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Please evaluate the Intern’s knowledge and skills inthe following | = al <|% areas: 212 | dled] gf ale | ee] Fe) o8 b3 a 25/45/22 J. Values and Ethics of Leadership {Lo Demonstrate an understanding ofthe reo dation na democrat selty 2. Demonstrate an andersaning an del demas, eth and smoraliendersip 3. Demonstrate the abity to alonceconplexcommunty demands inthe best interest ofeaners 4. Hepleamers gow ad develop ascaring,fomed tizers S. Demonstrate anunéerstancing and spat o the Minnesota Sos Shea ‘Administrators Code of Ethies fr Administrators x Judgment and Problem Analysis 1 lent th elements of prablem shuation by aralyng relevant information, framing sues, entiing posible aves ad etraing posable sotons 2. Demerstrate sate nd concept! exsty 3 Reach log conlsons by ling cual, inl decions bated on vlable inormation 4 ently ad ve roy to sleteantisues 5 Damorsvat an understanding of and ile appropriate technology in problem seohnis 6. Demonstvatean understanding of ferent lesdrs nd deon making sates, ining tnt ted a colabeate models nd model appropriate ther mplementtion x L Safety and Security 1. Deronstate the aby o develop and implement ples nd procedures for safe dnd secre educational enironments 2. _Demensvate the means to addres emergency andre stustlons ee ae < i % = a 2 as 1 22 Prnepl Competences a Pesta |e blah oe E is 2S See Pere) eB 8 Pease climethe ents trwetgeandsabintetotovegsren: | | | BA EEL Re -) é 25. 8) 26 ‘A. Instructional Leadership 1 Support teachers and stain the implementation of state academic standards, coherent systems of culturally responsive curriculum, instruction, and assessment that promate the mission, vision, and cor values ofthe Schoo itr to embody high expctations for student earning 2 Demonstrate the ality to understand districtwide tracy andlead schoolwide Ieracy efforts inthe content ares including numeracy. B. Monitor Student Learning Demonstrate the ably to crest a culture that fosters community of esmers Demonstrate an understanding of student support systems and eerces Demonstrate the bility to implement anc monitor student management data systems Implement schoc wie ples and practees that encourage postive behavior, and respond to student misconduct na poste fa, and unbiased manner Demonstate the ality to develop a master instructional shedule ‘Demonstrate the abit to meet the dvese learning needs ofa students Demonstrate the abit to understand and soppota comprehensive program of student new 4|Page

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