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Department of Translation and Interpreting

209902003 – Kılıç KÖÇERİ


With many different causes, the global economy starts to sink down in the 21st
Century. The global economy has been bad in the last ten years. After COVID-19
pandemic, the economy took a turn for the worse. People lost their jobs and
purchasing power. According to an economic study, 7,5 people lost their jobs in India.
This is a very big number. These data show that the pandemic affected 21 people
directly in just one country. If we consider dates globally, these numbers rise up. I do
not think this date is an exaggeration, because I have lost my purchasing power too.
Globalisation has great benefits for rich countries, they could direct the economy and
force the countries which were undeveloped and poor, but they lost their control over
the economy with the COVID-19. After losing control, big countries like The United
States of America started to accuse China and President Trump called the pandemic
Chinese virüs because intelligent reports revealed that Sars CoV-2 was created in a
laboratory, China. I agree with this arguament completely, because this virus had a
high contagiousness.
After President Trump’s statements, people who lived in USA from Asia
worried. They were a target for white supremacist. The mainstream media, which was
followed by us, reported news attacks to slant-eyed people. Because of pandemic,
every state and every nation accused to each other but nobody did not anything to stop
this disaster. While this tension was sinking down the economy, a Turkish couple from
Germany emerged and said that we found out about the vaccine. In my opinion, this
was one of the most important news in 100 years, because humankind could return
their normal life in a short time. This news showed another inequality among the
people, because poor people could not reach the vaccine and be vaccinated. Rich
countries bought all vaccine stock. The number of infections rose up in poor countries
which could not find out their own vaccine or buy. I think that the number of death in
these countries was more than explained.
Half of the world thinks that the virus problem is solved and we will never live
such a matter anymore, but I am not so optimistic. A few days ago, WHO (World
Health Organisation) informed us that we have to be more careful. I agree with the
organisation because humankind goes on destroying wildlife and the animals which
live in their natural area occupied by humans. This is the most important cause to
emerge from the virus, because the virus like COVID-19 transferred to humans from
animals. COVID-19 affected a generation and, if we do not be carefull about the
causes of pandemics, the next generations face such great problems in the future.

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