Narrative Treatment Sample

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Narrative Treatment

Logline: On a dark Halloween night, a serial killer out for blood, attempts to murder a group of

teenagers but shortly realizes they are better at killing themsleves then he’ll ever be.

Characters: The key characters in “The Killer” are Karen, Judy, Billy, and Todd, who are all high

school students. Karen is an overly preppy girl, who only wants to be remembered by her looks,

while Judy doesn’t know who she wants to be. She usually just walks in the shadow of her best

friend. Todd is a big jock, with little personality. He is intelligent but refuses to show it. Billy is just

a straight up clown. He likes to make other people laugh and finds enjoyment in what most

people think is stupid. Lastly, the most important key character in this short film is “The Killer”.

He will always have quotations around his name because he isn’t an actual killer; he has never

actually killed anyone. He is baffled by the stupidity of the group and wonders why he chose

these victims.

The Who: Karen, Judy, Billy, Todd, “The Killer”

The What: A narrative about a group of teenagers who get tricked into going to a party

where no one is invited, but them.

The When: Modern day

The Why: To show the arbitrary behavior of horror movies and the typical roles of


The Where: Karen’s House, Town Streets, High School


Two teenage girls, Karen and Judy, are hanging out together in Karen’s room. One of

their friends, Todd, invites them to go with him and Billy, his best friend, to a Halloween party at

their school. The two girls start to get ready for the Halloween party. They put on makeup all

while listening to music and gossiping about hot boys. When they are done doing their makeup,

they proceed to put on their costumes. As the girls are getting ready, a shadowy figure (“The

Killer”) watches them but leaves before the girls ever see them. As the girls leave for the party

“the killer” is right on their tail, staying just out of their line of sight.

Karen and Judy meet up with Todd and Billy to walk to the party. “The killer” still

continues to follow them, but none of the group notices. They arrive at the school, but no one is

there. Instead of turning around, or calling someone, they go and inspect the building. They try

many doors, but all are locked, except for one. They argue that since it's the only unlocked door

it must be a good door. They go into the school and walk around, noticing all the lights are off

and no one is there. “The killer” opens the door a couple minutes later, slamming it behind him.

The loud slam of a door alarms the group, but they think nothing of it. The group continues to

walk around the school until each of them get a text message from “the killer” telling them that

they fell right into his trap. With little debate, instead of trying to leave, the group decides to split

up. Karen and Todd go up to the third and fourth floor. Judy and Billy stay on the second floor

and make their way to the first floor. Karen and Todd investigate the third floor and check all the

doors to see if they’re locked. Then they make their way up to the fourth floor after realizing all

the third floor doors are locked. Then Karen and Todd made their way to the fourth floor, where

they check to see if those doors were locked, too. The walk around the fourth floor starting in

the computer lab then made their way to the last room on that floor. As they head back to the

stairwell to meet up with Billy and Judy, they notice “the killer” walking behind them. Karen and
Todd run to the stairwell. Karen falls down the stairs and knocks into the wall. Todd looks at

Karen but realizes he had to keep running because “the killer” is chasing him. Todd finds the

open chemistry room and hides in it. Meanwhile, Judy and Billy are on the second floor. Billy

goes to the bathroom. Judy waits outside the bathroom door for Billy, but she hears a noise and

“the killer” appears. Judy makes a run for it. She runs into the backroom and trips and falls off a

large platform and dies. “The killer” walks into the bathroom. Billy hits “the killer” with the door

and sprints out of the bathroom. Billy runs into the elevator and Todd screams because the

elevator continues to keep dropping.

Todd, still in the chemistry room, grabs the fire extinguisher and waits for “the killer” to

enter the room. Once “the killer” enters the room, Todd knocks “the killer” out using the fire

extinguisher. Out of exhaustion, Todd grabs the glass near him and drinks it, but it’s a poisonous

liquid. He passes out.

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