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Alfonso Vergara

Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the Third Conditional.

1. If I had (have) the time I would have visited (visit) you yesterday.
2. If you had taken (take) me to the hospital, I would have died (die).
3. If they had invited (invite) me to the party, I would have gone (go).
4. If I had (have) enough money, I would have bought (buy) the other dress.
5. If he hadn't broken (not/break) his leg, we would have won (won) the match.
6.If you had studied (study) harder, you would have passed (pass) the test.
7. If I had known (know) you would come, I would have cooked (cook) something for you.
8. If you had given (give) me your phone number, I would have called (call) you.
9. If we had left (leave) earlier, we wouldn’t have missed (not/miss) the train.
10. If we had taken (take) a map with us, we would have gotten (get) lost.

Exercise 2: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the Third Conditional.
1. If you had asked (ask) for my opinion, I would have advised (advise) you to keep away
from him.
2. You wouldn’t have been (not /be) so tired during the lesson if you had gone (go) to
bed earlier last night.
3. If you had called (call) earlier, you would have been able to (be able to) book a table.
4. He would have forgive (forgive) you if you had apologized (apologize) for your rude
5. If you had helped (help) me, I would have finished (finish) the project earlier.
6. I would have known (know) if they had lied (lie) to us.
7. If you had repaired (repair) the car you wouldn’t have had to (not /have to) call a taxi.
8. If the bomb had gone off (go off), we would have died (die).
9. I would have told (tell) you if there had been (be) any changes in the plan.
10. If I had seen (see) John, I would have told (tell) him you were looking for him.

Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the Third Conditional.
(could have/ might have)
1. If you had apologized (apologize) you could have avoided (could/avoid) punishment.
2. The police might have catched (might/catch) the thief if they had arrived (arrive) earlier.
3. If you had boarded (board) that plane, you might have died (might/die)
4. If you had offered (offer) her the job, she might have accepted (might/accept)
5. I could have made (could/made) a cake if I had known (know) the recipe.
6. If he hadn't lost (not/lose) his job, he might have bought (might/buy) a new house.
7. If she had finished (finish) her work, she could have gone (could /go) home earlier.
8. If you had saved (save) enough money, you could have bought (could/buy) a car.
9. If I had known (know) how to swim I might have saved (might/save) the drowning man.
10. If he hadn't been grounded (not/be grounded), she could have come (could/come) to
the celebration.

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Exercise 5: Write type 3 conditional sentences for the following situations.
example: I didn’t go to the supermarket because I didn’t know we had run out of any milk
If I had known we had run out of milk, I would have gone to the supermarket.

1. She didn’t give me a lift because she didn’t have any petrol.
If she had any petrol she would have given me a lift

2. I didn’t go to the school celebration because I was ill.

If I hadn't been ill I would have come to the scooter celebration

3. Dad didn’t go to the theatre because he didn’t like the play .

If my dad had liked the play he would have gone to the theatre

4. Mum didn’t make a cake because she was at her office until late.
If my mom hadn't been at her office until late she would have made a cake

5. Steve didn’t participate at the concert because his guitar was broken.
If Steve´s guitar hadn't been broken he would have participate at the concert

6. I didn’t read the article because I had work to do.

If I had not work to do I would have read the article

7. She didn’t go to the doctor because the metro was out of order.
If the metro hadn't been out of order she would have gone to the doctor

8. I missed the train because I overslept.

If I hadn’t overslept I would have catched the train

9. She slapped him because he insulted her.

If he hadn’t insulted her she wouldn’t have slapped him

10. He broke his leg because he jumped from the roof.

If he hadn't jumped from the roof he wouldn’t have broken his leg

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