Reflection Hbse 1

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Fall 2022
Holly Thompson
Human Behavior and the Social Environment expanded my learning about clients and

their systems by discussing how one’s environment influences his/her life. The community for

which a person lives, works, attends school, churches, and other community structures plays a

significant role in one’s well-being. It is imperative that in order to grow and live a productive

life, one must adapt positively to their environments. This assignment incorporated various

systems theories such as ecological and psychosocial systems. All systems work together to form

a person’ attitude and outlook on life. If a client needs service delivery, it is paramount that the

client is able to meet that need in the community through which they eat, work, play and live.

I discussed how adolescents may deal with traumatic issues such as physical, mental, or

sexual abuse and how these adversities prohibit self-empowerment and worthiness. An

adolescent who is receiving therapeutic treatment can rely on strengths-based theory which

incorporates a person’s strengths and family and community. The portfolio assignment also

included psychosocial theory which was founded by Erik Erickson and highlights his eight

stages of development. His stages emphasis a person’s development and how an occurrence can

have a positive or negative affect in their development. The ecological systems theory was

developed in the 1940’s by Urie Brofenbrenner and it acknowledges a person ‘s environment in

how they adapt and conform to human behavior. Human development is essential for one to

recognize their setbacks and learn how to move forward so one can become a productive

individual. Each of these theories have strengths and weaknesses but both are considered an

essential element in the social work environment.

This class and assignment helped me to understand the importance of environments and

the various roles and aspects that each play in life and development. During adolescence, it is a

crucial stage in life where unhealthy environments and relationships can impact the internal

factors in developing into a thriving young adult. If challenges arise and they are not dealt with

in a proper manner, it can have a negative impact which will hinder progression. Many

adolescents who seek treatment for their challenges often overcome and move forward but those

who are not that fortunate can lead to destructive lives. The destruction can include mental health

problems or substance abuse. That is why it is important for one to live in a positive environment

and overcome struggles for self-empowerment and one’s well-being.

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