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1.What are the magnitude, the phase, the real part and the imaginary part of WN if N=8?

WN = e –j 2π/N
W8 = e –j 2π/8 = e –j π/4
|W8|= 1
∡W8 = – π/4

e –j π/4= cos (-π/4) + j sin (-π/4) = √2 / 2 - j √2 / 2

Re [ W8 ] = √2 / 2

Im [ W8 ] = -√2 / 2

( √2 = sqrt (2) = (2) ½ )

2.Write the basis vector w(2) if N=4.

w(k)= [ 1 WN-k WN-2k … WN-(N-1) k ]T

w(2)= [ 1 W4-2 W4-2 • 2 W4-3•2 ]T = [ 1 W4-2 W4-4 W4-6 ]T
w(2)= [ 1 (e –j 2π/4 )-2 (e –j 2π/4 )-4 (e –j 2π/4 )-6 ]T
w(2)= [ 1 e j π e j 2π e j 3π ]T
w(2)= [ 1 -1 1 -1 ]T

3.Show the calculation of the inner product between the basis vectors w(2) and w(3) if N=4.

Using the equation (4.3) from the textbook

WN = e –j 2π/N
W4 = e –j 2π/4 = e –j π/2
w(k)= [ 1 WN-k WN-2k … WN-(N-1) k ]T
w(2)= [ 1 W4-2 W4-2 • 2 W4-3•2 ]T = [ 1 W4-2 W4-4 W4-6 ]T
w(3)= [ 1 W4-3 W4-2 • 3 W4-3• 3 ]T = [ 1 W4-3 W4-6 W4-9 ]T
a) using formula (3.29)

<x,y> = Σ xn* yn

<w(2),w(3)> = 1 ·1 + W42 W4-3 + W44 W4-6 + W46 W4-9

= W40 + W4-1 + W4-2 + W4-3
WNk+N/2 = -WNk (for k=-2 W40 = -W4-2 ; for k=-3 W4-1 = -W4-3 )
<w(2),w(3)> = 0
b) using formula (4.4)

(using the form of expression in the middle)

<w(2),w(3)> = Σ WN(m-n) i

<w(2),w(3)> = 1 ·1 + W42-3 + W4(2-3) 2+ W4(2-3) 3

= W40 + W4-1 + W4-2 + W4-3
WNk+N/2 = -WNk (for k=-2 W40 = -W4-2 ; for k=-3 W4-1 = -W4-3 )
<w(2),w(3)> = 0

(using the form of expression on the right side)

<w(m),w(n)> = (1 – WN(m-n) N )/(1 – WN(m-n) )
<w(2),w(3)> = (1 - W4(2-3) 4 )/(1 - W4(2-3) ) = (1 - W4- 4 )/(1 - W4(-1) )
WNk+N = WNk (for k=-4 W40 = W4-4 = 1)
<w(2),w(3)> = 0

(vectors w(2) and w(3) are orthogonal)

4.Which coefficients X(k) are different from 0 if DFT transformation is applied to a signal cos (pi n /
16 + pi/4) if N=64.

wk (n) = WnkN = e-j2π nk/N = cos (2πnk/N) + j sin (2πnk/N) n = 0, …, N-1

cos (πn/16) = cos (2πnk/N) N=64

2πnk/N = πn/16 /:2πn

k/N = 1/32
k = N/32 = 64/32 = 2

2πn(N-k)/N = πn/16 /:2πn

(N-k)/N = 1/32

N-k = N/32

k= N-N/32=64-2 = 62

(the phase of the signal does not affect the distribution of the energy in the frequency domain)

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