Phenytoin Auto Induction

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332 SAMT VOL 75 1 APR 1989

Phenytoin auto-induction?
Case reports


Summary The dose of phenytoin was increased to 200 mg in the

morning and 300 mg at night. During the 6 months the
Auto-induction of phenytoin metabolism is considered by patient was taking phenytoin 500 mg daily, midday plasma
many to be insignificant. Two cases, in which elimination of concentrations at 67,2, 76,8, 64,0 and 61,2 J.Lmol/1 were
phenytoin apparently increased with continuous use, are measured at least I month apart. These 4 concentration-dose
presented. The first patient showed an increase in elimination pairs are consistent with a Vmu of 606 mg/d, which' is similar
capacity (Vmax) from 511 mg/d to 613 mg/d over a perid of 5 to the previous value. The patient's Vmax therefore increased
months. The second patient showed an increase in Vmax from from 511 mg/d after 3 キ・セウG phenytoin treatment to 613
512 mg/d to 570 mg/d over a perid of 1 year. In neither case
was compliance in question. The recognition that therapeutic
mg/d after 5 months phenytoin treatment after which it
failure may be due to enzyme induction could obviate ex- appeared to remain stable for the next 7 months.
pensive diagnostic procedures as well as narrow down the
therapeutic alternatives.
Case 2
S Air Med J 1989; 75: 332-333. A 21-year-old man, weighing 81 kg, presented to hospital
with a history of tonic/clonic seizures from childhood. He was
It has been reported that there is no evidence for auto- referred to the Clinical Pharmacokinetic Laboratory at the
induction of phenytoin metabolism I and also that if it occurs it University of Durban-Westville for assessment on 2 March
appears to be insignificant. 2 1981.
Two cases in which elimination of phenytoin apparently Over the years he had received a number of different drug
increased with continuous use are presented. treatment regimens. However, for the preceding 9 months he
had been taking a constant dose of phenytoin lOO mg 3 times
daily and sodium valproate 200 mg twice daily. He was
Case reports experiencing an average of I tonic/clonic seizure a month. The
measured phenytoin plasma concentration of 12 J.LmoVI was
Case 1 lower than expected for a dose of phenytoin 300 mg/d.
An 18-year-old man, weighing 80 kg, with no previous or However, the concurrent use of sodium valproate has been
family history of any neurological disorder experienced his shown to reduce phenytoin plasma concentrations. 4
first tonic/clonic seizure while exercising. Clinical examination Sodium valproate was discontinued and the phenytoin dose
and computed tomography of the brain revealed no abnorma- was increased to 200 mg 12-hourly. Three weeks after dosage
lity. A second generalised seizure occurred 2 months later. adjustment the phenytoin plasma concentration measured 8,5
Phenytoin 300 mg daily was started on 20 May 1986. After 12 hours after the morning dose was 60,4 J.Lmol/1. This concentra-
further seizures the dose was increased to phenytoin 400 mg tion-dose pair is consistent with a Vmax of 512 mg/d (Bayesian
daily in 2 divided doses. . approach 3). During this period the patient experienced 4
Two weeks after the change in dose a midday phenytoin auras. Four months later the phenytoin plasma concentration
plasma concentration of 60 J.LmoVI was measured. This concen- measured 96 J.LmoVI with the same dosing regimen. The fact
tration-dose pair is consistent with an elimination capacity that the sample was taken 4 hours after ingestion may partially
(Vmu) of 511 mg/d (Bayesian approach 3). The phenytoin dose explain the increase from the preceding level. The patient
was increased to 425 mg/d, which was expected to give an experienced no seizures or side-effects and was advised to
average phenytoin plasma concentration at the upper end of maintain the dose of phenytoin at 400 mg daily. .
the therapeutic range. After two further seizures over a period The patient returned I year later on 13 September 1982
of 2 months a midday phenytoin plasma concentration of 50 after having experienced a tonic/clonic seizure for the first
J.LmoVI was obtained, which is consistent with a V mu of 554 time since the dosage adjustment. A phenytoin plasma concen-
mg/d. After a further seizure the dose was increased .to tration of 33,6 J.Lmol/1 was measured 8 hours after the morning
phenytoin 450 mg daily in 2 divided doses. A midday pheny- dose. This concentration-dose pair is consistent with a V mu of
toin plasma concentration of 35 J.LmoVI was obtained after 4 570 mg/d. The phenytoin doSe was increased to 200 mg in the
weeks on this dose. The patient experienced a seizure 3 weeks morning and 250 mg at night. After 4 weeks' continuous
later and a phenytoin plasma concentration of 37,6 J.Lmol/l was dosing, phenytoin plasma concentration measured 8 hours
measured. The last 2 concentration-dose pairs were consistent after the morning dose was 48 J.LmoVI, which is expected with
with a V max of 613 mg/d. a V mu of 570 mg/d.

Department of Pharmacology, University of Durban- Discussion

Westville, Durban
R. MILLER, D.Se. Contrary to many published reports it appears that auto-
J. DU TOIT, DIP. PHARM. induction of phenytoin can cause clinically significant enhance-
Department of Neurology, University of Natal, Durban ment of phenytoin elimination. Both patients were highly
P. L. A. BILL, ER.CP. motivated and compliance was not in question. This pheno-
menon may have gone unnoticed in many cases because initial
Accepted 20 Apr 1988. baseline phenytoin plasma concentrations were not measured.
SAMJ VOL 75 1 APR 1989 333

Many clinicians regard such baseline levels as unnecessary if REFERENCES

the patient's seizures are well controlled. We feel, however,
1. Porter RJ, Pirlick WHo Antiepileptic drugs. In: Kauung BG, ed. Basic and
that in certain siruations a deterioration in seizure control after Clinical Pharmacology. Los Altos, Calif.: Lange Medical Publications, 1984:
some time could mistakenly be anributed to worsening of the 269.
clinical condition of the patient or tolerance. The recognition 2. Petruch F, Schiippel RV A, Steinhilber G. Effect of diphenylhydantoin on
hepatic drug hydroxylation. EUT] Clin Pharmacol1974; 7: 281-285.
that therapeutic failure may be due to enzyme induction could 3. Vozeh S, Muir KT, Sheiner LB, Follath F. Predicting individual phenytoin
obviate expensive diagnostic procedures as well as narrow dosage.] Pharmacokinel Biapharm 1981; 9: 131-146.
4. Gugler R, von Unruh GE. Clinical pharmacokinetics of valproic acid. Clin
down the therapeutic alternatives. Pharmacokinel 1980; 5: 67-83.

Neuroblastoma ID adults
A report of 3 cases


Summary horse serum. The sections were incubated with primary anti-
body (NSE S 100 protein, cytokeratin, EMA) at 25°C for 1
Well documented as one of the more frequent tumours of hour. Thereafter incubation with secondary biotinylated anti-
childhood, neuroblastomas in adults are rare. Correct diag- body and Vecta stain ABC kit was performed followed by
nosis, and distinction from other small-cell neoplasms, is thus treatment with 3,3'-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride
often delayed. Three further cases'are described in 2 women (DAB). The specimens were processed for transmission electron
and 1 man between the ages of 26 years and 47 years. microscopy according to a standard method. 7
Metastatic disease existed at the time of initial presentation in
Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the retroperitoneal mass
1 patient, while another·had experienced multiple recurrences
at the primary site before correct diagnosis. All, however, had was performed under ultrasonographic guidance to ensure
a favourable response to chemotherapy, 'albeit in the short sampling from a non-necrotic area. The procedure utilised a
term. Primary diagnosis was made by fine-needle aspiration 22-gauge needle anached to a 20 ml syringe. Only 1 trans-
cytology, together with electron microscopic evaluation abdominal needle pass was required to obtain sufficient material
of aspirated cells in 1 case. The histological, cytological and for light and electron microscopy. After aspiration, the material
electron microscopic characteristics of neuroblastomas are was expelled directly onto plain glass slides, fixed in 95%
presented and illustrated, and their differentiation from other alcohol for 1 minute, and stained immediately using a 2-
small cell tumours in adults discussed. minute rapid Papanicolaou stain. The syringe and needle were
rinsed in glutaraldehyde for electron microscopy.
S Air Med J 1989; 75: 333-335.

Neuroblastoma is the third most common solid rumour found

in children, superseded only by lymphomas and brain rumours. I Case reports
In adults, however, it is an uncommon Nュ。ャゥァョセ 」ケN tィ|セー。 ・イ
describes 3 cases to be added to the 47 III the hterarure.- Case 1
A 47-year-old white woman presented to hospital in
September 1985 with an 1I-month history of a recurrent mass
Materials and methods below the right scapula. The lesion was originally noted in
October 1984 and excised. A noncommittal diagnosis of an
The rumours were diagnosed by conventional pathological undifferentiated tumour was made. No further therapy was
techniques. Immunoperoxidase stains were used on wax sec- instiruted.
tions treated with 3% hydrogen peroxide in methanol and In May 1985 a recurrent 10 x 5 cm mass at the original site
was subjected to repeat excision. At the same time, a thyroid-
ectomy was performed for a clinically palpable nodule, sus-
Department of Anatomical Pathology, School of Pathology, pected to be the primary site. A peripheral neuroblastoma was
South African Institute for Medical Research and Uni- diagnosed on histological examination of a specimen from the
versity of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg back lesion, while the thyroid mass proved to be benign. Two
A. BEHR, M.B. B.CH., F.F. PATH. (SA) further local recurrences were resected in July 1985.
J. I. PHILLIPS, PH.D. On examination no residual tumour was palpable. Urinary
Department of Radiotherapy, Hillbrow Hospital and Uni- catecholamine assay, computed tomography (CT) and bone
versity of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg and liver scans were negative. Chest radiography was normal.
R. R. J. UIJS, M.B. CH B., F.F.RAD. (T.)(S.A.) Vincristine, adriamycin and cyclophosphamide chemotherapy
was instituted, followed by VP 16 and Velbe. In addition,
Reprint requests [0: Dr A. Behr, Depr of Anatomical Pathology, SAIMR, PO Box 1038,
Johannesburg, 2000 RSA.'
5 500 cGy of radiotherapy was administered to the rumour
Accepted 16 Sept 1988 area. At present the patient is well and free of disease.

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