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Abstracts S427

passive congestion. Because of the potential for AFLP, the patient underwent unusual presentation of HCC with a rare paraneoplastic syndrome. A 64-year-
an urgent caesarian section ten hours after her liver biopsy. Her ALT and cre- old Caucasian man presented 1 month after hernia repair with right upper
atinine improved to 106 IU/L and 0.8 mg/dL respectively, within twelve hours quadrant abdominal pain and 22 pound weight loss, night sweats and low
of delivery. Discussion: The rapid improvement in the patient’s ALT and renal grade fever. He had a history of multiple soft tissue and bone infections since
failure favored a diagnosis of AFLP. However, the patient’s clinical presentation childhood raising the possibility of immune deficiency and a granulocyte
was atypical for AFLP as she had no evidence of coagulopathy or encephalopa- defect. He had no history of liver disease or heavy alcohol consumption. He
thy and she had some improvement after her initial presentation. Although had no family history of liver disease. On exam, he had few telangiectasia on
microvesicular steatosis can be seen in cocaine toxicity, the paucity of other the upper chest, muscle wasting and tender hepatomegaly. His labs showed:
typical cocaine induced injury on the liver biopsy helped guide treatment. This white blood cell of 59.9 10e6/mL, hemoglobin 13.8 g/dL, platelet 153 10e6/
case highlights the difficult clinical decision-making when faced with a pos- mL, AST 61 u/L, ALT 32 u/L, alkaline phosphatase 352 u/L, total bilirubin 0.7
sible diagnosis of AFLP and the critical factors that contribute to its manage- mg/dL, albumin 3.2 g/dL, BUN 17 mg/dL, creatinine 0.86 mg/dL. Lactate 4.8
ment. It also illustrates the importance of a multi-disciplinary approach for mmol/L, AFP 12.1 ng/mL. He was initially seen by Hematology and under-
care of the pregnant patient with hepatitis. went a bone marrow biopsy which did not show any evidence of leukemia.
His abdominal CAT scan was read as: Heterogeneous ill-defined coalescent
fluid-filled or necrotic regions with multiple septations in the right and left
1056 hepatic lobes concerning for hepatic abscesses. There was associated throm-
bosis of the left, right, and main portal veins as well as the middle hepatic
A Case of Clostridium septicum Liver Abscess Associated with Malignancy vein. He was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics for over a week with no
Rani Modayil, MD, Sony Modayil, BS, Zainab Mogul-Ashraf, MD, change in his WBC count or symptoms. CT guided FNA showed malignant
James Grendell, MD. Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, NY. cells consistent with HCC. An abdominal MRI showed markedly diminished
Purpose: A 53-year-old Caucasian man is brought to the emergency room signal intensity of the liver indicative of primary hemochromatosis. His ferritin
after being found unresponsive at his group home. On arrival, he is hypoten- was 6,140 ng/mL and his transferrin was < 93 mg/dL. Genetic testing showed
sive but regains consciousness after fluid resuscitation. He reports noticing him to be homozygous for C282Y. He was discharged home and seen in the
increasing abdominal girth over past week, bloating, lower extremity swelling, clinic to discuss treatment with Sorafenib. He however expired a week later.
weight loss, decreased appetite, several months of hematochezia and diarrhea. Another patient with a similar presentation died within 3 days of presentation.
His medical history is limited to schizophrenia, since he lacks medical follow- Leukomoid reaction defined as a WBC over 50 10e6/mL on presentation of
up. On physical examination, he appears jaundiced, cachectic, and uncom- HCC has been reported in very few cases in the literature. It is likely related to
fortable. His abdomen is soft but distended with significant hepatomegaly and the production of granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) by the tumor
liver edge extending 7 finger-breaths below the right costal margin. Rectal cells as evidenced by increased G-CSF levels in some patients and immunohis-
exam reveals fullness with brown guaiac positive stool. Other pertinent find- tochemical staining of HCC cell for G-CSF. It likely represents an aggressive
ings include temporal wasting, sclera icterus, dry mucus membranes, bilateral form of this disease as most reported patients died within days to weeks after
crackles and bilateral lower extremity pitting edema. On CT scan, the liver is diagnosis. The combination of rapid growth causing liquefactive necrosis with
enlarged, diffusely heterogeneous with multiple discrete masses. Several areas certain appearance on imaging in addition to leukocytosis cause this disease
of gas and debris are present in the hepatic parenchyma. Rectosigmoid thick- entity to mimic a liver abscess.
ening is noted. He is placed on mechanical ventilatory support for hypoxic
respiratory failure from septicemia. Antibiotic therapy with intravenous tige-
cycline and clindamycin is initiated. He underwent CT-guided percutaneous 1058
abscess drainage. The blood and abscess culture reveal Clostridium septicum, Acute Liver Failure Secondary to Metastatic Breast Cancer
high CEA and Ca19-9 markers. He remained hypotensive requiring multiple
Varun Takyar, MD,1 Sunitha Musuku, MD,2 Thomas Boyer, MD, FACG2.
agents for vasopressor support, and became hypothermic and anuric. Fam- 1. University of Arizona-South Campus, Tucson, AZ; 2. University of Arizona
ily withdrew care on the 5th day of hospital stay. Autopsy revealed a primary Medical Center, Tucson, AZ.
rectal adenocarcinoma with liver metastasis. Pyogenic liver abscess has been
described since the time of Hippocrates (400 BC). The incidence of pyogenic Introduction: 40-60% of patients with breast cancer have liver metastasis at
liver abscess is estimated to be 8-15 cases per 100,000 persons. Fatalities can time of death. Most liver metastases are asymptomatic. However, rarely, patients
range from 3 to 30%. The risk factors associated with mortality have included can have disseminated intra-sinusoidal metastatic liver disease (DISML) lead-
age, bacteremia, and comorbities such as cirrhosis, renal failure and malig- ing to acute liver failure and death. Case Report: A 57-year-old female pre-
nancy. Clostridium septicum is an anaerobic gram-positive spore forming sented to University of Arizona Medical Center with altered mental status. Her
bacillus. C. septicum sepsis is often fulminant with reported mortality rates of past medical history was significant for a history of infiltrative ductal breast
approximately 60%. A relationship between C. septicum infection and malig- carcinoma for which she had bilateral mastectomies, chemotherapy and right
nancy, especially hematologic or colonic malignancy has been suggested. One breast radiotherapy 4 months prior to admission. Two weeks before the admis-
explanation as to why Clostridium infections are present in malignancy is that sion, she was seen in an emergency department for abdominal pain and was
anaerobic glycolysis of the tumor provides a hypoxic and acidic environment noted to have aspartate aminotransferase (AST) level of 280 IU/dL, alanine
that may be conducive to spore germination thus leading to infection. An early aminotransferase (ALT) level of 162 IU/dL and total bilirubin of 0.8 mg/dL.
diagnosis is critical in choosing appropriate antibiotic and surgical interven- Physical examination on admission revealed a comatose patient with jaundice
tion for treatment of C. septicum related sepsis. and ascites. Laboratory studies showed serum creatinine of 2.5 mg/dL, ALT
of 363 IU/dL, AST of 1249 IU/dL, GGT of 665 IU/dL, alkaline phosphatase of
756 IU/dL and total bilirubin was 17.6 mg/dL. The patient was noted to have
1057 platelets of 65 K/μL and INR was 2.7. Serologies for hepatitis A, B and C were
negative with acetaminophen level was less than 3 ug/mL. Doppler ultrasound
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Causing Severe Leucocytosis: A Rare Paraneo- revealed hepatomegaly and no evidence of thrombus in the hepatic or portal
plastic Syndrome Masquerading as Liver Abscesses and Carrying a Poor
Prognosis veins. MRI showed hepatic steatosis and a normal spleen and pancreas. The
patient’s condition deteriorated with worsening encephalopathy, coagulopathy,
Toufic Kachaamy, MD, Jason Adam, MD, Kishoor Muniyappa, MD, Puneet Puri,
MD, Richard Sterling, MD. Gastroenterology, VCU-Biology, Richmond, VA. sepsis and hepatorenal syndrome resulting in death 4 days following admis-
sion. At autopsy, there were widespread nodular metastases in the liver. Micro-
Purpose: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has one of the fastest growing scopic examination showed malignant cells plugging the hepatic sinusoids
incidences among cancers. As the numbers of HCC diagnoses increases, and small vascular spaces with infiltration of adjacent hepatic parenchyma.
new clinical presentations are being identified. Here we are presenting a very There were no peritoneal metastases. Conclusions: Liver is the most common

© 2012 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

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