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SECTION 1 kailangan sya iregister sa SEC – if

there is no registration there is no
History of Law: corporation.
Act (during American Regime) -  Right of Succesion
Commonwealth Act (CA) – Republic Act  3 Powers/Attributes/Properties
(RA) – Presidential Decree (PD) – Batas expressly authorized by law or
Pambansa (BP) – Letter of Instruction incident to its existence:
(LOI) – Republic Act (RA) In partnership, we have the acts of
administration and acts of
HISTORY OF CORPORATION CODE: In corporation, they have three
powers: express power, implied
Act 1459 (Took effect – April 1, 1906) power, and incidental power or
Corporation Law inherent power.
BP 68 (Took effect – May 1, 1980)
Corporation Code Advantages vs. Disadvantages
of Corporation
RA 11232 (Took effect – February 23,
2019) Revised Corporation Code Advantages: (READ THE
 BOD, BOT ang nagdedecide
SECTION 2 – CORPORATION  Stockholders are not liable to their
DEFINED separate property
A corporation is an artificial being created  Have the right of succession
by operation of law, having the right of
succession and the powers, attributed Disadvantages: (READ THE
and properties expressly authorized by BOOK)
law or incident to its existence. They cannot choose their partners
unlike in partnership that they
Attributes of a Corporation: have the choice to choose their
 It is an artifical being – Juridical partners because of delectus
Person personarum principle.
 It is ceated by operation of law
– articles of incorporation is Right of Succession
needed and certificate of
incorporation by SEC. In In partnership, if namatay,
partnership, registration is not nagwithdraw, nagresign ang
mandatory. In corporation, partner, the partnership is
mandatory ang registration or dissolved. In corporation. if
namatay, nagwithdraw,
nagresign ang isang Doctrine of Corporate Fiction
stockholder – the corporation
- This doctrine explains that
continues to exist (ang tawag
corporation has separate ang
sa principle na ito is right of
distinct personality. The
properties of the corporation are
not the properties of stockholders,
Trust Fund Doctrine
and vice versa.
- The unpaid subscription
Example 1:
constitutes a trust fund in the
event that the corporation will not ABC is a corporation. Meron
be able to pay its corporate syang 5 stockholders, si
obligation. (It constitutes a trust D,E,F,G,H.
fund for the benefit of the
creditors.) Questions:

- Only up to the extent of the Yung properties ba ni ABC,

stockholders unpaid subscription. property din ni D, E, F, G or H?
– NO, because corp has
In partnership, the GPs are liable separate and distinct
up to the extent of their separate personality.
property. In corporation, What if D ang majority stockholder
stockholders are not liable with and he controls 60% of the shares
their separate property. They of the corporation. Does it mean
are only liable up to the extent na yung property ng corporation
of their unpaid subscription. ay property na rin ni D? – NO,
(Para maging isang stockholder, because corp has separate and
dapat bibili ng shares. Pagkabili distinct personality.
nila, yung mga shares na hindi nila
binayaran, doon sila magiging Yung utang ba ng stockholders ay
liable. Ito yung tinatawag na trust magiging utang din ng
fund doctrine) corporation? – NO, because corp
has separate and distinct
QUESTION: Yung stockholder personality.
may biniling subscription at the Example 2:
same time may separate property
sya, if later on, nadissolved ang Supposed there are two
corporation, liable ba ang corporations. First is the ABC
separate property ng stockholder? Corp and second is the XYZ Corp.
– NO, liable lang sya up to the So magkaibang corporation sila.
extent dun sa share na hindi Questions: Yung properties ba ni
nya binayaran. ABC Corp ay properties din ni
same like the stockholders and
XYZ Corp? – NO, separate and
distinct personality.
QUESTION: Can we consider the
Yung utang ba ni ABC Corp ay new corporation created as the
utang din ba ni XYZ Corp? – NO, same as the other corporation
separate and distinct. which is yung ABC Corp? –YES,
because their purpose is to
evade corporate obligation.
Exception under this doctrine:
Example 2: Supposed ABC
DOCTRINE OF PIERCING THE Corporation may mga employees
VEIL OF CORPORATE FICTION sila and may unpaid wages,
Another word for piercing: unpaid benefits, unpaid salaries,
Disregarding/Removing etc. Ayaw nila magbayad, so they
dissolve their corporation and
 Under this doctrine or exception, created another or new
the separate and distinct corporation. Ang purpose nila is to
personality will be disregarded. (It evade its liabilities to the laborers
means under this exception, we or employees.
are going to consider the QUESTION: Can we consider the
corporation and stockholders as two corporations as one and the
one and the same. So dito, yung same? –YES.
properties or liability ng
corporation, magiging properties Example 3: Supposed there are 5
or liability din ng stockholders or stockholders, si A,B,C,D,E. Si A
other corporation) ang nagdedecide or nasusunod.
All decisions are made by one
Why it will be disregarded or which is A. Yung ibang
bakit magiging as one and the stockholders walang ginagawa.
same nalang yung corporation
and stockholders? QUESTION: Pwede ba na ang
– Because separate and distinct decision is only made by one
personality is used for illegal which is si A? – NO, because ang
purposes or may illegal na nagdedecide sa corporation ay
nangyayari. BOD or BOT. Hindi pwedeng
magdecide ang isang
Example 1: Si ABC Corporation stockholder.
ayaw nyang magbayad ng utang
sa mga corporate creditors, so Example 4: Supposed it is a
nagcreate sila ng panibagong nationalized corporation but hindi
corporation and everything is the mga pinoy ang may ari ay mga
foreigners 100% or more than
60% are owned by them. So hindi
4 Test of Nationality of Corporation:
pwede yun.
QUESTION: Can we pierce or 1. Incorporation Test – place of
disregard the distinct and incorporation
separate personality? –YES.
Example: Yung ABC Corporation
What is the TEST APPLIED to created sya dito sa SEC sa Philippines.
determine kung ipipierce or So niregister sya sa SEC PH.
ididisregard natin yung separate and
distinct personality? Question: Ano ang nationality nung
corporation? – It is a Domestic or
 ALTER EGO DOCTRINE OR Philippine Corporation.
Why? – Because nationality is based
on the place when it was incorporated.
 May tatlong powers and 2. Control Test – exact opposite of
corporation: Express, Implied incorporation test. In this test, the
and Inherent. Kung hindi sya nationality is based on the citizenship of
kasama dito sa tatlo, then the the majority of the stockholders. Hindi ito
corporation cannot exercise that inaapply sa Philippines but there is one
power because limited nga lang scenario when it was applied in the
ang powers ng corporation. The Philippine setting during World War II.
corporation can only exercise Control test is based on ownership not on
those power which are express, the place where it was incorporated.
implies, and inherent or
3. Business Domicile or Center of
incidental to its existence.
Management Rule
- the nationality of the corp is based on
Nationality of Corporation the place where the business operates
QUESTION: Bakit importante ang Example: ABC Corp was registered or
nationality dito sa corporation? – incorporated in the Philippinesbut it is
Because dito sa corporation, pag operating in the US. Based on the place
Philippine Corporation ka, mayroong of operation, we can say that this is not a
certain privileges or rights, Philippine Corporation, this is an
American Corporation.
What are the certain privileges or certain
rights? 4. Grandfather Rule – inaaply ng SEC in
certain instances because it involves
 You can acquire properties securities. In here, in order to determine
 Under ka sa jurisdiction ng SEC the nationality of the corp we need to
know the nationality of the stockholders OTHER CLASSIFICATION/KINDS OF
of the investee corporation. CORPORATION (SEE BOOK)
Example: ABC Corporation may (1) As to number of persons who
stockholders, si 1,2,3,4,5. Si 5, isang compose them:
corporation din sya and may
(a) Corporation Aggregate – more than
stockholders sya si 6,7,8,9,10. For us to
one corporator
know the nationality of ABC Corp,
titingnan din natin yung nationality nung (b) Corporation Sole – one corporator
mga stockholders ni 5 Corporation. Since
may corporation yung isang stockholder One Person Corporation – one
which is si 5 nga, in order to determine corporator
the nationality of the corp we need to (2) As to whether they are for religious
know the stockholders of the investee purpose or not:
(a) Ecclesiastical Corporation –
Among these tests of nationality, ano ang created for religious purposes
pinakaimportante? –INCORPORATION
TEST, because ito ang inaapply sa (b) Lay Corporation – not created for
Philippines. religious purposes
(3) As to whether they are for charitable
purposes or not:
SECTION 3 – Classes of Corporation
(a) Eleemosynary Corporation –
Stock vs. Non-Stock Corporation established for charitable purposes
Stock Corp – may shares and dividends (b) Civil Corporation – established for
business or profit
Non-Stock Corp – walang shares and
dividends (4) As to state or country under or by
whose laws they have been created:

Corporation can be classified into (a) Domestic Corporation – created in

two: the Philippines by virtue of the
incorporation test.
1. Public Corp – referring to provinces,
cities, municipalities, barangay Ano ang need ng domestic corp? –
Certificate of Incorporation
2. Private Corp – referring to those
corporation created under BP68 (former (b) Foreign Corporation – formed,
law) or those created under RA 11232 organized or existing under any laws
(present law). It can also refer to GOCC other than those of the Philippines.
(Government Owned and Control Ano ang need ng foreign corp? –
Corporation). Also, it can refer to quasi License to operate
QUESTION: Why is it important to know its directors can be elected either, directly
the distinction of domestic and foreign or indirectly, by such other corporation.
(8) As to whether they are corporations in
 Because magkaiba yung power, a true sense of only in a limited sense:
rights, and duties ng domestic and
(a) True Corporation – may statutory
authority or grant
(5) As to their legal right to corporate
(b) Quasi-Corporation – walang
legislative grant
(a) De Jure Corporation – corporation
existing in fact or in law, lahat ng
requirements ay nacomply. Quasi-Public vs. Quasi-Corporation
(b) De Facto Corporation – corporation Quasi-Public
existing in fact but not in law, pag hindi
nacomply ang requirements.  Merong franchise given by
congress/government. In other
(6) As to whether they are open to the words, there is a contract between
public or not: the government and the
(a) Close Corporation – limited to
selected persons or members of a family  Public duties in profit.
3 basic characteristics of Close Corp:
 no legislative grant
 The stockholders should not
exceed 20  Not a corporation in a full sense
 May restriction on transfer of
shares, hindi pwedeng ibenta
yung shares sa public SECTION 4 – Corporation Created by
 The shares cannot also be sold in Special Law
the stock exchange General Incorporation Law – ito yung
(b) Open Corporation – open to the batas mismo, RA 11232.
public, the public can buy the shares Special Incorporation Law – Example:
(7) As to their relation to another law creating SSS, Medicare, PCSO,
corporation: GSIS. Meron silang special law created
by Congress or may separate law sila.
(a) Parent or Holding Corporation –
majority of directors controlling the What law will governs or apply in
subsidiary corporations created under special
incorporation law?
(b) Subsidiary Corporation – related to
another corporation that the majority of Primarily – law creating it
Supplitorily/Secondarily – Pag kulang SECTION 6 – Classification of Shares
yung law, ang mag-apply ay RA 11232.
Doctrine of Equality of Shares – all
shares are presumed to be equal.
SECTION 5 – Components of Capital Stock – these are the total
Corporation numbers of shares of the corporation.
4 classes or persons composing a Authorized Capital Stock (ACS) –
Subscribed Capital Stock (SCS)– 25%
1. Corporators – compose the of the ACS
corporation, whether stockholders or
Paid-up Capital Stock (PCS) – 25% of
the SCS
2. Incorporators – persons originally
Unissued Capital Stock (UCS) – portion
creating the corporation or the founders
of the capital stock that is not yet issued
of the corporation.
to the public.
3. Stockholders – persons constituting a
Outstanding Capital Stock (OCS) –
stock corporation
portion of the capital stock which is
4. Members – persons constituting a issued and held by persons other than
non-stock corporation the corporation itself.
3 Other Classes: (SEE THE BOOK) Example:
Promoters ACS – 100,000
Subscribers SCS – 25,000 (25% of 100,000)
Underwriter PCS – 6,250 (25% of 25,000)
Issued Capital Stock – 75,000
QUESTION: Pwede bang incorporator
and stockholder at the same time?
Capital vs. Capital Stock
Lahat ba ng incorporator ay
 actual property of the corp, it could
stockholder? – YES.
be buildings, land
Lahat ba ng stockholder ay  nagpafluctuate ang value or
incorporator? – NO. nagdedepreciate
 Capital belongs to the corporation
 It can be real/personal property
Capital Stock Doctrine of Individuality of
Subscription – hindi pwedeng iissue
 Something which is abstract
ang certificate of stock unless it is fully
 Amount fixed paid.
 When the capital stock is issued –
it belongs to the stockholders QUESTION: Kailangan pa ba ang
 It is always personal property certificate of stock para tawagin kang
isang stockholder? – NO, because the
mere fact na nagsubscribe ka, you are
Shares of Stock – M/P/A considered as a stockholder.
 If you are a stockholder: may Classes of Share
part ka sa management so you
can vote, may share ka sa profit 1. Par Value vs. No Par Value
– dividends, may share ka sa Par Value – nakalagay yung amount sa
leftover ng assets ng corp. face ng certificate of stock.
Characteristics of Share of Stock: No Par Value – hindi nakalagay yung
1. Personal/Movable Property stated value pero merong issued price.
May not be issued for a consideration
2. Intangible less than the value of P5.00 per share.
3. It does not constitute an indebtedness QUESTIONS: Pwede bang lahat ng
on the part of the corp shares ay par value? –NO, because
walang bibili ng share mo. Hindi rin
pwedeng lahat ay no par value.
Shares of Stock vs. Certificate of
Stock 2. Voting vs. Non-Voting

Shares of Stock Voting – share with right to vote, sila

yung bumoboto sa corporation or sa
 It constitutes the interest or may election ng BOD.
share or ownership ka sa corp.
GR: Voting ang bumoboto
 It is intangible
 Shares of stock can be issued Non-Voting – share without the right to
even though it is not fully paid vote.
Certificate of Stock EXCEPTION: 8 Instances under the
law wherein non-voting shares can
 Written evidence or ito yung
 It is tangible ASIMID
 Must be fully paid Amendment of the articles
Amendement of the by laws 5. Share in Escrow/Escrow Stock
Sale/Lease/Exchange/Mortgage Escrow – meaning “in trust”
Incurring/Creating/Increasing Bonded Example: ABC Corp nagissue kay D ng
Indebtedness share but hindi pa bayad ni D yung share.
Habang hindi pa bayad ni D, hawak ni E
Increase or Decrease of capital stock
yung share ni D. In trust si E for the
Merger or consolidation benefit of D. Ang tawag dun sa share na
hawak ni E in trust for D is yung tinatawag
Investment of corporate funds natin share in escrow. In the event that D
Dissolution of the Corporation will be able to pay, that is the time
wherein E give the shares to D.
6. Convertible – it is changeable,
REMEMBER: Ang shares pwedeng pwedeng common, pwedeng preferred,
lahat voting, pero hindi pwedeng lahat ay vice versa.
non-voting because walang mag-eelect
ng BOD. 7. Redeemable vs. Treasury

QUESTION: Pwede bang voting at non- Redeemable – can be redeemed by the

voting? –YES, they can co-exist. corp regardless of the existence of
unrestricted retained earnings.
Treasury – shares which have been
3. Common vs. Preferred issued and fully paid for and
Common - all shares are presumed to be subsequently reacquired by the corp
equal or it entitles the stockholder to pro (exception to watered stock)
rata division of the profits. Similarities: They are both reacquired by
Preferred – mayroong certain privileges the corp
like for example may right sya sa 8. Watered Stock – void, ito yung stock
dividends, may preference sya sa voting na ibinigay pero walang bayad or hindi pa
rights and sa asset at the time of fully paid.
9. Over-issued/Spurious Stock - fake
4. Promotion vs. Founder
Example: 100k ang authorized capital
Promotion – ito yung ibinibigay sa stock but ang inissue is 110k, so ito yung
promoter or the person convincing the over-issued.
incorporators to incorporate.
10. Original/Formative – this is the
Founder – ito naman yung ibinibigay sa original number of shares from the
incorporators, mayroon silang privilege beginning.
like the right to vote and to be elected for
a period of 5 yrs.
Par Value vs. No Par Value
11. Increased – pag itinaas yung original
number of shares from the beginning
Par Value
Voting vs. Non-Voting Shares  It is easily sold as the public is
more attracted to buy this kind of
5 Statutory restrictions/limitations shares since protected dito ang
regarding the issuance no par shares:
creditor because nakalagay kung
1. 7 Entities not allowed to issue no magkano yung amount.
par shares:  There is greater protection to
 Banks
 Trust Companies  There is unlikelihood of sale of
 Insurance Companies subsequently issued at a lower
 Pre-need Companies price; and
 Public Utilities  There is unliklihood of the
 Building and Loan Associations distribution of dividends that are
 Other corporations authorized to only ostensible profits.
obtain or access funds from the
2. Preferred shares of stock may be  Liable to corporate creditors
issued only with a stated par value. In  The stated face value of the share
other words, lahat ng preferred shares ay is not an accurate criterion of its
may stated par value. true value
3. No par shares shall be deemed fully
paid, non-assessable, and not liable No Par Value
for corporate creditors. ADVANTAGES:
 Issued as fully paid, non-
QUESTION: Saan applicable ang trust assessable, and not liable for
fund doctrine? Sa par value or no par corporate creditors.
value? – Sa par value, since yung no
par value is fully paid na and hindi sya
liable for corporate creditors. DISADVANTAGES
 They promote the issuance of
4. No par value – the minimum watered stock since hindi nga
amount is P5.00. alam dito yung true amount ng
5. The entire consideration for no par
 They legalize large issues of stock
shares shall be treated as capital and
they shall not be distributable as for property
 They conceal the money or Redeemable Treasury
property represented by the Stipulation / x
shares. URE x /

3 Limitations Regarding Issuance of

SECTION 8 – Redeemable Shares – no
Preferred Shares
votings rights/ no need for unrestricted
 They can vote but under ASIMID.
retained earnings (URE)
 They are always issued by a
 These are the shares reacquired
stated par value
by the corporation with the
 The BOD fixes the consideration stipulation that it can be
thereof. reacquired notwithstanding the
absence of URE.
4 Shares deprived of voting rights or
shares na bawal bumoto: SECTION 9 – Treasury Shares

 Redeemable Characteristics of TS:

 Preferred  No voting rights/not entitled to
 Treasury dividends
 Delinquent  Not part of outstanding/do not
revert to unissued shares
 It may be resold to a lesser price,
SECTION 7 – Founder’s Shares exception ito sa watered stock
 Exclusive right to vote and be since TS are shares which are
voted for been fully paid but reacquired by
 5 year limitation – duration of the corp either by purchase or
founder’s shares right through other similar means.
 Approval of SEC is required  Not distributable as dividends
(Exception: property dividend)
Redeemable vs. Treasury  If ibinenta yung TS, the moment it
Questions: is resold – it is entitled to all the
Kailangan ba ang stipulation para rights and dividends. In other
maging redeemable? – YES words, hindi na sya considered as
Kailangan ba ang stipulation para treasury.
maging treasury? – NO
Kailangan ba ang URE (Unrestricted SECTION 10 – Number and
Retained Earnings) sa redeemable? Qualifications of Incorporators
– NO
Kailangan ba ang URE (Unrestricted Corporators vs. Incorporators
Retained Earnings) sa treasury? - YES
Corporators corp created after feb 23, 2019?
 Pertains to stockholders, GR: Perpetual – meaning starting Feb
members of the corp 23, 2019, all corporations are now
 The status is not permanent perpetual
because you can cease to be Exception: Fixed – if the corporation
 such the moment you sell your have chosen fixed
shares GR in Exception: 3 years – period to
 No limit as to number extend
Exception: It can be extended earlier if
Incorporators there is justifiable reason which
 They are signatories to the should be approved by SEC.
articles of incorporation
 Does not cease to be such Retroactive - the date of the effectivity of
because the status is permanent, the Revised Corp Code is Feb 23, 2019.
once an incorporator, forever an But what about those corp prior to feb 23,
incorporator. 2019? What is the general rule?
 Minimum of 2, maximum of 15 GR: Perpertual – they will also become
Incorporator Exception: If they have chosen fixed
Any person, partnership, corporation or
association, SINGLY OR JOINTLY. What is the vote to decide or vote for
them to choose fixed? – Majority of OCS
QUESTION: Can an incorporator be a (Outstanding Capital Stock)
combination of natural and juridical What is the period to decide? – 2 years
person? –YES.
Can it be all natural person? – YES Revival of Corporation
Can it be all juridical person? –YES GR: Perpetual
Exception: Fixed
Qualifications: QUESTION: Are all corps entitled to be
Natural person revived? – NO.
- legal capacity (must sign AOI) What are those corporations allowed
- must own 1 share to be revived?
Juridical Person  Corporations whose term expired
- must own 1 share and they are not able to extend it
prior to the date of the effectivity.
SECTION 11 – Corporate Term  If their certificate was revoked
Prospective – the date of the effectivity because of non-filing of reports
of the Revised Corp Code is Feb 23, (they have to file a petition to lift
2019. What is the general rule for those the revocation)
 If they were suspended (they have SECTION 12 – Minimum Capital Stock
to file a petition to lift the GR: There is no minimum capital stock
suspension) or there is requirement but there is
 If they were revived but their name citizenship or percentage requirement
is now being used by other corp under the law.
(they have to change their corp Exception: If required by special laws
name because that is the
requirement under the present law Percentage Requirement:
under the name verification) 100% - example: mass media is
What are those corporations not 70%/30% - example: advertising industry
allowed to be revived? – meaning 70% Filipino, 30% any
 They have already registered or nationality
they have already extended their 60/40% - general rule here in the
term Philippines. Examples: public utilities,
 Their certificate was revoked eduacational institution, exploration of
 Other than non-filing of reports, natural resources. 60% Filipino, 40% any
they violated PD 902-A nationality.
 If the corporation is already
liquidated Old Section 13 – REPEALED, but still
part of Sec.37
What will happen?
- They will file a verified petition for SECTION 13 – Contents of AOI
revival of corporate existence QUESTION: Are the provisions in here is
- There are 5 procedure or process mandatory? –YES, you cannot remove
and one of them is publication them but you can add other terms or
Afterwards, SEC will issue:
 Certificate of Revival of Corporate A. Name of Corporation – the name
Existence should be distinguishable.
B. Primary Purpose and Secondary
 Favorable recommendation of
Purposes – it is important because it
appropriate government agency
talks about express powers of the corp.
There could only be one primary purpose
There are memorandum circulars
and there could be so many secondary
issued by SEC in so far the incorporator
purposes. The secondary purposes
and corporator is concern.
should be related to primary purpose.
 If within the power of the corp –
Intra Vires
 If outside the power of the 9th Provision – Certification of
corp– Ultra Vires Treasurer - the 7th and 8th provisions
must be specified in the certification of
REMEDY if outside the power: It will be treasurer.
ratify by 2/3 of OCS. 10th provision – Undertaking to change
the name
C. Principal Office – it is where the
stockholders meet and where they keep Voting Requirements
books of corporation.
D. Term of Corporation – already QUESTION: Who runs the corporation
discussed in SEC 11 or who is the governing body? – BOD,
E. Stock Requirements – it is important initially they are the ones who will decide.
in so far as the certificate of treasurer is But there are instances where the
concern. stockholders will decide. There are also
F. Arbitration Agreement – may be instances where both them will decide.
provided in the articles of incorporation
pursuant to 181 of the code. not Stockholders
mandatory, only optional. - Majority of OCS
g. Non-stock Corp Requirements – - 2/3 of OCS – bigger in terms of
electronic filing is now allowed vote
SECTION 14 – Form of AOI - Majority of BOD
1st Provision – The name of the corp - Majority of Quorum of BOD
should contain Inc, Corporartion, OPC.
That is to tell to the public that it is a 2 Provisions which are new voting
corporation. requirements under the Revised Corp
5th Provision – Incorporators – the Code:
name, nationality, and residence of - Unanimous consent of remaining
incorporators should also be provided BOD
6th Provision – Incorporating Directors - Self-dealing director
– temporary directors
7th Provision – Authorized Capital SECTION 15 – Amendment of AOI
Stock requirements – the authorized Amendment – only a portion will be
capital stock of the corp is ___ divided to changed.
the number per share and the par value Revised – the whole will be changed.
of each.
8th Provision – No. of shares of ACS
Non-Amendable Provisions: But if for example 6 months na but hindi
- Name of Incorporators pa rin inaapprove or dinidisapprove ni
- Original number of incorporators SEC yung amendment, according to the
- Date when they file or sign the AOI law by way of exception, we go back to
the date of filing and that will be the date
Certain Instances or Powers which of effectivity. Sa example oct. 1 yung
require a different voting requirement date of filing so pag 6 months na and di
or Comparative Analysis of the Voting pa rin nag aapprove ang SEC, yung oct.1
Requirements: ang magiging date of effectivity.
Amendment of AOI – Majority + 2/3
Amendment of By-Laws – Majority + Appraisal Right:
Majority Concurring - votes YES
Amendment of Close Corp – 2/3 of Dissenting – votes NO. The dissenting
OCS stockholder will be the one to withdraw
Amendment in Co-op – 2/3 of MS because he does not agree to the
Amendment of Plan of Merger or amendment.
Consolidation – Majority + 2/3 Majority
+ 2/3 GR: Meeting is required
Amendment in Foreign Corporations Exception: Meeting is not required
– there is no such vote but you have to because what is required only is the
file it within 60 days. written assent of stockholders.

Vote Required for Amendment – 7 Favorable Recommendations of

Majority + 2/3 Appropriate Government Agency:
Date of Effectivity:  Banks
GR: Upon approval of SEC, issuance  Banking and Quasi Banking
of Amended COI  Pre-need
Exception: If not acted upon within 6  Insurance and trust companies
months, from the date of filing.  Non-stock savings and loan
Meaning ang magiging date of effectivity associations (NSSLA)
is yung date of filing na.  Pawnshops
Example: ABC Corp files on Oct. 1,  Other financial intermediaries
2019. Normally, within the span of 2
weeks, the SEC is going to issue. SECTION 16 – 5 Grounds when AOI or
Supposed SEC issued on Oct. 16, 2019, Amendment thereto may be
so this is the date of effectivity because disapproved or reject by SEC:
this is the date of issuance of the a. not in prescribed form (sec.14)–
amended COI. meaning they did not comply with sec.14
b. illegal purpose (sec.13) – example: it 3. When it is contrary to existing laws,
is engaged in prostitution rules or regulations
c. certification is false (sec.14)
d. percentage required not complied When is a corporate name not
(sec.12) distinguishable? - A corporate name
e. no favorable recommendation is not distinguishable even if it
contains one or more of the following:
PD 902-A (Presidential Decree No. a. Corp/Company/Incorporated
902-A) – Suspension or Revocation of b. Punctuations, Conjunctions,
Certificate of Incorporation. This is the Contractions, Prepositions,
law creating the SEC. Abbreviations, Different Tenses,
Under this law, the SEC can suspend Spacing, Number of the same word or
or revoke the COI under 6 grounds or phrase
Mnemonic: FRA SE RE CO FA FA Effect of violation if corporate name is
1. Fraud in procuring the COI not distinguishable and the
2. Serious misrepresentation as to what corporation is still using it
the corporation can do SEC will summarily order:
3. Refusal to comply with the SEC order 1. Cease and desist order
4. Continous in operation for a period of 2. Removal of all visible signages
at least 5 years 3. Not withstanding the first two orders,
5. Failure to file by-laws the corp fails to comply – CONTEMPT
6. Failure to file the required reports 4. Administratively/Civilly or Criminally
SECTION 17 – Corporate Name 5. Revoke the COI
QUESTION: Can you change corporate
name? – YES The SEC will issue a certificate of
Vote required to change – Majority + incorporation under the amended
2/3 name if the corporate name is
Effect of change of name – same corp distinguishable.
but under a diff name
SECTION 18 – Registration,
Why is a corporate name not Incorporation and commencement of
distinguishable? - Name shall not be corporate existence
allowed if – not distinguishable (3 Before – the corp will file the AOI and
instances): the SEC will issue COI
1. Already reserved or registered Now - name verification is required.
2. Already protected by law The name will be verified under section
17 if it is distinguishable because if it is Question: If the corp has met all the
not distinguishable, the SEC will not reqs, is it discretionary or ministerial act
allow it. on the part of the SEC to issue?
 If distinguishable - the SEC – Ministerial Act
requires the corporation to submit
the AOI.
 If compliant - meaning there is no SECTION 19 – De Facto Corporation
illegality and all reqs have been De Jure – all legal reqs have been met
complied – SEC will issue COI. De Facto – some of the reqs have not
been complied
Issuance of COI – it is the start of the
corporation 4 Requisites of De Facto Corp:
Effect of Issuance of COI: 1. Valid Law – RA 11232
Right to Exist – YES. The corporation is 2. Attempt to incorporate/organize –
already existing. meaning the corp has file the name
Right to Operate – NO, because there verification, the articles
are 3 things that the corporation must 3. Actual user of corporate name –
do: meaning the corp elected the BOD, the
1. Elect the BOD officers and file the by-laws, it is
2. Elect the Officers operating.
3. File the by-laws 4. Issuance of COI despite non-
compliance with the legal
Effect of non-issuance of COI (If the requirements
SEC does not issue the COI but the
reqs have been met by the corp) QUESTION: Does de facto have
 The corporation can file the case Articles of Incorp and Certificate of
for MANDAMUS – to compel the Incorp? – YES
issuance or performance of an The problem is the certificate is
act. Mandamus is a remedy to be issued but there is something
filed against the SEC if the SEC violated, the examples are:
refuses to issue the COI. 1. Corp name resembles – it is not
Discretionary Act vs. Ministerial Act 2. Forgery in AOI
Discretionary Act – it is optional on the 3. Citizenship
part of SEC to issue 4. Percentage Requirement
Ministerial Act – it is mandatory on the
part of SEC to issue
Technically, is de jure and de facto SECTION 20 – Corporation by
corp the same? – YES, the only Estoppel/Ostensible Corporation
distinction is that de facto corp can be De Jure vs. De Facto vs. Estoppel
subjected to direct attack or quo warranto De Jure – complied with all the reqs of
proceeding which will be filed by the the law
solicitor general. De Facto – it has AOI and COI but it
failed to satisfied one or some of the reqs
Remedy against De Facto – QUO under the law which is why it can be
WARRANTO subjected to quo warranto proceeding.
 Quo Warranto is questioning the Corporation by Estoppel – no AOI and
legal existence of the corporation. COI, basically it is not a corp, it is not de
The solicitor general or Sol Gen jure, it is also not de facto
is the only one or will be the one to
file the case questioning the legal Effect if it is Corporation by Estoppel
existence. – the persons comprising it are liable as
general partners and as GP, they are
Direct Attack vs. Collateral Attack liable up to the extent of their separate
Direct Attack – directly questioning the property.
legal existence of the corp, it is the QUO
WARRANTO proceeding tfiled file by the Ostensible Corporation/Estoppel –
Sol Gen. not allowed to use it as a defense. If
Collateral Attack – it is not allowed or you are corp by estoppel/ostensible corp,
not subjected against de facto you cannot use it as a defense so that
corporation. you cannot be liable or you can evade
Example: ABC Corp is a de factor corp. your liability.
The corp extended a loan to D. D does
not want to pay because according to him SECTION 21 –
the corp is a de facto corp. The act made Non-Use of Corporate Charter – From
by D is collateral because even though the issuance of COI, the corp did not do
ABC corp is a de facto corp, only the Sol anything for the first 5 years, the corp did
Gen who can file the case. Anyone not elect the BOD, the officers, and not
questioning the legal existence of the file by-laws.
corp which is not a QUO WARRANTO Continuous Inoperation – From the
proceeding or not filed by a Sol Gen, it is issuance of COI, the corp did something
a collateral attack. for the first 5 years, but afterwards for the
period again of 5 years, they stop the
Why is it important to know the Non-Stock Corporation
distinction? – To know the effect. Members will elect -- BOD Members
Effect of Non-Use – the COI is deemed will also appoint – Officers
Effect of Continuous Inoperation – the Close Corporation
corp will be placed under delinquent There is no need to elect for the BOD
status for 2 years. During the 2 year because stockholders will
period, the corp will be given time to automatically become the members of
operate again and if it is: the BOD. Stockholders will be the one
If compliant – order is lifted, meaning it to appoint the officers and employees.
is now again a valid corporation
If not compliant – revocation of COI will SECTION 22 – Stockholders will elect -
happen - BOD will appoint – Officers

Old Revised Co-Op What is the main function of the

Non Use 2 yrs 5 yrs 2 yrs Stockholders? – They have indirect
Continuous 2 yrs 5 yrs 2 yrs
What is the main function of the BOD?
– Governing body, meaning they are the
Mandamus vs. Quo Warranto
one deciding
Mandamus – compelling the
What is the main function of the
performance of an act
Officers? – Manage the day-to day
Quo Warranto – questioning the legal
existence of the corp, it is a legal or direct
*In other words, the BOD lays out the
Non-Use vs. Continous Inoperation
policies and the officers execute the
– both 5 years
Section 16 vs. PD 902-A
Section 16 – 5 grounds
General Rule: The BOD decides
PD 902-A – 6 grounds – FRA SE RE CO
Exception: There are 3 instances when
it’s not the BOD who decides:
1. Close Corporation – the stockholders
SECTION 22 - Talks abt BOD/BOT and
will decide
2. Executive Committee – they are
going to create a smaller BOD
Stock Corporation
3. Management Contract – meaning
Stockholders will elect -- BOD will
another corporation will be the one
appoint – Officers
deciding instead of BOD of the said corp.
Term of Office – 1,2,3,5 3 Corporations Vested with public
1 year – for the BOD interest: (S,B,O)
2 years - for the cooperatives  Securities
3 years – for the non-stock corporation  Banks
5 years – for the non-stock educational  Other Cases
The board of the following corporation
No. of Directors vested with public interest shall have
GR: 1-15 independent director constituting at
Exception: least 20% of BOD. For the director, you
1. Corporation Sole – only one need independent director.
incorporator and he will be the director
also Independent Directors – must be
2. OPC – only one director elected by the shareholders present or
3. Non-stock corporation – the entitled to vote during the election.
minimum is 5 but it can be more than 15 Independent directors shall be subject to
4. Close Corporation – BOD should not the rules and regulations governing the
exceed 20 qualification, voting reqs, etc.
5. Non-Stock Educational Corp – 5-15
BOD Doctrine of Hold-Over – the term of the
BOD is 1 year, supposed the 1 year
Qualifications of BOD period lapsed and still they have not
Old Rule/Law – 4 qualifications elected the BOD, the one who will serve
Now/Present Law - 3 qualifications: as the BOD is still the previous BOD
1. He must own at least 1 share meaning they will continue to function as
2. The share must be registered in his such until a new set of BOD is elected.
3. It must be continuously registered in 7 Limitations/Conditions for Elections
his name for the period of 1 year or for the BOD that will be elected:
1. Stockholders presence in person or
QUESTION: What if the BOD losses all by written proxy or by remote
the shares in 1 year? - He ceases to be communication or absentee voting
a BOD, because he must own at least 2. Election by ballot if requested (if not
1 share to be qualified as a BOD. viva voce) – normally in the election of
BOD, it is by viva voce voting or by
Requirements for Corporations raising of hands.
vested with public interest: 3. No delinquent stock shall be voted
Unpaid shares vs. Delinquent stock
 Can vote - Cannot vote
4. Plurality of votes – BOD are elected GR: No cumulative voting – it is not
by plurality of votes, not majority. allowed
5. Required notice must be given Exception: Unless allowed by by-laws/
6. Quorum: by AOI
 For stock corp – the requirement
is majority of OCS SECTION 23 – Election of BOD/BOT by
 For non-stock corp – the the Stockholders
requirement is majority of the
members 2 Manners of Voting:
If there is no quorum, they cannot  Direct Voting – the stockholder
hold the meeting. will be the one to attend
7. Only voting shares can vote  Indirect Voting – by proxy, by
executor, by administrator
Methods of Voting (Section 23) QUESTION: How do we classify voting
Formula: No. of shares x No. of by remote communication? – Direct
directors to be elected = Votes Voting because it is still the stockholder
Example: Supposed A has 20 shares who will vote but he will be voting in a
and there are 5 directors to be elected. remote communication or by
(20 shares x 5 directors = 100 votes) online/internet.

3 Methods of Voting Theory of Original Power – BOD’s

1. Straight Voting – the votes will be power is original and undelegated.
given or divided among all the directors Remedies in case of BOD
equally. In our example we have 100 Mismanagement: (RID)
votes in total, so out of 100 votes, we are  Receivership – the corporation will
going to give 20 votes each or equally to be manage by another entity or
the 5 directors. person
2. Cumulative Voting For One  Injunction – the SEC is going to
Candidate – we are going to choose 1 order the stoppages
director among all the directors and give  Dissolution
him all the votes.  Derivative Suit – it is a suit filed by
3. Cumulative Voting by Distribution – the stockholder in the name of the
you can choose 2 or 3 persons but not all corporation for the benefit of the
will be given the necessary votes. corp in case BOD does not like to
file or mismanagement
Voting in Non-Stock Corporation
- May cast as many votes but may GR: Inherent Power of Amotion
not cast more than 1 vote for a QUESTION: Can the stockholders
candidate remove the BOD at any point in time?
– YES, we call it inherent power of PROHIBITION:
amotion. The BOD are removable at any Can the president be the secretary at the
point in time with or without valid ground same time? –NO.
by the stockholders. Can the president be the treasurer at the
Exception: if BOD was elected by same time? –NO.
minority through cumulative voting - there Exception: One Person Corporation –
must be a valid ground for the removal because they allowed the president and
treas to be the same person subject only
SECTION 24 – Corporate Officers to the condition that the treasurer must
GR: Officers are elected/appointed by give a bond.
the BOD
Exception: Compliance Officer – Corps vested of
1. In non-stock – members elect the public interest, mandatory requirement
officers meaning for the officer, they need
2. In close corporation – stockholders compliance officer.
elect the officers
Requisites for Board Meeting:
Term of Office – it may be fixed in By- - In this meeting, the BOD/BOT will be
Laws but they can be removed anytime the one to hold the meeting
by BOD. 1. Meeting of BOD/BOT duly assembled
2. Presence of Quorum
QUESTION: If you are a stockholder, 3. Decision of Majority of Quorum
BOD, or officer of another corporation, 4. Meeting at time place and manner
can you be a BOD, stockholder, or officer provided in the by-laws
of another corp? – YES.
GR: There is no prohibition, the law Quorum vs. Majority of the Quorum
does not cover the situation Quorum – 50% of the BOD + 1
Exception: If it is prohibited in the by- Majority of the Quorum – based on the
laws BOD/BOT present which means 50% of
the quorum + 1
Qualifications of Officers Example: Supposed the BOD is 15, the
President – must be a director quorum is 8 (50% of the BOD +1) and
Secretary – must be both a resident the majority of the quorum is 5 (50% of
and citizen because he is the one who the quorum +1).
keeps the corporate books and he is the
one to call the meetings. REMEMBER:
Treasurer – must be resident To hold the meeting – we need the
To decide on the meeting – we need New date of election – not later than 60
the majority of the quorum days from the scheduled date
Effect of no election is still held – SEC
*If there is majority of the quorum – can summarily order that an election be
there is VALID CORPORATE ACT, held because the corp failed to hold the
meaning the decision of BOD/BOT will election for the new date.
become valid.
If Director/Trustee/Officer dies,
Example: Supposed there is 15 BOD. resigns, withdraws, etc. - must be
Out of 15, 5 died. So only 10 remains. report it within 7 days from knowledge.
What is the quorum? – Still 8 (50% of
BOD + 1) because we are going to base SECTION 26 – Disqualification of
the 8 on the original 15 BOD, and not on Directors/Trustees/Officers
the 10 remaining. 3 Major Grounds for Disqualification
of D/T/O: (Mnemonic - FFF)
REMEMBER: Regardless of whether the 1. Final Judgment
BOD died, resigns, or withdraw, we are 2. Fraudulent Act
still going to base the quorum on the 3. Foreign Court
original number of BOD or on the stated
number of BOD in the AOI. A person shall be disqualified from
being a D/T/O of any corporation:
SHs BOD If within 5 years prior to the election or
Proxy Voting / x appointment – he committed or was
found guilty on any of the 3 major
Telecom/Telecon / /
grounds for disqualification:

1. Convicted by FINAL JUDGMENT

SECTION 25 – Report of Election of
3 Offenses:
1. Offense exceeding 6 years (Example:
Robbery, homicide, theft, estafa, rape)
Reporting – within 30 days after the
2. Violating corporation code
election, you are supposed to report the
3. Violating RA 8799 (Securities
Regulation Code)
Non-Holding – supposed the election
originally scheduled did not push
2. Found administratively liable for
through, are we going to report it? – YES,
any offense involving FRAUDULENT
the non-holding must be report within 30
days from the date of the scheduled
Example of fraudulent acts: Meeting for Removal – majority of OCS
Misappropriation of the funds of the corp, is required
forgery of document Removal of BOD – 2/3 votes of OCS is
3. FOREIGN COURT – (violation of
either first or second ground for QUESTION: What is easier, electing or
disqualification in a foreign law or removing the BOD? – It is easier to elect
country) the BOD because the only required is
majority of OCS.
Evidence Required:
Criminal/Delict – proof beyond GR: Inherent Power of Amotion
reasonable doubt  BOD are removable at any point in
Civil/Quasi-Delict – preponderance of time with or without valid reason/
evidence ground by the stockholders.
Administrative – substantial evidence Exception: if BOD was elected by
minority through cumulative voting –
REMEMBER: SEC and PCC there must be a valid ground for the
(Philippine Competition Commission) removal.
can impose additional or other
qualifications or disqualifications for SECTION 28 – Vacancy in BOD
D/T/O aside from the mentioned. Who will fill out the vacancy? – the
stockholders or BOD
SECTION 27 – Removal of
Directors/BOT 5 instances when the stockholders
can fill out the vacancy:
Who elected the BOD? – Stockholders 1. Expiration of term – the term of BOD
Who will remove the BOD? is 1 year, after 1 year the stockholder can
– Stockholders fill out the vacancy
Can the BOD remove another BOD? 2. Removal of BOD
–NO. 3. Increase in number of BOD
Can the officer remove the BOD? – 4. No Quorum
NO. 5. Quorum + Delegation
*Under the new rules: SEC can now
remove the BOD if he is found to be When can BOD fill out the vacancy? 2
disqualified Instances
1. Quorum + No delegation
Required:  Grounds: Death of BOD,
Vote for election – majority of OCS is resignation, Withdrawal
required 2. Emergency Board
Period to Fill Out the Vacancy:  Notification should be made within
a. If term expires – no later than the 3 days
day of the expiration (example:
supposed today is the expiration, so SECTION 29 – Compensation of
today is also they day they must fill out Directors
the vacancy) GR: Directors are not entitled to
b. Removal – same day (if the BOD is compensation
removed today, they must also fill out the Exception: If the by-laws provide or the
vacancy today) vote of the stockholders will give them
c. Other grounds – within 45 days the right to compensation.
from the vacancy (if the grounds are Vote to grant compensation: Majority
resignation or withdrawal) of OCS
 The stockholders will give the
REMEMBER: BOD a compensation by the
Who can elect? – STOCKHOLDERS vote of majority of OCS.
Who can remove? – STOCKHOLDERS  The BOD will give the
Who can fill out vacancy? – stockholders a dividend by the
STOCKHOLDER OR BOD vote of the majority of quorum
of BOD.
Emergency Board
Creation of the emergency board: QUESTION: Can the directors give to
Vote – unanimous consent of all themselves compensation? –NO,
remaining directors/trustees directors cannot grant compensation
Example: Supposed there are 15 BOD to themselves.
and 10 of them died. There are 5 BOD
remaining. So we need the unanimous Limitation to the grant of
consent of the 5 remaining BOD/BOT compensation – 10% rule (in no case
in order to create emergency board. shall the total yearly compensation of the
directors exceed 10% of the net income
Ground: To prevent grave, substantial or before income tax of the corp during the
irreparable loss to the corporation. preceding year)
 There is no quorum + vote
required is unanimous consent. *Annual Report Requirements for
 Limited to emergency action corporations vested of public interest
 Shall cease within reasonable – they supposed to submit the annual
time report reqs to the SEC.
 From officers (we will get the
members of emergency board
from the officers)
SECTION 30 – Liability of Directors, 2nd paragraph – Special Fact Doctrine
Trustees, or Officers (DTO) (D/T/O)
QUESTION: Who knows the secret of
GR: Business Judgment Rule the corporation? – Primarily it is the
– Members of the BOD are not liable directors, trustees or officers.
for their decisions made in good faith Special Fact Doctrine - The director
even though the corporation later on takes advantage of ANY information
suffered loss. acquired by virtue of his office to the
Exception: Instances when the BOD disadvantage of the corporation.
become liable - if the 3 fold duty will be
violated: Question: Supposed the D/T/O were
3 Fold Duty/Rule for BOD: (Mnemonic: able to get profits because of the
OLD) information, what are the effects?
- Obedient 2 EFFECTS:
- Loyal 1. Liable as trustee
- Diligent 2. Must account for the profits

1st paragraph – Violation of OLD (D/T) SECTION 31 – Dealing of Directors,

3 violations or 3 instances of Solidary Trustees, or Officers of the Corporation -
Liability: *If any of these three is “Self-Dealing Director”
violated, the director will be solidarily
liable for damages: *Section 31 not only covered D/T/O
but now covered/included also the –
1. Willfully and knowingly vote or assent spouses/relatives in the 4th civil
to potently unlawful acts of the degree of consanguinity (by blood) or
corporation. (In here, the affinity (by law relationship).
director/trustee violated the duty of
obedience) GR: Dealing is valid provided all the 4
2. Guilty of gross negligence or bad faith or 5 requisites are present: 4
in directing the affairs of the corp. (In requisites if it is not a corporation vested
here, the director/trustee violated the with public interest. 5 requisites if it is a
duty of diligence) corporation vested with public interest.
3. Acquires any personal or pecuniary Vote required if it is corporation
interest in conflict of his duty as a director vested with public interest – 2/3 of the
or trustee. (In here, the director/trustee entire membership of the board +
violated the duty of loyalty) majority of the independent directors.
5 requisites: REMEMBER: Is self-dealing director
1. The presence of such director or valid or voidable?
trustee in the board meeting in which the Valid - if the 4 or 5 requisites are not
contract was approved was not violated.
necessary to constitute a quorum for Voidable - if the first 3 requisites are
such meeting; violated but it can be ratified by the vote
2. The vote of such director or trustee of 2/3 of OCS.
was not necessary for the approval of the
contract; SECTION 32 – Contracts between
3. The contract is fair and reasonable corporations with Interlocking
under the circumstances; Directors
4. In case of corporations vested with
public interest, material contracts are Interlocking Doctrine – when one,
approved by at least two-thirds (2/3) of some, or all of the directors are basically
the entire membership of the board, with the same.
at least a majority of the independent GR: VALID (the interlocking doctrine is
directors voting to approve the material valid)
contract; and Exception: It becomes invalid only if:
5. In case of an officer, the contract has a. In case of fraud
been previously authorized by the board b. Contract is not fair and reasonable.
of directors.
If any of the first 3 conditions or If the share of stockholder is minimal
requisites are absent– it becomes – it is not violated
VOIDABLE at the option of corporation. If it is substantial – stockholdings
First 3 conditions/requirements: exceeding 20% of the OCS shall be
1. Quorum Requirement considered substantial. If it is violated, it
2. Approval of the act is voidable but it can be ratified by the
3. The contract is fair and reasonable vote of 2/3 of OCS.
REMEDY if it is violated: Ratification by
vote of 2/3 of OCS approving the act + Example: Suppose ABC Corp has 10
full disclosure of the adverse interest. BOD and XYZ Corp has 8 BOD. They
have the same set of directors.
Normally, BOD votes in this manner – QUESTION: Is that a violation of Section
by the majority of BOD and by majority of 32? – No, provided it will not violate
the Quorum of BOD. the substantial rule or the stockholdings
2 New Votes: of the same directors of the corp will not
1. Emergency Board exceed 20% of the OCS.
2. Self-Dealing Director
SECTION 33 – Disloyalty of Director or created because they want to have a
Seizing Corporate Opportunity lesser quorum requirement.

Section 30 vs. Section 33 Requisites in creating ExCom:

Section 30 1. By-laws must provide for it
 covers 3 kinds of persons: 2. It must composed of not less than 3
Director, Trustee, and Officer members of BOD
 covers any interest 3. Must be directors of corporation
 no vote to ratify 4. BOD will create the EXCOM
Section 33
 covers only 1 person: Director Vote to create the ExCom – majority of
 covers business opportunity the BOD
 vote of the 2/3 of OCS to ratify Vote to decide – majority of all its
SECTION 33 – Director acquires a
business opportunity which should 5 instances when ExCom cannot vote
belong to the corporation, thereby or cannot change the decision of SHs
obtaining profits to the prejudice of the and BOD:
corporation. 1. Approval of any action for which
REMEMBER: The director is occupying shareholders’ approval is also required;
a position which entails a confidential 2. Filling of vacancies in the board;
information and he used it to acquire a 3. Amendment or repeal of bylaws or the
business opportunity. adoption of new bylaws;
Effect of Violation or Disloyalty of the 4. Amendment or repeal of any resolution
Director: of the board which by its express terms is
1. Must account for the profits not amendable or repealable; and
2. Refund all profits to the corporation 5. Distribution of cash dividends to the
*This provision of Section 33 is
applicable not withstanding that the *In all these instances, it’s either the
director risked his own fund. BOD or stockholders or both of them
who will decide. The ExCom cannot
SECTION 34 – Executive, change the decision of the
Management, and other special stockholders or BOD.
*The BOD can also create special
BOD will create a smaller BOD committees (whether the committee is
ExCom - smaller BOD, one of the permanent or temporary nature)
reasons why excom or smaller bod is
POWERS OF CORPORATION Express Powers: Important
Provisions of Sec 35. Every
SECTION 35 – Corporate Powers and corporation incorporated under this
Capacity Code has the power and capacity:
a) Sue and be sued - If the corporation
Doctrine of Limited Capacity - (E/I/I) is not registered, that’s a problem
– the corporation cannot exercise the because it can be sued but it cannot sue.
power which is not found in the express, QUESTION: Is the corporation entitled to
implied, inherent. It is only limited to the moral damage?
E,I, and I power. This is what we followed GR: NO, because it has no feelings. Only
in the Philippines, not the theory of natural persons can recover moral
general capacity and special capacity. damages.
Theory of General Capacity – the Exception: In case of tainted or ruined
corporation can exercise any power reputation, corp can now recover moral
except those which are prohibited. damages.
Theory of Special Capacity – the b. Power to acquire properties:
corporation can exercise those powers Private Lands – YES, the corp can
which are specially prohibited meaning acquire it.
everything is prohibited except those Public Lands – NO, the corp cannot
which are expressly allowed. acquire it but it can lease the said public
lands up to the extent of 1,000 hectares
3 kinds/Classes of Powers and for a period of 25 years only.
1. Express – the power is stated in RA c. Acquire Shares
11232 or the Revised Corp Code or Own shares – the corp can acquire its
primarily in the AOI own shares. There are two requisites
2. Implied – it is reasonably necessary which must be present: (1) presence of
to carry out the express power. In other unrestricted retained earnings and (2)
words, implied power it is not mentioned there must be a legitimate corporate
in the AOI but the corporation has to do purpose
that otherwise, the express power will not Shares of another corporation – can
materialized. Implied is not written but it the corp acquire shares of another corp?
can be exercised by the corp because it – if it is the primary purpose – YES. If it is
is reasonably necessary. not – you need the vote of the
3. Inherent/Incidental – automatically stockholders and BOD to exercise the
given to the corporation by the mere fact power because it is not an express
that it is a corporation. Example: power of power.
succession, power to sue/be sued, power d. Contribute to Charity/Political Party
to create by-laws, power to have – domestic corporation are allowed to
corporate name. contribute under the revised code and
the prohibition only applied to foreign 2. Trust Fund Doctrine – Decrease of
corp. Capital Stock
e. Such other powers as may be  If the corp will decrease the
necessary (Implied) – the corp can Capital Stock – they cannot
exercise other powers as may be decrease it if you will violate the
reasonably necessary. trust fund doctrine. The corp
cannot decrease capital stock if it
Doctrine of Corporate Immunity – it will prejudice the corporate
protects a person acting in behalf of the creditors.
corporation from being personally liable
for its authorized actions. How the corp increased the Capital
Stock? There are 3 ways:
SECTION 36 – Power to extend or 1. By increasing the number of shares
shorten corporate term (FIXED) 2. By increasing the par value of the
Electronic sending of notice – no 3. By increasing both the number of
problem with that, it is allowed shares and par value of the shares
Vote required to extend or shorten
corporate term – Majority of BOD + 2/3 Vote required to increase or decrease
of OCS capital stock – Majority of BOD +2/3 o
Appraisal Right – available in case of OCS
extension of corporate term
Prior approval of SEC and PCC
SECTION 37 – Power to Increase or – prior approval of SEC is needed in
Decrease Capital Stock; Power to increasing or decreasing capital stock but
Incur or Increase Bonded with regards to PCC requirement, it is
Indebtedness only needed in some instances or if the
law requires it to be approved by the
The corp has the power to increase or PCC.
decrease Capital Stock.
Limitations: Application in SEC for the increase or
1. Over-issued Stock – Increase of decrease of CS
Capital Stock GR: the application for the increase or
 If the corp will increase the Capital decrease of CS must be made within 6
Stock – they cannot increase if it months from the date of the approval of
is not yet authorized by the BOD the BOD and stockholders.
and stockholders. Otherwise, it Exception: Only if there is justifiable
will result to over-issued stock. reasons, the corp can ask for the
Requirement for Increase of CS – 25% Exception to the Exception: No need to
25% requirement. At least twenty-five deny the pre-emptive right because it is
percent (25%) of the increase in capital already denied under 3 instances:
stock has been subscribed and that at (Mnemonic: LCD)
least twenty-five percent (25%) of the L – Laws requiring minimum stock
amount subscribed has been paid in offerings
actual cash to the corporation or that C – Corporate purposes
property. D – Contracted Debt
- This 25% 25% requirement has
been removed in section 13 but it Remaining Unsubscribed Shares
is still present in section 37. Do we always exercise or is the pre-
emptive right always given?
If the corp will going to incur bonded Example scenario: If all the shares are
indebtedness: sold at the START for example the corp
Requirement: Bonds must be has 100,000 shares and the corp sold all
registered in SEC the shares to the public. However, only
80% of shares are sold to the public, and
later on the corp wants to sell the
Section 38 – Power to Deny Pre- remaining 20% shares. Do they have
emptive Right the pre-emptive right over the 20%
remaining? – NONE, because all the
Pre-emptive Right – before the shares shares was initially sold.
of the corp are sold to the 3rd person or to
the public, it must be first offered to the Another example: Shares sold are
existing stockholders. specified, supposed out of the 100,000
shares given in the 1st example, only 50%
Why? Because it will affect the were sold. So here, there is a certain
Management, Profit, Asset of the portion specified. We have remaining
stockholder. 50%. In the 50% remaining, does the
corp has pre-emptive right? –YES.
GR: Pre-emptive right is given
Exception: Denial or the corp is going to *In conclusion, if all the shares are
remove the right sold at the START, there is no pre-
2 ways of removing the right: emptive right at the remaining shares.
1. If from the start it is stated in the AOI On the other hand, if shares sold are
that there is no pre-emptive right. specified, there is a pre-emptive right
2. If the denial is not in the AOI, it can be over the remaining shares.
denied by the vote of the Majority of the
BOD + 2/3 of the OCS.
Section 39 – Sale or Other Disposition Can the corp exercise the appraisal
of Stock right if they are going to sell? – YES.

The disposition includes not only selling, Who exercises the appraisal right?
it includes leasing, exchanging, – Only the dissenting stockholder.
mortgaging, pledging, or otherwise
disposing of the property.
SECTION 40 – Power to acquire own
Can the corporation sale asset? shares
– YES.
GR – If the selling is necessary in the 2 requisites to acquire own shares:
regular and usual course of business, the 1. It must be for legitimate corporate
corp can sell assets. purpose
Vote required in selling asset: If the 2. The presence of Unrestricted Retained
selling is for a primary purpose Earnings
because it is done in the regular course
of business – Majority of the BOD, Corporation shall have the power to
because the BOD is the governing body. purchase or acquire its own shares for a
Exception – If it is not for a primary legitimate corporate purpose or purposes
purpose because it is not done in the under these instances:
regular course – the vote required is 3 Grounds/Instances
Majority of the BOD + 2/3 of OCS 1. To eliminate fractional shares
Exception to the exception – Vote to 2. To collect or compromise an
abandon or if the corp decided not to sell indebtedness to the corporation
the asset anymore – vote required is 3. To pay the dissenting or withdrawing
Majority of the BOD stockholders entitled to payment for their
*Section 39 must comply with RA
10667 – the law says that it must comply Other Instances:
with the PCA (Philippine Competition Redeemable/Treasury/Sec 103 under
Act) in certain instances. close corporation

When is the selling a selling of all or SECTION 41 – Power to invest

substantially all? corporate funds in another
TEST: If it would render the corporation corporation or for another purpose
incapable of continuing the business, the
approval of Majority of the BOD + 2/3 of GR: If the investment of corporate funds
the OCS is required. in another corporation or for another
purpose is the primary purpose – the Exception: If it is in excess of 100% of
vote required is Majority of the BOD Paid-in Capital Stock (PCS), it becomes
Exception: Other than primary purpose mandatory on the part of the corp
– vote required is Majority of BOD + Exception to the exception
2/3 of OCS – declaration of dividend is not
Exception to the exception – if mandatory even if it is in excess of 100%
reasonably necessary to accomplish its of PCS under 3 instances: (Mnemonic:
primary purpose (meaning it is IMPLIED), ELS)
the vote required is Majority of BOD 1. Expansion projects
2. Loan agreement
SECTION 42 – Power to declare 3. Special circumstances
Effect of Delinquency of Stock
2 Requisites to declare dividend: GR: If the stock becomes delinquent, all
1. The presence of URE the rights are suspended or withheld
2. A valid BOD Resolution except the right to receive dividend.

Kinds/Classes of Dividend Are delinquent stock entitled to

 Scrip Dividend dividends? - YES
 Cash Dividend Cash Dividend – under the law, it will
 Stock Dividend be applied to the delinquent stocks
 Property Dividend Stock Dividend – it will be withheld
 Optional Dividend from the stockholder

Vote required to declare dividend: Cash Dividend vs. Stock Dividend

GR: Majority of the Quorum of the BOD
Exception: If Stock Dividend – the vote Cash Dividend
required is Majority of the Quorum of the  The vote required is Majority of
BOD + 2/3 of the OCS the Quorum of the BOD.
 QUESTION: Why is the approval  If the cash dividend is issued, it
of the OCS is needed when it is belongs to the stockholders
stock dividend? – Because of the  Does not increase the corporate
pre-emptive right capital
 It creates a debt on the part of the
Declaration of Dividend corp
GR: It is not mandatory for the corp to
declare dividend because that’s the
prerogative of the BOD.
Stock Dividend 1. The stockholders control more than
 The vote required is Majority of 1/3 of the OCS of the same managing
the Quorum of the BOD + 2/3 of and managed corp.
the OCS 2. If they have interlocking directors –
 If the stock dividend is issued, it is majority of the BOD are the same
still in the property of the corp.
 It increase the corporate capital Period for Management Contract
 No debt is created GR: 5 years
Exception - More than 5 years if it is an
SECTION 43 – Power to Enter in exploration of natural resources
Management Contract
SECTION 44 – Ultra Vires Act
There are 2 corporations here: Presumption - the act of the corporation
1. The managing corporation is within corporate powers
2. The managed corporation
Intra Vires vs. Ultra Vires vs. Illegal Act
Why is it necessary for the Intra Vires – within the power of the corp.
corporation to enter into a Effect: Valid
management contract? – Because Ultra Vires - outside the power of the
another corp will be managing it for the corp, meaning it is not stated/found in the
reason if they obtain a loan in another AOI. Voidable. It can be ratified. The vote
institution like bank or another entity and to ratify is 2/3 of the OCS. When the corp
part of the condition is that the said bank ratified, the ultra vires will become valid
or entity will be the one to manage the since the stockholders have given their
corp. consent.
EFFECT if it is an Ultra Vires Act: the
In managing corporation: corporation is not liable because it is
GR: Vote Required - Majority of the outside its power. Unless it is ratified by
BOD + Majority of the Stockholders the stockholders, that is the time the corp
will be liable.
In managed corporation Illegal Act – it is prohibited by law, the
GR: Vote Required - Majority of the corporation cannot exercise such act or
BOD + Majority of the Stockholders power. It cannot be ratify.
Exception: The managed corp will
increase it vote – the vote required will BY-LAWS – internal rules of the
be Majority of the BOD + 2/3 of the corporation
OCS if under these 2 instances:
AOI vs. By-laws 3. Adoption/Creation of by-laws (Section
AOI 45)
 Condition precedent
 Filed at the start 3 QUESTIONS OF BY-LAWS:
 AOI is for third persons because
they want to know if it is within the When made or when do you file by-
power of the corp. laws?
 It is the fundamental law It can be made:
 The AOI is superior Prior to Incorporation – simultaneously
 with AOI or filed with AOI
By-laws After the issuance of COI – there is no
 Condition subsequent period
 There is 2 options, filed at the
When is it effective or approved?
start or after. It means the corp
If filed prior or simultaneously with
can file it simultaneously with the
AOI – issuance of COI
AOI or after the issuance of COI.
If file after – separate approval of the
 It is for the stockholders
 It is interal rules
 The by-laws is inferior
Vote required?
If filed prior – consent of all the
QUESTION: Can a corporation exist
without AOI? –NO, because AOI is a
If filed after – vote of the Majority of OCS
condition for the existence of the
*Under the last paragraph of this
section, the corporation need the
Can a corporation exist without by-laws?
certificate of approval from the
–YES, because it is not a condition for
appropriate government agency.
the existence of the corp and it is only
a condition after the issuance of the
SECTION 46 – Contents of By-Laws
SECTION 45 – Adoption of By-Laws
Section 46 vs. Section 13
REMEMBER: After the COI has been
Sec 46
issued, there are 3 basic things that
 talks abt contents of by-laws
corp must do:
 it contains specific provisions
1. Election of BOD (Section 23)
2. Election of Officers (Section 24)
Sec 13
corporation has separate and distinct
 talks abt contents of AOI personality. The properties of the
 it contains broad provisions corporation are not the properties of
stockholders, and vice versa.
SECTION 47 – Amendment of By-Laws
3. Doctrine of Piercing The Veil of
GR: Majority of the BOD + Majority of the
Corporate Fiction (Section 2) – this is
the exception of doctrine of corporate
Exception – Delegation. If the
fiction. Under this doctrine, the separate
stockholders decided that they don’t want and distinct personality will be
to participate, they will delegate the right disregarded. It means, we are going to
to amend to the BOD. The vote required consider the corporation and
to delegate is 2/3 of the OCS. stockholders as one and the same. It will
Exception to the exception be disregarded because the separate
- Revocation of Delegation. If the and distinct personality is used for illegal
stockholders changed their mind and purposes or may illegal na nangyayari.
they want to participate, they are going to
4. Alter Ego Doctrine or
revoke the delegation. The vote Instrumentality Rule (Section 2) – this
required is the majority of the OCS. is the TEST APPLIED to determine kung
ipipierce or ididisregard natin yung
Which is easier, delegating or separate and distinct personality.
revoking? – Revoking, because the
5. Doctrine of Limited Capacity
vote required is only majority of the OCS.
(Section 2 & 35)
– under this doctrine, the corporation
When is the amended or new by-laws
cannot exercise the power which is not
found in the express, implied, and
- It shall only be effective upon the
inherent power. It means that it is only
issuance by the Commission of a limited to the Express, Implied, and
certification that the same is in Inherent power.
accordance with this Code and
other relevant laws. 6. Doctrine of Equality of Shares
(Section 6) – all shares are presumed to
1. Trust Fund Doctrine (Section 2) - 7. Doctrine of Individuality of
considers the subscribed capital as a Subscription (Section 6) – under this
trust fund for the payment of the debts of doctrine, hindi pwedeng iissue ang
the corporation, to which the creditors certificate of stock unless it is fully paid.
may look for satisfaction.
8. Doctrine of Hold-Over (Section 22) –
2. Doctrine of Corporate Fiction the term of the BOD is 1 year, supposed
(Section 2) - this doctrine explains that a the 1 year period lapsed and still they
have not elected the BOD, the one who the approval of the BOD and
will serve as the BOD is still the previous stockholders (Under Section 37)
BOD meaning they will continue to 3 years – period to extend the fixed term
function as such until a new set of BOD of the corporation (Under Section 11 –
is elected. Corporate Term)
2 years - period to decide or to choose
9. Special Fact Doctrine (Section 30) - fixed (Under Section 11 – Corporate
The director takes advantage of ANY Term)
information acquired by virtue of his
office to the disadvantage of the 5 years - Non-Use of Corporate Charter
corporation. (Under Section 21)
5 years - Continous Inoperation (Under
10. Interlocking Doctrine (Section 32) Section 21)
– when one, some, or all of the directors 2 years - effect of Continuous
are basically the same. Inoperation – the corp will be placed
under delinquent status for 2 years.
11. Doctrine of Corporate Immunity During the 2 year period, the corp will be
(Section 35) – it protects a person acting given time to operate again. (Under
in behalf of the corporation from being Section 21)
personally liable for its authorized
actions. Term of Office – 1,2,3,5 (Under Section
12. Corporate Opportunity Doctrine 1 year – for the BOD
(Section 33) – acquires a business 2 years - for the cooperatives
opportunity which should belong to the 3 years – for the non-stock corporation
corporation. 5 years – for the non-stock educational
5 years limitation – duration of founder’s If within 5 years prior to the election or
shares right (Under Section 7) appointment - A person shall be
6 months – if the SEC did not approve or disqualified from being a D/T/O of any
reject the amendment of AOI within 6 corporation if he committed or was found
months, the date of effectivity of the guilty on any of the 3 major grounds for
amendment of AOI will be from the date disqualification (Under Section 26)
of filing. (Under Section 15) 1 year - instances when the
6 months - application for the increase stockholders can fill out the vacancy,
or decrease of Capital Stock must be after 1 year the stockholder can fill out
made within 6 months from the date of the vacancy (Under Section 28 –
Vacancy of BOD)
25 years - the corp cannot acquire public
lands it but it can lease the said public
lands up to the extent of 1,000 hectares
and for a period of 25 years only. (Under
Section 35)
5 years - Period for Management
Contract (Under Section 43)
Period to Fill Out the Vacancy (Under
Section 28):
If term expires – no later than the day of
the expiration
Removal – same day
45 days - other grounds like resignation
or withdrawal – period to fill out the
vacancy is within 45 days

30 days – Reporting of election of

BOD/Officers must be made within 30
days after the election (Under Section
30 days - the non-holding of election
must be report within 30 days from the
date of the scheduled election (Under
Section 25)
60 days – the new date of election must
be made not later than 60 days from the
scheduled date (Under Section 25)
7 days - if Director/Trustee/Officer dies,
resigns, withdraws, etc. it must be report
it within 7 days from knowledge (Under
Section 25)
3 days – notification of the creation of the
emergency board should be made within
3 days (Under Section 28)

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