Bilal Bin Rabah

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Bilal bin Rabah was a black man from Habsyah (Ethiopia) who converted to Islam when he was still a

slave. Bilal had experienced the cruelty of slavery and then he gained freedom and a high position with
the arrival of Islam. Bilal who has a thin and tall posture with thick hair is not from nobility. At that time,
Abu Bakr bought Bilal while still a slave and released him.

The reason is, Bilal is constantly being tortured by his employer when caught embracing Islam. The
employer insisted that Bilal want to leave Islam and worship Latta and Uzza. At that time Abu Bakr found
Bilal bin Rabah in the hot sun when Bilal was being punished by his employer named Umayyah. Bilal's
neck was tied and dried in the sun facing the middle of a very hot desert. Even his chest was crushed
with a large stone until his breath felt tight.

Abu Bakr freed Bilal by buying it from Umayyah and treating Bilal's wounds at his home. When
Rasulullah SAW moved to Medina, Bilal always accompanied and guarded Rasullulah everywhere. Bilal
was then chosen by Rasulullah SAW to be the muezzin or the first person to make the call to prayer.
From Zaid bin Arqam, Rasulullah SAW said, "Yes, that person is Bilal, the leader of the muezzin and does
not follow him except the muezzin. The muezzins are people who have long necks on the Day of
Judgment. "Bilal was chosen as the first muezzin because Bilal has a beautiful and loud voice that can
reach great distances. At that time, Bilal became the first muezzin to make the call to prayer in the city
of Medina.

Not only being the first muezzin, Bilal also has a special position on the side of the Prophet Muhammad.
Even Bilal was guaranteed to go to heaven by Rasulullah SAW. Even more special, the sound of Bilal's
footsteps could be heard up to heaven. At that time, Rasulullah SAW heard the sound of Bilal's sandals
when Rasulullah SAW was in heaven on the night of Isra Mi'raj.

It is said that after the dawn prayer in congregation, Rasulullah SAW called Bilal and asked, "Tell me,
what is your most rewarding practice that you do in Islam? Because actually I hear your sandals
pounding in heaven. "Then Bilal answered," Every time I perform ablution, whenever it is, both day and
night, I always pray with the ablution. "

Apparently, Bilal bin Rabah is a person who always takes ablution in every day-to-day activities. When
the ablution is canceled, Bilal will again perform ablution again and perform two rak'ahs of prayer after
ablution. That practice is what makes Bilal so special that the sound of his sandals is heard up to heaven.
As from Abu Hurairah RA, he RA said, "Rasulullah SAW said to Bilal after performing the dawn prayers,"
O Bilal, tell me about your deeds which you most expect to benefit in Islam. Because actually last night I
heard your loud voice in front of me in heaven. 'Bilal RA replied,' There is not a single deed that I have
ever done, which I hope is more beneficial in Islam compared to (my hopes for) my actions which always
perform the Salat (Sunnah) which I am able to do it after every purification (ablution) perfectly during
the day or night. "(HR. Muslim)

Thus the life story of Bilal bin Rabah, the first person to make the call to prayer and even the sound of
his sandals was heard up to heaven. Because, Bilal always maintain his faith and holiness by always
keeping his ablution. Bilal later died in 20 Hijri in Damascus when he was around 60 years old.

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