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words = perkataan / phrases = frasa / sentences = ayat


It is a Japanese cartoon.
We call that an anime.
It is a horror anime.
It is unsuitable for children.
unsuitable = tidak sesuai
The anime is not suitable for because it is gory.
gore = adegan berdarah
gory = banyak adegan berdarah
ghost = hantu

It is a baby.
What is the name of the baby?
The name of the baby is Muhammad Irfan Naufal bin Khuzaimie.
blue towel = tuala biru
Bayi itu dibalut dengan tuala biru.
How do you say that in English?
Macam mana nak sebut tu dalam English?
The baby is wrapped with a blue towel.
wrap = balutan
wrap / wraps = membalut
is wrapped / was wrapped / are wrapped / were wrapped = dibalut
It is because the baby cold.
a baby / babies = bayi
a toddler / toddlers = kanak-kanak kecil

This is a canteen.
Do you see any student?
No, the canteen is empty.
empty = kosong
What empty means?
Empty means "kosong".
meaning = maksud
it means = ia bermaksud / itu bermaksud
means = bermaksud
Why do you think the canteen is empty?
It is because the picture is taken during weekend.
is taken = diambil
during = waktu / ketika
weekend = hujung minggu
The students are not going to school during weekend.

There are many rabbits.

What are the colour of the rabbits?
The colour of the rabbits are white and black.
What the man is doing?
The man is feeding the rabbits
feed = beri makan
is feeding = sedang bagi makan
There is a monkey too.
It is a rabbit farm.
rabbit coop = rumah arnab
chicken coop = reban ayam
We can also put rabbits in a cage.

practice = berlatih
communication = komunikasi
What do we want to practice?
We want to practice communication.
It is because English is all about communication.
is all about = semua tentang
speak = bercakap
speaking = percakapan
duck = itik
memorize = hafal
fluent = fasih
English is not just memorization. = English bukan menghafal sahaja.
English is for communication. = English adalah untuk komunikasi.

What do you see in the picture?

There are many children.
children = kanak-kanak
How many boys?
There are three boys.
How many girls?
There are two girls.
They will say things in full. = Mereka akan cakap dengan penuh.
These are penguins.
The penguins are in water inside of an aquarium.
The penguins are in a big aquarium.
What the penguins are doing?
The penguins are swimming.

You can see a tent in the photo.

a tent / tents = khemah
These guys are going for camping.
a fire = api
There is a fire. / There's a fire.
Dekat situ ada api.
bonfire = unggun api
We call that a bonfire.
call = panggil
firewoods = kayu api
They used firewoods to create a bonfire.
They used firewoods to create the bonfire.
They will sleep inside of the tent.
tiny = kecil
The tent is tiny.
The tent looks tiny.
looks = kelihatan
What can you see in the picture?
Apa yang kamu boleh lihat dalam gambar itu?
a star / stars / many stars = bintang
I can see stars.
The stars are in the sky.
sky = langit
a tree / trees / many trees = pokok
There are many trees.
If there are many trees, what do we call that?
It is a forest.
forest = hutan
mountains = gunung
Where do you see the mountains?
The mountains are at the back.
back = belakang
cliff = cenuram / tebing
grass = rumput
cloud / clouds = awan
house = rumah
village = kampung
lake = tasik
fall down the cliff = jatuh dari tebing
may die = boleh mati
you may die, we may die,
you have to say it in full = kamu kena cakap dengan penuh
in full = dengan penuh
It is a cliff. = Itu ialah cenuram.
This is a cliff.
These are grass.

innumerable = tidak terkira

peruse = teliti
eat = makan [verb = kata kerja]

You can everything. = Kamu boleh makan apa-apa sahaja.

Do not eat the fruits. It's poisonous. = Jangan makan buah itu. Buah itu
The fruits cannot be eaten. = Buah itu tidak boleh dimakan.
I have eaten. = Saya sudah makan.
I have already eaten. / I have eaten already. = Saya sudah pun makan.
He has eaten. / She has eaten. = Dia sudah makan.
Ahmad is eating now. / He is eating now. = Dia sedang makan sekarang.
We are eating now. = Kami sedang makan sekarang.
differences = perbezaan (jelas)
nuances = perbezaan kecil
The zookeeper is being eaten by a tiger. = Penjaga zoo itu sedang dimakan
oleh seekor harimau.
The zookeeper has been eaten by a tiger. = Penjaga zoo itu telah dimakan
oleh seekor harimau.
The zookeeper is eaten by a tiger. = Penjaga zoo itu dimakan oleh seekor
I eat durian. = Saya makan durian.
I You We They >> Takde huruf s
I don't eat durian. = Saya tidak makan durian.
He eats durian. / She eats durian. = Dia makan durian.
He doesn't eat durian. / She doesn't eat durian. = Dia tidak makan durian.

understand = faham [verb = kata kerja]

I don't understand. = Saya tidak faham.

It cannot be understood by normal people. = Perkara itu tidak boleh difahami
oleh orang biasa.
The situation has been understood by everyone. = Situasi itu sudah difahami
oleh semua orang.
I'm trying to understand. = Saya cuba untuk fahamkan.
Please understand me. = Sila fahami saya.
I have understood. = Saya sudah faham.
He understands that very well. = Dia betul-betul memahami perkara itu.
She understands that very well. = Dia betul-betul memahami perkara itu.
We understand that very well. = Kami betul-betul memahami perkara itu.
They understand that very well. = Mereka betul-betul memahami perkara itu.


junk food = makanan ringan

fast food = makanan segera
carbonated drinks = minuman berkarbonat / air gas
restaurant = restoran
very convenient = sangat memudahkan / selesa
are everywhere = di mana-mana sahaja
can be found = boleh dijumpai
in many places = di banyak tempat
very delicious = sangat sedap
fried chicken = ayam goreng
loved by chidren = disukai kanak-kanak
children love them = kanak-kanak sukakan mereka(makanan tu)
addictive = menyebabkan ketagih
addicted to = ketagih
become obsessed = menjadi obses / terlampau suka / taksub
become obesed = jadi gemuk
obesity = kegemukan
cause obesity = menyebabkan kegemukan

customized = disesuaikan / tersuai

customized services = perkhidmatan yang disesuaikan (dengan kehendak

customized cars = -
customized clothes = -
customized cakes = -
customized shoes = -
custom mode in games = -
The company is well-known with its customized services that have served the
needs millions of customers.
The customized clothes are expensive and have been designed by a famous

morning walk = jalan pagi

good for health = baik untuk kesihatan

park = taman
path / pathway = laluan
nature = alam sekitar
near the nature = berhampiran alam sekitar
forest = hutan
jogging = berjoging
listen to music = dengar muzik
get rid of boredom = untuk menghilangkan rasa bosan
refreshing = menyegarkan
many benefits = banyak faedah
release stress = membebaskan / menghilangkan tekanan
family time = masa bersama keluarga
know our neighbours = kenal jiran
sunlight = cahaya matahari
vitamin D = vitamin D
our body can produce vitamin D if it is exposed to the sunlight
everyone = semua orang
all ages = semua usia
old people = orang tua
adults = dewasa
teenagers = remaja
children = kanak-kanak
must be under parental supervision = di bawah pengawasan ibubapa
baby in a stroller = bayi dalam kereta sorong
foreign language = bahasa asing

phonemes = sebutan asas

basic pronunciation = sebutan asas
pronunciation = sebutan
when we were born = waktu dilahirkan
we could hear all phonemes = kita boleh dengar semua phonemes
but after two months = tapi selepas dua bulan
the phonemes that we are not exposed = phonemes yang kita tidak
we will become deaf to them = kita akan jadi "pekak" terhadap mereka
(phonemes itu)

optimistic = bersifat optimis / mempunyai harapan dan yakin dengan

masa depan

an optimistic person = seorang yang optimis

optimistic people = orang yang optimis
opportunity / opportunities = peluang
grab chances = merebut peluang
positive mindset = pemikiran positif
a bright future = masa hadapan yang cerah
they will never complain = mereka tidak akan mengeluh
whenever = apabila
they have problems = mereka mempunyai masalah

bacteria = bakteria / kuman

too small = sangat kecil

microorganism = microorganisma
slight different = perbezaan kecil
with virus = dengan virus
cause = menyebabkan
infection = jangkitan
get infected = dijangkit
fall sick = jatuh sakit
get sick = jadi sakit
diseases = penyakit
illnesses = penyakit
you cannot see them = kamu tak boleh lihat mereka
with naked eyes = dengan mata kasar
a microscope = mikroskop
take care = menjaga
hygiene = kebersihan
wash your hands = basuh tangan kamu
wash hands = basuh tangan

kidnapping = penculikan

kidnap = menculik
kidnapped = diculik
has been kidnapped = telah diculik
bad people = orang jahat
children = kanak-kanak
adults too = orang dewasa juga
careful = berhati-hati
go outside = keluar rumah
under supervision = di bawah pengawasan
parental supervision = pengawasan ibubapa
sad = sedih

supermarket = pasaraya

a shelf / shelves = rak

junk food = makanan ringan
restaurant = kedai makan
shop lot / shop lots = lot kedai
promotion = promosi
dolls = patung
mannequin dolls = patung peraga
vegetable / vegetables = sayur
fruits = buah-buahan
beverage / beverages = minuman
trolley = troli
baskets = raga
fitting room = bilik cuba baju / tukar baju
plastic bags = bag plastik
toilets = tandas
mosque = surau
parking lots = tempat letak kenderaan
promoters = jurujual
cashiers = juruwang
customers = pelanggan

doctor = doktor

profession = profesi
patient / patients = pesakit
stethoscope = stetoskop
white attire = pakaian putih
hospital = hospital
clinic = klinik
surgery / surgeries = pembedahan
operation / operations = operasi
bed = katil
patient bed = katil pesakit
toilets = tandas

police = polis

gun = pistol
pistol = pistol
police car = kereta polis
police station = balai polis
police officers = pegawai polis
officers = pegawai
police report = laporan polis
siren = siren
arrest = menahan
suspect / suspects = suspek
criminal / criminals = penjenayah
investigate = menyiasat
crime = jenayah
authority = kuasa
roadblock = sekatan jalan raya
may involved = mungkin terlibat
bribery = rasuah
bribe = merasuah
uniform = pakaian seragam
dogs = anjing
police dogs = anjing polis

discussion = mesyuarat / perbincangan

meeting = perjumpaan / mesyuarat

chairs = kerusi
a table = meja
water to drink = air untuk minum
thirsty = haus
prolonged talking = percakapan yang berlanjutan / lama
boss = bos / ketua
leader = ketua
office = pejabat
corperate members = ahli koperat
company = syarikat
school = sekolah
classroom = kelas

depression = depresi
sad = sedih
stress = tekanan
stressed = tertekan
depressed = tertekan / kemurungan
chronic depression = depresi kronik
suicide = bunuh diri
suicidal thought = rasa nak bunuh diri
not good = tak bagus
seek help = cari / dapatkan pertolongan
counselor = kaunselor
counseling = kaunseling
advice = nasihat
find friends = cari kawan
share with others = berkongsi dengan orang lain
share with people = berkongsi dengan orang
do not stay alone = jangan duduk berseorangan
crazy = gila
always = selalu
isolate themselves = mengasingkan diri mereka
isolate = mengasingkan
anxiety = rasa cemas
cannot sleep = tak boleh tidur
sleep problems = masalah tidur
insomnia = insomnia

CGI Animated Short Film: "Miles to Fly" by Stream Star Studio | CGMeetup
story = cerita
ambition = cita-cita
different ambitions = cita-cita yang berbeza
pilot = juruterbang
baker = tukang roti
in a bakery shop = kedai roti / kek
cafe = kafe
sometimes in a cafe = kadangkala di kafe
boy / guy / man
instinct = naluri
feelings = perasaan
emotion = emosi
personality = personality
preference / preferences = citarasa
quite sad = agak sedih
very fast = sangat laju
sick mother = ibu sakit
becomes old = jadi tua
grey hairs = uban
grey haired = beruban
good boy = budak lelaki baik
finally = akhirnya
master both = memahiri kedua-duanya
both = kedua-duanya
master = memahiri / mahir
two capabilities = dua kebolehan
two abilities = dua kebolehan
lessons = pengajaran
You have to follow your ambition, however you can still master other skills.
Kamu perlulah mengejar(ikut) cita-cita kamu, walaubagaimanapun kamu
masih boleh menguasai kemahiran yang lain.

public toilets = tandas awam

smelly = berbau
stinking = berbau busuk
foul-smelling = berbau busuk
dirty = kotor
very dirty = sangat kotor
selfish = penting diri sendiri
irresponsible = tidak bertanggungjawab
responsible = bertanggungjawab
don't clean properly = tak basuh betul-betul
poops are everywhere = tahi di mana-mana
urine on the floor = air kencing di atas lantai
same goes to toilets in school = sama sahaja dengan tanda di dalam sekolah
unhygienic = tidak bersih
why this happens = kenapa ini berlaku
lazy = malas
don't have awareness = tidak ada kesedaran
mindset = pemikiran / pola pikir
poor mindset = pemikiran yang lemah
how to increase awareness = bagaimana untuk meningkatkan kesedaran
organize an awareness campaign = menganjurkan kempen kesedaran
collect fees = mengutip bayaran
hire a cleaner = mengupah seorang tukang cuci
hire cleaners = mengupah tukang cuci (ramai)

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