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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang,Brgy.Dahican,CityofMati DavaoOriental,8200

NAME: Waupan, John Mark J.

SUBJECT: EDUC 126 (Facilitating Learner- centered Teaching and Learning
Fill the table as indicated.
Learning Theory Proponent Central Idea of the Theory (Youmayincludediagram/s.) How to apply the theory in education?
Constructivism Jean Piaget The premise underlying the majority of cognitive theories When implementing this theory in the classroom,
(18961980) is that individuals produce information as opposed to you should first elicit the students' prior
absorbing it. He argues that an individual's experiences, knowledge, apply knowledge with feedback to
which are influenced by their emotional, biological, and help students evaluate new information and
mental stages of growth, are the foundation for the modify their existing knowledge, allow pairs of
students to teach each other, use reciprocal
S ens ori-motor (0-2 y.o) teaching and learning, implement inquiry-based
learning, where students pose their own
questions and seek answers through research
P re-operational (2-7 y.o)
and direct observation, and finally use
problembased learning where students acquire
C oncrete operational (7
-11 y.o)

Formal operations (11 + y.o)

Bas ic proces s of adjus tment:

As s imilation – the cognitive proces s of fitting new
development of knowledge. information into existing

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang,Brgy.Dahican,CityofMati DavaoOriental,8200

cognitive schemas, perceptions, and understanding.

Accommodation - is the process of changing cognitive

structures in order to accept something from the
Equilibration - involves the assimilation of information to
fit with an individual's own existing mental schemas and
the accommodation of information by adapting it their
way of thinking.

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang,Brgy.Dahican,CityofMati DavaoOriental,8200

Intelligent Action John Dewey Education shouldn't be divorced from life, in Dewey's Teachers should explain to students the
(18591952) opinion, and behavioural changes happen when a person relevance of what they will learn in order for them
can connect their actions to past events. In this regard, he to use this in the classroom. As a teacher, you
stated that rather than being seen as a distinct entity, must also be willing to accept the lessons your
alteration must be understood in the context of the students have taught you. And allow your kids to
individual and their environment. talk in groups or with their peers.
To explain the basis for education that gives people a
personal interest in social interactions, control, and the
capacity to change conduct, Dewey invented the word
"intelligent action." He identified three attitudes that work
together to produce thoughtful action.

mindednes s

Ac tion
Abs orbed Mature
interes t approac h

Insight Theory Wolfgang kohler This notion is also known as Gestalt's theory of insightful The instructor/Teacher must leverage this (18887-
1967) learning. According to this principle, it is better to learn a EUREKA moment when applying this notion in the scenario
whole than in pieces when learning it. Kohler classroom; investigated how apes resolved tasks. He noticed that

tchoemyiwngouulpd wteistht othuet ssoevluetriaolnpiontaenftlaiaslhaonsf winesrpsirbaetifoonre. Encourage learners to try out new

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang,Brgy.Dahican,CityofMati DavaoOriental,8200

According to him, it is possible for humans to mentally Using techniques such as Petty’s ICEDIP
to arrange the elements of a problem and create original promote creative thinking solutions. He
explained how doing the apes' task-related
problem-solving first involves failure, which doesn't get Reassuring learners that failing a task doesn’t
the right result, pause for thought, which involves make them a failure

rwehfliecchtiinngvoolvnewshcyonthseidreersinuglt twhaesanp'tprriogahct,hpeesrctheapttimonig, ht Evaluate what went

wrong and…

have the right result, and insight, which involves Keep on trying to find the solution
understanding the person. Allowing them not to be bound by too much Learni emphasis on
covering content. ng

Perce Insight Under ption



Scaffolding – The LEV VYGOTSKY Vygotsky subscribed to the idea that interaction with When implementing this principle in the
Zone of (18961934) close relatives, close friends, teachers, and peers fosters classroom, teachers should assess each
Proximal the development of knowledge and thought. In the ZPD, student's past understanding of the subject
the learner acquired knowledge of a topic that may have before having them work with them to learn new

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang,Brgy.Dahican,CityofMati DavaoOriental,8200

Development exceeded their prior grasp. The most knowledgeable information. Then, divide the students into groups
people, typically teachers and parents, helped learners according to their levels of knowledge. The final
learn in the theory zone of proximal development. step is to get them ready to work together and
step outside of their comfort zones.

Role Modelling Albert Bandura According to Bandura, when we watch others, we not only To put this idea into practice in the classroom,
(B,1925) pick up on their conduct but also on how other people remember that you are the role model for the
interpret that behavior. Due to the fact that it enables us students, therefore act accordingly. This will
to learn from others' mistakes, this has the potential to be encourage the students to imitate your positive
behavior as a teacher in the classroom.

As s es s Initiate
Obs erve
Appropriatenes s Behaviour

an extrem ely
effective method of learning.

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang,Brgy.Dahican,CityofMati DavaoOriental,8200

Reception Learning David Ausubel The teacher-centered approach of Ausubel's theory In order to explain the new concept of the lesson,
(Subsumption Theory) (19182008) places the instructor in the role of the subject-matter we must first recall the prior lesson, as is
expert in charge of transferring knowledge to his or her customary in teaching. Students should be given
students through lectures or direct teaching. Reception an explanation of how the prior and new lessons
Learning is a theory of instructional learning put out by are related before it is determined whether they
Ausubel, who held that students learn most effectively have understood the new information.
when exposed to new material.
The knowledge imparted might be grounded on the
cognitive knowledge already held by the students.

Discovery Learning Jerome Bruner (B. The main tenet of this theory is that learners who actively It can be used in the classroom by evaluating
1915) engage in the learning process will retain more students' existing knowledge, getting them to
information than those who are spoon-fed. With this idea, explain how they would like to expand on it, and
the student is the one who will find the answers or look then gauging how much of it they have really
for the explanation—it is a learner-centered approach. The retained by having them solve problems.
problem-solving abilities of the students are also
improved by the teachers using this idea.

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang,Brgy.Dahican,CityofMati DavaoOriental,8200

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