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Instruction Manual

CK- 4100
Data Logger

Nippon Electric Instrument, Inc.

2016.2 4100-H157088


1. Introduction ....................................................................... 1
2. Functions .......................................................................... 1
3. Specification ...................................................................... 2
3.1 System Configuration ..............................................................2
3.2 Input & Output Specification ......................................................2
3.3 Clock Function ....................................................................3
3.4 User Interface ....................................................................3
3.5 Environmental Condition ...........................................................3
4. Operation Instruction .............................................................. 4
4.1 Name and the Function of each part ................................................4
4.2 Data display and operation ........................................................7
4.2.1 Menu screen .....................................................................7
4.2.2 Realtime data monitor ...........................................................8
4.2.3 Time setting ....................................................................9
4.2.4 Memory data display .............................................................9
4.2.5 Parameter settings for data display and data storage ...........................10
4.2.6 Parameter settings for processing item .........................................12
4.2.7 Option settings ................................................................13
4.2.8 Parameter settings for the communication with the Host equipment ...............14
4.2.9 Parameter settings for the boards ..............................................16
5. Maintenance and others ............................................................ 18
5.1 Periodic Inspection by our Service Personnel .....................................18
5.2 Replacement of Fuse ..............................................................18

2016.2 4100-H157088

1. Introduction
CK-4100 Data Logger (called Logger from now on) performs the arithmetic processing of several signals from
sensors which observe wind direction, wind speed, air temperature and humidity.
Processed data are displayed on the touch panel at the front of the Logger with 1 second updating and 1 minute.

2. Functions
CK-4100 type Data Logger in this System is constructed by making use of the sophisticated
equipment as a base with wide variety of functions and expansion capability, and has appropriate
constitution and adjustment to fit to this System.
Functions shown below are indicated those of the basic equipment, so that some items might not
be included in this System to which is delivered.
Please use this table as a reference for the change of specification, the addition of function.

Function Description
Function of It samples several signals from each Sensor and converts to digital value
data conversion with a standard time of the internal clock.
Function of
It processes measured data with the basic data after conversion.
data processing
It displays the latest data after converting & calculating process
Function of
at every 1 second. By key operation, it carries out several settings
setting and display
of parameter and sensor constant and time matching.
Function of adjustment It makes zero-point and span adjustment of analog input circuitries
analog input circuitry by key operation.
Function of adjustment It makes zero-point and span adjustment of analog output circuitries
analog output circuitry by key operation.
Function of communication It transmits current and past data according to the command from
with Host equipment the Host equipment.

Basic functions are summarized as above. This Manual includes some change in settings but no setting
to user. Please do NOT change any setting such as parameters, otherwise it may not work correctly.


3. Specification

3.1 System Configuration

Please refer to the Wiring System Diagram in the attached sheet.

3.2 Input & Output Specification

NX-3674 Data logger(CK-4100) Specification list
Data Sensor Logger 1sec 1hour
Data item Abbr. Data range
type output input Data Data
Anemometer CT-700 SCI 5 Inst. wind direction WD 1~16 directions ✓
Transmitter Inst. wind speed WS 0.0~90.0m/s ✓
Average WD AD 0~16 directions ✓ ✓
wind direction Status S1 Binary number:00000~11111 ✓ ✓
Average WS AS 0.0~90.0m/s ✓ ✓
wind speed Status S2 Binary number:00000~11111 ✓ ✓
Air temperature Pt100Ω A/D(S1=0) Air temperature AT -50.0~50.0 ℃ ✓ ✓
ch1,2 Air temperature Status S3 Binary number:00000~11111 ✓ ✓
Humidity 0~1V/ A/D(S1=0) Humidity RH 0.0~100.0 % ✓ ✓
0~100% ch3 Humidity Status S4 Binary number:00000~11111 ✓ ✓
TEST Main TTL4 Test ST 0(Observation)、1(Test) ✓

Note 1: *1-sec. Data are shown in the realtime display.

*1-hour Data are used for preservation of on-chip memory and dominance equipment communication.
Note 2: Status of each element is indicated by a binary number.
*B4(MSB):It's time synchronization.
When doing a time adjustment in the time data, it's set.
Time data are reset after preservation.
*B3    :It's being tested.The TEST switch became on in the time data.
Or when receiving the remote control operation command (TEST), it's set.
*B2    :The state with blackouts is indicated.Outage time is in the 1hour data.
When turning on the power, it's set and if time data are preserved, resets.
*B1    :The data is treated as missing.
At communication abnormality of a direction of the wind anemometer
The temperature value and the humidity value set it at the upper limit value and a lower limit
*B0(LSB):It is reference data.
When 80% of effective data of Average WD and Average WS are less than it, I set it.
Note 3: The input of temperature and the humidity takes a mean step for one minute.
Note 4: Two pieces of CF cards are for maintenance.


3.3 Clock Function

・Year, month, day and hour, minute, second are settable
・Leap year identifiable.

3.4 User Interface

・LCD display (4 Row x 20 Column)

3.5 Environmental Condition

(1) Temperature : –10~+50℃
(2) Humidity : 20~90% RH (non-condensing)
(3) Power supply : AC100V±10%


4. Operation Instruction

4.1 Name and the Function of each part

LCD display Key board

F △ ▽ R



Test switch Power lamp CF card remover switch

Fuse CF card slot
Power switch CF card lamp

Fuse : Power will be cut off when over-rated current flows.

Replacement of fuse is shown in “5.2 Replacement of Fuse”
Test switch : At this time, “TEST” signal on the back-panel terminal outputs the non-voltage
make-contact with ON state.
Power lamp : It turns ON in green when the power is ON.
CF card slot* : CF card is inserted here to store the measured data.
CF card lamp* : This lamp will be turned ON when the CD card is inserted.
LCD display : Data are displayed in this LCD display of 4 row x 20 column.
Key board : The Logger operates satisfactorily with the combination of 4 keys

Sensor Signal
Air Temp. Humidity Spare Power Off
FG A1 A2 B1 B2 + - + - FG S C



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Wind spd/Dir Power Supply Test
L1 L2 FG +12V G S C


10BASE-T RS-232C(1) RS-232C(2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

LAN Port RS-232C Port

Rear view


NX-3674 Data logger(CK-4100) Terminal table

No. Name1 Name2 Remarks
2 A1 (Thermometer)
3 A2
4 B1
5 B2
7 - (Hygrometer)
8 + SPARE 0~5V
9 -
10 FG
No. Name1 Name2 Remarks
1 (S) Internal use Pt100Ω
2 (C)
3 (S)
4 (C)
5 (S)
6 (C)
7 (S) Test switch
8 (C) relay it inside
9 S Power Discountinuity Power Discountinuity=ON
10 C
No. Name1 Name2 Remarks
2 L2 (Anemometer)
3 FG
6 G (for Hygrometer)
8 C
No. Name1 Name2 Remarks
2 RD (Anemometer)
5 SG

(1) TCP/IP1=Unusable
(2) TCP/IP2=Unusable
(3) UDP/IP=Output LAN

<Notes on Interconnection>
Please refer to "Meteorological Observation System Connection Diagram" when connecting the
sensors to the CK-4100 Data Logger.
Pair(s) of unused analog input terminals shall be connected together so that undesired noise will not be
induced. (Unused output terminals shall be unconnected.)


4.2 Data display and operation

Data settings and display are carried out in the equipment, by making use of the LCD display
with 4-row x 20-column and the Keyboard with 4 keys. Function of each key for data settings
and display operation is shown below.

■ Function of each key

F key: It displays a Menu screen or returns to previous character or screen.
▲ key: It scrolls the data up or moves the cursor to previous line.
▼ key: It scrolls the data down or moves the cursor to next line.
R key: It makes the input data enable or moves the cursor to next line.
*In any screen, “Menu” screen will be displayed when F key is pressed.

4.2.1 Menu screen

m a i n m e n u

0 1 . t i m e s e t

0 2 . m e m o r y d a t a

0 3 . p e r m a n e n t d a t a

*When the cursor does not move down even by pressing the ▼ key, you should notice
that it is already at the final line.

■ List of items on Menu screen

No Item Description
01 time set Time setting
02 memory data Display of memory data
03 permanent data Parameter setting of data display & storage ※
04 processing item Parameter setting of processing item ※
05 option Setting of option
06 communication Parameter setting of communication to the Host ※
07 board parameter Setting of board parameter ※

<Note> Please do NOT change the settings with ※ marker in the list above.
Otherwise, it may get malfunction with the Logger.

■ Operation in the Menu screen

F key: It switches the Realtime data screen and the Menu screen.
▲ key: It moves the cursor to the head of previous line.
▼ key: It moves the cursor to the head of next line.
R key: It changes a present screen to the setting screen of relevant item. as selected


4.2.2 Realtime data monitor

After start-up of the Equipment, Realtime data monitor is displayed. Data are updated
at every 1 second.
When F key is pressed on the Realtime data monitor, Menu screen will get back.

2 0 1 6 / 1 8 / 1 8 0 9 : 2 4 : 1 2

W D 1 6 W S 0 . 0

A D 1 6 S 1 0 0 1 0 0

A S 5 . 5 S 2 0 0 1 0 0

A T 2 2 . 0 S 3 0 0 1 0 0

R H 3 6 . 8 S 4 0 0 1 0 0

S T 0

■List of items
Data type Abbr. Data range ※1 Remarks
Inst. wind direction WD 1 ~ 360
Inst. wind speed WS 0.0 ~ 90.0 m/s
Average WD AD 0 ~ 360 ※2
Wind direction Status S1 Binary number:00000~11111 (Table 2)
Average WS AS 0.0 ~ 90.0 m/s
Wind speed Status S2 Binary number:00000~11111 (Table 2)
Air temperature AT -50.0 ~ 50.0 ℃
Air temperature Status S3 Binary number:00000~11111 (Table 2)
Humidity RH 0.0 ~ 100.0 %
Humidity Status S4 Binary number:00000~11111 (Table 2)
Test ST 0(Observing)、 1(Testing) ※3
※ 1 Refer to “4.2 Input & Output Specification; Data Logger (CK-4100) Specification Table”for
more information.
※ 2 When average wind speed is below 0.2m/s, average wind direction becomes 0 (Calm).
※ 3 It becomes 1(Testing) when TEST switch on the front panel is ON.

Table 1 Supervising item

Supervising item Display Data processing
When correct data cannot be received, measured data
Data error /// is treated as an error which is missing data.


Table 2 Status signal

These bits shows the status or the events which has been occurred for the past one hour.

0 0 0 0 0 (binary)
This bit becomes "1" when the ratio of valid data is less than 80%
for the average calculation of wind speed and wind direction.
This bit becomes "1" when there is an error in the communication with
the wind sensor. It also becomes 1 when temperature or humidity is
out of range.
This bit comes "1" when there is a power fail. It is reset after the
data is stored.
"1" means that the data logger is in testing mode.
This bit becomes "1" when TEST switch on the front panel is ON.
It also becomes "1" when the data logger receives "Enter Testing Mode"
command. It is reset after the data is stored.
It becomes "1" if time synchronization has occurred. It is reset after
the data is stored.

4.2.3 Time setting

Data Logger has a built-in clock that is used as the standard of the input and statistics
calculation timing of observation data. When the clock has wrong time, it should be
adjusted by using this menu.

① On Menu screen, by selecting the “01.time set” and then pressing R key, the following
screen will come up.
② Current time of the internal clock is shown in the screen.
③ Cursor is at the first digit of the western calendar year.
④ The cursor can be shifted from year → month → day → hour with every press of R key.
Set it to the place to be changed.
⑤ Change the number with ▲ key for increase or ▼ key for decrease.
⑥ Make the required number fix with R key. And the cursor moves to the next digit.
⑦ Repeating this operation of ⑤ and ⑥, and finally pressing R key at the “second” digit makes
the internal clock start from the setting time. Cursor gets back to the first digit of the year.
⑧ By pressing F key once, the display returns to the Menu screen.

t i m e s e t

2 0 1 2 / 0 1 / 1 0 1 0 : 5 5 : 0 0

4.2.4 Memory data display

This menu does not work properly for this specific software version.


4.2.5 Parameter settings for data display and data storage

※ Please do not change these settings by yourself.

This menu is used to make several settings of Realtime data display, D/A board, Storage of
the internal memory and the CF card.
Select the “03.permanent data” on the Menu screen and press R key,
Then “permanent data” screen is displayed as shown below

p e r m a n e n t d a t a

0 1 . d i s p l a y

0 2 . d / a o u t p u t

0 3 . f l a s h m e m o r y

0 4 m e m r y c a r d

■ List of items on the parameter setting menu

No. Item Description
01 display Setting of Realtime data display
02 d/a output D/A board setting
03 flash memory Setting of data content saved in the internal memory
04 memory card Setting of data content saved in the CF card

※ CF card can be taken out from the slot with the power kept ON state. CF card can store
the data just before removal. Parameter setting for Realtime data display

※ Please do not change this setting by yourself.

In the “permanent data” screen shown in previous page, select “01. display” by ▲ and ▼ keys,
and press R key. Then the “display” screen is displayed as shown below.
In this screen, when “01. period” is selected, the period of updating data will be able to select.
And when “02. string” is selected, format of data display can be set.

d i s p l a y

0 1 . p e r i o d = 1 s e c o n d

0 2 . s t r i n g = d e f i n e 1


■ List of items on the display setting menu

No. Item Description
01 period Setting of the period for data updating
disable : Non display
1 second :Data processing with 1 second period
1 minute : Data processing with 1 minute period
10minute : Data processing with 10 minutes period
1 hour : Data processing with 1 hour period
02 string Setting of the format for data display
default : Default format
define 1~9 : Format 1~9 defined by user Parameter settings for analog data output

Please refer to the previous section for this setting. Setting of data contents stored to the internal memory

Please refer to the previous section for this setting. Setting of data contents stored to the CF card

Please refer to the previous section for this setting.


4.2.6 Parameter settings for processing item

※ Please do not change these settings by yourself.

Select the “04 processing item” on the Menu screen and press R key,
Then “processing item” screen is displayed as shown below
In the “processing item” screen, select an item you want by ▲ and ▼ keys and
press R key to display the relevant item’s screen. And select a value for the setting
by ▲ and ▼ keys and press R key to be fixed.

p r o c e s s i n g i t e m

0 1 . w i n d t y p e = 0 1 6

0 2 . r a n g e = 0 0 3 %

0 3 . c o u n t = 0 0 0 %

■ List of items on the processing parameter setting

Item Description
01.wind type Setting of wind direction signal type:
16 : 16 directions
36 : 36 directions
360 : 360 directions
02.range Setting of over-range on analog signal:
3%: Data will hold to 100% value while analog value is
from 100% to 103%.
It will be treated as a missing data for over 103%.
03.count Setting of valid data amount for data processing
04.define string Setting data contents of processing (1~9)


4.2.7 Option settings

By using this menu, setting of the observation station number as ID and the format of the
memories such as internal memory and CF card are carried out.

Select the “05 option” on the Menu screen and press R key. Then “option” screen is displayed
as shown below. The cursor is at the head of second line.
In the “option” screen, move the cursor to the item you want by ▲ and ▼ keys and
press R key to display the relevant screen of that item. And select a value for the setting by
▲ and ▼ keys and press R key to be fixed.

o p t i o n

0 1 . s e r i a l n u m b e r = 0 1

0 2 . o v e r e r i t e = 1

0 3 . f o r m a t f m

■ List of items on the option setting

Item Description
01.serial number Setting of local station number; (01~99) ※1
02.overwrite Setting the overwrite the memory card;
1: Overwrite 2: Not overwrite
03.format fm ※2 Format operation to the internal memory
yes: Format no Not format
04.format card Format operation to the CF card.
yes: Format no Not format
05.clear add area Reset operation of the measuring item
06.system System settings
※ Do NOT operate it. 01.clear all para: Clear all parameters; (no/yes)
02.clear user para: Clear all parameter with user; (no/yes)
03.load parameter: Load existing parameter;
04.system status: System operation state; (Specific value)
05.lan status: LAN state with factory setting

※1 Serial number (local station No.) shall be set to identify each station’s data, in the case of multi-
station (more than 2 stations).
※2 This item is used to delete all stored data in this equipment.
Select “yes” and press R key to be formatted. “format finished” is displayed when completed.


4.2.8 Parameter settings for the communication with the Host equipment

※ Please do not change these settings by yourself.

Select the “06 communication” on the Menu screen and press R key. Then “communication” screen
is displayed as shown below. In this screen, select an item you want by ▲ and ▼ keys and
press R key to display the relevant item’s screen. And select a value for the setting by ▲ and
▼ keys and press R key to be fixed.

c o m m u n i c a t i o n

0 1 . s c i

0 2 . l a n

0 3 . u s b

■ List of items on the communication parameter setting

Item Description
01.sci Parameter setting for Serial ports
01.sci 1 : Serial port 1
02.sci 2 : Serial port 2
03.sci 3 : Serial port 3
04.sci 4 : Serial port 4
05.sci 5 : Serial port 5 WIND SPD/DIR (Anemometer)
06.sci 6 : Serial port 6
02.lan Settings for Local network:
01.local ip :Local IP setting
(IP address of this equipment shall be set. Factory setting is “”)
02.router ip :Router setting

03.subnet mask: Subnet mask setting

04.listen port: Port number setting

(Factory setting: “4000”)
03.usb USB setting:
(This function is not available.)
04.provider Provider information settings Unusable : Provider selection; (1~3) :Telephone number
03.user name :User name
04.password : Password
05.tcp/ip TCP/IP settings Unusable
01.server 1 : Server settings 1
01.period: Period
disable(Not operation)/1second(1 second period)
1minute(1 minute period)/10minutes(10 minutes period)
02.string: String
default(default setting) /define1~9(string 1~9)
03.server ip: Server IP
04.server port: Port number
02. server 2 Server settings 2


06.udp UDP settings

01.period: Period
disable(Not operation)/1second(1 second period)
1minute(1 minute period)/10minutes(10 minutes period)
02.string: String
default(default setting) /define1~9(string 1~9)
03.send IP: IP for transmission
04.send port: UDP port of server

02. send 2
01.period: Period
disable(Not operation)/1second(1 second period)
1minute(1 minute period)/10minutes(10 minutes period)
02.string: String
default(default setting) /define1~9(string 1~9)
03.send IP: IP for transmission
04.send port: UDP port of server

03. driver
01.driver en: disable(Not operation) / enable
02.recive port:4001
03.send ip:
04.send port:
07.mail server Settings of Mail server Unusable Selection of Mail server
02.SMTP IP: IP setting of SMTP
03.SMTP port: Port setting of SMTP
04.pop3 IP: IP setting of POP3
05.pop3 port: Port setting of POP3
06.user name: Setting of user name
07.password: Setting of password
08.delay time: Setting of Terminal calling delay time
08.mail address Settings of Mail address Unusable Setting of registration number in mail address
02.address: Setting of mail address
09.time server ※1 Settings of Time server Unusable
server:01 Selection of Time server (Value: :01/02/03)
type: 0 Setting of time matching period
0(No matching)/1(Every hour)/
2(Every day)/3(Every month)/4(Every year)
time: Setting of matching time
ip: Setting of Time server IP

type: 0
type: 0
※1 Matching time with Time server should be set to the time aside from the hour (00:00).
When the System has 2 or more equipments, each matching time should not be same
but different time to each other


4.2.9 Parameter settings for the boards

※ Please do not change these settings by yourself.

Select the “07 board parameter” on the Menu screen and press R key. Password recognition
screen comes up. If correct password is input, “board parameter” screen is displayed as shown
below. The cursor is at the head of second line. In this screen, select an item you want by ▲
and ▼ keys and press R key to display the relevant item’s screen. And select a value for the
setting by ▲ and ▼ keys and press R key to be fixed.

b o a r d p a r a m e t e r

0 1 . m a i n b o a r d

0 2 . a / d b o a r d

0 3 . d / a b o a r d

■ List of items on the board parameter setting

Item Description
01.main board Setting of Main board: (for connecting with sensors)
01.ttl in 1: Digital input 1 type : Data type of relevant channel level : Level (0/1) with no connection : Name of relevant channel data max : Upper limit of relevant channel data min : Lower limit of relevant channel data : Number of decimal places (1-5) with relevant channel data
07.element no: Order (1~64) of observation element for relevant channel
02.ttl in 2: Digital input 2 (Same as above contents <ttl in 1>)
03.ttl in 3: Digital input 3 (Same as above contents <ttl in 1>)
04.ttl in 4: Digital input 4 (Same as above contents <ttl in 1>)
05.count1 :Counter 1 type :Data type of relevant channel
02.step : Count step
03.offset : Offset data of the Rain Gauge : Name of relevant channel data max : Upper limit of relevant channel data min Lower limit of relevant channel data : Number of decimal places (1-5) at relevant channel data
08.element no : Order (1~64) of observation element for relevant channel
06. count2 : Counter 2 (Same as above contents <count1>)

02.a/d board Parameter settings of A/D board
01.board no : Board number (1~6) of A/D board
02.board en : Channel number (1-8)
03.address : Address (0~F) of relevant A/D board ※0-F:Switch state on the board no : Channel number (1-8)
05.signal type : Signal type of relevant channel
0_5V:(Vin=0~5V) / 1_5V:(Vin=1~5V) / -5_5V:(Vin=-5~5V)
/ resistor:(Resistor for temperature sensor) / other:(other type)
06.offset max : Upper offset limit of relevant channel data
07.offset min : Lower offset limit of relevant channel data
08.reserve : Maintenance parameter (Resistor for temperature sensor) : Name of relevant channel data type : Data type of relevant channel max : Upper limit of relevant channel data min : Lower limit of relevant channel data : Number of decimal places (1-5) with relevant channel data
14.move average : Moving average
15.element no : Order (1~64) of observation element for relevant channel

03.d/a board Parameter settings of D/A board

01.board no : Board number (1~6) of D/A board
02.board en : Operation state (disable/enable) of relevant D/A board
03.address : Address (0~F) of relevant D/A board ※0-F:Switch state on the board no : Channel number (1-8) en : Operation state (disable/enable) of relevant channel
06.offset max : Upper offset limit of relevant channel data
07.offset min : Lower offset limit of relevant channel data max : Upper limit of relevant channel data min : Lower limit of relevant channel data
04.pio board Parameter settings of PIO board
01.board no : Board number (1~6) of PIO board
02.board en : Operation state (disable/enable) of relevant PIO board
03.address : Address (0~F) of relevant PIO board
04.input : Input format
01.type : Input type 0(Disable) / 1(Level signal) / 2-9(Reserved)
02.level : Level with no connection (Corresponds to 0~0XFFFF16 bit)
03.element no: Order (1~64) of observation element for relevant channel
05.output : Output format
01.type : Output type
0(Disable) / 1(Digital output) / 2(Display made by Rontobu Co.)
/3(Display made by OgasawaraKeiki Co.) / 4-9(Reserved)
02.level : Output level (Corresponds to 0~0XFFFF16 bit)
03.reserve :Maintenance parameter
05.add Additional element setting


5. Maintenance and others

5.1 Periodic Inspection by our Service Personnel

It is recommended that annual periodic inspection is carried out by our service personnel
in order to keep all observations in good accuracy.
The inspection includes operation check and calibration of the sensors and equipments.

5.2 Replacement of Fuse

When the power cannot be turned ON, please check the fuse. If it is burned off, the fuse has to
be replaced.

① For the fuse replacement, please turn the power OFF first .
② Prepare new fuse for it.
③ Take the fuse holder out by twisting it to the left, as shown in the drawing below.
④ Take off the old fuse from the holder, and put it back with new fuse into the holder.
⑤ Turn the power ON and confirm the equipment to be in normal working state.

CK-4100 Front Panel Panel)

Fuse holder



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