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ich i intimately connected and bows oe ower in the administration Aun Olgas State Bar Aton. 14 ALT ISI: EO eat GRA NW 200) and is therefore, affciod with phe wee ‘Bie Iland Bor Aue va. Atinrtie Ser han ert 225,05 R122, 179 4190) ts not a bunncns tinge rade Rosenthal ys. State Bar ba ‘supra, and anything which tects Practice of Law. ~The general meaning ofthe tre, tice of la” is af common kaovedge of its definition may be indefinite (State ex rel Boynton ¥. Perk practice ln” ora ough the boundaries 28'P 2d 765, 138 Kancas the doing or performing of ‘manner depending therein {throughout its various stages, but Ina larger sense incionce and counsel, and the preparation of instruments ‘nd contracts by which legal rights are secured ihe ——_ ‘raat Pearce Parise Covers (ews 111 ALR 13, 57 Mao 75,62 P 2457 Fly v. Mile, {RGTRpe da 83 Ne eae, I embrace the prepara of leads aed ther papers cent t0 actions and special Froccednge andthe managemeat of sch actoos and pro. sing behalf af cents are judges and courts ands in ‘Sidon, comeeyancog the preparation of legal inatroments ft nds: aan general lave tlie and lation {din or em fm motions connate wat the Ia Ht, ‘Moron 108 SW 21812 200 1: Eley ¥- Mil, pr) ‘Pract af nw wader meer coins const in smi part of work yeromed outside of ny out and baring So immediate relatan to proceedings in enor. TE embraces Soveyuncng the sng of gl advice on nrg varity of ‘jes, and te preparation and eceation olga int ‘eves Concerning an extensive Geldof business and tt Felasone and edhe afar Aldugh the relations may bave te direct somnetion with court proeedings, they are always het ocome nated in Kegan. They rege ia many “ipetea high degree of legal sila wide experience with imum and lf, sd erst capac fr adaptation to dial SEP Sins shuctine, Thee customary functions of an Morey orcounelr a a bear an intimate relation tthe ‘Miminsrtion of juice hy the courts. No vaiédatinedon eu be draw between tht prt ef the work ofthe Inger Sihidh faveleee pearance sm court and that part whieh Invoves advice an dafing of instruments inhi oes 1 in {hus cf importance to the well ofthe public that these Ianlldfunctins be peered by persons possessed of ee {hat larning and ei of round moral caracer, and act Reet al times under the honey trust obligation in clints ‘which rete upon al ttrneys fl re Opinion of tes (tas NEI, Atoray defined Aitomeys at he hor are propery termod the “courts onsttaeney tod ta the adnan of jntie (Doge State, 39 NE 745,140 Ind 284), Whon usd i conection ‘vith prosedings of courts, and the authority to conduct a ‘ee Laren 80 ne Lc. Porson shes rt nat seat eram eget ace Semen netcanesma: rela prayictcnaat gases pelea races aan a sei, ct apear end prosecute and defend, and on whom sere Gain repenitier, and bilities are devour by si cmuequenes Peple eM. 3 Bch £98, 008; Cs ve. Baap Pea tan 7 Am Jur 24) Thos alo been eid thet ‘pemen acing prfeconally in legal formalities, seat {hte or procndings bythe warrant or authority of his hot, BoE Nidiey at aw wichin the oval meaning of the tern ‘nar 2444) Anatomy ma in sort te defined a (St apart hy the low te expound to all persons who sek ih {hs Laws he land vlating to Se igh terest of property. ergy and lie acter Bank we Harbors, 44 Tenn 831 ‘Awerneye-atlaw are quasi officers of the Court sabest to rpaation bythe cour thelr fantins are quasi ‘hd hei profession is an Inherent element in ou judicial ‘ote, and, thouh subject to rgultin, i cannot be abo ‘She ae Mareshs Wi, 187 1000, 1011, 177 Wis 18) busines i. them, Soe with afore hot conus practice of lw? _-f* commonly understood, practice” refers tothe actual performance of application ef Laowledge av ditiagwsbed {rom more pssestn of knawledge i connate a sre Tabu, repeated or castomary action. To “pra” le, ‘ype ora ato, ans eet prs sh ‘ployment or raecion actively, habtaaly, repented oe tomariy. Therefore, a doctor af msicon whet epleved fd is habitually performing the tak of 4 nursing de, fant be said to hein “practin of meine” A eried 8 ‘ountant who Works sa sen cannot be sand We pence bis prottesion asm accountant tne same way, hanger whole employed as a busine executive or as corporate 4 ‘Tun, Practice 1x PHLIPRINE Coens ‘manager, other than as head of attorney of a Legal Depart tment of eorporation or goverament agency, cannot bes bein the pratce of law (GR. No. 100113, Renato Cayetany vs. Christan Monod, aly September 3,199), Who May Prectee Law: “he timate purpose of al rqulton ofthe admin of atiorneyeat law to practi ito assure the courts the Selstane of adveeate of bit, Iaming, and sound charac {er and to pats the public rom incompetent and dskone rocttioners Rosenthal vs, State Ber Examining Comite, VALE 991,116 Con 0,165 4210. ‘The practic of ie fected wth publicintrest and it is therfore the sight and dy ofthe sat to regulate and ‘Satelit co that plc welfare wil be served nnd promted {fode Inland Bar Asso. ve. Automate Service Asso, 100 [ALR 2, GSI 12,179 AT In re yp, $2 SCRA 1) Mowe ‘oocfily, the State has ce power ta desar act of wnat: tBonzd prasice of tr t be Hegel and to punish violations thoreot Olen vo. Sty 167 ALR 632,107 Utah 82, 164 P 2638 ‘he power to roulate and define the pacino aw 4 proroetv of tho joc department (People ex rel Chieago Ber aso Gouden, 111 AL 1, 98 10 946, 8 NE 244; Rhode Inland Bar Asso ve Avtomob Serie Asso, opr). Tho rg to ete an attorney is everywhere reconied ss a prvlege of prsoal nature, tot open toa but ited te porsoon of good moral characte, ponesaing guaiations Sscrtained at sored afer along course of sty, Both fever and profesnal A ate an ofr he out exersinng peg o franchise tthe enjymest of ‘which he has been admitted, not asa mater of ght, Bt ‘oon poo of fess, through eidence of his possesion of ‘atitictory legal atanments_and fai private charactor {in re Doran, 67448, 60, 60 Cann. AD, 1 An. Ga. 59, sting Fuld County Bur. Talr 22 A. 44, 60 Conn. 1, 181 LRA tet; Expats Gerla, THUS. (4Wl) 38,278, ‘te Lawven asp ue Lara Proves 8 Ba) This rate arise out of the necessity, the oper ttt oot, of ving el reins et inti sofa and he pect of ou an ai wh tne expos of legal knowledge Mery ele None OF the Philipines, the general rf stot only daly Lc cen eert ft bar eon practise Rls 138 oft ole of Court provider: section 1, Who may practice nt Fest suns daly ceed es member fhe bars Bee ited a ach i acordance wi he provisions SESE Sw eo pod and regular stardig e “pled pete ae” Asiinaly, under Rale 199-4, Rules of Court ad the exiting ty laws of the Integrated Bar of the Philipines ‘Socom 20, avtle 1), before an attorney is allowed 0 rac. ‘Soclaw, he must aluo be a member ofthe Integrated Bar of the Philippines in oud standing, Le, that he bae pai all ie nbortap dues aed all authorized apecial nssessment flor charges owing thereon, and is pot wider suspension fo She practic of law from membership privileges Subject to the exceptions Iatr tobe noted, persons who ae not momberr ofthe bar cannot practice la. Layaen are forbidden to engage in the bar business because its deemed {o'be dctimental othe publi intrest for them to repesent Chenselver ax being qualified when they are not, thereby fnanaring the public and spreading eror Liberty Insurance (Go ve. Jones 125 ALR 1149, 344 Blo. 992, 190 SE 20 945) ‘To, it may be pointed out thatthe practice of law ia which Tyien may oo engage is n0t limited to practice in court precoding, but comprebends all the activites of lawyer in ‘Evinng and aciting others in all matters of law, both in fi out of court lode Teland Bar Asso. vs. Automate Service As 100 ALI 226,55 10122, 1794 199) ‘ ‘ha Pascoe 1 PoRAPeN Cou Bieptions ‘The rule, however, that only members of the bar may practice In, iz obec to certain exceptions, examples of ‘which ar the lowing 1 Any oficial o stor person appsinted or designated sn scordanen wth lw Io appear for the Government ofthe Pippen stall have all the eights of a duly suthorzed ‘member of the Bar to agp i ay ease im which sid gn rament hasan inteest, dive o indirect (Seton 3, Rule 138 Rules of Cus). A trical example of this i the Police Station Com- ander of municipality wh has the mithorty to le rim. tl eomplainte for lations of unre edinance 2 Inthe Court of «ously 2 prty may emda satin in pero, with he a of an agent br ed tip by He pe nh te of {eo a ty th cot pty ny det hs gation Personally or by ad tan trae, and un tppeseans nce ‘her prenal or ya dl uate mepior of ea ‘Sein Rae 5 ew of Cur 2 nthe mini mtepion wal or ian ‘nays sited one rine flee T6SCRA TE Catimtnianve Cae dose a 4, Ieee were sorid emer of he Bar Spi gril ter my pin ase iden ui or nt pean ee ‘for probity and 7 cy Big 8,290 dat Atte et Soothe etn Any ew sae ho a sce 2d yar of the regular furor rely completed his ae sat td io the hearing by an ‘oe ean wr or ceca is opel ote a roam mosey St ck ‘Ln 0a Liza. Proves enstion in any ci eiminal or adi {Met cave be any til urea, bord or oe, toprecent indigent cents accepted by the legal lini of hs lew eon (le 136A, Rules of Cont pearance, however, shall be under the direct supervision and control of member ofthe Integrated Ba of {he Philipines duly acrdited by the law school. Any and til pleadiage, moons, bef, memoranda or other papers toi fad, mort be signed by the supervening attorney fe tnd i behalf ofthe legal ii Se. 2 supra) ity of torn to Court An attorney in of the sour, with many rights and privileges, and trea as assept fe cum “he age ase eli nat achenbred lle 148 ALE B49, 100 Ua 199°PBd 325, au Inre Juan F.Publco, 102 SCRA 722. Ase tneter of the Bar anda officer ofthe cours, a Inger {duty bound to uphold the dignity and euthorty of the ‘orto hr tees the stability of oer institutions, which witht sich funranty would be resing on 0 very shaky foundation {In ‘Sota 82 Pi S88) nother word snes one admit to the prslge of memberakip nthe ba bsoes a alert the cour, and, being, ke the cour teal, an instrument or gene to advance the ends of justice hs coperation ith the court doe whenever justice would be imperiled if Seoperation le withheld People ex rl. Karlin vs Culkin, 60 ALR 661, 248 NY 465, 162 NE 481), Consequenty, ato ‘eye must uphold and maintain the digeity af the court ‘dea rotain fom al offensive cmiet that weuld have ‘tendency to bring it into dinrepute or woskon the cont enc that he peopl hae alvaysrepsed inte uicary ‘Thee ar silgations that atoraeye must reco aed breve both in and out of court iMrvison Sow 72 Pd 824,56 Uiah 217. Soe alan, Dearing v Pred Wilen & Go Ing, 96 SORA 424; Magne vs. Santiago 97 SCHA Ie Cor 8 thu. Practice Pans Corn tao va Amo, 99 SCRA 120, A lawver should dy Eitatt aaroess of the blignions siden to mom Eis cor ope ve. Sedna, 62 SCRA 260) ond tel tein Tos das ot ach ep De Lamy G5 S0Rs io Ho mart eer bear im ind thot a a fet otis ur oe mse in te tee ote, tat tua aod Koorbedelings withthe dal tae re ‘topes ae pnw tne on hx pat a Iie vecaton dude he dela ih he cures ih truhfaaes, candor and unkness and that he shuld at {i hour peedgy esr dty te help rae ‘mle eesti ote pmpe and proper dapatch of the acs in wich he eppare ne couel ls Palagperan Forma CA GH No" seat May 91957, 920.6 6) ‘Thur, whl lawyer bth ava fer f the a chen may crcl Mopar epee Atnre Aer, 1 SCT S0 be x mo means lied tot thnarelngsage ln bs ec (Garda ve, Aeoel1 SCRA rat inte myers duty ae mem of te Br“ ‘Seti uel etaiepesnaly nt nvenes of tre tthe hn of rept pars or wins ‘Shee required by the je of theca ith which he Charged Surtgno Mineral Roeratin Bord ve, Clb 31 ‘SCH Tinbt cope anal es teeny tet entaa a nea exes of ot rly hd so othe ster nm ena vie Sunol in oe gt re However tut be sieumecrted witha the beune of ‘opi nd ow repute proper aca oun oot ot af government Ren of Ur Pine a Pore ‘SCRA i Urano Grn LIESCRA Duty to Chen Alawyer inthe dacharge of his profesional dates anak opp v. Kiapperch ra AK 819, 223, Mian 224,28 NW 24 700), and tn sich avo is pected tobe gla tsghis See Del Hosni va Court of AP ‘tue Laven 40 tHe Lea Pacers 114 SCRA 159./Thereatlanship the lawyer ae with rane aca hy Bday how bee held Siac i Siete Soke aeameea teste Series none anaes irr ame a tt fr dia Pa ee Se ae dts oh en eels tistina ao becuse See el Towed te ween 2 Nt ee iigersmcn neh err ae palaces deme caren ie ga ee ee een i tae Sn Rone danas ie Pacnmiarnato tat mele SE en ann el ms Setigrimunr Saieteaer edtear Tir chs Sanh See ea inet ies ier sre barn te Sn ae se im hr st Ce Laie =n te ras nd en a eames ere sara atens r e taha Seutechot al Se att as Seohis tacoma SA cle tite ‘Soovicien en 1c unprofessional to reprosent conflicting interests, ex ‘opt by express consent of al concerned ven aftr fall Aliclsare ofthe fats. Within the meaning of this canon, & lawyer represents confictng interests when i bell of one lent, isis day to contend for at which duty to anodser ‘ent requires him topos ii). » ‘Daas Pract Parse Couns Sts died ‘Mh obligation to ropresen the nt ety nd nc vag ur secaoconfdnes rbd aly ‘ea eden cnet of riers o empleyment om Shera Retry tere alec any tere the at ‘niet ohh cofdnce hs bon repose i). Ronee while an aoracy ie cnt-band ct wit a yh nec ea cy A 24 Mac 8187 NE 7, whee ter celta gent pele Sar er af the cour in be adtistation of stint mer ter ane oro AR Tas Wi 27,200 SW 18, Hv. Rapper soe ‘Goel mt ener that tye ails of te cr, ‘Shino of tr, oho servant of hens At thee Hest duty otto helen, aa many pose, ut the adinstadon of justice: that to this their ent seces wholly subordinate That heir eonduct ‘ought to and. must be seupulusly observant of nw and ‘ths and tothe extent they fail therein, Gey injure then Selves, rong ther brothers a the bar, bring reproach upon ‘i honorable profession, betray the courts, and defeat jus I really BC Mont) 249 F8 ‘ete omy atl under tees ea ‘Pie of manag ae ces ene ‘Seam aly ar are consent wil ath and for ate Saar fae er lie em fore Temata invite ie Te ste cn Se ee epproval 0 To ata aml snc bo “Tue Lawven aso re Lana Proves feputation of party of witoss, lest ty he juste ding. or lay any mans eae, frome any eoerapt ao tive or inereat Gh) Never to eect. or any conederation rable mens, rates fis personal opinion aslo the Bato ie seas paver Sry dala athe ‘Soci tbr onf tate eens oy ere bere bat By dae prow oar Itisinstructive to note, albeit in parenthetical terms, that an storey anderen in te pace a is pofsrio, that he is potesed of that gree af knowlege and sl Srdineily pomeesed by the miembers oft profession, and that inthe ranseeii of tsines, he wil use to knowidge tnd ail which lwers af ordnny bility and sk posses fd exer (eCullough». Saliva 22 ALR 028,102 NSE 61, 138 A102. A ler, however, does not implidly war ‘ani the soundness af hi opinions (Sullivan, Stove, 13 ALB 211, 120 NEL 904, 190A, oF guarantee the accuracy of alle dita (Re Woods, 62 ALR 994,150 Tenn Ins 13 SW 2 800) Ke fies that he poseeses sch reasonable knowledge 2 wallaciled rules of aw a wll enn hn to pert te dates he udertakes and exercise reasonable skill snd {once in attending to business entrusted to his care (Re ‘Woods, supra In other words, when atlorneye undertake to fondu legal controversion and teanactions they peng {hemeaves to be reasonably welasguined wih he Ine aa {he rl and practice ofthe cours, an they ne bund to rece in such proceedings reasonable degree af cars, Drdenes digest and skill Authorities everyone eur that proposition, bu atomeye do net profes ts kao al ae la, or be inespabl of erro mista in apyloing It he {act of every cate ak even the moat sila ode otecinn orld hardy be able fo come vp to that standart Nato Sevings Bank vs, War, 100 US 195,25 Lb ay chapter It LITIGATION AND COGNATE CONCEPTS Litigation, Natur and Obie. Tndouteadly, if errneoualy, there is a popular bei hat the main blcof layers work involves cOUFE appeat= SEMA pulping in Lnigotions. This tends o erate the “Enchasiae impression that members ofthe legal profssion thrive only in gous conrovesice ane are only 100 apt to foment tawnuts in order to sais’ that professional need, Corsilaril, poplar ropa fr tigation tends o be negative, intact the conception of such process athe public mind i far from Materng Litgabons are doubtless on account of their adversarial character, viewed with distaste and ore fnerally regarded asa neceneary ev that one citizen have to put up within 4 cv soon. But as already pointed out the ‘frat flaw under moder caditions consis in mo small part of work performed tae of any court and having ne {niedate elton to procedngs i cur” [la re Opinion of Satis (Masel, 104 NB 313] Sacading much more than the mere menagement of the prosecution and the defense of litigated exces Commonwealth. Whecer, 78 Pa. Super 16. Prthermore, contrary to popular bli litigation which has bem aly defied as contest in a court of justice Tur the purpose of enforcing ose “Blacks Law sry, Suhmerous v= Forton, 174 Ga 862, 164 SE 00)—does noe fment dispute, but on the contrary resolves ‘hom, Iends legal eatroversis determines the righ of te litigants and provides remedies and reliefs forthe tranagret sion of those rights Tn the words fan eminent authority Linoxnen 4x0 Cocnare Conceres te ukimat nd of he lame he conseriation of ratte Cnngeenn ty ay of mags tea bore recon and ered to in patesar instance where {hetow hos ebernoe fed eompete pots, When Teal tarot ead the supreme ea of Che a eThennsteton has bon ecled te ente 5 ‘Sty orig: Wen invasion aa night thesteoed, ‘Sd the i restraint praxecive rung y en Simin etened wrong, he ih ul ly (etd at ne the aw esr the object gt area amas uy stain af ong {aimee prc the nt aly appoints ‘The damages vein the Into ase ae nl he Pe My ademas ihe awed othe coe ho hat ‘stained gaa be Bade anter. “Poredmil it may sem, gation i xo stor af yo, tt only nd parte entsverse, Fat i lee atthe pine Iesnor, content, Promise hao, enignee end peur Ths, ‘Rfge fom viene apgreson at frvo. When par ‘lethal forte cetermination of eotroversis were ‘Metated fo the peal fre othe parties, 1 wat ‘Tet se nthe progress of dantin: neo such ‘ents em to be guided by diate rl, the ene A jonepradnce ba te birt (Pips, Coe Pleading, pa Tri dened, {rial can property be called an element of a litigation, bot sot a afoomus te Wha an i ost fn cour fr te purpose of enforcing a right oF stcking & ‘medy {Black's Law Distonary, Semmerous.v. Forts, ‘or tal st proces y shih shh arms Snined is deersined. Broadly defined/rl i the examinee rea competent tribunal acording to the laws of the land of the fete putin iseue in a cause for the purpose of determining such ue (US vs. Raymundo, 14 Phil 416) At is ‘judicial examination and determination of iseues between ‘the partis to action, whether be dhey laucs of law oft, before a eourt thats the proper jurisdiction (Black's Law Dietlonar). Simply pu, itis the judicial investigation and ‘Duss Pracrce mx Parse Couns termining oth cs tae he parte ton tin eer ere Cour 40 ALR 100. The word to ss Cleans mde Harn, recptin fe SEALER pace enh decom inte fe se et al foal and eestor den tn the ‘sna Wtequneve Diets rins 7 P88, _ Bria Distinguished from Judgment. “vial and judgment are separate and dstnet proce ings This io bet llsrated in the ease of Pople vs. Rodrigo deve, 6 SCRA 7, wei way decd tat al and Soden are two dire tage ofa judicial proceeding: the former is provided for in Rule 116 (aw Rule 119) and the Tater is covered by Rule 116 (now ale 120) ofthe Rules of {Court Talabon ve. lilo Prov. Warden, 78 Phil 600), and the period of the tral terminates when the judgment begins" (Felis ve. Gloria, 47 Ph 967). Stated others, the rial is teminaed once the casei suited fo decision ‘The importane ofthe distinction les nthe fat that the * 10 pulls and speed trial doesnot extend ere potent agence Gage ve legs ‘eos sopra quoting Hoo Sats, NE 55) ‘rit Distinguished from Hearing While tial and hearing are sometimes used inter chabigeably, there i a marked distinction between thace two {erm Ao the term is known in laa ering isnot coin to tho trial bat embraces the several stages ofthe itigation. It thew not preclude wet bower being tee iat ‘necessarily mean presntation of evidence. It sould gover the Aetermination of whether an acused ix etited to bal, the submission for the cours determination of « motion ta ds: ‘mis, oF any motion for that mater (Tioc va, Labayo, 68 SCRA 10. Linosmoy aso Coosa Caverns 6 Seope of Tit (a) In Cut Come, ‘The tral of ei cares commence fom the tie tat the plaintiff produces the evidence on hi part (See ll, Kale 30, “Rates o Cour and ternal when te paris have their ‘evidence admited unless the sour divested tbe pation to Sngue or submie cheir respective memoranda of further leading Se. 5), Rule 9, sop ‘The Bling therefore ofthe base pleading ike 9 com ‘lin on petton soe ar ft i Th prope frm for it tthe commencement of action (Seton 5, Tle 1, i. Pat (©) In Criminal Cases, In riminal eases, the tral begins from the time the csc, in bh ote Pemla othe Pippin lrs See ee eer ‘Sires ls of oot gully Seton 1), Rule 18, alee ar. in'thr word, erigment iat prt i al ike inc eae the a ermine when te ine tin of eee shall ve Son enced une the sur irc the pista ange rly orto rub memoranda {Sic tae 18 Ral Cour! Jn the ste manner, the ig of he infamatin.° complaint mart oly the omaeneament oF ena tion {Seen le 10, lee ofCourO Court Define. Act iss iste ime forthe _--A oot is 9 governmental bad ofall semble n= dee authority of law a the Bénsistesto of tn tiv wih the ates Sip igi nd porup 00 GS Tp, es tod 7 rs (21 CJS 16) Ie isa boar ot ‘wibunal which decides Uigaton or contest (Hidalgo ve Manglapus, 61.0.6 3169), ‘The court is an entity possessing a persanality separate ‘and stne from the men who compas or it on it Peop . Carlos, 78 Phil. 582). Thu, while is common for laymen, 6 ‘Daa, Payence mt Pree Cours tangors and judge, a well as the law to use Judge” and “our interchangeably, there an important. distinction eoreen the court as an ent, nd the person who oceu aan alge Corts may ax ious ge There Se ioe tout a court (Pamintuan vs. rete, 23 PhiL 346) ‘Courts are created ether bythe Constittion o by law In the Philippine, the Supreme Court and the Sandiganba syn ste the ely ones provided fr in the Constitution and ‘erefore, cannot be abolished without amending the Const futon. Ail ether courts starting from the Court of Appeals fiw oe of statutory eration and, therefore, may be abal- {shod at anytime by the leila, Whot Jarisdition I urisdction eth power and authority of aa Conchada va. Director of Prisons, 3 ‘30, and to carry the sentence or judgment ofthe court {nto execution (Morand ws. Rovira, 2 ACR SLD. In eiminal cases, the concurrence of the fllowing requ site i nacnmary befire a eoure may validly hear oF 9 @ fase, and past judgment theron (1) jurdition over the fsljcet mater or aflense, 2) jualin over the terior wns connie.) iurediton over tie ‘persun af the acused (People tm Rivera, GR No. O7263-CR, ‘Apa, 1870, (On the cer hand, jurisdiction inv eases requires the roente of thes element oer the suet ‘ater: jarton ove the prs of th pig or et {he ern ae of nncrendnt defendant ni) thoi est En stance an Tuba va: Gontle 1601S, ‘Marek 2, 1072 17 CAR 4 By ition oe the sje mtr meant the rd thi ers ulhriy whch organized the Sour tnd ie be sought rin general nature of te power ‘i utr pel contre Perkin Rea 2 Ph Lani aso Coonsre Concerns " {10 1s the power ta bear and determine cases of tho ge tral clase to mhich th proceeding: in question belong eves {r'Dian, 7 Pil 486), and i determined upan the llegation ‘tibecomplait and not upon the merit of plait claim hum the plea or defenes pleaded hy the defendant in his hawt or motion to dismise (Cardenas vs. Camus, 5 SCRA 10, Tine Ine, Reyes, et al, 98 SCRA 809) uration ver the pers i aoqired by the vols ena he simi ia rn ‘pea bythe coercive power of legal process rer the What Venue ‘enue isthe geographical division in which an action fs ‘ought to trial or the plac of eal for a eriminal action, & ‘rl tion o apeial proseoding (40 Cye. 101. Stated briefly, venue i the place iene ee ridin Distinguished frm Venue. a) duration isthe authority oF the power isl ile von rete oe terior it (@) Strict speaking, jurntiction is substantive while venue is @ matter of procedure. (8). Juridition is conferred by law and cannot be hanged o waived by the partis, venue may be conferred by the parties exept in eriminal enaes where Youve is jurisdic tional. lagpala vs. Justice ofthe Peace, GR. No. - 15575, ‘August 3, 1850, Bosic Court Sytem in the Philipines, ‘A Four Level Berar. In the Philipines the regular courts enguge in the a ‘ministration of usc are organized into four 4) lve. The first evel are the Metropolitan Tval Courts, Muaicpal Trial (Courts in ees or mniipalito) and Municipal Cnet Trial Courts; the second, Negional Trial Courts and the Family 8 ‘Tea, Pascoe PHL Cou Courts” the thitd, the Court of Appeals; and the fourth, the Supreme Cour. We have however, «special court known ap the Sandiganbayan which ie ofthe same level as that of the Court af Appeal, The jaca power is vested in these cours tollectively known as the Judiciary. As thus organized, they Comprise what ie referred to as the Integrated Judicial Sy tem A. Pint Level Courts ‘At the first lowermott) level are the Metropaitan Tria Cours, Municip Trial Caurts in Cities (or municipal), fd the Musical Circuit Til Cour ‘Courts ofthe ist level ar easentally trial courts. They lay anid devide nly the particular type or classes of cee Specified by law. Criminal actions within thei jridistin {clude thove involving violations of city oF mankial ord fhances committed within their respective territrial Jari dtm, and. olenaee puniahable with imprisonment oot txceeding sx (6) year, ferespecive of he amount of fine and feeardless of eter imposable accessory or other penalties, Including the iil Hablity arising from such offense pre: ated thereon, irrespective af kind, nature, vale or ameunt {hereof Provide, however, that in offenses involving damage {othe propery, through srininal negligence they shall have tclsie jurndction thereof ieespetve of dhe amount of the imponable fine (RA 701). Civil actions triable by them io Clade cases of cjctment (forcible entry and unlavful d= {nine ecovery ofpersoaal property witha value of at ore {han Pi00.000 00 for P200,00.00 fn Metro anil), exclusive interest damage, of whatover kind attorney's es, tin tion expenses, and cst, the amount of which must be allege Tot yt organised but certain branches af the Regional Tal ‘Contre dsinatedt uch under Seton 1, RA BOD. naar ann Coote Concer 9 1 Sewond Level Cours [At the cond level at the Regional Trial Court TCs) sunt tue Panty Course the Get level ours, the RTC tral urs Thy are courte of general jursiction: they ey and decide not on he particular eases or Kinds of ese ‘higed te them by le ut aso Use whigh although not ‘Sesigned) ar not obeys within he jean of court ‘the int eel or any ther teibuna. “Among the iil stins asigned to them by law are thw in which the suet of igation incapable of pea iy estimation, a involving tile to or peseesion Of real propery where te aves value of the property ecards Pato00 00 (or P0,000.0 in Metro Manila feeept netans of Treble eaty and lawl etainer o here the demand, Clonee efnterat, damages, of whaiever kind, attorney’ ‘ex tigation expense, and eb, the value of the personal [property controversy etomde PIG 000.0 (or P20,000.00 in ‘eto Mami. [RTCe als exoreise appellate uristion, to review cases speed fom courts a he Bet Ite . Ting Leet Courts 1 Court Appeals Ath third love the Court of Appeals Is eeentially sn appellate court (aot tll court, reviewing eases > Dale oie fom the Regional Trial Courte Te may eee {uertins of fet or mixed questions ffx and aw Appeals to it as rogards ease, deeded by the RTC in the eerie of erin jurado Gi not Bled and deided Tere any oder court) area tnt ofight Bu appeal itt respect fo case decided bythe RTC. nthe exereise of ts ‘ppelate jardin (eevee fist tied and deed y Curt of fist ovl and then appeate fo and decided bythe ‘RTO area matter ef diaeeion, Occasionally, the Court of Appeals may act as a ral court. Thus in aions praying forthe annulment of final and ‘esetory jdpments of Regional Tria Cours on the grove » ‘Tet Practice 18 Pane Cay, af extrinsic feaud subsequently discovered, against which np other remedies lis 2 Sandiganbayan [Als atthe thin level isthe Sandiganbayan having ja, sci ofall ertinal and evil eases involving graft and Corrupt practices at, and such ather offenses committed by ‘public officers and employees including those in government ‘owned or contra corporation in relation 10 thei ofes ‘a may be determined by law. Te has alo exclusive apple Jivisdicin over final judgments, resolutions or orders af ‘ogional trial courte whether in the exercise of thet evn triginal or appellate juristiction over eriminal and evi esey Committed by publeofcers or emplyees including howe i fuveramentonned and controled corporations in relation to ei oe. D. Fourth Level Court Suprome Court ‘The Supreme Cour isthe highest court of the land tis ‘review court. ti the court of last resort, fr no appeal lis {rom its judgments and final orders In the contest of the Integrated Jil System, i exercises appellate jurisdiction over cases decided by the Sandiganbayan, Court of Appeal or Regional Tyal Courts: Asa rule, oly question of law ma? braised in appeal oi. Appeals to the Supreme Court are never a matter of righ. ‘The only exception is when the penalty of death, reli: lon pepetus, oF le imprisonment has ben imposed ith ‘by tho Regional Tria Cour, Court of Appeals or the Sani inbayan. Indeed, when the death penalty is imponed, the ‘ase automaticaly goes tothe Supreme Court for review ven ‘tho scused does not apes And in any of thew three) ‘iss, foes of fat, aside from the lasues of law, may be ‘asad bnfire and decided by the Supreme Court Handbook ae the Cours andthe Criminal tse Sats Cu ae ‘Andres R. Narvasa) pleas a Linaros asm Coosare Concerrs 2 Parent ous courts in the setically,jurieition ofthe var he Tie rte fe ate Pisa ade om Sr ieee s

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