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Unit 6A

Can you list all kinds of sports you know?

Let’s make a race

Have you tried any of these sports?

Do you know extreme sports? Can you give examples?

Do you want to try any?

Is there any extreme sport you would like to try? Why?

In this unit we will learn:

How to give Advice

And how to use : Should / shouldn’t

Vocabulary (New Words):

Addicted (adj)

I wish I give it up

An addict (n) a person

Addiction (n) the situation of being an addict

Advice (n) I give you an advice

Advise (v) Taylan advised me to stop smoking

Herbal (adj)

Pile (

Reward (n)


Mess (n) a mess

Messy (adj) it’s very messy


Should (+) // shouldn’t(-) // should I (?)

You should drink warm milk

I think you should drink warm milk

You shouldn’t wear light clothes

I think you shouldn’t wear light clothes (opinion)

Should I wear a jacket?

Yes, you should. ///// No, you shouldn’t .

Should I try alcohol?

Do you think I should try alcohol?

No, I think you shouldn’t.

Yes, I think you should, it’s delicious.

What do you think? Should I try alcohol?

When do you think I should try alcohol?

Do you think I should get fit?

Yes, I think you should get fit.

What do you think I should do to get fit?

What do you think I should wear tonight?

What do you think ? Should I wear the red or the green dress?

What do you think I should feed my cat?

I think You should feed your cat dry food.

What do you think I should cook today?

I think you should cook soup.

Do you think // I should go out?

Yes, I think you should go out.

Where do you think I should plan my wedding?

I think you should plan it on the beach

Where do you think I should go on holiday?

I think you should go to Antalya on holiday.

How much money should I take?

How much do you think I should take

What should I take?

What do you think I should take?

Where should I go?

Where do you think // I should go?


A: I feel cold

B: Wear a jacket

A: I am very tired…

B: Go to bed

You go to bed XXXXXXXX

A: we didn’t finish our homework

B: leave your mobiles and do your homework

A: we haven’t finished our homework yet..

B: Don’t waste your time, stop playing.

You don’t waste your time XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

A: I have a sore throat.

B: Drink herbal tea, don’t drink cold Cola .

You drink herbal tea, you don’t drink cold Cola

You should be organized

Don’t give up

You should make a plan

You should use time well

You souldnt be worry worried

You don’t be panic

You should eat chocolate

You should take a deep breath

Don’t think negative thoughts

You should relax

You should buy a box,

You should have a safe

You should don’t be messy /// You shouldn’t be messy

You should write notes

Don’t be messy

You should solve crosswords to strengthen your memory // to make your memory
Hire a secretary

You shouldn’t stop work

You should exercise constantly

Get ideas from the internet

You should get seek help

You should read some books about your work to improve yourself

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