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Analysis Tools GIS

(Intersect Tools)

Urban and Regional Planning Departemen Planning Information System| DK184304

Institut Teknology Sepuluh Nopember
Opening Visual

Spatial Analysis

The process of combining

information from several
different data layers using
spatial operations

How to do spatial analysis

Analysis Tools /
Geoprocessing Tools
Opening Step

Spatial Analysis Steps:

1. Determine key issues/questions
2. Collect and Prepare data
3. Determining analytical methods and tools
4. Carry out the analysis process
5. Check and improve the results of the analysis.
Vector Raster

Input Process Output

Tabular Feedback
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

▪ Input features = filled with the layer to be clipped/cut
▪ Clip features = filled with the layer that will be the cutter
(in the form of polygons)
▪ Output feature class = Fill in the name of the layer and
the clipped folder.
▪ XY tolerance (optional) = input the tolerance value
whose unit is entered in the drop menu option starting
with unknown. Because it is optional, this section can be
skipped and does not have to be filled in.
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

CLIP input Clip feature Output

Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Is the process of selecting a feature by using SQL in the
form of a specified expression (Quary).
• Input features= filled with the layer to be selected.
▪ Output Feature Class= Fill in the name of the file and
folder where the results will be saved
▪ Expresion (optional) filled with SQL from the selected
information in the tabular data.
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

SELECT input Expression Output

Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Is the process of separating one layer into several layers by
using a polygon that is fragmented. For example separating one
large contour layer into several sheets or grids
• Input features =filled with layers to be separated/split.
• Split features =filled with the layer that will be the separator.
• Split field = filled with the name of the field that will be the
• Target workspace = filled with the folder where the split
results will be saved.
• XY Tolerance = filled with the distance tolerance number used
in the analysis
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

SPLIT input Split Feature Output

Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Is the process of selecting a table in a layer by using
expressions in SQL.
• Input table = is filled with the table/layer whose table
data will be selected.
• Output table = filled with table name and location will
be saved.
• Expression (optional) = filled with SQL expression
specified according to the purpose.
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

TABEL input Expression Output

Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Is the process of removing part of a layer by using another
layer as a delimiter of the deleted area. For example, this
analysis process is carried out to reduce the forest area by
removing part of the lake.
▪ Input features = filled with layers will be deleted some of its
▪ Erase feature = filled with the layer that is the boundary of
the deleted polygon region.
▪ Output feature = the file name and location of the file will
be saved.
▪ XY tolerance = filled with the error tolerance limit of the
process. Usually given a certain distance unit such as
meters, km, miles, etc.
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

ERASE input Erase Feature Output

Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Is the process of merging one main layer with another layer by
overlaying it and will produce the main layer with additional input
from the layer to be combined.
▪ Input feature = filled with layers to be merged.
▪ Identify features = Fill in the layer to be merged.
▪ Output feature = filled with the name and location of the folder
where the results will be saved.
▪ Join attributes= is a choice regarding the attributes / contents
of the table to be combined.
▪ XY tolerance= filled with the tolerance range used in the
analysis. This can be filled with a count of meters or kilometers
or other units of distance.
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

IDENTITY input Identity Feature Output

Flood area
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Is the process of merging one main layer with another layer by
overlaying it and will produce the main layer with additional
input from the layer to be combined.
▪ Input feature = filled with layers to be merged.
▪ Identify features = Fill in the layer to be merged.
▪ Output feature = filled with the name and location of the folder
where the results will be saved.
▪ Join attributes= is a choice regarding the attributes / contents
of the table to be combined.
▪ XY tolerance= filled with the tolerance range used in the
analysis. This can be filled with a count of meters or kilometers
or other units of distance.
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

INTERSECT input Intersect Feature Output

Flood Area
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Is the process of combining tabular data
with a join function. This process combines
the tabular data of the target feature/layer
to which the data will be added with the
Join feature which is a feature/table that will
be added. This process will generate new
tabular data which is the result of joining
the 2 tables using the merge process option
(eg join_one_to_one).
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Input Data join Output

sebaran Supermarket/Minimarket
sebaran Supermarket/Minimarket per kelurahan

Batas Administrasi Kecamatan Rungkut

Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

Merupakan proses analisis untuk menggabungkan dua
feature dan keseluruhan layer dan data tabularnya
akan disatukan.
• Input feature = diisikan dengan layer yang akan
• Output feature = diisikan dengan feature kedua yang
akan digabungkan
• Join attribute (optional) = diisikan dengan attribute
apa yang akan disatukan, dengan pilihan all atau FID
(attribute dasar).
• XY tolerance (optional) diiskan dengan jarak yang
digunakan sebagai toleransi analisis.
• Gaps Allowed (optional) = defaultnya dicontreng saja.
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

UNION input Union Feature Output

Flood Area
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

It is an analytical process to combine two features and all
layers and their tabular data will be combined.
• Input feature = filled with layers to be merged
• Update feature = filled with layers to be merged.
• Output feature = filled with the second feature to be
• XY tolerance (optional) is entered with the distance
used as the analysis tolerance.
Geoprocessing/ Analisis Tools Visual

UPDATE input Update Feature Output

Flood Area

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