ESSAY 5. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

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Maria Jose Caraveo Guerrero

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

This book of the 4 agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is based on the fact that since
we were born we have been taught certain agreements or ways of living in society,
and as we grow we have found our own agreements, many of them generate fear,
insecurities and suffering, for that reason, we should all incorporate 4 agreements
that will improve our way of life and give us more happiness, also will help us regain
our freedom before being domesticated by society and becoming ourselves again.

The 4 agreements are:

• Be impeccable with your word.
• Don't take anything personally.
• Don't make assumptions.
• Always do your best.

Be impeccable with your Word

I think this agreement refers to speaking respectfully, saying only what is necessary
and avoiding speaking things that could harm others. I think that we should all use
our voice to try to guide the people around us and society to be better people,
empathetic and respectful.
Don't take anything personally
I think this is very important because most people are very affected by the negative
comments they hear from other people but this only causes us unnecessary suffering
that we should not give importance to, since in the world there will always be people
who criticize and speak evil of others and if we let this affect us we will suffer a lot
throughout our lives, so we must stop giving them importance and never let them
affect us.
Don't make assumptions
I consider this agreement one of the most important to apply in order to have healthy
relationships, because it is very common to assume things that cause us many
negative emotions and that we really don´t know if it is true or not. In the same way,
we should not expect other people to understand what we feel without expressing it,
we should not be afraid to say what we feel, and in the same way ask our doubts
and insecurities, this is the healthiest way to form lasting relationships, whether
romantic, family or friendly.
Maria Jose Caraveo Guerrero

Always do your best

I think this agreement is about the fact that we must always give our maximum effort
in everything we do, because throughout our lives everything we do will define who
we are and will allow us to improve everything we do, becoming a better person each

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