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Air conditioning and Ventilation System

 Solve the following worded problems and submit the solution in a pdf form.
 Indicate the references for the needed supplementary data.

1. In a cooling tower water enters at 52 C and leaves at 27 C. Air at 29 C and 47% RH also enters the
cooling tower and leaves at 46 C fully saturated with moisture. It is desired to determine (a) the
volume and mass of air necessary to cool 1 kg of water, and (b) the quantity of water that can be
cooled with 124 cu m per minute of atmospheric air.

2. A cooling tower is a device that cools a spray of water by passing it through a stream of air. If 15 m3/s
of air is at 35 C dry-bulb and 24 C wet-bulb temperature and an atmospheric pressure of 101 kPa
enters the tower and the air leaves saturated at 31 C, (a) to what temperature can this airstream cool
a spray of water entering at 38 C with a flow rate of 20 kg/s and (b) how many kilograms per second
of make-up water must be added to compensate for the water that is evaporated?

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