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Louie Binas- o

Grade 12 – LENZ

MIL – Module 6

Week 6

What’s More: So Similar Yet So Difficult


It is a form of media conceptualized INTERNET

produced, and circulated by indigenous peoples
around the globe as vehicles for
Abundance, availability
and accessibility
Indigenous knowledge Can be seen in practical,
Faster and more efficient.
like videos or live actions
Culture, custom and traditions
Up to date information
Use of internet to
Past down from generation to promote Indigenous Internet Doesn’t Have
Quality Control; Open-Source
Sources of different
Direct observation, information on the Internet is
social gathering, quite common and easy to
records and Knowledge get misinformed information
oral Merely handwritten
or printed text, All must be checked Interconnected
illustrations or on how reliable the networks using
pictures information is. standardized
Viewed by millions of communication
Free access
Accuracy checking
Same information is difficulties
Use of cataloguing system (Gonzales, found in both source

Library is a place in which literary, musical, artistic, or

reference materials (such as books, manuscripts,
recordings or films) are kept for use but not for sale
(Meriam Webster, 2020)

Handwritten/printed sources and


What I Have Learned: Worded Concept Map

Up to date Availability
Past down to
Custom generation
Easy access Quality
Indigenous Faster more
knowledge efficient Abundance

Culture Indigenous Internet




Other sources

Primary Secondary Tertiary

Artifacts Biography Almanacs
Diaries Histories Biography access

Letters Criticism Printed or

Fact books
s handwritten

architecture Dictionaries
Public use
literature Manuals

Additional Activity: From All Sources
Topic: Remedy for cough and colds

Library Indigenous Internet

Colds are very common: On The folks usually use the steam Coughs play a role in clearing
average, adults come down with a bath as a remedy for cough and irritants and infections from the
cold 2 to 4 times a year, and colds. They mix water and leaves body, but persistent coughing can
children have as many as 6 to 8 of orange or lemons for boiling, be annoying. The best treatment
colds a year. The reason that colds then using it for the steam bath. for a cough will depend on its
are so common is that they can be underlying cause. There are many
caused by very many different Some of the folks also possible causes of coughs,
kinds of viruses. So having had recommend the mixing ginger or including allergies, infections, and
one virus doesn't make you ginger itself as a tea as the remedy acid reflux.
immune to other cold viruses. for cough.
Twelve natural cough remedies
Some remedies: (Medical News Today)
1. Painkillers 1. Honey tea
2. Nasal sprays 2. Ginger
3. Vitamin supplements 3. Fluids
4. Herbal products and 4. Steam
honey 5. Marshmallow Root
5. Inhaling steams and 6. Saltwater Gargle
drinking a lot of fluids 7. Bromelain
6. Antibiotics 8. Thyme
9. Dietary changes for acid
10. Slippery elm
11. N-acetylcysteine (NAC)

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