Iii PPT Activity Answers

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Titles we considered:
 The level of anxiety of Senior High School student with today’s learning setup: Online
Learning compared when face-to-face classes.
 The negative impact of Social Media on the Academic Performance of Junior High
School students.
 The difference of income of street vendors in Baguio City
during this pandemic versus before the pandemic.
 Effect of Anxiety on Academic Performance among Senior High Students of Mil-an
National High School
The research title that should be addressed is the:
“Influence of Anxiety on Academic Performance among Senior High Students of Mil-an
National High School”
This is because:
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous governments have imposed
restrictions and implemented lockdowns in an attempt to halt the virus's spread including the
Philippines. The epidemic and these restrictions have altered living conditions across countries
and age groups, altering social life and raising mental health difficulties (Kumar and Nayar,
2020), and maybe causing individuals to grieve over the loss of their normal lifestyles (de Jong
et al., 2020). For many young people, the crisis and attendant measures have a negative impact
on their mental health (Wang Z. H. et al., 2020).
COVID-19 has impacted more than 89 percent of the world's higher education institutions
(IAU, 2020). Most of these institutions had to move to online mode almost immediately,
resulting in a significant reduction in, if not complete cessation, of in-person interactions.
Furthermore, the epidemic has had and continues to have a negative influence on students'
mental health (Tang et al., 2020; Wang C. et al., 2020; Fruehwirth et al., 2021). Prior to the
pandemic, research had revealed that students were already at risk of developing mental health
disorders during their transition to higher education (Hunt and Eisenberg, 2010; Auerbach et al.,
2018), which raised the likelihood of procrastination and academic underperformance (Bruffaerts
et al., 2018).
Additionally, due to mobility constraints, reduced social ties, fear of access to supplies, loss
of family finances, propagation of conspiracy theories, and dread for individuals' and their
families' health problems, the alterations to normal life have become a source of anxiety
(Jakovljevic et al., 2020). As a result, this affects negatively the academic performance of many
students. Anxiety is one of the major predictors of academic performance. Students with anxiety
disorders have a passive attitude toward their education, such as a lack of enthusiasm in learning
and poor exam and assignment performance. 
Academic anxiety is a well-established, significant predictor of academic performance.
Students with high levels of anxiety are unable to perform at the best of their ability. Anxiety is
an unseen enemy or problem. As a result, a person cannot predict if someone have anxiety. With
the learning setup right now, it is harder to identify students who have anxiety. Furthermore, in
Mil-an National High School, many students have a low academic performance. There are many
students who do not submit on time, do not submit anything, and sadly, ending up dropping out.
It is a rising issue not just in Mil-an National High School but in many schools all over the
Philippines. As a conclusion, the research study “Effect of Anxiety on Academic Performance
among Senior High Students of Mil-an National High School,” must be addressed.

RESEARCH TOPIC: Influence of Anxiety on Academic Performance among Senior High

Students of Mil-an National High School
This study intends to determine the influence of Anxiety on the Academic Performance of Senior
High School students of Mil-an National High School. Specifically, it aims to answer the
following questions:
This study intends to determine the influence of Anxiety on the Academic Performance of Senior
High School students of Mil-an National High School. Specifically, it aims to answer the
following questions:
1. What is the influence of the four components of academic anxiety on the academic
performance among Senior High School students of Mil-an National High School?
2. How often does the Senior High School students of Mil-an National High School
experience academic anxiety in terms of:
a. Worry
b. Emotionality
c. Study Skills Deficit
d. Task-generated Interference
3. Is there a significant relationship between academic anxiety and the academic
performance of the Senior High School students of Mil-an National High School?
The research study observes the relationship between academic anxiety and students’
academic performance. It aims to find out a significant correlation of academic anxiety and
academic performance of the senior high school students that is why we chose relationship-based
questions. Additionally, this research falls under the correlational quantitative type of research.
Quantitative research is more objective in measuring data because it focuses on assigned
numerical value given specific variables. This study was well-suited to correlational research
since it explains the link between academic anxiety and student academic performance.
Correlation was used to determine the relationship between academic anxiety and student
academic performance.
Our research study aims to know the influence of the four components of academic anxiety
which are worry, emotionality, study skill deficits, and task-generated interferences on the
academic performance of the senior high students. Moreover, we want to know the relationship
of academic anxiety and the student’s academic performance, if it has a positive or a negative
relationship. Lastly, we want to know if there are significant differences between the four
components of academic anxiety.


Mental health problems are on the rise worldwide, according to the World Health
Organization (WHO). Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, numerous governments
have imposed restrictions and implemented lockdowns in an attempt to halt the virus's spread
including the Philippines. The epidemic and these restrictions have altered living conditions
across countries and age groups, altering social life and raising mental health difficulties (Kumar
and Nayar, 2020), and maybe causing individuals to grieve over the loss of their normal
lifestyles (de Jong et al., 2020). For many young people, the crisis and attendant measures have a
negative impact on their mental health (Wang Z. H. et al., 2020).
Additionally, due to mobility constraints, reduced social ties, fear of access to supplies, loss
of family finances, propagation of conspiracy theories, and dread for individuals' and their
families' health problems, the alterations to normal life have become a source of anxiety
(Jakovljevic et al., 2020). As a result, this affects negatively the academic performance of many
students. Students with anxiety disorders have a passive attitude toward their education, such as a
lack of enthusiasm in learning and poor exam and assignment performance.
In Northwest University, Kano, Nigeria, Mohammed, Hailu, and Muhammad (2017)
investigated the impact of academic anxiety on university students' academic performance. They
discovered that students with high levels of anxiety received lower grades than students with
moderate levels of anxiety who received higher grades. As a result, it was clear that academic
anxiety has an impact on university students' academic performance. Additionally, the study
noted that academic anxiety can no longer be ignored due to its effects on student academic
performance. There have been several studies on the impact of anxiety on college university
students in other countries, but there has been little research on the impact of anxiety on senior
high school students, particularly in Philippine institutions.
Academic anxiety is a well-established, significant predictor of academic performance.
Students with high levels of anxiety are unable to perform at the best of their ability. Anxiety is
an unseen problem. One cannot predict if someone have anxiety. With the learning setup right
now, it is harder to identify students who have anxiety. Furthermore, in Mil-an National High
School, many students have a low academic performance. There are many students who do not
submit on time, do not submit anything, and sadly, ending up dropping out. According to one
adviser of Grade 12 in Mil-an, there is a student who wanted to drop out as a result of depression
and anxiety. It is a rising issue not just in Mil-an National High School but in many schools all
over the Philippines. The researchers want to raise mental health awareness as it will help one to
understand their symptoms, receive professional support, and, perhaps most significantly, break
the stigma surrounding mental illness that keeps so many people suffering in silence.
The focus of this research will be on the influence of academic anxiety on academic
performance among senior high school students at Mil-an National High School in Baguio City.
In addition, the study will look into the relationship between academic anxiety and academic
A. Mental health problems are on the rise worldwide, according to the World Health
Organization (WHO). There are various types of mental illness, including common
conditions like anxiety and depression, which afflict millions of people throughout the
world. Mental health is becoming a growing source of concern. Some people commit
suicide as a result of mental health issues. Young people nowadays are more prone with
mental health issues and it is scary. As a result, we want to research one type of mental
illness, anxiety, in order to prevent suicide cases. Other people also do not take mental
health issue seriously, they go around and make fun with people who have mental health
issues which is not good. It is not a joke, mental health awareness should continue to rise.
B. I observed that there are many students who are unmotivated to study in Mil-an National
High School. Some students do not submit requirement and worse, they drop out of
school. It is very alarming because these actions indicate that one has anxiety. To
identify the students who are experiencing anxiety, specifically academic anxiety, we
would like to conduct this study.
C. As we identify the students who are struggling because of academic anxiety, we can
suggest solutions on how these students can overcome anxiety. This research would be
beneficial to the Senior High School Students of Mil-an in a way that the researches can
find ways on how to reduce the factors that causes anxiety that affect the students’
academic performance.
D. Teachers are struggling to reach students who perform poorly in school. Teachers also
wonder why some students perform poorly in school that is why if one reason is because
of anxiety, teachers can help the students by providing emotional support. Honestly
speaking, there are teachers who are insensitive about a student’s condition that is why
we want the teachers to also be aware of the mental health condition of their students.
You cannot see if someone has anxiety. Even a person who is so happy in the outside can
have anxiety so we never know. As an addition, it will provide teachers with suggestions
regarding the factors that induce anxiety in students. To keep students from becoming
anxious, actions will be done based on the information gathered. As a result, teachers will
be more likely to use effective learning practices and engage students in activities that do
not cause anxiety. They will also be able to provide emotional support and broaden their
understanding of students who are experiencing anxiety, as well as assist them in
improving their academic performance.
E. IGOROT people aren't known for being flamboyant or affectionate. In truth, many
families consider mental health issues as minor issues.  Majority of parents are unaware
of their child's condition. Some parents will be taken aback by their child's behavior, they
do not know why their child is acting that way. We want students' parents to be aware of
their children's situation as well. Parents will be able to provide emotional support to their
children as they become more aware. Parents will also be able to assess themselves and
adjust their attitudes if they are a trigger or one cause for their child's anxiety.
F. Raising mental health awareness may help one to understand their symptoms, receive
professional support, and, perhaps most significantly, break the stigma surrounding
mental illness that keeps so many people suffering in silence. This will make us aware of
our words and actions towards other people. Eventually, raising mental health awareness
can really push to always be kind to other people because we do not know what they are
going through inside. We are unaware of each other’s silent battles so I hope that this
research study will become an instrument for people to do good and be kind to everyone.


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