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4. All the class

answer with flashcards A, B, C, D

5. Classify the following moecules as organic or inorganic: calcium

carbonate, lactose, sodium chloride, haemoglobin, chloresterol, wáter and DNA.

6. Which biomolecule is describe in each seentence?

a) It’s the most abundant biomolecule in living things.
b) I need these when I run really fast.
c) I need these to have strong, healthy muscles.
d) It’s responsable for controlling the information in cells.
● Work in groups: compare the cell with:

1. A city
2. A factory
1. Find two differences between sexual and asexual reproduction.

2. Make a table and show if these conceptos relate to autotrophic or

heterotrophic nutrition, or both: it’s carried ot by plants, they take organic

matter from the environment, protozo do this, they produce organic matter,

they take inorganic matter fron the environment, it’s carried out by some

bacteria, it’s performed by animals.

3. Indicate whether the following statements are true or false and correct the false one:
a) Interaction enables organisms to obtain energy.
b) Autotrophic organisms are those who transform organic matter into inorganic matter.
c) Animals and plants are some examples of heterotrophic organisms.
d) Plants transform water, mineral salts and carbon dioxide into organic matter, using
sunlight, by performing the photosynthesis.
1. Discuss following questions:
a) What are the characteristics that make life possible on Earth, but not on other
b) Do you know what DNA is? Why is it so important?
c) How do plants feed? And animals?
d) Why do living things need to reproduce?
e) Do you know what a cell is? Are they all the same?
f) Can a living thing be composed of just one cell? Do you know any examples?
2. Find at least one example of organism for each type of reproduction and copy the
table in your notebook. Then, answer the question: Do some organisms have both
types of reproduction? Why?

● 3. Starfish can perform asexual reproduction. Look at the diagram and explain this
type of reproduction.

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