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Principles of Business including vendors, transportation providers, call

Unit 7: Logistics and Supply Chain centers, warehouse providers, and others.
Definitions: Distribution Chain
Logistics When we look on the distribution chain we are
1. The commercial activity of transporting looking at how the product or service gets from
goods to customers. the producer to the consumer. Distribution
2. Logistics is used more broadly to refer to the channel is a chain of businesses or intermediaries
process of coordinating and moving through which a good or service passes until it
resources – people, materials, inventory, and reaches the end customer. It can include
equipment – from one location to storage at wholesalers, retailers, distributors and even the
the desired destination. internet. Channels are broken into direct and
Supply Chain indirect forms. Direct channel allows consumer
A supply chain is a network between a company to buy the good from the manufacturer and
and its suppliers to produce and distribute a indirect channel allows the consumer to buy the
specific product. The supply chain represent the good from the wholesaler or retailer.
step it takes to get the product or service to the Components of Logistics
customer. Forward and reverse flow of goods
Supply chain operations include the systems, Downstream/Forward flow of goods is from
structures and processes to plan and execute the the source or point of origin to the consumer or
flow of goods and services from supplier to point of consumption.
customer. To maximize effectiveness, it is Reverse flow is associated with product return.
critical to evaluate both internal operations and Reserves consumption is the flow of finish goods
the extended supply chain that includes suppliers and related information from consumption to the
and customers. point or origin for the purpose of recapturing
value or proper disposal.
Relationship between Supply Chain Activities associated with reverse flow of
Management and Logistics goods:
1. Return to supplier
2. Resell
3. Refurbish/Recondition
4. Remanufacture
5. Reclaim parts
6. Recycle
Reason for the activities mention above:
1. Defects- products are generally return if it
Difference between Logistics and supply chain doesn’t meet quality standard set by
Logistics refers to what happens within one manufacturers.
company, including the purchase and delivery of 2. Product Recalls- Manufactures may recall
raw materials, packaging, shipment, and the product from time to time to address the
transportation of goods to distributors while product quality issues which cannot be
supply chain management refers to a larger rectified in the field.
network of outside organizations that work 3. Competitive Reasons- in order to thrive in
together to deliver products to customers, the retail market all major players agree to
take back product if the prescribed 2. Errors & Omissions: With lawsuits and
conditions are followed in order to gain settlements happening constantly in
confidence of the customer. today’s world, this type of insurance that
4. Abuse- some customers to make use of the provides coverage and help with any
return policy and abuse the system in order legal issues that may arise is vital to your
to achieve individual gain thus triggering company.
reverse flows. 3. Commercial Property: Natural disasters
5. Charity- some organizations use reverse and accidents are things that cannot be
logistics function in order to achieve their fully protected against, no matter how
objectives. well prepared you are. With Commercial
6. Maximization of product margins. We Property insurance, you property can at
often hear about trade-in products in almost least be financially protected in the event
all industries. Organizations recycle the parts of an accident or disaster.
collected from the trade-in products in order 4. Workers’ Compensation: As a required
to maximize the product margins. policy by law, this is something that
Storage of Goods legally needs to be in place before you do
A warehouse is a building for storing goods. business with any employees.
Warehouses are used by manufacturers, 5. Marine Cargo: With so many doing
importers, exporters, wholesalers, transport business dealings overseas, Marine Cargo
businesses, customs, etc. They are usually large insurance is on the rise and can fully
plain buildings in industrial parks on the protect you from damaged or lost goods,
outskirts of cities, towns or villages. as well as other things.
They usually have loading docks to load and
unload goods from trucks. Sometimes Activities involved in Supply Chain
warehouses are designed for the loading and Operations
unloading of goods directly from railways,
airports, or seaports. They often have cranes and Supply Chain Management is a cross functional
forklifts for moving goods, which are usually approach to managing the movement of raw
placed on ISO standard pallets loaded into pallet materials into an organization and movement of
racks. Stored goods can include any raw the finished goods out of the organization toward
materials, packing materials, spare parts, the end consumer.
components, or finished goods associated with Supply chain activities involve the:
agriculture, manufacturing, and production. 1. Transformation of natural resources,
raw materials, and components into a
Port Insurance finished product that is delivered to the
Here are 5 of the most common types of end customer.
logistics insurance: 2. Movement of storage of raw material:
1. Commercial General Liability: As one This is whereby, bauxite companies used
trucks to take the mineral to the main
of the most widely used policies, this plant where it is stored until ready for
protects you from being liable for processing. OR The sugar trucks which
take the canes from the fields to the
personal injury as well as property
factory until ready for processing.
damage, both on your company premises
or off. 3. Processing of raw materials and
components into finished goods: This is
raw material being converted to finish miner, holds them in a distribution center and
goods so when the cane is now at the then sells them to retailers.
factory it is processed into sugar, rum,
molasses, etc.
4. Storage of work- in- progress and The Retailer is an entity that sells goods such as
finished goods: In the manufacturing
clothing, groceries, or cars directly to consumers
process they are some items that will be
half way in production but are not through various distribution channels with the
complete this is known as work in goal of earning a profit.
progress. Hence proper storage is
required for such as it a major part of
investment. The Consumer is an individual who buys
products or services for personal use and not for
5. Delivering the finished product from
point of origin to point of destination: manufacture or resale. A consumer is someone
This is the delivery of the finish product. who can make the decision whether or not to
For example the orange juice is now
boxed and delivered to supermarkets and purchase an item at the store, and someone who
wholesales. can be influenced by marketing and
The Distribution Chain
Modes or transport
The different modes of transport are air, water,
and land transport, which includes rail, road and
off-road transport.
● Air is the newest means of transport; it was
introduced in 1903 but developed into full
means of transporting people and goods in
1930s. The greatest of the air transportation
started after the Second World War (WW11).
This mode of transportation can be used for
Distribution (or place) is one of the four both domestic and international flights.
elements of the marketing mix. Distribution is ● Rail railways were developed during the
the process of making a product or service period of industrial revolution in the 19th
available for the consumer or business user who century. The major advantage of railway
needs it. This can be done directly by the transport includes provision reliable services.
producer or service provider, or using indirect It has ability of conveying heavy and bulky
channels with distributors or intermediaries. goods; it is also very cheap, safe and
comfortable for passengers over a long
A manufacturer makes a good through a distance.
process involving raw materials, components, or ● Road exist in all parts of the world, this
assemblies, usually on a large scale with involves the use of motor vehicles (cars,
different operations divided among different lorries, buses, bicycles, and trucks). There
workers. Commonly used interchangeably with are various types of roads according to size
producer. and functions, some roads are tarred while
others are not. The best of these roads are the
The wholesaler, also known as the distributor, modern roads which links major towns. Road
acquires goods from a manufacturer, farmer or transport when compared with other modes
of transportation is more flexible.
● Marine (cruise& cargo) water transport is ● The above are some of the advantages and
very important because it is the cheapest way disadvantages of using the rail.
of transporting bulky goods over a long 2.  Road:
distance. In the world, there are two major Advantages:
types of water transport namely: Inland water ● High flexibity and ability to move the
transport and ocean water transport. Inland vehicles fast.
water transport: this is the system of ● Uses different routes to reach the
transport through all navigable rivers, lakes destination quickly.
and man-made canals. Ocean waterways ● Does door to door service
carry a lot of the world's trade, majority of ● High safety for the cargo.
the bulky goods, materials and passengers ● Chance to select the carrier which is
pass through ocean waterways from one suitable for carrying the goods.
country to another at the cheapest cost. Disadvantages:
● Pipeline this system of transportation ● It mostly depends on climatic conditions.
involves the use of hollow pipes in the ● High cost for long distances.
transportation of water, crude oil, ● Productivity is low.
(petroleum) and gas. This mode of ● Some of the advantages and
transportation is safer than using tankers or disadvantages are discussed above.
trailers in the transportation of these liquids. 3.  Air:
● Digital delivery (also referred to as content Advantages:
delivery, online distribution, or electronic ● Highest speed
software distribution (ESD), among others) ● Even delivers goods to remote places.
is the delivery or distribution of digital media ● High reliability
content such as audio, video, software and Disadvantages:
video games.[1] The term is generally used to ● Highest cost of transportation.
describe distribution over an online delivery ● Even adverse weather conditions effect
medium, such as the Internet, thus bypassing the transportation.
physical distribution methods, such as paper, ● Material and fuel consumption is costly.
optical discs, and VHS videocassettes. 4. Water:
Strength and Weaknesses of the different Advantages:
modes of transport. ● It is economical mode for transporting
1.  Rail: heavy loads and even cargo.
Advantages: ● It is the safest mode which provides
● Ability of loading and unloading goods and convenience to the people without
services is more. accidents.
● Frequency of delivering the goods over long ● Cost of construction and maintenance is
distances is more. very low.
● Climatic conditions have no effect ● It even provides international transport
● No traffic or congestion easy movement of Disadvantages:
the vehicle. ● It is highly affected by the weather
Disadvantages: conditions.
● Capital and initial investments are more. ● It requires large initial investment
● High material usage for the construction and ● It is a slow process.
even the fuel consumption 6. Pipeline
Advantages: but under a single contract. A Single carrier
● Reduction in cost of transportation is very contracted to fulfill a single journey

significant. Benefits of multimodal transport are:

● Supply through pipelines is very reliable. It
1. Minimizes time loss at trans-shipment points
is free from obstacles in road and rail 2. Provides faster transit of goods
transport. 3. Reduces the burden of documentation and
● In case of underground pipelines, the land in 4. Saves cost
which pipeline is laid can still be used for 5. Establishes only one agency to deal with.
6. Reduces cost of exports
agricultural use.
● It ensures supply in remote areas where road
ways are not very good. Differences between intermodal and
● Also it provides safe and secure supply for multimodal transport:
defense needs. 1. Intermodal system transports merchandise
from one to another country using different
means of transport and containers or movables
Disadvantages: boxes. However, multimodal transport does not
● Unlike roads no separate land acquisition is need these loading recipients.

done for pipelines, sometimes it is laid 2. Multimodal transport needs a unique

document but intermodal transport employs one
sidewise along the road. document by transport.
● Illegal pilferage and wastage due to leak is a
3. Multimodal transport is more economic but
problem in pipelines. intermodal transport is more competitive and
more comfortable for the user.
● Like other big linear structures patrolling and
maintenance of pipelines is a huge task.
● In case of chemicals and petroleum pipelines Transport Documents
any leak can cause an accident. A transport document is a kind of document used
● In case of petroleum and minerals pipelines, to convey information about cargo that is being
as the pipeline is laid in private owned lands transported.
which causes problems to both land owners Kinds of transport documents include:
and companies laying pipelines. ● Air Waybill, a transport document used for
air freight
Multimodal Vs. Intermodal Transport ● Bill of Lading, a transport document for sea
Intermodal is the movement of cargo from freight
origin to destination by several modes of
transport where each of these modes have a ● CMR (transport document), a transport
different transport provider or entity responsible, document for road freight for use in all
each with its own independent contract. Multiple
carriers contracted to fulfill a single journey. European countries, as well as additional
countries in Asia and Africa.
Benefits of Intermodal Transport
● Cargo insurance certificate, is a document
● Lower costs
indicating the type and amount of insurance
● Environmentally friendly
coverage in force on a particular shipment. It
● Reliability, capacity, and safety advantages
includes the name of the insurance company
and conditions of coverage.
Multimodal is the movement of cargo from ● A Delivery Note is one of the transport
origin to destination by several modes of
documents accompanying the shipment of
transport where each of these modes have a
different transport provider or entity responsible, goods that list description and quantity of
goods delivered. A copy of the Delivery
Note, signed by the buyer or consignee is Benefits and Challenges of supply chain
returned to the seller or consignor as a proof operation.
of delivery. Advantages
● International Commercial Invoice is an 1. Better quality of life.
administrative document which contains all 2. Wealth creation
the information about the international sale. 3. New and innovative job opportunities
The item, quantity, price for the including entrepreneurship, for example,
products/services sold, delivery and payment telemarketing.
conditions, as well as the taxes and other Disadvantages
expenses that might be included in the sale, 1. globalization,
are detailed in an International Commercial 2. counterfeiting,
Invoice. 3. product complexity,
● Import Licenses is a permit that allows an 4. rapid product obsolescence,
importer to bring in a specified quantity of 5. regulatory complexity,
certain goods during a specified period 6. management blunders,
(usually one year). Import licenses are 7. changing market conditions,
employed (1) as means of restricting outflow 8. natural disasters,
of foreign currency to improve a country's 9. political instability.
balance of payments position; (2) to control
entry of dangerous items such as explosives, The impact of logistics and supply chain
firearms, and certain substances; or (3) to operations on the competitiveness of business

protect the domestic industry from foreign (a) Logistics improve competitiveness.
competition. See also import restrictions. (b) Competitive advantage.
(c) Comparative cost advantage outsourcing
Role of Transport in Marketing (i) Second party;
(ii) Third party;
(iii) Fourth party. (For example, imported
Transportation is indispensable function of concentrates).

marketing. Transportation provides the physical Problems that are likely to be encountered in
means of carrying goods and persons from one distribution

place to another. In other words, it is concerned Problems encountered in distribution: (a)

with carrying the goods from the places of Relationship between the availability of airport,
harbor and docking facilities and the efficient
production to the places of their consumption. distribution of goods. (b) Delayed shipment,
Transportation creates place utility and spoilage, misdirection of goods, inadequate
warehousing facilities, lack of proper security
regularizes supply from one place to another. measures, industrial unrest, and ineffective
Transportation greatly facilitates the communication.

performance of marketing functions like buying, Measures used to mitigate problems in

assembling, selling, storage and warehousing distribution

etc. The entire economy and its development is Measures to mitigate problems, including but not
dependent on a well- knit system of limited to:
(a) Government intervention.
transportation. (b) Communication network including use of
MODE OF TRANSPORT the internet.
(c) Insurance.
(d) Selecting the most appropriate channel of
distribution based on product.
(e) Use handling services with good reputation.
(f) Careful labelling and documentation.
(g) Avoid holding large stocks.
(h) Employing Security Company, use of
security cameras.

The impact of information technology on

logistics and supply chain operations

Forms of technology:
(a) Global Positioning Systems (GPS)

At present, GPS technology has attracted

much attention, one of the crucial reasons is that
many functions of GPS have been proved to be
effective in the logistics field, especially in the
goods distribution field. To be specific, currently
GPS mainly use the following functions in cargo

● Navigation function
● Vehicle tracking
● Goods distribution route planning
● Information inquiry
● Traffic command
● Emergency assistance

(b) Geographic Information System (GIS)

GIS is one of the major player of the logistics

industry. GIS helps the Logistics for following

1.  Allocating the resources
2. Transportation routing
1. GPS tracking
2. Vehicle Finance

(c) Portnet;
(d) Telemarketing, e-commerce;
(e) Global logistics providers such as Fedex,
DHL, and Amazon Logistics;
(f) Logistics hubs, for example, Jamaica.

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