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Today Lecture

generalized force

A virtual displacement can be represented in terms of position coordinates or generalized coordinates. The
advantage of generalized coordinates, of course, is that they automaticallyrespect the constraints.
Let a system described by géneralized coordinates q that fully specifr the motion of the system subject
to the constraints and that are independent of each other.
Considerthe transformation equations are
r = r(qr t)

Considera system having three generalized coordinates (three degree offreedom) q where i =
Considera system having three generalized coordinates (three degree offreedom) q where i = I, 2,3
x= = x(qj)

z = z(ql ,% , = z(q)

Suppose the system undergoes a certain displacement in the configuration space in such a lay that it does not
take anv time and that it is consistent with the constraintson the system.
91 (q + ögt,q2+ + Sq"
Taking the differential of the transformation equations
öf öf
if f (x,y,:) then
ax 3 ax
E Öqi+—öt
QV öy öy öy
By = — öql + —
öqt öq2
Suppose the system undergoes a certain displacement in the configuration space in such a lay that it does not
take any tim and that it is consistent with the constraints on the system.
(qt (q + öq„q: +8%)
Taking the differential of the transformation equations
öf öf
if f (N' then
ax öy ö:
ax 3 ax
öqt öqs at öt
öy öy öy QV 3 öy öy
By = — öq + +— + —5t —
-E—öq +—öt
öqt öq2 öq; öq at
öz 3 öz
öqr öqs öt
Time is frozen,
3 öx 3
öqt ' öq: -
öqr öq: öt
Time is frozen,
3 3

system having "n" generalized coordinates, then in general form

Suppose the system undergoes a certain displacement in the configuration space in such a way that it does
not take any time and that it is consistent with the constraiets on the system. Such displacements are called
virtual because they do not represent actual displacements of the system.
Dr = drldi-o
Virtualdisplacementsare imaginary displacements.
They are "consistent" with the force of constrains. Since there is no actual motion of the system, the work
done by the forces ot constraint in such a virtual displacement is zero.
o The maior advantaqeof using generalized coordinates is that they can be chosen to be
perpendicular to a correspondinq constraint force. and therefore that specific constraint force
does no workfor motion along that generalized coordinate
Example: If a particle is constrained to move on the surface of a smooth sphere, then the force of
Constraint is equivalent to the reaction of the surface. In this case, the virtual
displacement is taken at right angles to the direction of the force, i.e., along the surface,
so that the work done by the force during the virtual displacement is zero.
The virtual displacements are infinitesimal.
The virtual displacements are instantaneous.
o The virtual aspect about them is that, they are instantaneous displacements
Theyare the subsets of all the displacements.
Real displacements take finite amount of time for their realization.
Thegeneralized velocity are held fixed duringthe displacement
The work that would be done on "e system by the forces acting on the system as the system undergoes the
virtual displacement is called virtual displacement.


Putting values in

öqi E—öq
ax öy
öq öqt

öx öy ö: is generalized force
x öq, Yöq öq
ax öy
öq öq öq

ax öy öz
is generalized force

Todefine generalizedforces, use the relationship between virtual work and non-constraint forces
is the generalized force along the ith generalized coordinate.

Force is the ratio Of the work done to the displacement when a virtual displacement of only the ith
generalized coordinate is performed
o It is of course possible to displace only the ith generalized coordinate because the generalized
coordinates are mutuallv indenendent-
Force is the ratio of the work done to the displacement when a virtual displacement of only. the ith
qeneralized coordinate is performed
o It is of course possible to displace only the ith generalized coordinate because the generalized
coordinates are mutually independent.


• It is important to remember that the generalized force is found by summing only over the oon-constraint
forces: the constraint forces have already been taken into account in defininq qeneralized coordinates.
• It is obvious just as thelgeneralized coordinateq need not have the dimension of length, the generalized

force need not have the dimension of force. But the Q öqi must have dimension of work.



•It is important to remember that the generalized force is found by summing only over the non-constraint
forces: the constraint forces have already been taken into account in defininq qeneralized coordinates.
• Itis obviousjust as the generalized coordinateq need not have the dimension of length, the generalized

force need not have the dimension offorce. But the Q, öq, must have dimension of work.


ax öy
In general 1

From generalized force

ax öy
x öq Yöq öq
force need not have the dimension offorce. But the Q öq must have dimension Of work.


In general
From generalized force
ax öy öz

öVöy av öz
Q- ax öq,
öVöy öVö:
ax öq O' öq öz öq
ax öy
In general
From generalized force
ax öy

öVöy öVöz
ax öq öy öq öz öq

This expresses the relation between a generalized force and the potential representing a conservation
Today Lecture
Principle of virtual work
D'Alembert's principle


Considera configuration of a system of "N" particles.
Virtual displacement
Suppose in this configuration the position of particle is located by position vector An infinitesimal virtual
displacement at a time "t" is one in which the chanqe ot coordinates of all the particles are given a small
displacement consistent with the forces and constraints present at this time. The displacement is called
virtual because time is not allowed to chanqe during this displacement hence the forces remain constant.

In addition assume that the system is in equilibrium so that the total force on every.particle vanishes.
The virtual displacement also vanishes.
Then the total work done must also vanish since the work on each particle vanishes. Thus

Dividethe total force into the applied force and the forces of constraint on ith particle
Divide the total force into the applied force and the forces of constraint on ith particle

Substitute above value into the expression for total virtual work in equation (I)


Let now constrict to system only for which the net virtual work of forces of constraint is zero.
o Consider
theorces o constraint gre qt right angles to the surface while
virtual _displacement must be tangent to it This is true for most holonomic constraints. For this
case the total virtual work vanishes

o Now if this condition is hold true for rigid bodies and is also valid for large number of other
So now equation (2) implies that the total work done by the external force is also zero.
•öFi = O (3)

Let now constrict to system only for which the net virtual work of forces of constraint is zero.
o Consideronlysystems for which the forces of constraint are at riqht angles to the surface, while
virtual displacement must be tanqent to it. This is true for most holonomic constraints. For this
case the total virtual work vanishes.

o Now if this condition is hold true for rigid bodies and is also valid for large number of other
So now equation (2) implies that the total work done by the external force is also zero.
•öFi = o (3)

This expression (3) is called the principle of virtual work.

"Work done by applied force acting on a system in equilibrium is zero, provided that no frictional force is
present. "
It should also be noted that all the coordinates and hence the virtual dis lacements are not inde ndent o
each other. In fact, some of these must be connected by the equations of constraints. Hence, we cannot treat
o Now if this condition is hold true for rigid bodies and is also valid for large number of other
• So now equation (2) implies that the total work done by the external force is also zero.
•öFi = O (3)

This expression (3) is called the principle of virtual work.

"Work done by applied force acting on a system in equilibrium is zero, provided that no frictional force is
It should also be noted that all the coordinates and hence the virtual dis lacements are not inde ndent o
each other. In fact, some of these must be connected by the equations of constraints. Hence, we cannot treat
virtual displacements öii as completely arbitrary and equate their coefficients, viz. F? = 0 to zero.
For this purpose, we shall have to transform coordinates r, to independent generalized coordinatesq.

So far we only consideredstatic systems. Most of the systems we come across in mechanics are not in static
equilibrium. Hence, the principle must be modified to include dynamic systems as well.
We can examine dynamic systems by using a device developed by Bernoulli and D'Alembert's, Start
with the equation of motion of a particle and move the rate of change of momentum to the same side as the
appliedforce. Thinkof this term as a "reversed effective force" to keep the system in equilibrium.
This reversed effective force can be called the 'kinetic reaction'. When any particle is acted upon by an external
force, the resultant of the applied force and the kinetic reaction is zero.
dt dt
Separate the actual force into external and constraints and proceed for principle of virtual work

.öii .öFi = O
Dealing the system for which the virtual work of the forces of constraints is zero
Separate the actual force into external and constraints and proceed for principle of virtual work

.öFj -o
Dealing the system for which the virtual work of the forces of constraints is zero

Sinceforce ofconstraints are no more in picture. It is better to drop superscript "a" thus

This is called D'Alembert's principle.

Henceforth the force is understood to be only the applied force and does not include constraints.
o Consideronlysystems for which the forces of constraint are at riqht anqles to the surface, while
virtual displacement must be tangent to it. This is true for most holonomicconstraints. For this
case the total virtual work vanishes.

o Now if this condition is hold true for rigid bodies and is also valid for large number of other
• So now equation (2) implies that the total work done by the external force is also zero.
•öFi = 0 (3)

This expression (3) is called the principle of virtual work.

"Work done by applied force acting on a system in equilibrium is zero, provided that no frictional force is
present. "
It should also be noted that all the coordinates and hence the virtual dis lacements are not inde endent o
each other. In fact, some of these must be connected by the equations of constraints. Hence, we cannot treat
virtual displacements öi, as completely arbitrary and equate their coefficients, viz. :. O to zero.
For this purpose, we shall have to transform coordinates r, to independentgeneralized coordinatesq.

We can examine dynamic systems by using a device developed by Bernoulli and D'Alembert's, Start
with the equation of motion of a particle and move the rate of change of momentum to the same side as the
appliedforce. Thinkof this term as a "reversed effective force" to keep the system in equilibrium.
Thisreversed effective force can be called the 'kinet:c reaction'. When any particle is acted upon by an external
force, the resultant of the appliedforce and the kinetic reaction is zero.

Separate the actual force into external and constraints and proceedfor principle of virtual work

. öi'; .öFi = O
Today Lecture
derivation of Lagrange's equation from D'Alembert's principle
We now transform D'Alembert's principle into expressions containing independent generalized coordinates
.öÜ=o (1)
It should be noted that coefficientof can no lonqer be set equal to zero. Thisis because are
not all independent but are now connected by the equation of constraints. To equate the coefficient to zero, we
transform principle into an expression involvinq virtual displacement of qeneralized coordinates which are
the independent of each other (for holonomic constraints), so that the coefficient of öq can be set separately
equal to zero.
di)t ör,
dt ¯öqjöqj = o
di öri ax öy 6: öri
equal to zero.

öx öy öz
öqj •t f" öqj x öqj Yöqj öqj öqj
di)i ör,
dt öqj
Now take
dt ¯ dt
—L öqj =

Let consider again term m, Fi —

Let consider aqain term m,i; —i-

d öFi
dt öqj dt öqj

ntii;. (3)
dt öq,
We can interchange the term by following substitution in the right hand side of equation (3)


d öii dit öii

dt öq, öqj dt ¯öqj
Using above relation (g.@)on right hand side of equation (3), then

m,ii. (4)
dt öq, öq, dt ¯öqj
Using above relation (94) on right hand side of equation (3), then

dt t'


Now consider

2 ö4J ö4J 2

Now consider

2 ö4j 2 öåj


But total kinetic energy of the ith particle

—mil'? = T

so equation (5) can be


Similarly it can be prove that

But total kinetic energy of the ith particle

So equation (5) can be


Similarlyit can be prove that


Using equation (5-a, 5-b) in equation (4), then


dt öqj

Where i=l, 2, 3...N J-1, 2, 3 ...3N K

Using equation (5-a, 5-b) in equation (4), then mtii.
dt ö4J

m,ii. (6)

Where i=l, 2, 3...N J-1, 2, 3 ...3N-K

— öqj (7)
dt öqj dt öqj

Using equation (7) in equation (2) Q)öqj öqj = o

L dt öqj


dt öqj
dt öq, dt

using equation (7) in equation (2) EQjöqj

dt öqj

dt öqj

dt öqj

Since the constraint imposed on the system of particles are holonomic,so all öqjare independent of each
other. Now equation (8) holds only when coefficient of öqj vanish (virtual displacement). It's mean


using equation (7) in equation (2) öqj=o
dt öqj

EQJöqj-E —r öqj=o
dt öqj öqj

dt öqj

Since the constraint imposed on the system of particles are holonomic,so all öq are independent of each
other. Now equation (8) holds only when coefficient of öqj vanish (virtual displacement). It's mean

dt öqj

There are n such equation in all, and 3N-Kindependent equations and re often called Lagrangian equations.
They hold for conservative as well as non conservative forces.
dt öqj

Since the constraint imposed on the system of particles are holonomic,so all öq are independent of each
other. Now equation (8) holds only when coefficient of öqj vanish (virtual displacement). It's mean

dt öqj
dt öqj
There are n such equation in all, and 3N-K independent equations and are often called Lagrangian equations.
They hold for conservative as well as non conservative forces.


Butfor the conservativesystem, whenforces are derivablefrom a scalar function V
But for the conservative system, when forces are derivable from a scalar
function V
Where is called the potential energy of the ith particle.
For a generalized force, eq.(IO) can be written as



So equation (11) would be




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