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Department of Mechanical Engineering

National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal
Mid Semester Examinations, September 2019
Time: 90 min ME-862 VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION (2-0-2) Max. Marks: 50

Note: Assume any missing data and mention assumptions clearly. Draw neat sketches wherever needed. Answer
all the questions, Numerical values without appropriate units will not be considered as answers
Answer to the point and be very specific. Wherever required draw graphical icons / notations as used in
LabVIEW. Practical mid sem examination will be conducted in regular lab class

1(a) Figure 1 shows a palette in LabVIEW. What is it? Where is it used {for
coding or making GUI}, what are the operations that can be done using this palette.
{Show the icon and its description} (3 marks)

Figure 2 Figure 1

1(b) Figure 2 shows Function palette and Control

palette in LabVIEW. How these palettes are used give an
example of its use. (3Marks)
2(a) Figure 3 shows icons of Boolean operators in
LabVIEW, show the input out (truth table) and name the
any four logic operation from the figure (3 marks)
2(b) Two LabVIEW programs are shown in Figure 4 a&b. Find out the output of each program
and give reason for the output? What is the purpose of the up and down blue arrows on the structure?
What is N and i in the program? How is the array passed to the structure (3 marks)

Figure 4 a Figure 4 b

Figure 5
3(a) Explain the LabVIEW
code in Figure 5, identify the
structure and functions used in the
code, How long will the LED be on
state and Why? (3 marks)

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3(b) Find out the numerical indicator output of outpu1 and output 2 . Justify your answer with
technical reason (3 marks)

Figure 7
Figure 6

4(a) Figure 7 is a way to write equation in LabVIEW, What will be the output and is there ny
error in the code? What are the different ways to code mathematical expressions in LabVIEW? (3 marks)

5. A newly designed thermocouple gives 2 mV/oC output, it is proposed to measure a temperature

difference of 200OC. The thermocouple input is given to an instrumentation amplifier and signal
conditioner with selectable gain of 1X, 10X , 100X . Output of the instrumentation amplifier is given to
an ADC, There are three ADCs with different resolutions. ADC1 is 3 bit , ADC2 is 8 bit and ADC3 is
12 bit. All ADCs have selectable input range of 1V, 2V and 5V. Find the best combination of gain, input
range and number of bit to measure the least temperature difference (best resolution). Show the setup as a
block diagram, Fill up the table and reason out how to arrive at best resolution. Give generic statement to
arrive at best resolution from available resources. (9 marks)
ADC Bit Sensor Gain Amplifier Minimum temp readable(resolution)
output output Input range 1V Input range 2V Input range 5V
ADC1 3 1X
ADC2 8 1X
ADC3 12 1X

6. A PhD student need an experimental setup to measure following parameter,

Parameter DAQ Reason Alternative Reason for not remarks
chosen DAQ choosing
3.Current output
4.Single phase V & I
5 ± 24V output
6 ±10V analog output
(i) Temperature measuring using thermocouple at 8 locations simultaneously, need to read the data at
least once in a minute. (ii) Four strain reading using strain gauge in quarter bridge configuration, (iii) 4
sensors gives 4 to 20 mA current output, (iv) Lab has fluctuating line voltage, it is required to measure
single phase line voltage and current, (v) 4 numbers of custom made sensors give ± 24V output , (vi) 4
relays (actuators) to be given ±10V analog output. Select suitable USB DAQ from the list and justify the
selection, also indicate alternatives DAQ, which could not be chosen because of specific reason
(10 marks)
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7. A time domain signal collected from a sensor has been converted to Spectrum which gives
amplitude vs frequency in Hz. All the peak values which are relevant has been marked as 1 to 10,
corresponding frequency has been tabulated (Figure 8). The given Spectrum is a response of a faulty
equipment’s one of the parameter. There are three engineers who have been assigned to identify the fault
in the equipment. Each one has given specific requirement to LabVIEW DAQ programmer how the
spectrum to be given to them.
Er1. Wanted to see the spectrum from 450 Hz to 610 Hz and peaks above 700 Hz only.
Er2. In the range of 380 Hz to 575 Hz no signal is required, 690 Hz to 900 All signal to be provided
Er3. Need all peaks up to 450 Hz and all peak after 750 Hz
(a) Design /select appropriate LabVIEW filters {just draw a square box and write filter name /type, no
need to draw the LabVIEW filter express VI icon} and show the output spectrum of each filter and the
final filtered signal given to each engineer (Er1, to Er3).
(b) What type of filters where used in each case, what was the cut off frequencies in each case (Er1, to
(c) Do you propose/use digital filter or analog filters in these cases? Why? (10 Marks)

Figure 8

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A partial list of NI Modules available at NITK Centre for System Design
USB Compact DAQ Analog Input Modules
1 NI 9215 NI 9215 4 differential channels ch, 16-Bit, +/-10 V measurement range, 100 kS/s/ch, Diff
Analog Input
2 NI 9211 NI 9211, 4-Channel, 14 S/s, 24-Bit, ±80 mV Thermocouple Input Module ±80 mV input
voltage range, 50/60 Hz noise rejection, Support for J, K, T, E, N, B, R, and S TC
3 NI 9213 NI 9213 16-ch TC, 24-bit , 75 S/s/ch , C Series module, voltage measuring range ±78
mV, upto 0.02oC measurement sensitivity, J, K, T, E, N, B, R, and S thermocouple types
supported, Built-in CJC; autozero channel for offset error compensation
4 NI 9237 NI 9237 4-Ch 50 kS/s/Ch, ±25 mV/V ,24-Bit Bridge AI Module, Programmable half-
and full-bridge completion; 2 V , 5 V , 3.3 V , 2.5 V , 10 V internal excitation
5 NI 9219 NI 9219 4-Ch, 24-Bit Universal (V, mA, TC, RTD, Strain, Ω) Analog Input, Built-in
quarter, half, and full-bridge support, Built-in voltage and current excitation, 100 S/s/ch
simultaneous inputs (50S/s/ch for Thermocouple), CJC per channel for accurate
thermocouple measurement
6 NI 9203 NI 9203 8-Ch ±20 mA,0 to 20mA programmable input ranges, 200 kS/s, 16-Bit AI
7 NI 9221 NI 9221 8-single ended channels, ±60 V measurement range, 800 kS/s, 12-bit AI
8 NI 9205 NI 9205 32-Single-ended or 16 differential, Channel, programmable input range ±200
mV, ±1, ±5 and ±10 V, 250 kS/s aggregate sampling rate, 16-Bit Analog Input Module
9 NI 9234 NI 9234, 4 Ch, ±5 V, 24-Bit, 102 dB dynamic range, anti-aliasing filters, 51.2 kS/s, SW
Selectable IEPE & AC/DC, AC coupled (0.5Hz) SW selectable IEPE Signal
conditioning (0 or 2 mA), Smart TEDS sensor compatibility
10 3-Diferentail Channel 300 Vrms Analog Input, 50 kS/s per channel, 24 bit resolution,
NI 9225 Built in anti-alias filters.
11 4-Channel current input module, 5 A measurement (14 A peak), 50 kS/s/ch simultaneous
NI 9227 inputs, Built in antialiasing filters
USB Compact DAQ Analog Output Modules
12 NI 9264 NI 9264 16-Channel ±10 V, 25 kS/s, 16-Bit, Simultaneous Analog Output Module
NI 9265 4-Ch 0 mA to 20 mA output range, 100 kS/s/Ch, 16-Bit, Current AO Module,
13 NI 9265 Open-loop detection with interrupt, 0.0 mA power-on
USB Compact DAQ Digital Input /Output Modules
NI 9403 32 Ch, 7μS, digital I/O 5 V/TTL, sinking/sourcing digital I/O TTL Digital Input
14 NI 9403 / Output Module, Bidirectional, configurable by line with shift-on-the-fly
NI 9474 8-channel, 1 µs high-speed digital output , 5 V to 30 V, sourcing digital output,
15 NI 9474 Compatibility with NI Compact DAQ counters
16 NI 9401 NI 94015 V/TTL, Bidirectional Digital I/O, 8-channel, 100 ns high-speed digital I/O

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