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Cust ome r Rela tion Ma nage men t at Outl ook Gro up

Summ er Inter nship Repo rt subm itted in partial fulfil ment for the
comp letion of the degree of Bach elor of Busi ness Adm inistr ation

Jaskiran Atwa l

Enrol. Number: J 70584

Unde r the Guid ance of

Suni ta Verm a

SchooJ of Man agem ent Stud ies

Mody University of Science and Tech nolog y

Laks hman garh, (Sikar) Rajas than

(2019-2020 )
(D~ ~tmm
- - roup

Letter of Appreciation

This is to certify that Ms. Jaskiran Atwal, student of Mody University of Science and
Technology, Rajasthan, has successfully completed on-job training with us. She worked
with us from June 6, 2019 to July 6, 2019.

During her training, she h~s shown eagerness to learn, understand and cope ~p with
work. She has learnt much to keep her in good stead or the future assignments in life .
. Further, she has also shown glimpses of an intelligent and diligent employee in the

During the short stint, she has performed commendably meeting the sales target that
was assigned to her. She ensured that no stone was left unturned to achieve the sales
targets given to her, giving an impression that she has the potential and acumen to
charter a great career in the sales and marketing.

We wish her all the best.

Yours Sincerely,

Raj Mitra
General Manager
Outlook (3roup

New Delhi
August 31, 2019

AB· 10, Safdarjung Enclave
New Delhi 110 029
Phones: 011 33505500. Fax: 261914 20
Windsor, 7th Floor, C.S.T. Road
Near Bandra-Kurla Complex, Santacruz-East
Mumbai 400 098
Letter of Appreciatio n
arh,Rajasthan has
that Ms.Ja skiran Atw al, stu den t of Mody University,Lakshmang uly-2019 .
This is to certify
job trainin g with us .Sh e wo rke d with us from 6-June-2019 to 6-J
succesfully completed on-
e ha s
sho wn eag ern ess to lea rn. und erstand and cope up with work .Sh
During her training Jaskiran, has futu re ass ignments in life .Further, Jaskiran
has shown
in goo d stead for the
learnt much to keep her
ent employee in the making.
glimpses of an intelligent and dilig ed
form ed com me nda bly me eting the sales target that was assign
During the short stint, Jaskiran has urn ed to ach ieve the sales targets given to her ,
giving an
ne wa s left unt
to her, She ensured that no sto me n to cha rter a great career in the sales and
marketing .
the pot ential and acu
impression that she has
We wish her all the best

Yours Sincerely ,
Rahul Dubey
Outlook Group

I :lotki°>tan,, s4;b tx,} hereby declare that the report, entitled

.;Ci. u ±ivauti. ,whffMdwf rrn,a o ~ nL
submitted to the Mody University of Science and Technology, in partial

fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of BBA is a record

of original research work done by me during 6II\.;:(w:u. - l ~1j'nder


supervision and guidance of • ,,'2.). J n-7£a \ft!:t@A, and it has not

formed the basis for .the award of any degree/ Diploma/Associateship/

Fellowship or other similar title to any candidate of any university.

Place: loJu}vYY\,0.,/'\. r
Date: j
?) I Oi )I q
.. .A Premier Wome11 B-School with l11dia11 Ethos am! Value.\·

Date: ~ l lo~ I I:)

l I


This is to certify that Ms. ~g} f/HA o sJtu9:a P ' a

student of BBA - Ill Year of Co11ege of Business Management
Economics and Commerce, Mody University of Science and
Technology, Lakshmangarh , undertook her Summer Training m

.Jl J.tJ:;i~
(;· th
r,Uj) ~(.,0=
~;=. q under my

supervision. The title of her project during the said training was
/4(,tdOnv 2: 0Ae ~ d-v.Oa
.JvU\'.rulr evd
Her performance in the project work was found to be satisfactory.

(Project Supervisor)

s repo rt is prep ared on the internship program conducted by the Outlook
Thi up-
azine brand which keeps its customers
Group. Outlook is one of the leading mag
be in the terms of politics, sports,
to-dated with all the news whether it may
in the stock market.
entertainment or about the latest trends
content at a reasonable price and with
The magazine aims to provide the best bes t con tent
er all the aspects and provide the
fastest delivery system. The editors cov t their
family of more than 20,00,000 who star
in the precise form. Outlook has a big atio nship
internship on the topic "Customer Rel
day by reading its magazine. I did my efits
pany uses CRM and what are the ben
Management" and learned how the com
provided by CRM to customers and the
and every organization in today's wor
CRM is an important topic to understand d. I
well as the staff happy and satisfie
should use to keep their customers as me to
le working with CRM but this helped
experienced a lot many challenged whi cor porate
me a lot when I will step into this
gain experience and I hope this will help


y who helped in every single possible way
Firstly, I would like to thank the Almight of
My sincere thanks to Outlook Group
make this Internship program a success. my
l knowledge of Sales and Marketing and
Magazines for providing me the practica e
whom this whole internship wouldn't hav
Team Leader Mr. Muzaffer Ali without ity of
t I pay my gratitude to Mody Univers
been possible. And at last but not the leas a
this Internship program and giving me
Science and Technology for organising
tically and my mentor Sunita Verma who
chance to understand the concepts prac
ughout this internship training.
provided me full support and guidance thro

TABLE OF CONTENT Particulars Page No.
















has become one of
In 1995 Outlook Magazine started its journey and today it
d by Raheja Group
the best magazine in the country. The magazine is owne
and the editor in chief is Mr. Ruben Banerjee.
ry facilities and
The company provides National as well as International delive
the customers and read the magazine online as well as offlin
assure d delivery services
Outlook has gained customers trust by providing
ry period and is
within 48 hours. Every magazine has a different delive
maga zine is also
published at different intervals of time. The Traveller
awarded as the best Travelling Magazine in India.

Raheja wanted to
After the success of the construction business Mr. Rajan
the field of Politics,
start a newsmagazine which would feature contents from
that the first ever
entertainment, travelling and business. It's been 22 years
founder of Outlook
magazine of Outlook was published. Vinod Mehta, the
alist, an author who
Magazine and the person who is behind its success, a journ
d in the year 2015
has set up a benchmark in this industry. The Nobleman passe
in his name.
due to some health issues and still the company is remembered
the company has
Earlier Outlook used to deal in 2-3 magazines but presently
different areas and
in total of 5 magazines and every magazine specializes in
provides the best possible content to its customers.











the most successful magazine brand
Vision of Outlook Magazine is to become
as internationally. It aims to become
by selling its magazine nationally as well
the customers. The motto of the
the most preferred magazine brand by
by providing the best content with
company is to fulfil the customer's need
timely delivery services.

first choice of its customer's and
Outlook Magazine wants to become the
improve the workforce and motivate
investors. The company is also trying to
the employees for better rewarding outcome

namely Outlook Weekly (deals in
Outlook publishes in total 5 magazines
s about new start-ups and rising
current affairs), Outlook Business (talk
t where to invest your personal
entrepreneurs), Outlook Money (talks abou
rmation regarding all the tourist
finance), Outlook Traveller (provides info
look Hindi (it publishes articles and
places) and the last but not the least Out
news in Hindi).
other and the subscription for the
The prices of the magazines vary from each
from 1 year to 5 years. There are
magazine is given on yearly basis starting
tion of the magazine which depends
additional offers available on the subscrip
cribe for.
on the magazine and the time period u subs

to the customers who are interested

Outlook also provides travel guidebooks
d on a special topic like Unmissable
in travelling these guidebooks are publishe
India, Holidays in Himalayas etc.
ring the digital subscription of all
Recently, the company has also started offe
the magazines for free with the print copy.

years back and is one the oldest
1) India Today-The Company started 42
lish fortnightly based magazine
magazine selling company. It is an Eng
Tamil and Telugu also. It is
which publishes news in Hindi, Malayalam,
one of the biggest competitor to Outlook Mag

2) The Week- It's a weekly news magazine which is based in UK and
publishes content related to current affairs, science, technology, media,
business etc.

3) Tehelka- It's basically a news magazine which conducts various sting

operations and is engaged in investigation journalism.


a. Fast delivery system through Maruti Couriers
b. Wide variety of gift products and additional discounts
c. Customers are contacted directly by the company
d. Customer preferred and innovative products

a. Prices keeps on changing and goes higher
b. Delivery of the first edition takes a few weeks
c. Not popular Internationally
d. Gift products are not received on time

a. Social media platforms can help in promotions and thus, increase in sales
b. Opportunity to become the market leader
c. By adding international news magazine, it can achieve popularity
d. Magazines related to fashion and health should also be introduced to
increase the market share.

a. Trust for old magazines like India Today has already build up
b. People criticize that the company favours the country's Congress party.
c. Internet is reducing the scope of Print media
d. The new international companies are giving huge competition.

The revenue generated for the year 2017-18 by Outlook Group is Rs. 6 crores


dology for maintaining

Customer Relationship Management or CRM is a metho
s and potential clients. A
healthy relationships and improve interactions with client
iated with clients, and
CRM framework encourages organizations remain assoc
enhance benefit.

it is basically a software
To manage interactions with customers CRM system is used,
in a single database which
which stores the personal information about the customers
er, it also maintains a
is further used by the company like name, address, contact numb
te, phone call made by
record of how many times a customer is visiting the websi
him/her to the company etc.

How does CRM work?

interactions made by the
The CRM system has a function of tracking the online
the managers to measure
customers. CRM automates a business process which helps
the productivity and performance of the company.
se their requirements and
The system collects information about the customers, analy
the market conditions then accordingly, launches the marketing

Benefits to business due to CRM:

Maintain good )
relations with

Upgraded Services

Increase in Achieving staff

Income and happiness and
Productivity Satisfaction 8
1) Maintain good relationship with the clients- CRM helps the staff
to keep a record of all the customers and when customers come to. ~ow
that the company knows about them and care about their likes and d1shkes
they feel a stronger connection and a positive attitude towards the

2) Upgraded Communication - This means if in case a customer is

being dealt by a new employee who has never contacted him/her will not
face any unhappiness because all the employees will be sharing the same
data which will help them to know everything about the customer.

3) Improved customer care services- As CRM keeps a record of

everything so whenever a customer faces any problem he directly contacts
the company and it is easy for any of the employee to resolve the problem
because the data has all the information about the customer, his/her past
records so no time is wasted to collect the customer information and
directly work can be started to resolve the problem.

4) Increase in Income and Productivity- if once CRM is used by the

company it will be easy for the employees to maintain healthy relations
and good interactions with the customers which will lead to customer
satisfaction and automatically customers would like to make purchase
from the same more than once.

5) Achieving staff happiness and satisfaction- CRM provides

complete information to them which keeps them engage in the work and
they feel empowered. The up-to-dated CRM helps the employees to
resolve the problems which the customers face and this makes them happy
about their work and motivates to work effectively.

Goals and obiective set for CRM

• Enhance customer satisfaction- The main job of CRM is to satisfy the

customers and keep them happy. This can be done by being in contact with
them through social networking sites or via mobile phones and company can
also conduct surveys to check whether customers are liking the product and do
they have any suggestion regarding the same or not. This will make customers
feel good and they will consider themselves a part of the company.

• Turn Out to be more efficient- Actualizing CRM programming enables
your client to benefit group respond to client inquiries and concerns all the
more rapidly and proficiently, which will help efficiency and in addition
consumer loyalty. In deals and advertising divisions, CRM can even help track
all leads and crusades from start to finish, making the whole procedure more

• Deliver Better Marketing Campaigns- And in addition influencing

the way toward directing a showcasing to crusade less demanding, CRM
programming can likewise enable you to plan the most productive battle. With
the information given by these different crusades, you will have an amazingly
balanced perspective of what influences certain groups of onlookers to tick
and what doesn't. By knowing your objective market and how your group of
onlookers reacts to interchanges, you will have the capacity to effortlessly
section your clients to deliver more successful showcasing efforts.

CRM information can empower you to rapidly profile target bunches which
might be not be executing and they could be, so as to attempt and lift this
territory of your business, with the objective of expanding benefits.

• Draw in new customers- CRM programming will find valuable data

about your client base and enable you to work out where there are holes that
should be filled. Investigating the reasons why clients neglect to influence
buys or why they too don't rate your organization's administrations can enable
you to adjust new approaches and procedures which will enable you to draw in
new clients.

Ways to create better Marketing Campaigns:

a) Centred Targeting- with the help of CRM the staff can easily make
out from the list of customers who are surely going to make the
purchase as through this software they are able to know about the
customers' preferences, how many times they have visited the website
and checked about the latest offers and discounts. Company can use
such data and launch marketing campaigns to increase the revenue.

b) Segmentation- The marketers should be able to segment the

customers not only by their jobs or age but also by the number of times
they have opened the e-mail or have they replied to any of the e-mails
sent by the company, and also how many customers are active on social
media all these factors help us to know about the customers' profile and
the more active the profile is the more opportunities the marketer will

a message which wi11 convince the customer to make the
get to design

e CRM system tod ay has provided us with

c) Customized content- Th
don't have to contact a
ed system of working. Now, we
the personaliz we can
Iing them sir or madam. Infact,
customer in a formal way by ca1
the ir names and as CR M helps to record the complete data
call them by vide
also suggest them ideas and pro
about the customers so we can can
es and preferences. With this we
information based upon their lik and
n channel with the customers
also develop a good communicatio nd
strong perception regarding the bra
this will lead to more responses, a
and most importantly rise in the rev

ans that with the use of CR M software

d) Reuse the Outline- This me
paigns were effective and
rketing cam
we can easily make out which ma to
enue. This wi11 help the company
which lead to an increase in the rev
by recycling them for the new
use the same marketing campaigns
lower the cost for generating new
contacts which in return will also
marketing campaigns.

The main job of employees working at Outlook Magazine is to interact with

customers and convince them to buy the subscription plan. The staff as well as the
interns are provided with the data of the customers and are asked to contact them and
tell them about the new offers on magazines and also get their feedback. The
customers whose subscription is about to end are called and asked to renew before it
The customers also have an option to renew before their current subscription gets over
that does not mean their renewed subscription will start on the spot it will only start
when their current subscription which is running will end but if they want to subscribe
after their subscription get over then too there is no such problem also they are not
forced to buy the subscription. Whenever the company comes up with some special
offers and discounts at that time the customers are contacted and are told about the
offers and are convinced to buy the subscription while that particular offer is running.
There are few customers who search online for magazines but do not provide any
personal information except the email ids for such customers the company design an
email and send the same to large number of customers so they themselves can see
whenever they are free and subscribe if they wish to. We as interns used to get email
addresses and were asked to send the email early in the morning as the first thing
people do after going to office is to check their inbox. The customers also get a
feedback call every month just to confirm if they are facing any problem regarding the
magazine like delay in delivery of the magazine, if in case they face such problems
they are provided with customer care department number and within 24 hours the
department resolve their problem.
There are various benefits that the customers are provided with in Outlook Group like
they can change their address whenever they want, pause their subscription and restart
it. All this can be done within a time span of 7 days just by dropping an e-mail to the
customer care department of the company. The customers can also enquire from the
department regarding their magazines if they are not receiving the same on time and
the department will give them the exact date when they will be receiving their copy.
We as interns used to contact customers not merely for selling purpose but to interact
with them and let them feel as a part of the company. This technique of interacting
with them leads to brand loyalty and customer satisfaction which means; even if a
new player enters into the magazine business the customers will stay loyal to their
magazine and will buy the same. Outlook focuses only on the happiness of its

its gifts and discount offers
customers this is the reason that the company changes
very frequently.
i.e. when a customer who
Outlook collects customer's information from Google leads
zines are available for that
is in need of a magazine will check online which all maga
number etc. all this helps the
they need to enter their details like name ' e-mail ' contact
then contacts them and tries
company to collect the information of the customers and
any also has a record of all
to convince them to subscribe for the magazine. The comp
s are about to change or the
its customers and they are contacted as soon as the price
discounts and gifts are revised.
capabilities and they are also
The company sets target for the interns to prove their
3 days of induction program
rewarded for the same like when I joined Outlook after
to be achieved by using our
we were given the target of Rs. 20,000 which was
the magazine. This was not
personal contacts and by convincing them to subscribe for
after achieving the target of
at all compulsory the only benefit which the interns got
further help in getting the
Rs 20,000 was they were given 2 points which will
lete my target on time and
Appreciation Letter. Fortunately, I was also able to comp
which used to motivate the
not only this, the company also used to give incentives
used to work beyond their
interns as well as the employees. Interns and the employees
n plan by applying their
skills to convince their customers to buy the subscriptio
amount as it was a driving
marketing skills effectively and also to earn the incentive
the incentive amount is less.
force for them and they used to feel satisfied even if
to sit with them and help out
There were also mentors for all the interns who used
effective and passionate
whenever a problem occurred this made the interns more
about their work.
interaction over the phone
There are customers who don't subscribe just after the first
s are guided by their mentors
they ask for time to call again for such customer's intern
believes that this is the right
and taught how to pitch the offers so that the customer
subscribe for the magazines
choice and he/she should go for it. The customers can
allotted with a different code
online as well as offline. Every intern and employee is
when they pay online this
(known as KJ code) number which is used by a customer
unts and the sale will directly
helps them to see the offers easily and avail great disco
used by the customer.
come to that intern or employees account whose code was
s and employees how to deal
Outlook spends a lot of time just for teaching the intern
to generate sales as they are
with the customers. There's no pressure for the interns
how exactly Customer
just taught how to make customers happy and learn
s are given the data of the
Relationship Management works in an organization. Intern
pitch offers for the magazines
customers to study and then accordingly call them and
mers, this helps them to
they have been subscribing in past if they are old custo
it useful for the company and
practically understand the concept of CRM and how is
also what are the advantages provided to customers.


4.1 Obiectives of the study

a) To take feedback of the subscribers

b) Convince them for a new subscription plan
c) Increase the customer base
d) Maintain database of all the customers

4.2Research Design

The research design was descriptive in nature as the sample was taken from the
population of subscribers of the magazine and were contacted for their feedback, they
were asked what were the magazines they were interested in, what were the attractive
points for them to buy a magazine and what were the issues customers were facing
with their subscription plan and do they have any suggestions for the same.
The study basically focuses on how to achieve customer satisfaction and attract more
customers by providing better services to them.

4.3Data Collection

A) Sources of Data
We used secondary source of data as the data was primarily collected by the company
but was recorded in the company's database and then was worked upon by us.

B) Method of Data Collection

e-mails and
Interview- the job was to contact the customers through telephone or
more about them and
ask them multiple questions which were helpful in knowing
their preferences.

4.4Sampling Plan

A) Sampling Unit- customers of Outlook

B) Sampling Size- 2,600 (customers contacted in~ days)
Maharasht ra,
C) Sampling Area- Major states like Haryana, Kerala, Tamil Nadu,
sh, West Bengal, and
Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Prade
Outlook Weekly 650
Outlook Business 450
Outlook Money 200
Outlook Traveller 210
Outlook Hindi 95
Two or more than two 745

I. Types of magazi11es prefe1i-ed by customers?

No. of customers

■ Outlook Weekky Outlook Business . Outlook Money

Outlook Traveller ■ Outlook Hindi ■ 2 or more than two

number of customers opt for 2 or
Out of 2350 customers , we can see that maximum
buy the weekly magazine and least
more magazines then comes the customers who
number of people go for the Hindi magazine.

I Satisfied 2135

Not satisfied 27

Call Not answered 188

of their magazines?
2. Were the customers satisfied with the content

No. Of Customers

■ Satisfied

■ Not Satisfied

Call Not Answered

h is 91 % people are sa~s:fied w!th the

So, this can be concluded that the majority whic
e. of people are not satisfied with the
content of the magazine and a small percentag

Call not answered

3. We re the magazines delivere

d on time?

No. Of Customers

■ Yes No Call Not Answered

Out of 2350 customers, 67% customers

were happy and were getting their mag
on time and 25% customers that mean azines
590 are not getting their magazines on

[ Online 1 1950

I Oftline I 400

4. Which mode of payment was most prefen-ed by the customers?

No. Of Customers

■ Online Offline

From the above data we can interpret that most of the customers were comfortable
with online mode of payment rather offline as it was quick and saves their time but
the customers who were of old age and were not with internet used to pay
by offline modes like cheque, demand drafts etc.


Discotmts 745

Gifts 1190

Neutral 227

5. Were the customers interested in discounts or gifts?


■ Discounts ■ Gifts Neutral

that the customers were more

This can be easily understood from the pie chart
the company change their gifts
interested in gifts rather than discounts and this made
frequently .


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