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Rules for

Rules for Rules for forming sentences

combining combining Surface
structure Deep structure
phonemes morphemes
Relationship between
Sound system Meaning sound and meaning
Phrase- Transformational Linguistic
Phonology Semantics Syntax structure rules universals

= rule Grammar Idealized description of

linguistic competence grammar
Ling [Chomsky, 1957]
[Hockett, 1960; Aitchison, uist tics Language
Displacement ics linguis Acquisition
1983] Psycho McNeill [1970]
Structure Device (LAD)
Criteria What is language? = a set of
dependence Biological
Is language arbitrary symbols Critical period?
unique to humans? [Brown, 1965] approach [Lenneberg, 1967]

Creativity (productivity)
Selective Genie
Learning theory:
based studies
Teaching language to
Theories of
1957] operant conditioning .. reinforcement [Curtiss, 1977]
echoic responses
ACQUISITION Development (imitation)
Washoe [Gardner & Gardner, 1969] Qualitative
Sarah [Premack, 1971] or pre-linguistic knowledge
Lana [Rumbaugh et al., 1977; quantitative Language and
Savage-Rumbaugh et al., 1980] difference? social-interaction proto-conversations
Koko [Patterson, 1978, 1980] Austin, Sherman approach [Snow, 1977]
Nim Chimpsky Matata, (bonobos) language = cause-effect
Comprehension- Kanzi Stages in language analytic device
[Terrace, 1979] development Turn- Visual
based studies [Savage-Rumbaugh, 1990] taking [Gauker, 1990]
(joint attention)

(0-12 mths) Pre-linguistic (12- formats [Collis & Schaffer,

One-word Two-word sentences 1975]
18 mths)
(1½-2½ (2½ - 4/5 years)
Categorical speech Words as a Words = years)
perception communicative articulate sounds
spontaneous tool Stage 1 grammar Stage 2 grammar
babbling Pre-linguistic Earliest words
Babbling communication = context-
e.g. bound Holophrases Telegraphic
Emergence of Increase in MLU
echolalia language communicative speech (inclusion of functors)
Phonemic acquisition intentionality [Brown, 1973]
expansion support [Gauker, 1990] decontextualized
system Acquisition of
[LASS: performatives grammatical rules
Rigid word
Phonemic Bruner, 1983] order cognition
contraction expressive hypothesis Over-generalization
vs. [Cromer, 1974] of rules/over-
directive Imitation by regularization of
function reduction language grammatical
[Brown, 1965] mistakes
with expansion Motherese
(adult) (infant-directed speech)

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