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16/1/22 10:07 Examen: [AAB02] Questionnaire 2: Validate knowledge acquired by answering multiple-choice questions about instruments and …

[AAB02] Questionnaire 2: Validate knowledge

acquired by answering multiple-choice questions
about instruments and types of instruments
16 de ene en 10:03
Nota: 10/10
Instrucciones del examen
Descripción de actividad

En contacto con el docente (ACD)       (      )

Componentes del
Práctico-experimental (APE)                (      )
Autónomo (AA)                                     (   x   )

Graded activity 5:

On-line quiz 2
Actividad de aprendizaje:
Validate knowledge acquired by answering multiple-choice questions

about instruments and types of instruments.

Tipo de recurso: Questionnaire EVA 2

Tema de la unidad: UNIT 4: Continuing a Research Project

Resultados de aprendizaje Identifies the kind of content included in each of the major
que se espera lograr: components of a research proposal

Study the following sections in Unit 4:

4.9 What are the instruments?

Estrategias didácticas: 4.10 Types of instruments

Summarize the important information from sections 4.9 and 4.10

Participate in the Questionnaire.

Pregunta 1 1 pts 1/5
16/1/22 10:07 Examen: [AAB02] Questionnaire 2: Validate knowledge acquired by answering multiple-choice questions about instruments and …

Which statement do you need to take into account when selecting an instrument
depending on the research method you will use:

The instruments are only used in quantitative research.

The instruments used in qualitative and quantitative research vary.

The instruments used in qualitative and quantitative research are the same.

Pregunta 2 1 pts

The data obtained through the application of instruments will attempt to measure:

only variables

variables and central phenomenon

only hypotheses

Pregunta 3 1 pts

When selecting instruments, you can use different strategies.  Which of the
strategies below is correct?

Do not use and existing instrument because it is plagiarism

You can use an existing instrument as long as you have the permission of the author, so
the construction of the instrument will be easier.

Use an existing instrument that has not been validated before.

Pregunta 4 1 pts 2/5
16/1/22 10:07 Examen: [AAB02] Questionnaire 2: Validate knowledge acquired by answering multiple-choice questions about instruments and …

Which of the following statements do you need to take into account when
selecting an instrument?

You must use only existing documents because they are valid.

You can create your own instrument and wait until and expert validates it.

You are not allowed to create your own instrument

Pregunta 5 1 pts

One of the suggestions when writing questions in your instrument is _____

using academic writing with technical terms since it is a research work.

writing ambiguous and double meaning terms, so you can obtain more information for
your research.

avoiding double meaning terms, since participants might get confused.

Pregunta 6 1 pts

The interpretation of results of an interview must consider: __________

The type of instrument

The social context

The participants

Pregunta 7 1 pts

_______________consists of registering observable behaviors and situations

through a set of categories and subcategories. 3/5
16/1/22 10:07 Examen: [AAB02] Questionnaire 2: Validate knowledge acquired by answering multiple-choice questions about instruments and …




Pregunta 8 1 pts

Attitude scales are useful to measure: _______________

Educational topics' feelings


Statistical data

 Pregunta 9 1 pts

Observation can be used in ________________.

quantitative research

qualitative research

both qualitative and qualitative research

Pregunta 10 1 pts

The role of an observer could be

Participant and non participant

Non Participant

Participant observer 4/5
16/1/22 10:07 Examen: [AAB02] Questionnaire 2: Validate knowledge acquired by answering multiple-choice questions about instruments and …

Examen guardado en 10:07

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