MUN Chair Script (Russia-Ukraine) - 1

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Greetings honorable guests and dear delegates, the chair for

the session warmly welcomes you to the third session of the
second chapter of Dikshant International School’s Model United
Nations. I am Darshita Joshi, your chair for the discussion today
and I hope together we can reach a consensus on the issue in
hand. In today’s session we are going to discuss about the
Russia – Ukraine conflict.

Countries declaring their hegemony over other countries is not a new phenomenon.
But as we glance through history, this sense of recontrol has only transfigured each
time, with ties dating centuries making it even difficult to understand the victim or
oppressor. One such is the history and progress of Ukraine.

Even though the Russia-Ukraine War began in 2022, its origins can be traced back
several years, even to a time of cultural homogeneity. This makes it incredibly
important for us to understand the issue in its totality, further raising questions on
whether the need for dominance through annexation was forgone or has merely
been redefined.

War has never been a solution that was clear post World War 1 and World War 2.
Destruction and the collapse of economies and political systems have ushered changes in
many countries, some of which are still recovering from the aftermath. In the midst
of this, the Russia-Ukraine war poses a serious threat, one that might usher in the
disintegration of economies, and systems, and even possibly result in a third world
war. In the words of Benjamin Jensen, Senior Fellow, from the Center for Strategic
and International Studies, “The longer a conflict such as Ukraine lasts, the less likely it will
be confined to one
state. “Therefore, it is the responsibility of the delegates in this committee to usher a
motion of peace between the involved parties and pave the way for a better tomorrow
for millions of its citizens and the world.

The house will now come to order.

We will begin this session with the roll call. Delegates are
reminded to raise their placards up high when their country’s
name is called and respond with “present and voting.'

(Then call out every countries name (delegate of...) in

alphabetical order.)

'Any delegates which did not hear their name called please
raise your placards now.'

Alright. Thank you Delegates.

After the roll call we can see that there are 6 countries with 12
Delegates present, this makes a simple majority of 4 votes .
The motion on the floor is RUSSIA VS UKRAINE

We will now proceed with the Opening Speeches that consist of

presenting your Position Papers. This is an Opportunity to
explain your country policy, introduce key sub-issues you want
the committee to focus on, and determine countries you want
to work with during the lobbying and merging session that will
take place later during the day. Delegates will be called up
individually and will have a speaking time of 2 minutes each.
The Chair reminds the delegates to refrain from using personal
pronouns and only use the third person.

We shall now open a primary speakers list.

“All those wishing to be added to the primary speakers list,

please raise your placards now”

(After getting people on the list :)

“First we will have the delegate of ___ speak. Delegate of ___
you now have the floor.

Thank you Delegate.

We will now have the next delegate, the delegate of __' speak.
Delegate of __ you now have the floor.

Thank you Delegates.

We now move to moderated Caucasus where delegates will be

called individually and will have a speaking time of 2 minutes
each on the subject of Russia vs Ukraine.
Thank you Delegate from ___

We are now in an unmoderated caucus for 10 minutes.

Delegates can get up from their seats and discuss with each
other. However, we would like to ask delegates not to leave the

After 10 minutes...

Delegates, your time has elapsed, please take your seats.

Delegates, we will now bring the committee into formal

session. We will now proceed with presentation of the
Resolution and arguments and questions on the same.

First we will have the delegate of ___speak. Delegate of __ you

now have the floor.
Thank you Delegate.

The Delegate has yielded to points of information, do any

delegates have any points of information”

Delegate Raises Placard “ Delegate of __, you have been


After the point has been raised “Delegate of __, do you accept
this point of information”

Delegate _'says yes, “Delegate of __ you have the remaining

time to answer”

Delegate _''' says No, “Do any other delegates have a point of
information to ask to the delegate of ___”

(No delegate has questions)

“There are no remaining points of information for the
delegate; the chair will automatically assume the time”

We will now have the next delegate, the delegate of __' speak.
Delegate of __ you now have the floor.

The Delegate has yielded to points of information, do any

delegates have any points of information”

Delegate Raises Placard “Yes Delegate of __”

After the point has been raised “Delegate of __, do you accept
this point of information”

Delegate _'says yes, “Delegate of __ you have the remaining

time to answer”

Delegate _''' says No, “Do any other delegates have a point of
information to ask to the delegate of ___”
(No delegate has questions)

“There are no remaining points of information for the

delegate, the chair will automatically assume the time”

Time allocated for debate on the resolution as a whole has

elapsed. We will now be moving directly into voting
procedures. Note passing is suspended. Admin staff please
assist in the counting of votes. All delegates voting for
resolution ____ please raise your placards high.

All delegates voting against resolution __ please raise your

placards high.

The results of the vote are as follows: … votes for… votes

against … . With a vote of … for…, against,, this resolution has
passed/ failed.
The chair would like to state that we’ve had a productive
session and the chair is of view that the international
community has the maturity to handle the crisis that the world
is facing in a peaceful manner.

The chair would also like to mention the delegates from

________ who presented highly impactful arguments in a
powerful manner. The chair would also like to mention the
delegate of ______ country.
Clapping is in order.

Delegates with this the meeting has been adjourned.

Extra Points :

Speaker exceeding time limit :

Delegate, please return to your seat, your time has elapsed.

Bang gavel if still not sitting down

Delegate makes rude comments during speech

“Delegate, please remain courteous and polite during speeches,

rudeness will not be tolerated and can result in suspension
from the debate”

Delegates are talking during another speech

“Delegates no cross-talking”

Delegates say “I” too many times

“Delegate please remember to avoid personal pronouns”

Forgetting to Yield

“Delegate, how do you yield your time”

( Delegate is clearly unsure of what is happening)

“Do not worry delegate, if you wish to merely end your speech
and sit down, please state that you wish to yield to the chair”

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