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INTRODUCTION TO GLOBALIZATION There are some who link the negative

aspects of globalization to terrorism. To

put a complicated discussion in simple
- is a term that came into popular usage terms, they argue that exploitative or
in the 1980's to describe the increased declining conditions contribute to the lure
movement of people, knowledge and of informal "extremist" networks that
ideas, and goods and money across commit criminal or terrorist acts
national borders that has led to increased internationally. And thanks to today's
interconnectedness among the world's technology and integrated societies, these
populations, economically, politically, networks span throughout the world. It is
socially and culturally. in this sense that terrorism, too, is
"globalized." The essays in this section
address some of the complex questions
associated with globalization in light of
Although globalization is often thought
September 11. Before moving to these
of in economic terms (i.e., "the global
essays, consider the discussion below
marketplace"), this process has many
about some of the economic, political,
social and political implications as well.
social and cultural manifestations of
Many in local communities associate
globalization with modernization (i.e., the
transformation of "traditional" societies Economic Manifestation of
into "Western" industrialized ones). At Globalization
the global level, globalization is thought of
in terms of the challenges it poses to the Increasingly over the past two
role of governments in international centuries, economic activity has
affairs and the global economy. become more globally oriented and
integrated. Some economists argue that
There are heated debates about it is no longer meaningful to think in
globalization and its positive and terms of national economies;
negative effects. While globalization is international trade has become central
thought of by many as having the to most local and domestic economies
potential to make societies richer around the world.
through trade and to bring knowledge
and information to people around the Many economists assess economic
world, there are many others who globalization as having a positive
perceive globalization as contributing to impact, linking increased economic
the exploitation of the poor by the rich, transactions across national borders to
and as a threat to traditional cultures as increased and opportunities for
the process of modernization changes economic development.
SOCIAL AND CULTURAL international audience. Old and new
MANIFESTATIONS OF GLOBALIZATION musical traditions that a few years ago
were limited to a small local audience
are now playing on the world stage.
GLOBALIZATION, HERE ARE SOME OF On the other hand, globalization has
THE MAJOR ONES: increased transmission of popular
culture easily and inexpensively from
the developed countries of the North
The past two decades have seen an throughout the world.
internationalization of information
services involving the exponential
expansion of computer-based DEFINITIONS ARE CATEGORIZED TO
communication through the Internet THREE MAIN FRAMES:
and electronic mail. On the one hand,
the electronic revolution has promoted
the diversification and - points to the potential gains and benefits
democratization of information as of globalization.
people in nearly every country are able to
communicate their opinions and 2. THE NEUTRAL FRAME
perspectives on issues, local and global,
-portrays globalization as a natural,
that impact their lives.
evolutionary and largely inevitable
NEWS SERVICES development. This discourse, which is
associated with the financial
In recent years there has been a community, avoids making moral
significant shift in the transmission judgments.
and reporting of world news with the
rise of a small number of global news 3. THE NEGATIVE FRAME
- points out the increasing potential for
POPULAR CULTURE economic crisis, the threat to the
livelihoods of workers and the growing
The contemporary revolution in income inequality caused by
communication technology has had a globalization.
dramatic impact in the arena of
popular culture. Information technology GLOBALIZATION
enables a wide diversity of locally based
- is a widely-used term that can be
popular culture to develop and reach a
defined in a number of different ways, but
larger audience. For example, "world
when used in an economic context, it
music" has developed a major
refers to the reduction and removal of
barriers between national borders in functions and activities under a single
order to facilitate the flow of goods, management.
capital, services and labor.
Refers to the growing economic
There are three basic kind of market
interdependence of countries
worldwide through the increasing
volume and variety of cross border Horizontal Integration
transactions in goods and services and
of international capital flows and also Vertical Integration
the more rapid and widespread diffusion
of technology
Horizontal Integration.
It also refers the acceleration and
intensification of interaction and • In this type of integration, some
integration among the people, companies, marketing agencies combine to form a
and governments of different nations. union to reduce their effective number
and the extent of actual competition in
It is also a process that encompasses the
the market.
causes, course, and consequences of
transnational and transcultural • e.g. Primary milk producers, Facebook
integration of human and non-human with Instagram.
Example for horizontal integration
Lesson 2
One of the clearest examples of horizontal
MARKET INTEGRATION LESSON 2 integration is Facebook's acquisition of
Instagram in 2012 for a reported $1
billion. Both Facebook and Instagram
Integration shows the relationship of operated in the same industry and were
firms in a market. The extent of in similar production stages in regard to
integration influences the market their photo-sharing services.
conduct of the firms and consequently
their marketing efficiency.
Facebook looking to strengthen its
Markets differ in the extent of
position in the social media and social
integration and, therefore, there is a
sharing space, saw the acquisition of
variation in their degree of efficiency.
Instagram as an opportunity to grow
Market integration is a process which its market share, increase its product
refers to the expansion of firms by line, reduce competition and access
consolidating additional marketing potential new markets. All of these
things came to pass, resulting in a high EXAMPLE FOR FORWARD VERTICAL
level of energy. INTEGRATION COMPANY

Vertical Integration Canadian communications giant Rogers

is an example of forward integration.
• Vertical integration occurs when a
firm performs more than one activity in The company established Rogers TV, a
the sequence of the marketing process. It subsidiary company that operates
is linking together of two or more local television channels.
functions in the marketing process
The Rogers TV channels show
with in a single firm or under a single
programs such as cooking and talk
shows, which are produced by Rogers-
For e.g. if a firm assumes wholesale as managed television studios.
well as retailing, it is a vertical integration
These provide Rogers with an
or rice processor under taking retailing.
opportunity to advertise and sell its
1. FORWARD INTEGRATION: digital products using an electronic
version of a retail store.
It takes activities close to the
consumption function Ex: ROGERS

Ex. wholesaler assuming the function of EXAMPLE FOR BACKWARD VERTICAL


2. BACKWARD INTEGRATION: backward vertically

integrated when it became not only a
The combination of sources of supply.
bookseller but a book publisher.
Ex. processing firm assumes the function
As a bookseller, buys books
of assembling/purchasing
from various suppliers, such as
publishing companies.

Custom By becoming a publisher itself, it has

integrated into its business the role of
Retailer supplier and can sell books that its own
publishing company publishes.
Whole sale
A combination of agencies or activities
not directly related to each other may
In a Market Chain operate under a unified management.
commodities flow from producers to.
Ex. conglomeration are Hindustan alleviating collective action problems in a
Unilever Ltd. (processed vegetables and world of interdependent actors.
soaps), Delhi Cloth and General Mills
Young's definitions properly direct our
(Cloth and Vanaspati).
attention to the interdependent nature of
Hindustan Unilever limited decision making and the attempt by
actors to "manage" or produce more
• Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) is the
"orderly" responses to common
Indian wing of the Multinational
consumer goods company Lever
International. But it resulting blur two analytically
distinct political processes:
• HUL was established in 1933 as Lever
Brothers and, in 1956, became known as BARGAINING
Hindustan Lever Limited, as a result of a
which divides the available costs and
merger among Lever Brothers, Hindustan
benefits. between actors.
Vanaspati Mfg. Co. Ltd. and United
• It is headquartered in Mumbai, India Which enforces the bargains reached. It is
and employs over 16,000 workers, the enforcement of bargains that we
whilst also indirectly helping to facilitate intuitively mean by the term governance.
the employment of over 65,000 people.
• The company was renamed in June 2007
as "Hindustan Unilever Limited" Frequently noted in the existing
literature, governance is not equivalent to
CONTEMPORARY GLOBAL government or formal institutions.
Global governance is not limited to
WHAT IS GLOBAL GOVERNANCE? contracts between states.
ORAN YOUNG (1994), IN TURN, Governance is a variable between the
DEFINES GOVERNANCE AS: relations of anarchy and hierarchy.
The establishment and operation of social GOVERNANCE & GLOBALIZATION
institutions (in the sense of rules of the
game that serve to define social practices, Globalization and global governance are
assign roles, and guide interactions intimately connected.
among the occupants of these roles)
As globalization occurs, states lose control
capable of resolving conflicts, facilitating
over their destinies, problems become
cooperation, or, more generally,
"bigger than the capacities of individual
governments, and states must delegate
and possibly abdicate political authority matters that will affect each country's
to supranational entities with powers that citizens.
more nearly coincide with the scope of
the issues and actors to be managed.
Co-operation based on loosely-structured,
peer to peer ties developed through
•INTERGOVERNMENTAL frequent interaction rather than formal
•SUPRANATIONAL negotiation involving specialized
•TRANSGOVERNMENTAL domestic officials (typically regulators)
•TRANSNATIONAL directly interacting with each other
(through structured dialogues), often
with minimal supervision by foreign
The term intergovernmental ministries.
organization (IGO) refers to an entity
created by treaty, involving two or more
nations, to work in good faith, on issues of Transnational organization is a term used
common interest. In the absence of a in scholarly literature. It refers to
treaty an IGO does not exist in the legal international organizations that
sense. "transcend" the idea of a nation-state. The
distinction between an international and
For example, the G8 is a group of eight
a transnational organization is unclear
nations that have annual economic and
and has been criticized by some scholars.
political summits. IGOs that are formed by
treaties are more advantageous than a
mere grouping of nations because they
are subject to international law and have
the ability to enter into enforceable GLOBAL GOVERNANCE AS AN
agreements among themselves or with INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION
Global governance clearly is not world
SUPRANATIONAL government - indeed, it is better viewed
as the sum of governance processes
A supranational organization is a
operating in the absence of world
multinational union or association in
which member countries cede authority
and sovereignty on at least some internal Global governance, "is any purposeful
matters to the group, whose decisions are activity intended. to "control" or influence
binding on its members. In short, member someone else that either occurs in the
states share in decision making on arena occupied by nations or, occurring at
other levels, projects influence into that



•Creating greater operational capacity

and effectiveness.

•Generating more flexibility and


•Establishing a cooperative work culture

in participating organizations.

•Encouraging interorganizational

•Creating greater opportunities for

participation and increasing the
legitimacy of governance.

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