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Olvasd el a következő szöveget.

One day Mr Jackson bought three kilogrammes of meat and took

it home to his wife. Then he returned to work. Immediately, his wife
called her friends and prepared a delicious dinner. In the evening, Mr
returned for supper, and his wife offered him nothing but bread and
He turned to her and said, "But why haven't you prepared anything from
the meat?"
"I rinsed the meat and was going to put it on the stove when this damn
cat came up and took it away," she said.
Mr Jackson at once ran to get the scales. Then he found the cat and
weighed it. It was exactly three kilos!
Then he turned to his wife and said, "Look here! If what I have just
weighed is the cat, then where's the meat? But if this is the meat, then
where's the cat?"

a) Igaz vagy hamis.

1. Mr Jackson bought the meat.

2. They ate the meat immediately.

3. Mrs Jackson invited his friends for dinner.

4. Mrs Jackson gave his friend a very poor supper.

5. Mrs Jackson told her husband that the cat had eaten the meat.

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b) Egészítsd ki a mondatokat egy-egy szóval. Ezek a szavak

mind benne voltak a szövegben.

1. This is a machine for weighing people and objects: ........................

2. My mother ................................ a delicious cake for my birthday.

3. Have we got enough .......................... in the fridge?

4. In my kitchen there is a fridge and a new ..................... .

5. How many ...................... of bread did you buy?

a) 1. igaz 2. false 3. false 4. true 5. true

b) 1. scales 2. delicious 3. onions 4. stove 5. kilos

Egy nap Mr Jackson három kiló húst vett és hazavitte a feleségének. Majd
visszatért dolgozni. A felesége azonnal hívta a barátait, és finom ebédet
készített. Este Mr Jackson hazatért vacsorázni, a felesége viszont csak
kenyeret és hagymát kínált neki. Odafordult hozzá, és azt mondta: „De
miért nem készítettél valamit a húsból?”
„Lemostam a húst, és már éppen a sütőbe akartam tenni, amikor az az
átkozott macska odajött és elvitte!” mondta.
Mr Jackson azonnal odarohant a mérleghez. Majd megkereste a macskát
és megmérte. Éppen három kiló volt!
Ezután odafordult a feleségéhez és azt mondta, „Idenézz! Ha az, amit
megmértem, a macska, akkor hol a hús? De ha ez a hús, akkor hol a

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