Exam 2 Forensics Study Guide

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Chapter 8

What type of image cannot be viewed directly?

Virtual image
Two monocular compound microscopes properly spaced and aligned describe the
___________ microscope.
Transmitted illumination is used when the specimen being examined is?
An eyepiece lens of 10x used in combination with an objective lens of 20x has a total
magnification power of ___________.
Which microscope will you use to compare two bullets?
Comparison microscope
Light that is confined to a single plane of vibration is said to be_______.
Plane polarized
The lens closest to the specimen is called the _________.
Objective lens
The size of the specimen area in view is known as the __________.
Field of view
Numerical aperture (N.A.) measures the ability of an object lens to ______ details into
separate images.
What is the definition of "Pollen rain"?
Estimation of the production and dispersal patterns of spores and pollen.
Two monocular compound microscopes properly spaced and aligned to present a three-
dimensional image describe the_______ microscope

The size of the specimen area in view is known as the_______

Field of view

DNA (Chapter 16)

How many different nucleotide bases are associated with the makeup of DNA?
The amelogenin gene shows 2 bands for a _________and one band for a ____.
male, female
Watson and Crick demonstrated that DNA is composed of two strands coiled into the
shape of a ___________.
double helix
The structure of DNA requires the pairing of base A to ____ and base G to _____.
Enzymes known as DNA polymerase assemble new DNA strands into a proper base
sequence during the ___________ process.
In the RFLP DNA typing process , DNA fragments are transferred to a nylon membrane
by a process called _________ blotting.
Short DNA segments containing repeating sequences of three to seven bases are
called __________.
Y chromosome STRs are useful in rape situations where a male suspect is identified
and ___________.
DNA mixtures are present
Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from our ____________.
The national DNA database in the United States has standardized on ___ STR's for
entry into the database.
The Polymerase Chain Reaction involves all of the following except
Multiplying the number of copies in a individual’s entire genome

DNA used for STR profiling is found in the: Nucleus

The Y-STR´s utility in the forensic science is that:

It originates in men

Mitochondrial DNA analysis is best suited for:

Samples for which Nuclear dna typing is not possible

Forensic Serology (Chapter 15)

The _________ is a system for classifying blood according to general groups or types.
A-B-O system
Semen is unequivocally identified by the microscopic appearance of _________.
On the surface of red blood cells are chemical substances called _________ which
impart blood type characteristics to the cells.
Type B blood contains _________ antigens.
A drug-protein complex can be injected into an animal to form specific ________ for that
__________ reagent reacts with blood causing it to luminesce.
While testing anti-A serum on a whole blood sample agglutination was observed, and
the Rh factor test was positive. What is the blood type for the sample?
Blood type could be either be A+ or AB+
Genes are positioned on threadlike bodies called _________.
The combination of genes present in the cells of an individual is called the _________.
A type AB mother and type AB father will have offspring of the following possible
phenotypes except:
The determination of whether or not a substance is blood is best made by means of a
preliminary color test such as the Kastle-Meyer color test which uses the chemical:


A trail pattern may lead to a discarded weapon or show the path of the suspect after
leaving the victim
The ratio of length divided by width can be used to approximate the angle of impact of a
single bloodstain

A perfectly round drop indicates the blood impacted the surface at a right angle.


When an object blocks the deposition of blood spatter onto a target a______ is created.

A bloodstain pattern which contains bubbles of oxygen and is lighter in color than
other patterns is formed by Expirated blood

The edges of a blood stain generally dry after 50 seconds in a process called

the three-dimensional area of origin of an impact bloodstain pattern may show

the position of the victim

What is crime-scene reconstruction?

The method to support likely sequence of events by the observation and evaluation of
physical evidence
The collection of all bloodstains found at the crime scene can provide the precise
location of the victim during the crime.
The ______ of bloodstains may provide useful information regarding the direction,
dropping distance, and angle of impact of pattered blood.
The continuing pumping of blood after an injury to a person's artery projects blood out of
the injured area in spurts creating a pattern known as arterial spray
Blood deposited on rough surfaces will exhibit
satellite spatter and irregular edges
A bloodstain with a diameter of 2mm could be classified as _______.
medium velocity spatter
What is the string method?
A method to determine the area of origin using bloodstain patter
A pattern created when blood-covered object flings blood in an arc onto a surface is
known as _______.

90 degrees angle of impact is normally a circular shape.

Extra to know Study Guide BPA

Angle of impact; acute angle formed between the path of the blood drop and the surface it connects.

Impact bloodstain Patterns

 Impact Spatter: bloodstain pattern produced when an object makes force ful contract with a
source of blood projecting drops of blood outward from the source
 Forward Spatter: blood that travels away from the source in the same direction as the force
that cause the spatter
 Back Spatter: Blood directed back toward the source of the force causing the spatter

Types of Velocity:

 Low Velocity spatter. An impact of spatter pattern created by a force of about 5 feet per
second or less producing drops with diameters greater than millimeters
o Gravity for example
 Medium- Velocity spatter: impact spatter created by force travelin 5 to 25 feet per second
and producing drops between 1 and 3 millimeters
o Blunt force trauma
 High-velocity spatter: impact spatter pattern created by force going at 100 feet per second
or faster and producing drops less than 1 millimeter in size.
o Gunshot

More blood spatter patterns:

 Drawback Effect: some spatter may land on the gunman or even the muzzle of the gun.
Depends on the placement of the gunman
Types of Spatter

 Cast-off spatter: blood stain pattern created when the when that made contact on the
blood bearing being is flung onto the surface.
o Normally done in an arc style
 Arterial spray: blood created when there is an injury in the arterial
o Satellite and parallel from the victim.
 Expirated blood:
o Normally from Nose and mouth and respiratory system
o Lighter color than normal
o Low velocity spatter creates irregular edges on the blood spatter (Also creates of
 Void Patterns:

 Self-explanatory

o Could be created around the body as well

1 natural

2 natural

3 animal (black one)

Last one doesn’t have medulla

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