this __ weeleend, please can you do the following — ~ chores? Harry, caw You tne Lavina ow Saturday and lOlenié the dog twice & day? Paul, cam yor WSAALthe cooking om 8 ARBUA the beds, an towe the ~ bathroom, please? And dow't forget to __ (BR the plants inthe house. Thawks! _ | 15.3 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE —_ Where is Ben right now? Atthe game || Athome |“ Atschool | | © Whats Ben doing at the moment? The laundry |_| The dishes |] The cooking | | © Which room is a mess? Bedroom |) Livingroom | Kitchen "| © What does he need to do? Clear the table [| Relax |_| Mowthe lawn (| © When did he water the plants? Yesterday [| Last night |) This morning ah Lottie usually shops /sshopping on her own, but today she’s shopping /.she-shop with her sister. © YB, | normally am walking / walk the dog in the evening, but this evening I'm relaxing / relax at home ofte We're doing / We do the laundry together today, but I usually am doing / do it myself. FG Frank sometimes goes /is going to the gym after work, but today he's working /he works late. ° “4 Ben does / is doing the ironing today, but his dad usually does / is doing it. e ca He's listening / He's listen to music now, but he often is watching / watches TV in the evening, o bh | mow / 'm mowing the lawn today, but | normally am mowing / mow it on Saturdays. *) E y 15.4 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. © Has he folded the towels? Yes || No || Notyet |) © Where were the towels? Onthe chair |] Onthefloor || Onthe bed _ | @ Does Ben want some help? Yes, now || Yes, later || No © What is Ben going to do later? Make the bed | | Sleep |) Walk the dog | © Does Ben usually cook lunch for his parents? Yes, usually "| No,never [| Sometimes |] 46 | 15.5 MATCH THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SENTENCES TO THE CORRECT ENDINGS Thomas is going to load @ | Laurais doing the cooking tonight, © @ | Lalways sweep ~ but he usually walks him every morning. _ | “but she often gardens in the afternoon. | the dishwasher this evening © | Salman usually waters < the lawn on Sunday morning. © | Joan is doing the laundry now, © Jessica and Dan will clear < @ | Donald usually mows “the floor before I go to bed. © but she usually does the dishes. © the table after lunch, ] *) The chalet assistant will make breakfast. True False |_| © After breakfast he/she will sweep the floors. True |_| False |_| © He/she will clean the bathrooms before noon. True || False |) © Inthe afternoon he/she will do the laundry. True (| False |) @ He/she must keep the chalet clean, True (| False (| © He/she doesn't have to cook dinner in the evening. True || False [| x [ i 15.6 READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS CHALET ASSISTANT. Daily tasks ee Every morning, you will make breakfast for Your guests. After breakfast, you will clear the table and load the dishwasher. Between 10am and noon you'll make the beds, clean the bathrooms, and sweep the floor. In the afternoon at 3pm, you should prepare an afternoon snack for the guests. You don't have to do the laundry, but you must load the dishwasher regularly and keep the chalet lean. In the evening, you'll cook dinner for 8pm, then clear the table and wash the dishes, 47 Separable phrasal verbs All phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a particle. Some must have the verb and particle together, but with others, the object can appear in between. RJ ‘16.1 REWRITE EACH SENTENCE, SEPARATING THE PHRASAL VERBS. ‘The workmen cut down some trees. ‘The workmen cut some trees down. © Tony has to fill in a form for work. @ I'm checking out the train timetable. © Anna will pick up the shopping. @ They gave out some leaflets about the fair. oP New language Separable phrasal verbs Aa Vocabulary Around town Be New skill Describing a town in detail | Aa| 16.2 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL We've decided to__ren¢ _ out our house. @ Can you out the menu? @ Why don't you up the word online? © They were out free samples. @ Did you ‘out the new cell phone? en up the children from school. O They off the town parking lot. @ He didn't down the pine tree. Q The school is onaplay. © We're putting on a dog show this summer. @ Are you up hockey in college? © They down the old town hall, That little boy didn't pick up his litter. © What did you out at the meeting? @ They're going to close down that store. pick giving check sent: find © John wants to show off his cell phone. taking cut look try O Ritais putting on her coat. sold putting tore «) *) 48 | 16.3 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER CotdlmtdGmadtent sad) © (quad Gruedd Goma Gul | Sam will find them out. (took }(_ it) (1) back. © (Bob p._) (_it_} ( brightened © (down, } (_it_) | They're } | closing 01) Cook ) Cup.) Cit) Covi) Lup.) (them } looked } | Jess_) @ (tried } (She _} [yesterday.) (out } (_it_) t J 16.4 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, REPLACING THE NOUNS WITH PRONOUNS He's giving out some leaflets. ae @ He cleaned up his apartment. He's giving them aut. e | a @ She's looking up a word. © I'm checking out the trains. a a @ They closed down the zoo. @ They brightened up the office. a «a © They're renting out their house. @ He took up basketball. a a Q They sold off the site. @ She found out the answers. a a *) 49 16.5 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE PICTURES IN THE ORDER THEY ARE DESCRIBED (Ja) © Most people here are kind and © The river is. with oil, O its the tallest building in the city. © The Royal Family live in the © You can buy medicine at the Ss 16.6 FILLIN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL The city has a_lively _ nightlife. @the stfeets aré crowded with shoppers. @which paintings are in the 2? @ This place isn’t safe. It's at night. @ The lawyer is meeting us at the @ His office isn’t out of town. It's in the @ The country parkis and beautiful © The streets are and full of litter. @ All the stores are in the palace artgallery unspoiled lively dangerous law court shopping mall polluted friendly city center pharmacy dirty high-rise bustling *) 50 uw 16.7 READ THE POSTCARD AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Hi guys, Hello from Copenhagen. we've been sightseeing for days and it’s amazing. The tourist offee ¢ organized a tour for us around the historie quarter Iw the city center. There are So many beautiful old buildings. Daw's favorite is the government building, but my favorite Is the Amalienoorg, ’ Palace. Amazing! Tomorrow is our Last day. We're going to visit an art gallery and check out the shopping neal. | want to buy sone souvenirs. See you soom! Love, Bella Bella and Dan are visiting Copenhagen. © Dan's favorite building is the Amalienborg palace. True (% False || Notgiven |_| True [| False [| Notgiven | | © They've been on a tour of the historic quarter. @ Bella wants to visit the shopping mall tomorrow. True [| False [| Notgiven || True | | False | | Notgiven | | @ Dan wants to see the law courts. © Bella wants to buy clothes. True || False |] Notgiven | True [) False [| Notgiven () 16.8 WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL IN THE CORRECT GROUPS bustling dirty crowded dangerous unspoiled lively friendly polluted 31 Comparing places You can use modifiers before comparatives and ‘pF New language Modifiers superlatives to compare places, such as geographical Aa Vocabulary Geographical terms features, in more detail. Be Newskill. Describing and comparing places 17.1 LOOK AT THE PICTURES AND CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE ii $ = The schoo! is slightly / much bigger than the bank. © The café is much /a bit smaller than the factory. Be Ae @ The hospital is a lot / a bit taller than the church. _ @ The tower is much / slightly taller than the tree. anc PY © Theairportis much / slightly bigger than the station. @ The hotel is a bit /a lot smaller than the castle «) 52 t J 17.2 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, PUTTING THE ADJECTIVES IN THE COMPARATIVE FORM. (tal than the house. | The tree is much o The school is slightly (big) than the church. \ The hill ‘h (tall) than the t e ill is mucl (tall) than the tree. a ° The house is much (smal than the palace. \ r Thi h (ast) than the bike. ° e car is mud (Fast) than the bike. |. ° The door is much (wide) than the window. | Fy ‘17.3 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (tamed ane ad ed aoe Get] (The Mekong is one of the longest rivers in Asia. © (ratiest_) (the } (city. ) easily) (the ) (building mG in \Lis JC J @(_by | (_ the} (biggest } (Pacific )(_ is | (ocean. }{ far }(_The_} © (countries) (_ of} {_sudan_} ( hottest] (_one_| (the }(_is_} (of J( au) © (arth. ) (coldest ) (the } (one _} (Antarctica) (_paces_}(_is_] (on _}(_ of _) *) 53 E y 17.4 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE PICTURES IN THE ORDER THEY ARE DESCRIBED. “am Pe off +4 e0 ° FJ ‘17.5 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS ‘The palace is much beautiful than the factory. ) The palace is much mare beautifial than the factory. @ The clock tower is much more old than the palace. @ Thisis by far the better book I've ever read. @ Your house is much biggest than mine, @ The tower is a bit tall than the lighthouse, © The factory is slightly largest than the castle. %,. S 54 T AS FULL SENTENCES Record Breakers From the largest deserts to the deepest lakes Cherrapunji, which is 10 miles east. ‘which is about 4,000 miles long, 1s 29,035 feet high. than the Caspian Sea which is the second deepest lake. Which is the largest desert in the world? The Sahara is the largest desert in the world. @ Which is the second largest desert in the world? «By far the largest desert in the world isthe Sahara in Northern Africa. I's over 3,329,360 sq miles. The second largest is the Arabian Desert which is £399,618 sq miles. 1's over 2.7 million sq miles smaller than the Sahara, The wettest place on Earth is Mawsynram in India. 1's slightly wetter than «» The Nile is by far the longest river in Africa. I's about 4,145 miles long and it fows through five countries. Its slightly longer than the Amazon, ‘¢ Mount Everest in the Himalayas is the highest mountain in the world, « Lake Baikal in Russa is easily the deepest lake in the world, It’s 5,370 feet Geep. It’s also one of the largest lakes inthe world. fs over 1,968 feet deeper READ THE ARTICLE AND WRITE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS © Whatis the highest place in the world? @ How high is the highest place in the world? @ In which country is the wettest place on Earth? © Which is easily the deepest lake in the world? © Which place is slightly wetter than Cherrapunji? © Whats one of the largest lakes in the world? © What is by far the longest river in Africa? © How much deeper is Baikal than the Caspian Sea? © How much longer is the Nile than the Amazon? @ Which is the second deepest lake in the world? XR 55 Likes and dislikes English uses adjectives ending in *-ing” and "ed" to talk QP New language Adjectives with "-ing” and "-ed' about likes and dislikes. This means that adjectives that Aa Vocabulary Feelings and emotions look very similar can have different meanings. Br New skill Talking about likes and dislikes | 18.1 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE a | The new John Keller movie was so.exeited / exciting. | T oe Fs Lily is bored / boring with her piano lessons. e Ayes) 'm amazed / amazing that you want to try scuba diving. o B 2 The class on whales and dolphins was very interested / interesting. W © SIRT Mr Watkins was annoyed / annoying by all the traffic on the road. *) FROM THE VERBS IN BRACKETS Tom was exhausted (exhaust) after he ran a marathon. @ Were you (surprise) when you opened your present? @ | found this recipe for paella really (confuse). © Martha wasn't (annoy) that | was late for her party. @ The news about the airplane accident was (shock). @Ethanis__ _ (depress) because he failed his accounting exams. Olwas (amaze) when | heard about your new job. *) 56 18.3 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, Ollie and Anna are discussing what Ollie is doing this weekend, f Ollie is excited about going to the theme park. True (1 False |_| @ Ollie hasn't been to the theme park before. True |) False [ @ Anna thinks theme parks are annoying. True (1) False [- © Anna thought the roller coaster was frightening. True |_| False | | © Anna thinks the Ghost Ride is exhausting. True (1) False © Ollie didn't have to wait to go on the Ghost Ride. True [| False || © Ollie was bored on the Ghost Ride. True |") False (1) © Ollie doesn’t want to try the roller coaster. True | False _| What does james love about the summer? The long days (7 His family [| Not given |_| @ How did they spend three days last summer? itseeing | | Onaboat | | By the ocean |_| (© What did they enjoy in the afternoon? Lunch | Apicnic |_| Abarbecue | | © What does James absolutely love doing now? Barbecuing |_| Sailing |_| Driving [| @ How did he feel about learning to pilot a boat? Surprised Excited Amazed | © What did he really love doing? Cooking [| Livingona boat |_| Gardening | © Will he be doing it again next year? Yes | No |_| Notgiven |_| Summer Story Se Tis bes thing about taking phoeograps summer is the warm of the old houses. We all weather and the long loved having pienics by days, There are so many the river in the afferncon interesting things to do. We had barbecues every Asa family, we quite day, too. Treally dont ke enjoy doing diferent cooking, but | absolutely things every year, and last loved barbecuing Luckily summer we went ona it didn't rain once, which three-day boat trip along was very surprising the river. The weather was And Iwas amazed at how fabulous and we had an easly Tleamed to pilot amazing time. One day boat, ‘we stopped at Stratford Treally loved living gad explored the town, on a oat and we Was surprised how definite i prety iti Wereally aguinnextyeae Fa enjoyed exploring the recommend a boat trip harming old streets and to everyone. [ J: READ THEARTICLEAND [ae ‘ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 37 Aa 18.5 MATCH THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SENTENCES TO THE CORRECT ENDINGS She was annoyed when @ __ Yesterday's biology class was @ | Thenews of Andy and Kay's “ the firework display. is very pretty and charming \ after their holiday in Mauritius. © | Ave you excited about your she didn't get the job. @ | Day of Terror was a really ¢ vacation in Australia? } © | Losing the game < very interesting. @ | Kevinwas amazed by _ ~ when she won the lottery. @ | Are they tired after ( Cwasa bit confusing © | Chad and Dora were very relaxed wedding wasn't surprising © | I think your new girlfriend ¢ «frightening horror movie. @ | Sandra was shocked ‘was disappointing for everyone. @ | Thearticle about quantum physics their long walk in the country? “ He abselttely / really likes playing basketball. @ We quite / absolutely enjoy sailing. © Jane really / quite loves cooking Italian food. © Tom absolutely / quite hates wearing shorts They quite / really don’t like driving in traffic. © | quite / absolutely like running, | 18.6 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE © | really / absolutely enjoy walking my dog. @ You quite / absolutely love cycling © They really / quite dor’t ike singing. Alice absolutely / quite hates flying. © We quite / really love going to the cinema. © She quite / absolutely likes walking in the park. *) 58 Vocabulary S HENRY’S FAMILY WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL IN THE CORRECT PLACES ON HENRY’S FAMILY TREE + grandmother _ tt o brother = @ f son-in-law granddaughter sister grandfather father grandson daughter uncle 59 e8) Early years In English, the word “did” can be used for emphasis ‘9 New language ‘Did’ for emphasis to assure someone that a past action really happened. Aa Vocabulary Baby equipment and parenting It's useful for describing past events and memories. Be New skill Describing your childhood REWRITE THE SENTENCES USING THE PAST SIMPLE WITH "DID" FOR EMPHASIS I called the cleaner yesterday. = I did call the cleaner yesterday. © She wrote a story for class. =“ @ John bought her a present. © They learned to read at school. = @ led the cat this evening We waited for you, = «) t J 20.2 UNDERLINE THE WORDS THAT SHOULD BE STRESSED, THEN SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD Shedd gst testo) on tin. ° She did behave wellin class. a e o rae did call che babysitter ° He did bring the teacher a present. e e e Janet did sterilize the bottle. o They did work hard at school. a a ° I did enjoy school. oe | did buy the baby’s food. a a *) 60 jal 20.3 MATCH THE PICTURES. TO THE LABELS stroller Hi = oo . yw | oe Il ootgs o . pacifier o o oe 7 e jiu | baby carriage © tim carga | «) ) 20.4 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE PICTURES IN THE ORDER THEY ARE DESCRIBED Martha bite the sandwich. Martha bit the sandwich. @ The toy duck sinked in the bath. 20.5 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS @ He feeded the baby an hour ago. @ The children hided under the table. @ Talin drawed on the wall of his bedroom. @ His older sister leaded the way. 61 20,6 READ THE BLOG AND ANSWER 2 ae THE QUESTIONS B Wo 3 Achat miheryoulinccd ae acubardactoles a b y n me t True (7% False [| Not given |_| HOWE | miTAINS | Asour i douraor @ Strollers are more useful than baby carriages. For W par True (| False [| Notgiven |) When you have your frst baby you have no idea h much stu you will need. The first things to buy of || @ Baby's room should be clean and organized. Course are a crib and a stroller. These will be ar a ost expensive items. You shuld Keep yeursaay "oom clean and organized so that you ean find things © Keep the changing mat in the bathroom. easily. Put the changing mat on a table or dresser no {he Cot. And keep the diapers and baby wipes here, True (| False |) Notgiven {00. You'l need a lt of them! Not everyone wants to use a pactier with their @ You won't need baby wipes. : baby, but some parents one True [| False [| Notgiven [| find them useful. There's 10 right or © Pacifiers are usually expensive. Bho rene 4 Sg 'e thing | think is an_j ; True || False |) Notgiven || absolute necessity, an an that of course, isa tedds : y All babies should have a teddy bear. boar. Every baby neecis a teddy bear! i True [") False [| Notgiven |) 20.7 FILLIN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL. Eddie led the way to the garden, @enny a new changing mat for her baby girl @ The little boy behind a tree near the playground, © The baby for two hours before waking up. She a picture of a bird in a tree. © The doll in the bath rather than floating. O They to the baby store together. @ the baby in his high chair and played quietly. = 62 z Vocabulary S EDUCATION WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL. UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES 4 § @ @ it ® (exam lecture exercise book teacher ~~ degree_— pencil. ~—pass_-_— student. vessay— text book English ruler science pencil sharpener library psychology fail classroom geography grade ”) XY 63 Changing meaning Prefixes are small groups of letters that can be added to the 43” New language Prefixes and sulfixes beginnings of words to change their meaning. Suffixes are Aa Vocabulary Studying similar, but are added to the ends of words. Be Newskill Changing the meaning of words RJ 22.1 FILLIN THE GAPS USING THE PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES IN THE PANEL PB Those berries are harmful (harm), Don'teat them or you will get sick! 0 4S tmiateandit's (likely) that I'l get my train in time to get home. e du They found it too difficult to. (solve) the dispute about the best route. She's so (rest) she just can’t relax at all. eo * His sore back was very (pain). It hurt every time he took a step. ° tts Do you have to (write) your essay? That's a shame. j ° B Be (care) when you use this product. Its toxic and can make you sick. iB oe His desk is so (tidy) he can't find what he is looking for. ° These earrings aren't gold. They're (worth),'m afraid. ° Was the little girl crying because she was (happy)? re afar -less un- re- | un- -ful un- -ful -less *) FJ 22.2 MARK THE SENTENCES THAT ARE CORRECT {Im 50 tired. | had a very restless night. I'm so tired. | had a very restful night. @ They were hopeful for a positive result. They were hopeless for a positive result. © She's likely to play today if she’s injured. She's unlikely to play today if she's injured. © tis pointful to argue with your manager. Itis pointless to argue with your manager. © George wasn't able to rework his essay. George wasn't able to unwork his essay. © Her new hairstyle was really attractiveless. Her new hairstyle was really unattractive. © Their vacation was restful and relaxing, Their vacation was restless and relaxing @ It’s careless to drive too fast. It’s careful to drive too fast. o o He needs to write that letter again, He needs to rewrite that letter. @ Your bedroom isn't tidy. @ Itisn’t painful. © I'm going to apply for that job again. © She isn't likely to be on time. © They aren't careful drivers. @ | was full of hope for the future. @ She solved the argument. © He's not likely to come to work The task was without point. @ His mustache wasn't attractive. @ He felt without power to argue. I J 22.3 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, USING PREFIXES AND SUFFIXES. a se 65 os) Vocabulary TRAVEL WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL UNDER re CORRECT PICTURES 4 an =. dim = fl mm oc ile “a aoe bam arrive at the airport bicycle tram bus stop, luggage pack your bags trainride helicopter —taxirank —driveacar —trainstation reception —_coach get on a bus cruise hotel airport stay-ineetroret port runway Be / Places | have been In English, the present perfect is used to talk about 9? New language Present perfect recent or repeated past events. The past simple is used Aa Vocabulary Tiavel experiences to say exactly when those events happened, Be New skill Talking about the recent past, FJ 24.1 FILLIN THE GAPS BY PUTTING THE VERBS IN THE PRESENT PERFECT 1 have cooked ( Be coon dinner and it’s ready. Come and sit down. O stella ( bi siitta)an eniail ts her gfarcearentsin Boston: @we (le have) this car for years. It's really old! O vou et Bayon Alice since you were at school together. OMike > i buy) some new skis. They were really expensive. x | 24.2 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE | arrived /have-errivett at the station 20 minutes ago. Py) @ Ihave visited / visited France many times in my life. | love it. @ Arabella went / have been swimming at 12:30pm. © We have lived / lived here for five years. It's our home. @ Elsa went /has been out of the country for two months. We miss her. © Ravi traveled / has traveled to India in March. © He spoke / has spoken three languages since he was a child 67 E y 24.3 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN MARK WHETHER EACH PICTURE IS DESCRIBED IN THE PAST SIMPLE OR THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE amie resent pete |_| : ie = rats PresnkPeNeS—) @ rastsmpe|) Presntpeectt | | @ passing] ese pee © pastsimple |_| Present perfect) aeEeEEEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeyeyyayyEEEEEEEEEEEEEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeewre Ky 24.4 REWRITE THESE PRESENT PERFECT SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS We have went to China several times. © They ridden a camel in Egypt We have been to China several times. © Past simple |] Present perfect |_| © I've paint a picture for you @ {has swum in the Great Barrier Reef. @ Robert have cycled around the park. @ We have bring you a present. © Janice has cooks paella lots of times. © Ive studies geography and science. | have flew in a helicopter. @ The students have leave the building, 68 t J 24.5 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, PUTTING THE VERBS IN THE PRESENT PERFECT ' have eaten (eat) Indian food twice this week. a o (learn) to speakasecond language. | We (buy he 4 e le (buy) anew house. \ e Paula and Mavia__(run)a marathon. | Yor (see) an elephant. oe qu (see) pI a David (live) here fo ths. ° avi (ive) here forsiemonths. | El (Ie he tagain. © sa (lose) her passport agsin. | o They (land) at the airport. Ke KJ 24.6 REWRITE THE SENTENCES IN THE PAST SIMPLE | have lived in California for many years. @ Our parents have flown ta the US, Llived in California for ma 1S. @ They've arrived at the hotel. © Ive studied history in college. @ John and Diane have eaten breakfast. @ They've bought some new clothes. @ He has been on vacation to Fiji. © She has been to Tokyo twice @ They've seen the Statue of Liberty. @ You've finished that book. be 6 WW things | have done You can use the present perfect to talk about personal «QP New language Modifying adverbs achievements. Modifying adverbs can help you to be Aa Vocabulary Adventure sports precise about when the achievements happened. Bre New skill Talking about your achievements FJ 25.1 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (been) {haven't} We } yet.) (snowboarding } © | contacted } { yet.) | They } (us } [ haven't | We haven't been snowboarding yet. © (china. } (1) (haven't) (-stit ) (to } (been } © (packed) (already) (He | (bags. (his } (has) © (rived) (ust) (Eeypt) (She) () Chas)» (ust) (We) (papers) (Go) Gene) (oud) *) t J 25,2 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, PUTTING THE ADVERBS IN THE CORRECT PLACE We've arrived at the hotel. [just] © I've unpacked my bags. [already] We've just arrived at the hotel. a a @ She hasn't tried windsurfing. [still] They haven't bought their tickets. [yet] « a @ The plane has landed. [just] © He hasn't swum in the ocean. [still] a @ *” 70 Fy 25.3 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE We yet still already haven't had time to call home, @ I've yet / just / still seen the mountains for the first time. @ Nick hasn't booked his flight to Nepal already / just / yet. © They've yet /just / still bought two new backpacks for their trip to South America. © We've already / still / yet learned some German on our last trip to Berlin © Andrew has yet / just / still missed his flight to Stockholm, © We just / still / yet haven't tried scuba diving or snorkeling in the Indian Ocean, @ Maria hasn't ordered a taxi to take her to the airport yet / already / just. @ Joe and Paolo have yet / still / already tried bungee jumping off a bridge. = al 25.4 MATCH THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SENTENCES TO THE CORRECT ENDINGS haven't seen a kangaroo yet and they're waiting to get off. @ | We've just booked the hotel ¢ and now I can buy some souvenirs. ) @ | She has already been to Peru i and he's coming home tomorrow. ) © [ He still hasn't taken any photos and we've been in Australia for two weeks, @ | The plane has just landed ¢ and it will be here in 10 minutes. ) © | We haven't seen a shark yet c and now she might miss her fight. J © | Ie already called a taxi c and now we can book our flights. ) @ [ She still hasn't reached the airport but we've seen a dolphin. J © [ Ive just been to the bank < but she'd love to go again. ) — n [ t J 25.5 READ THE EMAIL AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS, ay Alec has already written to Noah. True [| False [7 Not given "| @ Alec and Trudi have just arrived in Cape Town HN True || False [_) Notgiven |) [son | $2” havent writen uni now. Weve ben so te vd in Cope Toun tre cays sg ana util. Weve done alot already. been hang lin fr along the coast. It was twas absolute awesome, but Tru ddnt want to ty. Weve bor @ They still haven't done much True || False [| Notgiven | | @ Alec has just been hang gliding. True |] False [| Notgiven |) © Trudi has already been to Cape Town. True || False |) Notgiven |) E ie | 27 but haven. | cant wait, We haven't been on . | Safari yet, but we' e ue) ee Hier ati 4S I hsseeaae eae oa a Friday. I really hope we t gi sen rue alse jot given | Saat cing ‘yOu a photo! | Alec and Trudi © Trudi has already been scuba diving, True || False [| Notgiven || | | | a @ They haven't been on safari yet. True |_| False [] Notgiven |] \ Aa 25,6 MATCH THE DEFINITIONS TO THE ACTIVITIES Driving around in an open truck to see wild animals. a o | Jumping with a parachute from an aircraft. (windsurfing) @ [ —_ Swimming with a face mask and air tube. } going on safari © _ Flyingaone- or two-person aircraft calledahang glider. | (__ hang gliding o[ ‘Swimming under water with an oxygen tank. (skydiving © |__ Standing on a surfboard with a sail and moving on the water. | (__ scuba diving y * R 25.7 FILLIN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL. I haven't been to Los Angeles_yet O We have arrived at the hotel 10 minutes ago. QWe have ‘come back from the beach. @ He's been skydiving before. @ They haven't tried hang gliding. @ Tomhas. called us a minute ago. el haven't been on safari. @ They haven't done much Alexia has been snorkeling before. @ 1 havent finished my work @ Ihaven't tried windsurfing @ Kai has booked the tour. yet already yet already ye Just just still just still already yet *) 25.8 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MARK WHETHER OR NOT ALEX HAS DONE THE ACTIVITY IN EACH PICTURE O%O wo Owo Ow Ov 3 Yy Activities in progress Use the present perfect continuous to talk about ongoing New language Present perfect continuous activities in the past. Use “for” and “since” to talk about the Aa Vocabulary Home improvements length or starting point of an activity. Br New skill Talking about activities in the past Ry 26.1 FILLIN THE GAPS BY PUTTING THE VERBS IN THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE Fatima has been shoppi hb shop) for clothes all day. @ Nathan Pies, read) a book in the back yard, e hia cook) breakfast in the kitchen © Mike ¥ play) tennis with his friends, @ Ted and John ir watch) TV all evening. © Mrs. Roberts ay paint) the house this weekend *) | 26.2 FILLIN THE GAPS USING “FOR” OR “SINCE” "ve been waiting ___for_20 minutes. | @ He's been teaching science 2012 @ He has been fishing 3:30pm. @ She's been watching TV two hours © We've been learning Spanish sixweeks. @ I've been learning to dance ‘two weeks. © Ruth has been cooking alongtime. @ Alan has been tiling the floor Monday. © You've been decorating March 8. @ It has been snowing 10 days. © Ive been driving 45am. @ I've been working at home last April *) 4 26.3 READ THE EMAIL AND NUMBER THE PICTURES IN THE ORDER THEY ARE DESCRIBED | To: Phil Smith Subject: Settling in Hi Phil, Since we bought our new house, my whole family has been | helping us get things ready. Mom has been gardening every day, while Auntie Stella has bean making curtains ‘| forall the rooms. My husband Tom has been Painting the | \windovrs outside and his dad has been ting the roof for 10 days now, Ive been fiing the bathtub fr two days and | my sister Anna has been painting the living room for three days. We're hoping well finish everything by the weekend! Love, | Jane aa 26.4 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND WRITE HOW LONG EACH ACTIVITY HAS BEEN GOING ON i a8 75 ct 26.5 USE THE CHART TO CREATE 12 CORRECT SENTENCES AND. SAY THEM OUT LOUD You've been waiting for 10 minutes. ae waiting reading 10 minutes. 2otclock cooking REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS She been making curtains for two weeks. a She's been making curtains far two weeks. her @ Weve been put up shelves all day. Fi @ Jane has been painting the bedroom for 10:30am. % © They has been fixing the bathtub for six hours. @ Ive tiling the kitchen since last Monday. ze © He's been fitting the carpet for yesterday morning. 76 yy 26.7 FIND SIX WORDS FOR HOUSEHOLD OBJECTS IN THE GRID akg Sree G ioe 8 o Wein shelf N(SHELFYWTQ NDEMJSMDSBARD @eqcm RI BATHTUBECPI

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