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Republic of the Philippines


Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang, Brgy. Dahican, City of Mati
Davao Oriental, 8200


SUBJECT: EDUC 126 (Facilitating Learner- centered Teaching and Learning

Fill the table as indicated.

Learning Theory Proponent Central Idea of the Theory How to apply the theory in the classroom?
(You may include diagram/s.) (Give one illustration)

➢ Connectionism Theory is built on the foundation that

learning is the result of associations forming between ➢ Mark is a graduating student. But
stimuli and responses. These associations or “habits” they are not still finished with their
become strengthened or weakened by the nature and thesis. They have submitted their
CONNECTIONISM EDWARD THRONDIKE frequency of the stimulus-response pairings. It lays work several times, but there is
(1874-1949) importance on the value of repetition, drill and practice always something wrong with it.
for memorizing and mastering of any learnt material. It They correct each mistake every time
emphasizes that there should not be a long gap it is returned to them until it is
between one practice and the next one because long correct.
time disuse may lead to forgetting.

➢ It is a concept in psychology that refers to the belief ➢ Mia just finished a long examination
that behavior manifests as a result of the interplay in their math subject, after which
between stimulus and response. In particular, the belief they immediately felt hungry. That’s
The Principles of JAMES WATSON is that a subject is presented with a stimulus, and then why they went to the canteen and
Stimulus-Responces (1878-1958) responds to that stimulus, producing “behavior” (the ate right away.
object of psychology’s study, as a field). In other words,

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang, Brgy. Dahican, City of Mati
Davao Oriental, 8200

behavior cannot exist without a stimulus of some sort,

at least from this perspective.

Stimulus : Response :
CLASSIC CONDITIONING IVAN PAVLOV (1849- Event that Reaction to ➢ Mr. Dan is a harsh and strict teacher
1936) activates the stimulus makes students feel bad about
behavior themselves. Students associate going
Unconditioned: Unconditioned Unconditioned to school with the harsh teacher and
Unconditioned/Involuntary Stimulus Response learn to feel bad about going to
Neutral : No natural Neutral school.
association Stimulus
Conditioned: Learned by Conditioned Conditioned
association Stimulus Response

➢ Classical Conditioning is learning through the

association of a neutral stimulus with a biologically
potent stimulus. The biologically potent stimulus is an
involuntary response also known as a reflex. The
concept of classical conditioning is studied by every
entry-level psychology student. It is a type of learning
that had a major influence on the school of thought in
psychology known as behaviorism.
Punishments Reinforcement ➢ Ana participated in a recitation
(decreasing (increasing contest at their school. Ana’s level of
behavior) behavior) confidence increased when she
Positive Adding something Adding something heard the praises and applause of the
OPERANT (adding) to decrease to increase people.

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang, Brgy. Dahican, City of Mati
Davao Oriental, 8200

Negative Subtracting Subtracting ➢ The students was surprised when

(subtracting) something to something to Mark’s cellphone rang while Ms. Rina
decrease behavior increase behavior was discussing their lesson. Ms. Rina
confiscated Mark’s cellphone and
deducted him 5 points on the quiz.
➢ Operant conditioning, sometimes referred to as
instrumental conditioning, is a method of learning that
employs rewards and punishments in which behavior is
influenced by what happens after an event through
positive or negative reinforcement.

It is much more important to understand how a person

behaves and how their environment affects that
behavior in order to have a basic concept of their
psychological condition.

➢ Mara pays more attention in their

LATENT LEARNING math class as Mr. Alison discusses
EDWARD TOLMAN the given equation on the
(1886-1959) blackboard. Following the discussion,
they took a short quiz. And Maria
received the highest grade in their
➢ A knowledge that only becomes clear when a person class..
has an incentive to display it. The latent learning
psychology definition is that it’s a type of observational
learning that involves a person or animal learning a
behavior but not demonstrating it until there is reason

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Republic of the Philippines
Institute of Education and Teacher Training
Guangguang, Brgy. Dahican, City of Mati
Davao Oriental, 8200

to do so. It’s different than classical or operant

conditioning, which are techniques that stimulate or
reinforce specific behaviors with rewards. Latent
learning has no immediate benefits but remains in a
subject’s mind until they need to demonstrate it.

➢ In order to get the students attention

Mr. Dan used a video presentation
NINE LEVEL OF ROBERT GAGNE (1916- while teaching them about their
LEARNING 2002) topic “sun and moon”. Additionally,
Mr. Dan made sure the students
understood what they were
supposed to learn. He then assigned
them a task that required them to
present the topic of their discussion.
Mr. Dan will give a comment on each
piece of work of his students.
➢ Gagne’s nine levels of learning provide a grade by grade
technique that can assist managers, trainers, and
facilitators to shape or groups to get the maximum from
their studying opportunities. You can create a strategic
framework to plan and give step-by-step precise
training with the aid of Gagne’s nine learning levels. As
a result, Gagne’s Nine Levels of Learning’s support
provides a useful strategy that enables administrators
to influence the learning process.

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