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In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

All praise belongs to Allah, the Creator of the world, who provides the blessing and the
fortitude necessary to finish this report for our group project. Muhammad the Last Prophet and
Messenger, who is the perfect example of a human being, may peace and blessings be upon

We would like to express our gratitude to madam Siti Nursyahira Binti Zainudin for
teaching this course and for all of the support, offering a clear format explanation guide and
suggestions she provided to assist in the successful completion of this project. This report also
cannot be done without a commitment between group members. Without their efforts and
cooperation, our team members Syaqir Afnan, Muhammad Faisal, Raja Ilham Shukri,
Muhammad Azriq, and Sais Muhammad Akasyah would not be able to complete this task.

Furthermore, we are also thankful that we were able to complete this job together. We
are able to do this inside the allocated time by our lecturer. With the help of people who were
careful and worked hard, this project was completed effectively. This is the response to the survey
we distributed using Google Form. We sincerely appreciate our friends and respondents for their
assistance and willingness to work with us to complete the questionnaires. In addition, we must
not overlook the fact that our parents never fail to support and pay attention to us.

All of the help and support that has been given and received during the execution of this
assignment is extremely appreciated because it would be impossible to finish this paper's
assignment without it. We sincerely apologize for any errors, since we did our best on this
project. We also hope that others will find our report beneficial in that they will be aware of the
new figure and find it acceptable. Our team has high hopes for this task and is hopeful that
Madam Siti Nursyahira will be satisfied with the report.


No Content Page

1.1 Background of Study 5-6
1.2 Objective of Study

2.1 Description of Data 7-9
2.2 Method of Analysis

3.1 Objective 1 - To determine sport activity that students do
3.2 Objective 2 - To identify the hours spend for sports activity per day
3.3 Objective 3 - To investigate students lifestyle on negative activity 10-24

3.4 Objective 4 - To study academic performance among student




No Table Page
1. Table 2.1 Description of Data 7-8
2. Table 2.2 Method of Analysis 9
3. Table 3.1.1 Gender of the students 10
4. Table 3.1.2 Faculty of the students 11
5. Table 3.1.3 Type of Sport Students Like To Do 12
6. Table 3.2.1 Total Time Spent by Students per Day 13
7. Table 3.2.2 A “less than” Cumulative Frequency Table 14
8. Table 3.3.1 Vertical Bar Chart of Student Spent Time for Entertainment 17
9. Table 3.3.2 Total Time Spend for Loitering with Friends 18
10. Table 3.3.3 Frequency students Take smoking/vaping in their daily lives 19
11. Table 3.4.1 Academic Performances among Students (CGPA) 20
12. Table 3.4.2 A “less than” Cumulative Frequency Table 20


No Figure Page
1. Figure 3.1.1 Gender of 50 respondents among UiTM students 10
2. Figure 3.1.2 Number of student gender enrolled for 4 faculty 11
3. Figure 3.1.3 Type of Sport Students Like To Do 12
4. Figure 3.2.1 The Total of Time Spend In Sport For 50 Students per Day 14
5. Figure 3.3.1 Frequency Students Spent Time for Entertainment 17
6. Figure 3.3.2 Frequency Loitering between Students 18
7. Figure 3.3.3 Frequency Students Smoking/Vaping in their daily life 19
8. Figure 3.4.1 The (CGPA) Last Semester of 50 Students 21


1.1 Background of Study

A sound body is a sound mind, a sound body is a healthy, physically fit body, and a sound mind
is a mind capable of excellent, positive and free-thinking thoughts. These two key elements of
our human being contribute to the bulk of life objectives being met. Sound body may be attained
by successfully activating physical moments such as participating in sports and allocating effort
to each muscle in the body. This will lead to a sound mind. Only by preserving physical and
mental balance is it possible to live a healthy lifestyle. In this era, there are many choices of sport
activity that people can do, especially for students like football, badminton and many more.
Nowadays, students are exposed to a wide range of sports activities. Most students might select
the ideal sport that suits them well if they were aware of a healthy lifestyle and the amenities
available in their surroundings.

Students need to manage their time wisely to do a sports activity and have a good rest
since almost weekdays they need to wake up early in the morning to attend class until evening,
to do an assignment and study for the upcoming quiz and final exam. Lately all students attend
class online when pandemic Covid-19 happens because people need to stay at home to control
the outbreak therefore many of them are stressed out to follow a new norm of studies and life
which has had a negative impact on mental health. According to the study, as many as 936
students having stressed among 966 students that participated in the survey. (Mustafa Malik &
Sarfaraz Javed 2021) According to Faizan Abd Jabar's research, practicing fitness and
participating in physical activities causes the release of hormones called endorphins and
dopamine, which directly interact with brain receptors and cause a positive feeling in the body.
Not only academics, students these days are dealing with stress and depression, so engaging in
physical activity would help with mental problems and bring peace to their lives.

Day by day technology becomes more advanced and we need the technology to live with
such as smartphones, Internet and computer or laptop because our tasks these days need it so
we can complete that given task within a given time with the help of those technologies.
Sometimes not all things give a positive impact towards us, technology also has some negative
impact when the user tends to use it for a long period. According to a survey conducted by
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, users of the Internet in Malaysia for the
year 2020 increased to 88.7 percent from 87.4 percent in 2018 and from age 15 – 24 increased
43.4 percent for 2020 compared to 23.2 in 2018. Since that these students may have health

issues such as back pain, cloudy vision, headaches, and dizziness. Besides that, they are also
exposed to explicit content and cut off from the social community. Students must be encouraged
to participate in sports activities for their own reason, since sport is a technique of contributing to
a high quality of life. Sport has the potential to keep children healthy, discourage them from
engaging in criminal activity, smoking and promote social interaction. According to B.D. Kirkcaldy
[5] in his study, found that the adolescents who are involved in sports or physical activities
normally use less cigarettes compared to those who are not.

Lastly, sport has been demonstrated to improve focus, memory, creativity, and problem-
solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain and assisting the body in building more
connections between nerves. In a nutshell, sports allow your brain to develop and function more
effectively. This study took place at UiTM Alor Gajah, Melaka. This data is important to know if
sports have a bad or good impact on student life. Population is from a selected faculty and we
choose 50 students to be our sample. The purpose of this research is to learn more about the
impact of sports on students’ life.

1.2 Objectives of Study

Objective 1 - To determine sport activity that students do

Objective 2 - To identify the hours spend for sports activity per day

Objective 3 - To investigate students lifestyle on negative activity

Objective 4 - To study academic performance among student (CGPA)


2.1 Desription of Data

Population All students in Faculty of Business &

Management, Faculty of Communication & Media
Studies, Faculty of Accountancy and Faculty of
Art & Design

Sample 50 students in Faculty of Business &

Management, Faculty of Communication & Media
Studies, Faculty of Accountancy and Faculty of
Art & Design

Sampling Technique Stratified Sampling Technique

1. DIvide all of the students in 4 faculty into
homogeneous strata.

2. Then, randomly select 50 students among

the following 4 faculties.

3. Men = 50% (50) = 25 students

Women = 50% (50) = 25 students

n= 25 + 25
= 50

Data Collection Method Google form quastionnare

The descriptions of the variables as stated in Table 2.1 below

Table 2.1: Description on Variable

Section Name of the Description of Item Types of Measurement

questionnaire section variable of scale
A Objective 1 - To Gender Question 1 Qualitative Nominal
determine sport Faculty Question 2 Qualitative Nominal
activity that Kind of sport like Question 3 Qualitative Nominal
students do to do

B Objective 2 - To How long usually Question 4 Quantitative Ratio

identify the hours play sports
spend for sports
activity per day

C Objective 3 - To Spend time for Question 5 Qualitative Ordinal

investigate entertainment
students lifestyle Loitering Question 6 Qualitative Ordinal
on negative activity Smoking Question 7 Qualitative Ordinal
/ Vaping
D Objective 4 - To CGPA for last Question 8 Quantitative Ratiol
study academic semester
among student

2.2 Method of analysis (Topic 2)

Methods used in the study is shown in Table 2.2.

Objective Measured by Chart type

Objective 1 – Exploring Vertical Bar Chart /
demographic profile of Horizontal Bar Chart/
respondents Multiple Bar Chart / Pie
Objective 2 - To identify the Mean, Median, Mode,
hours spend for sports Quartile 1 & Quartile 3, Cumulative Frequency Table
and Ogive
activity per day Standard Deviation, Shape
of Graph
Objective 3 - To identify the Vertical Bar Chart /
hours spend for sports -- Horizontal Bar Chart/
activity per day Multiple Bar Chart / Pie
Objective 4 - To study Mean, Median, Mode,
academic performance Quartile 1 & Quartile 3, Cumulative Frequency
among student (CGPA) for Standard Deviation, Shape Table and Ogive
the last semester. of Graph


3.1 Objective 1 – To determine sport activity students do

● Question 1 - Gender of the students

Gender Number of students Percentage %

Male 25 50

Female 25 50

Total 50 100
Table 3.1.1

Figure 3.1.1 Pie Chart

The data shows the gender of 50 respondents among UiTM students. The students taken
for females are 50 percent from the graph which consists of 25 students. Next, for male students
it is 50 percent which makes the total students as much as 25 students for male. A stratified
sampling technique was used to choose a random number of students from each gender. There
were just 50 people chosen to participate.

● Question 2 - Faculty of the students

Faculty Gender Total

Male Female

Faculty of 0 4 4

Faculty of Art & 4 0 4


Faculty of Business & 20 18 38


Faculty of 1 3 4
Communication &
Media Studies

Total 25 25 50

Table 3.1.2

Figure 3.1.2 Multiple Bar Chart

The data shows the number of students by their gender from 4 different faculties in UiTM
Kampus Alor Gajah, Melaka. The highest respondent from the Faculty of Business &
Management recorded a total as much as 38 respondents and for the other faculties it is the
same which is 4 respondents. A stratified sampling technique was used to choose a random
number of students from each course. There were just 50 people chosen to participate.
● Question 3 - Sports that students like to do

Gender Total
Type of Sport
Male Female

Football 10 0 10

Badminton 6 19 25

Volleyball 5 0 5

Netball 0 3 3

Rugby 2 0 2

Running 0 1 1

Tennis 1 0 1

Handball 0 1 1

Boxing 1 0 1

Swimming 0 1 1

Total 25 25 50
Table 3.1.3

Figure 3.1.3 Horizontal Bar Chart

The data shows the type of sport that students like to do based on their genders. The sport that
gets the highest count of male students is Football which consists of 10 students and for female
students is Badminton which consists of 19 students. Followed by volleyball which has 3 female
students, Rugby which has 2 male students. The other five types of sport are Running, Tennis,
Handball, Boxing and Swimming which consist of 1 student for each sport. Most of the 25
students like to play badminton which consists of 19 female students and 6 male students. It
shows that Badminton has been the most favorite sport.

3.2 Objective 2 - To identify the hours spend for sports activity per day
● Question 4 - How long do students usually play sports

Time Number Of Midpoint fx Cumulative Position

Spend For Students (x) Frequency
Sport Per (f)

0 < 20 7 10 70 7 1-7

20 < 40 9 30 270 16 8 - 16

40 < 60 18 50 900 34 17 - 34

60 < 80 11 70 770 45 35 - 45

80 < 100 1 90 90 46 46 - 46

100 < 120 4 110 440 50 47 - 50

Total Σf = 50 - Σfx = 2540 - -

Table 3.2.1

A “less than” Cumulative Frequency Table Showing Total of Time Spend In Sport For 50
Students Per Day

Time Spend For Sport Per Day Number Of Students

< 20 7

< 40 16

< 60 34

< 80 45

< 100 46

< 120 40
Table 3.2.2

Figure 3.2.1 Ogive

The data shows that the total time spent in sport per day by 50 students. The highest total time
spent is less than 120 minutes while the lowest total time spent in sport is less than 20 minutes.


MEAN = Σfx / Σf
= 2540 / 50
= 50.8 minutes

The average time spent in sport by 50 students per day is 50.8 minutes.

Position of quartile 1 = 50 / 4
= 12.5

Q1 = 20 + ( 12.5 - 7 / 18). 20
= 26.11 minutes

25% of the students spend time in sport less than 26.11 minutes per day, while 75% of the
students spend time in sport more than 26.11 minutes per day

Position of quartile 2 = 50 / 2
= 25

x̃ = 40 + (25 - 16 / 18) .20

x̃ = 50 minutes

50% of the students spend time in sport less than 50 minutes per day, while 50% of the
students spend time in sport more than 50 minutes per day.

Position of Quartile 3 = 3(50) / 4
= 37.5

Q3 = 60 + (37.5 - 34 / 11) .20

= 66.36 minutes
75% of the students spend time in sport less than 66.36 minutes per day, while 25% of the
students spend time in sport more than 66.36 minutes per day.

Mode Class = 40 - 60

x̂ = 40 + ( 9 / 9 + 7) .20
= 51.25 minutes

Most of the students spend 51.25 minutes per day in sport.


1 (2540)2
s=√ (1682400 − ( ))
50 −1 50

s = 178.05 minutes

The deviation of the total minutes of 50 students spend for a day from the mean total of time
spend by students per day is 178.05 minutes


CSI = Mean - Mode / S

= 50.8 - 51.25 / 178.05
= 50.51
The value of CSI is positive, hence the distribution is skewed to the right.

3.3 Objective 3 - To investigate students lifestyle on negative activity
● Question 5 - How often do you like to spend your time for entertainment (Movie,
Concert, Video Games, Social Media)

Time Spent For Entertainment Number Of Students

1 (Never) 0

2 (Rarely) 1

3 (Sometimes) 10

4 (Often) 25

5 (Always) 14
Table 3.3.1

Figure 3.3.1 Vertical Bar Chart

The data shows how often did students like to spend their time for entertainment like movie,
video games and social media among 50 selected students from 4 faculties. From the data
collected, student who rarely spent time for entertainment is only 1 student. Next, for students
who sometimes spend their time for entertainment, there are 10 students. Besides, the highest
number students which are 25 students in often spent their time for entertainment. Lastly, 14

students who was always spent their time for entertainment. It shows that the majority of students
like to spend their time often for entertainment.
● Question 6 - How often do you loitering with friends in your free time?

Loitering Number Of Students

1 (Never) 3

2 (Rarely) 5

3 (Sometimes) 19

4 (Often) 15

5 (Always) 8
Table 3.3.2

Figure 3.3.2 Horizontal Bar Chart

The data above shows how often students loitering with friends during their free time. Based
on the data collected, only 3 students who are never loitering with friends during their free time.
Next, students who rarely loitering with friends is only 5 students. Besides, the number of students
who sometimes loitering with friends during their free time are the highest with 19 students. Lastly,
the number of students loitering with friends during their free time for often and always are 15
and 8 students. This shows that the majority students are loitering sometimes with their friends
during their free time.

● Question 7 - Did you smoking/vaping in your daily life?

Smoking/vaping in your daily life Number Of Students

1 (Never) 37

2 (Rarely) 2

3 (Sometimes) 5

4 (Often) 3

5 (Always) 3
Table 3.3.3

Figure 3.3.3 Vertical Bar Chart

Data show a vertical bar chart about frequency students smoking/vaping in their daily
life.Based on the vertical bar chart 37 out of 50 students are never smoking/vaping in the daily
life.Then,2 out of 50 are rarely smoking/vaping. 5 out of 50 student is sometime smoking/vaping
and 3 out of 50 student are often smoking/vaping.Lastly,3 out 50 UITM student are always
smoking/vaping in their daily life

3.4 Objective 4 - To study academic performance among student (CGPA)

● Question 8 – Students (CGPA) for the last semester.

GPA Number of Midpoint fx Cumulative Position

students (f) (x) frequency

1.5 – 2.0 2 1.75 3.50 2 0–2

2.0 – 2.5 0 2.25 0.00 2 2–2

2.5 – 3.0 3 2.75 8.25 5 3–5

3.0 – 3.5 21 3.25 68.25 26 6 – 26

3.5 – 4.0 24 3.75 90.00 50 27 – 50

TOTAL Σx = 50 – Σfx = 170 – –

TABLE 3.4.1

A “ Less Than “ Cumulative Frequency Table Showing CGPA last semester of 50 students
from four faculties.

CGPA Number of students

< 2.0 2

< 2.5 2

< 3.0 5

< 3.5 26

< 4.0 50
TABLE 3.4.2

FIGURE 3.4.1

Thus, we can find :

Position of Q1 = 50 / 4 Position of Q2 = 50 / 2 Position of Q3 = 3 (50) / 4

= 12.5 = 25 = 37.5

Then, locate these position on the y-axis on the less than ogive above. Draw a horizontal line
for each quartile such that it touches to the graph and drop the line to touch x-axis. After that
read the quartiles value on the x-axis. From the graph, we estimate that Q1 = 3.18 . 25% of the
students got a CGPA last semester less than 3.18, while another 75% of the students got a
CGPA last semester more than 3.18. For the median or Q2, we estimate that Q2 = 3.48. 50%
of the students got a CGPA last semester less than 3.48 while another 50% of the students got
a CGPA last semester more than 3.48. Lastly, we estimate that Q3 = 3.78. 75% of the students
got a CGPA for the last semester less than 3.78 while another 25% of the students got a
CGPA for the last semester more than 3.78.


MEAN = Σfx / Σx
= 170 / 50
= 3.40
:- The average CGPA for the last semester for 50 students from four faculties is

Position of quartile 1 = 50 / 4
= 12.5

Q1 = 3.0 + (12.5 - 5 / 21). 0.5

= 3.18

:- 25 % of the students got a CGPA for the last semester less than 3.18 while 75% of the
students got a CGPA for the last semester is more than 3.18.

Position of quartile 2 = 50 / 2
= 25

Q2 = 3.0 + (25 - 5 / 21).0.5

= 3.48

:- 50% of the students got a CGPA for the last semester less than 3.48 while another 50%
of the students got a CGPA for the last semester is more than 3.48.

Position of quartile 3 = 3 (50) / 4
= 37.5

Q3 = 3.5 + (37.5 - 26 / 24).0.5

= 3.78

:- 75% of the students got a CGPA for the last semester less than 3.78 while another 25%
of the students got a CGPA for the last semester more than 3.78.

Modal class = 3.5 - 4.0

Mode = 3.5 + (24-21/ 3 + 24 ).0.5

= 3.56

:- Most of the students from four faculties got 3.56 for their CGPA for the last semester.


1 (170)2
s=√ (12838.38 −( ))
50 −1 50

S = 0.4546

:- The deviation of the CGPA for the last semester of 50 students from four faculties from
the mean CGPA last semester is approximately 0.4546.


CSI = Mean - Mode / S

= 3.40 - 3.56 / 0.4546
= -0.3520

:- The value of CSI is negative, hence the distribution is skewed to the left

This conclusion based on what we studied there is some data that answers an online
questionnaire that has been created by us titled "Impact Of Sports On Students' Life".We study
50 answers that have been anwer by UITM students that half from sample male and another
half is female .

The data shows the number of students by their gender from 4 different faculties
likeFaculty of Accountancy,Faculty of Art & Design,Faculty of Business & Management and
Faculty of Communication & Media Studies in UiTM Kampus Alor Gajah, Melaka. The highest
respondent from the Faculty of Business & Management recorded a total as much as 38
respondents and for the other faculties it is the same which is 4 respondents. A stratified sampling
technique was used to choose a random number of students from each course. There were just
50 people chosen to participate.

Lastly, we also study what sport that student UITM mostly choose and how long students
actually take time to play sport usually. Besides that,we also investigate students' lifestyles on
negative activity that they do in this study because we want to investigate the lifestyle of UITM

Saketh Chowdary. (2020). Impact Of Sports and Fitness on Students Life
Katherine Owen. (2022). Sport during school linked to academic performance
MCMC. (2020). Internet Users Survey 2020.
Lau Too Kya, Phang Yook Ngor and Zainudin Awang. (2019). Statistics for UiTM (Fifth Edition).
Selangor. Oxford Fajar.



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