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Hi, my name is Eveline. I am nineteen years old. I live in Ireland but i am planing
to leave it soon. My work place is at a store, but I also work at home. My dad is
old and I take care of him. I must say that I don't know how to describe my
relationship with him. Sometimes he is cruel, when I was younger he used to
beat me. I also had two brothers, Harry and Ernest. Ernest passed away and
Harry is at bussines trip. They used to protect me from my father but now,
when they are gone I am on my own. If you are wondering about my mom, she
was sick and passed away.
But, enough about my past. Let's talk about present. I'm planing to leave
Ireland with Frank. He is sailor and he have house in Buenos Aires. He treates
me respectfully, but my dad dislike him. I don't know i fit is a good idea to leave
my father at his old age alone, and I also promised my mom that I will keep my
family togeher. I'm overwelmhed. I think about all the bad things my father did
and I know I have to leave, but when I look at him I see a touch of kindness and
I can't leave him. My father was a drunk, beating my brothers and mother
before she died. He didn't always beat me because I was a girl. But I still have
trauma from his blows. My brothers were always protective. They would often
bear the consequences for me. My father have always been bad person. He
bullied me, he always took my money and he often insulted me, but I used to
live with that. I had my brothers and my mom and I love them with all my
heart. I also love Frank, he is good to me. He treats me right and when I'm with
him I feel safe.
I'm about to leave the country, but I'm not quite sure about my choice. We are
at the station, boat is ready to leave. But I can't do that, I can't leave, I started
to cry. I have so many memories here, and I can leave my family like that. Frank
wants us to leave and tries to convince me that it's a good decision. But I can't
leave. I decided. I will stay in Ireland.

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