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Write a letter to your manager to request setting u a cafeteria for the staff.

In your letter, you should tell,

1. What you heard about the inconvenience from the staff

2. How you feel about it
3. What suggestion you have.

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter for a formal request to set up a cafeteria in our office. As we are growing and
currently, we have staff strength of 30 peoples it’s an essential for having a cafeteria where staff can
have their lunch and snacks during free time.

Currently, all the staff is having their meal on their workstation which doesn’t look good and is also
not comfortable as our computer and files has already taken half of the places. Also, it does not look
good when customer visit the office during the staff having their meal as the workstation looks

Even the office gets dirty and sometime there is a bad odor after staff have their lunch in the office
which creates a bad environment for the people working here.

I would like to suggest as we have a small conference room which we are not using currently, we
should convert the same into a cafeteria. We should be also having a microwave which makes more
convenient for the staff to heat their meal before having it.

I would highly appreciate your positive revert in this matter.

Your faithfully,

People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factors.

To what extend do you agree or disagree?

People like to shop for various reasons and occasions, also people’s needs changes as per the
requirement. Although some feel people’s purchase habits depend on age group than other factors.
However, I strongly agree that there are different factors that plays an important role for individuals
shopping desire. This essay will elaborate my logic with examples.

Firstly, Price plays a crucial role for purchasing anything you desire. People’s criteria for shopping will
depend on price of the product or service they are consuming; they try to avoid exploring expensive
or out of the budget items. For example, wealthy people would be thinking of buying a luxury car for
their day-to-day compute whereas, middle class people would be going for compact car and less
expensive car for the same.

Secondly, shopping also depends on different kind of occasions. For example, for going to office
people would be buying formal attire and for going for holiday he/she would prefer something more
casual and comfortable.

Lastly, customer service and after sale service of the product is an important point for the purchase
they do, for some shopping people also expect after sales service and regular maintenance. For
example, electronics such as washing machines and refrigerator used at home require regular
service for long lasting, company which provide the same would be more preferred than others.

Whereas, to some extend age factor also depends for shopping preferences. But however, I strongly
brief that there are various other factors that plays an important role for individual choice of

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