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@ 8 G1 10:19 PRIME REVIEW ONLINE "MECHANICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW UTE 1 Ifthe specific gravity ofa certain oil is 0.82, calculate the specific weight, A. SL2INRE ©. 687 Nim Bo 325m? D. 32.4.Nim? Slane 8) Fag = (082)(0814N/05) wie SRIKV/m ssouenin'f 2. What is the value ofthe surface tension of a small droplet of water 0.3 ‘nm in diameter which is in contact witha ifthe pressure within the droplet is S61 Pa? hg Nin ©0078 Nim 2 ota Nim bag Nim fete (601 pa 32 soon “Tooomeyny specific weight? MsNat 1073 B tiasNn DAs stn = 28M asym asisntlg 4. Teen an iceberg has asp. gr of 0.922. Whe Mloating in seawater (sp. 28-103), its exposed volume % is nearest f, ASS Br4 cas Dios igvia 108 S. What isthe hydraulic radius of the wapezoidal (isosceles) irrigation canal of bases 5 m and 11 cm respectively with depth of 4 m? A 163m 213m B 200m, b.400m Slaton b=11m bi=5m Ifthe specific volume of a certain Pid is 0.7848 mig, what the MATHEMATICS & BASIC ENGINEERING SCIENCES PRIME'S SUPPLEMENTARY ENNANCERS (Fuld Mechanics 01) ay phere: Ap=H(by* by) 200 P= 25-0 Determining + 2 pee Dod J a + 11)(4)m “Tesm 6, To.what height wil a barometer column rise ifthe atmospheric conditions are 13.9 psa and 68°F and barometer Mud is ethyl alcohol? Note: @ 68°F ; Py = 122.4 IDO and specific gravity of 0.79 for ethyl aleahol A. 49745 in ©. 235.6 inches B. $22.45 in D, 15245 inches Settin 8? A as7.4sin 7. Convert a vac pressure of 110 mm of mercury into absolte pressure if atmosphere pressure is 10.5 meters of wate. ‘A. 7600kPa C.883KPa B. 9254KPa D.STS KPa Sauce "arm =Pvac 101,325 kPa) 1.325 kPa agg 105 (SLE) 10 may OSAP) Page #33 KPH {There are to fTuids in an open end manometer. Fluid | is glycerin (12.4 ‘kN/m'), 70 mm below the closed end and fuid 2 is eabon tetrachloride (15.57 LN/m?) which is 150mm above fluid 1. IFthe open end is exposed to the stmosphere at 101,325 kPa, what i the absolute pressure atthe closed end ofthe manometer if it is occupied by fluid 1? ‘A. 10279 kPa ©. 103.45 kPa, 1D, 143.45 kPa B 143.45 kPa a \ 2000 a) . (1s s7°5) sonm 8+ (1244n/2) 70mm } 101,325 xa 7000 wn ) {= 1027925 ePa P DFLROSRIO RINQUERAST CFBUGTY HL NO Ra ENTS ‘RIME REVIEW ONLINE - 9 ‘a barometer columa rise if the atmospheric sia and 68°F and barometer fluid is mercury? ©.356 inches 1.2245 inches "WICAL ENGINEERING REVIEW MATHEMATICS & BASIC ENGINEERING SCIENCES ‘PRIME’S SUPPLEMENTARY ENHANCERS ( Fluid Mechonies GT) BF=W and BE=7V where, V= Ab So, (1e,/om)(4) 20emy'n «905, Jo2em 15, What is the pressure 8000 ft below the water surface of the ocean?

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