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Name: ________________________________________________ Class: ____________ Date: ____________________

Colonial America: Exploration and Colonization Test Review

1. Complete a Magnet Summary for Jamestown.

2. Match the following founders to the correct colonies. 3. Match the following colonies to the correct groups of

4. What do the Mayflower Compact, Virginia House of Burgesses, and Fundamental Orders of Connecticut all have in
common? _________________________________________________________________________________________
5. What are the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut? ____________________________________________________
6. How could people participate in the Virginia House of Burgesses? _________________________________________

7. Tell me if the following reasons for coming to America are either Social, Political, or Economic reasons. (They can be
used more than once).
A. God ________________________ D. Puritan Persecution ________________________
B. Gold ________________________ E. Expanding an Empire __________________________
C. Glory ________________________ F. To Grow Tobacco ____________________________

8.. Create a Magnet Summary for the Mayflower Compact.


9. Complete the following chart below by describing the geographic AND economic features of the regions of the 13
New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies
10. Describe the relationship between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. __________________________________
11. Why did John Smith say “those who do not work, do not eat”? ____________________________________________
12. If you had to live in one of the 13 colonies, which one would it be and why? _________________________________
13. In what year was Jamestown established? ___________
14. What year was representative government established in the colony?_______
15. In what year did the Pilgrims write the Mayflower Compact? ___________
16. What was the importance of the Mayflower Compact? _________________________________________________
17. Why was the colony of Maryland established by Lord Baltimore?__________________________________________
18. Compare and contrast the founding of the colonies of Georgia and Pennsylvania- complete the venn diagram.

19. The need for agricultural workers in the tobacco fields of colonial Virginia led to the –
A) Formation of labor unions
B) Decision to industrialize
C) Improvement in farming
D) Use of enslaved people from Africa
Explain you answer choice: ____________________________________________________________________________
20. Colonial-era town meetings and the Virginia House of Burgesses were both—
A) Early social reform movements
B) Attempts to build a strong national government
C) Steps in the growth of representative democracy
D) Efforts to regulate trade with Native American Indians
Explain you answer choice: ____________________________________________________________________________

21. _____________________________ is when the Mother Country (England) benefits off its colonies
22. _______________________ the act of being harassed or punished based on one's origin, religion, or social outlook.
23. _____________________ a type of government made up of politicians who represent certain individuals or groups.
24. _______________________ a finished product made from raw materials & natural resources

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