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Course Code: Course Objective:

The course provides a unified and fundamental view of the broad field of data communications networks. Furthermore, the easy to understand and extremely relevant world of Computer Net working is introduced in a top down Approach. Excellent online resources are available which are fun to use and learn and the student is highly encouraged to look at them.

BTE 702

Credit Units: 03

Course Contents:
Module I: Data Transmission Analog and Digital transmission, transmission media, line configuration, data communications codes, error detection and correlation methods. Data encoding methods: analog to digital, digital to analog etc. Module II: Data Communication Methods Data communication interface, line control unit, UART, USRT, Serial interface, terminal types. SDLC, HDLC, Addressing Switched networks, circuit switching, packet switching, broadcast networks. IEEE 802 LAN Standards, framing, error control, flow control. Module III: Introduction to Computer Networking Internet, Circuit switching vs Packet switching, Network Access and Physical Media, ISPs, Delay and Loss in Packet Switched Networks, Five Layer concept and their PDUs Module IV: Application layer and Transport layer Application Layer Protocols: Web and HTTP, FTP, SMTP, DNS, brief overview of socket Programming with TCP and UDP Multiplexing and Demultiplexing, UDP, Reliable Data Transfer, UDP segment structure, Reliable Data Transfer, TCP, TCP segment Structure, Basics of Congestion Control Module V: Network Layer Datagram and virtual circuit, link state routing, distance vector routing, Heirarchical Routing, IP, Ipv4 Addressing, Ipv6 Module VI: Link Layer and Physical Layer Services Provided, Error Detection and Correction, Mulple Access Protocols, TDM, FDM and CDMA, ALOHA, CSMA, LANs, Ethernet, Hubs, Bridges and Switches, Introduction to PPP The physical layer: Theoretical basis for data communication, transmission media, wireless transmission, telecom infrastructure, PSTN, communication satellites, mobile telephone system

Examination Scheme:
Components A CT S/V/Q HA EE 5 10 8 7 70 Weightage (%) CT: Class Test, HA: Home Assignment, S/V/Q: Seminar/Viva/Quiz, EE: End Semester Examination; Att: Attendance

Text & References:

Text: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet (3rd Edition) by James F. Kurose Data Communication & networking: Forouzan, B. A. References: Computer Networks: Tanenbaum, Andrew S, Prentice Hall W. Tomasi, Advanced Electronic Communication Systems, 2000 James Martin, Telecommunications & the Computer, 3rd Edition, PHI. 2001 P. C. Gupta, Data Communications, PHI, 2001.

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