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BOOK LISTING RANGE 01 to 06 by book and lesson

Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation

0 — 20 nbr 01 1 O numbers zero — twenty
a j 01 1 O indefinite article
A-G; a-g 01 1 O letters of the alphabet
alphabet n 01 1 R letters aA to zZ
board n 01 1 O large, flat, vertical surface for teachers to write on in the
book n 01 1 O collection of papers fastened together to be read or written on
capital letter n 01 1 R a letter written in its large form: A, B, C, etc.
chair n 01 1 O piece of furniture used for sitting
circle v 01 1 O to draw a circle around something
classroom n 01 1 O a room where classes meet
clock n 01 1 O an instrument for showing/measuring time
close v 01 1 O to shut
desk n 01 1 O table for reading, writing, or doing business
door n 01 1 O a flat, movable surface which opens and closes entrances
eight j 01 1 O 8
eighteen j 01 1 O 18
eleven j 01 1 O 11
example n 01 1 R something to be copied
fifteen j 01 1 O 15

Fine, thanks. e 01 1 O a polite response to a question of health, comfort

five j 01 1 O 5
four j 01 1 O 4
fourteen j 01 1 O 14
go (to) v 01 1 O to proceed/move in the direction of
Good morning/afternoon. e 01 1 O an expression of greeting
Hello e 01 1 O informal greeting
How are you? e 01 1 O greeting used when meeting again
is v 01 1 O to be/exist (used with he, she, it)
it r 01 1 O that thing, group, idea, etc. already mentioned
it's t 01 1 O it + is
lab n 01 1 O room for listening to/ speaking language
letter n 01 1 O symbol of the alphabet
listen (to) v 01 1 O to give attention in hearing

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BOOK LISTING RANGE 01 to 06 by book and lesson
Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
look (at) v 01 1 O to observe; direct eyes to
map n 01 1 O a drawing representing countries, town, rivers, etc.
my j 01 1 O possessive form of I
My name is… e 01 1 O self-introduction
name n 01 1 O word by which a person, thing, or class is known

nine j 01 1 O 9
nineteen j 01 1 O 19
notebook n 01 1 O book of papers for notes
number n 01 1 O symbol/word which shows how many
Okay. Goodbye. e 01 1 O All right. Farewell.
one j 01 1 O being a single thing
open v 01 1 O to cause to be/become open
page n 01 1 R one side of a piece of book paper
pen n 01 1 O device for writing with ink
pencil n 01 1 O device for writing/drawing with graphite
picture n 01 1 O a painted/drawn image of scene/person
please I 01 1 O polite request
repeat v 01 1 O to say again
See you later. e 01 1 O Goodbye, for now.

seven j 01 1 O 7
seventeen j 01 1 O 17
sir n 01 1 O respectful form of address to men
sit (down) v 01 1 O to take a seat/occupy a chair
six j 01 1 O 6
sixteen j 01 1 O 16
small letter n 01 1 R lower case letters
stand (up) v 01 1 O to rise to upright position on your feet
table n 01 1 O furniture having flat top set on legs
ten j 01 1 O 10
that r 01 1 O any object farther away
that's t 01 1 O that + is
the j 01 1 O definite article
thirteen j 01 1 O 13

this r 01 1 O demonstrative pronoun

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
three j 01 1 O 3
to p 01 1 O movement toward/in the direction of
turn (off) v 01 1 O to stop the flow of electricity
turn (on) v 01 1 O to start the flow of electricity
twelve j 01 1 O 12

twenty j 01 1 O 20
two j 01 1 O 2
what r 01 1 O which thing or event
what's t 01 1 O what + is
What's your name? e 01 1 O request for your own name
window n 01 1 O a glass opening in a door/building which lets in light and air
word n 01 1 O a written/spoken sound for communication
write v 01 1 O to form words/letters on a surface
your j 01 1 O possessive singular of your
zero j 01 1 O the symbol 0
zero — twenty n 01 1 O numbers
21 — 100 nbr 01 2 O numbers twenty-one — one hundred
am v 01 2 O be/exist (used with I)
and c 01 2 R plus/in addition/also

are v 01 2 O be/exist (used with you/they)

barber/barbers n 01 2 O a person who cuts men/boys hair
cook/cooks n 01 2 O person(s) who prepares food
doctor/doctors n 01 2 O a person who takes care of sick people
don't m 01 2 O negative command
eighty j 01 2 O 80
fifty j 01 2 O 50
forty j 01 2 O 40
her j 01 2 O possessive form of she
Her name is (Mary). e 01 2 O identifying a female and her name
his j 01 2 O possessive form of he
His name is (Bob). e 01 2 O identifying a man and his name
H-P; h-p 01 2 O letters of the alphabet
I r 01 2 O pronoun for person writing, speaking, etc.; me

I'm t 01 2 O I + am

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
mechanic(s) n 01 2 O person who repairs cars
ninety j 01 2 O 90
one thousand j 01 2 0 1,000
pilot(s) n 01 2 O a person who flies a plane
radio(s) n 01 2 O device for receiving/listening to radio signals

recorder(s) n 01 2 O device for copying sounds for future use

seventy j 01 2 O 70
sixty j 01 2 O 60
spell v 01 2 O to name the order of letters in a word
student(s) n 01 2 O one who studies/is enrolled in a class
tape(s) n 01 2 O recorded material on thin magnetized ribbon
teacher(s) n 01 2 O instructor/professor
television (TV) n 01 2 O device that receives transmitted sounds and images
these r 01 2 O demonstrative pronoun (plural)
thirty j 01 2 O 30
those r 01 2 O demonstrative pronoun (plural)
TV ab 01 2 O television
twenty-one — a/one hundred n 01 2 O numbers (21 — 100)
What's her name? e 01 2 O request for woman's name

What's his name? e 01 2 O request for man's name

you r 01 2 O singular/plural; the one being addressed
you're t 01 2 O you + are
$ nbr 01 3 O dollar sign
= nbr 01 3 O equals sign
¢ nbr 01 3 O cent sign
Aa-Zz 01 3 O letters of the alphabet
aren't t 01 3 O are + not
cent n 01 3 O a penny
dime n 01 3 O coin equal to ten cents
dollar n 01 3 O a unit of money in the U.S. equal to 100 cents
half dollar n 01 3 O coin equal to 50 cents
he r 01 3 O man, boy, male
he's t 01 3 O he + is

isn't t 01 3 O is + not

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
money n 01 3 O coins/paper notes
nickel n 01 3 O five cents
no a 01 3 O nay; not so
not a 01 3 O in no manner (expresses negative statements)
penny n 01 3 O one cent; coin

quarter n 01 3 O coin equal to 25 cents

Q-Z; q-z 01 3 O letters of the alphabet
she r 01 3 O subject form used for a female
she's t 01 3 O she + is
student control number (SCN) n 01 3 0 identification number for students
they r 01 3 O persons previously mentioned
they're t 01 3 O they + are
we r 01 3 O everyone, including you
we're t 01 3 O we + are
yes a 01 3 O expressing agreement, consent
at (time) p 01 4 O on/near time of
box n 01 4 O a stiff container for holding solids, usually with a lid
calendar n 01 4 O chart showing days and months of the year
day n 01 4 O a period of 24 hours

dialog n 01 4 R a conversation between two or more people

Friday n 01 4 O 6th day of the week
Go to (the classroom) at (7:30). e 01 4 R imperative to go somewhere at a certain time
in p 01 4 O location
It's (10) o'clock. e 01 4 O expression for telling time (used with hour only)
It's (10:30). e 01 4 O used when telling time(used with hour and minutes)
Monday n 01 4 O 2nd day of the week
o'clock e 01 4 O used to express the top of the hour
on p 01 4 O in contact with; supported by
put v 01 4 O to set/place
Saturday n 01 4 O seventh/last day of the week
sound n 01 4 R what can be heard; a sensation in the ear
Sunday n 01 4 O 1st day of the week
Thursday n 01 4 O 5th day of the week

time n 01 4 R precise instant in hours/minutes

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
today n 01 4 O the present day
tomorrow n 01 4 O the day following today
Tuesday n 01 4 O 3rd day of the week
under p 01 4 O below; beneath surface of
wall n 01 4 O upright structure used to support/divide (rooms)

Wednesday n 01 4 O 4th day of the week

week n 01 4 O 7 days/Sunday through Saturday
weekend n 01 4 O Saturday and Sunday
What time is it? e 01 4 R request for hour and minute of the day
101 — 999 nbr 02 1 O one hundred (and) one — nine hundred ninety-nine
and c 02 1 O plus/in addition/also
angry j 02 1 O filled with anger (a strong feeling of displeasure)
boy n 02 1 O a young male child
brother n 02 1 O a male having the same parents as another person
bye i 02 1 R good bye
child/children n 02 1 O young human being(s); sons and daughters
cold j 02 1 O not warm; having a lower than usual temperature
daughter n 02 1 O someone's female child
Excuse me. e 02 1 O Pardon me. (a polite expression)

family n 02 1 O a group of people related by blood or marriage especially

parent and child
father n 02 1 O a male parent
friend n 02 1 O a person one knows well and is fond of
girl n 02 1 O a young female child
Glad to meet you. e 02 1 O a polite response used with introductions
happy j 02 1 O feeling pleasure and contentment
Hi i 02 1 R informal greeting
hot j 02 1 O having a relatively high temperature
hundred j 02 1 O 100
husband n 02 1 O the man to whom a woman is married
let's t 02 1 O let + us, suggestion
man/men n 02 1 O fully grown human male(s)
Miss n 02 1 O unmarried woman
mother n 02 1 O female parent

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
Mr. ab 02 1 O Mister/title of married/unmarried man
Mrs. ab 02 1 O title of married woman
Ms. ab 02 1 O title of woman whose marital status is not known
Nice to meet you. e 02 1 O a polite response used with introductions
now a 02 1 R at the present

old j 02 1 O having lived a long time; not young

or c 02 1 O an alternative/different choice
parents n 02 1 O mother and father of a person
people n 02 1 O persons of all nations/races; humans
person n 02 1 O human being, especially somebody unknown or unnamed
sad j 02 1 O not happy; sorrowful
short j 02 1 O opposite tall; little in height
sick j 02 1 O ill; infected with disease
sister n 02 1 O female related to one by having same parents
son n 02 1 O a person's male child
syllable n 02 1 R part or all of a word composed of a vowel and usually one or
more consonants
tall j 02 1 O higher in stature than average
tired j 02 1 O without strength or energy
too a 02 1 O also

very a 02 1 O extremely
well j 02 1 O not sick
What time is it? e 02 1 O request for hour and minute of the day
wife n 02 1 O the woman a man is married to
woman/women n 02 1 O fully grown human female(s)
young j 02 1 O not old
1,000 — 500,000 nbr 02 2 O one thousand — five hundred thousand
Air Force n 02 2 O a branch of the military
answer n 02 2 R a reply to a question, letter, etc.
answer v 02 2 O to reply to a question, letter, etc.
ask v 02 2 O to request information, favors, answers
at (place) p 02 2 O location
barracks n 02 2 O building(s) for lodging personnel
base n 02 2 O military installation

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
Base Exchange (BX) n 02 2 O a goods store for military personnel
bed n 02 2 O a piece of furniture made to be slept on/in
belong to v 02 2 O to be the property of
big j 02 2 O large in size
building n 02 2 O a usually permanent structure with walls and a roof

bulletin board n 02 2 O a board on the wall where special notices are placed
bus n 02 2 O a large passenger vehicle
bus stop n 02 2 O a place where buses stop for passengers
BX n 02 2 O Base Exchange; a goods store for military personnel
commissary n 02 2 O a food store for military personnel
dining hall n 02 2 O mess hall; a place where meals are served
dispensary n 02 2 O a place where medical care and medication is given out
Excuse me, please. e 02 2 R Pardon me. (a polite expression)
hospital n 02 2 O medical treatment facility
inside a 02 2 O indoors; in a building
library n 02 2 O building where books are kept for public use
mess hall n 02 2 O eating area for military
office n 02 2 O place where business affairs take place
our j 02 2 O belonging to us; possessive plural

outside a 02 2 O outdoors; not inside

question n 02 2 R an inquiry
room n 02 2 O living/working quarters
schedule n 02 2 O a list of times when things are usually done
small j 02 2 O little/tiny in size
snack bar n 02 2 O place where snacks are served at a counter
Thank you, sir. e 02 2 R interjection; expression of gratitude (to a man)
their j 02 2 O belonging to them; possessive plural
thousand j 02 2 O 1,000
where a 02 2 O in/at what place
whose r 02 2 O possessive form of who
your j 02 2 O possessive plural of you
alphabet n 02 3 O letters aA to zZ
an j 02 3 O indefinite article before a vowel

apple n 02 3 O a type of fruit

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
banana n 02 3 O a usually sweet, yellow fruit
beef n 02 3 O meat from cow or steer
bored j 02 3 R not interested in what is being said/done, etc.
both j 02 3 R involving the two together
bread n 02 3 O a common food made of baked flour

breakfast n 02 3 O the first meal of the day

buy v 02 3 O to purchase; to get something by using money
cherry n 02 3 O a small, soft, usually red fruit
chicken n 02 3 O a common farm bird and its meat
coffee n 02 3 O a type of hot drink
come v 02 3 O to arrive
Come on. e 02 3 R Hurry.
consonant n 02 3 O a letter of the alphabet that is not a vowel
dinner n 02 3 O the main meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening
drink v 02 3 O to swallow a liquid
drink n 02 3 R liquid refreshment
eat v 02 3 O to put food in the mouth and swallow
egg n 02 3 O food (in a thin shell) from chickens, often eaten for breakfast
fish n 02 3 O flesh of water creatures

food n 02 3 O nourishment for bodily growth; meat, fruit, vegetables, etc.

fruit n 02 3 O the edible part of a tree/bush which contains seeds
here a 02 3 R at/in or to this place
How about you? e 02 3 R And you?
hungry j 02 3 O needing nourishment
juice n 02 3 O liquid drink
just a 02 3 R only
lamb n 02 3 O meat from sheep
lunch n 02 3 O a meal in the middle of the day
meal n 02 3 O a time to eat; breakfast, lunch, supper
meat n 02 3 O animal flesh used for food
milk n 02 3 O white liquid secreted by mammals used as food
movie(s) n 02 3 O a motion picture; a showing of a motion picture
Not really. e 02 3 R not very much

now a 02 3 O at the present time

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
orange n 02 3 O reddish-yellow citrus fruit
pear n 02 3 O greenish-yellow fruit
pork n 02 3 O meat of pig used as food
read v 02 3 O to comprehend meaning of words/symbols; speak aloud the
written words of something
rice n 02 3 O grain sized food

salad n 02 3 O a dish, usually cold, of vegetables, fruits, meats, etc.

study v 02 3 O to engage in study; learn; consider attentively
talk v 02 3 O to deliver or express in speech; speak
tea n 02 3 O drink/refreshment made by pouring boiling water over leaves
thirsty j 02 3 O needing water/fluid to drink
toast n 02 3 O browned/toasted bread
vowel n 02 3 O letter representing speech sound (a, e, i, o, u)
watch v 02 3 O to look at someone/something
water n 02 3 O a clear liquid which falls to the earth as rain
What about you? e 02 3 R And you?
501,000 — 1,000,000 nbr 02 4 O five hundred (and) one thousand — one million
check v 02 4 O to examine to see if something is correct
correct j 02 4 O right, without mistakes
count v 02 4 O to name the numbers in order, one by one or in groups; total

different j 02 4 O not the same/alike

do v 02 4 O to perform an action
homework n 02 4 O work to be done at home
It's time for… e 02 4 O at the time of
Me, too. e 02 4 O So am I; I am, also
million j 02 4 O 1,000,000
money n 02 4 O money in amounts over $1.00
nothing r 02 4 R not anything
nothing much e 02 4 R not much; very little
right j 02 4 O correct
same j 02 4 O not different; alike in every way
who r 02 4 O which/what person(s)?
wrong j 02 4 O incorrect; mistaken; not right
You're welcome. e 02 4 O a polite response used when you are thanked for something

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
a.m. ab 03 1 O before noon (ante meridian)
after p 03 1 O at a later time
afternoon n 03 1 O the period between midday and sunset
at (period of the day) p 03 1 O during that period of the day (midnight, night, noon)
before p 03 1 O earlier than

class n 03 1 O group of students being taught together; period of time

students are taught
do v 03 1 O auxiliary
does v 03 1 O do (3rd person singular)
doesn't t 03 1 O does + not
don't t 03 1 O do + not
early a 03 1 O before the usual/expected time
early j 03 1 O happening before the usual time
evening n 03 1 O the end of the day and early part of the night
every j 03 1 O each of all of two or more
for (meal) p 03 1 O to eat something for/with a meal
get dressed e 03 1 O put clothes on
get up v 03 1 O to rise from bed; to leave your bed
go to bed e 03 1 O to get into bed
hungry j 03 1 O needing nourishment

in (period of time) p 03 1 O during that period of time (in the morning)

late a 03 1 O toward the end of a period
late j 03 1 O coming after the usual or expected time
lesson n 03 1 O exercise for a student to learn
midnight n 03 1 O 2400 hours
morning n 03 1 O first part of a day up to noon
night n 03 1 O period of darkness from sunset to sunrise
noon n 03 1 O 1200 hours
p.m. ab 03 1 O after noon (post meridian)
shave v 03 1 O to cut off hair from the body with a razor
shower n 03 1 O a bath given by spraying water over the body
shower v 03 1 O to wash by spraying water over the body
sleep v 03 1 O to rest in sleep
snack n 03 1 O small amount of food eaten between regular meals

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
swim v 03 1 O to move through water by arm/leg movements
take a shower e 03 1 O to bathe/wash in a shower
thirsty j 03 1 O needing water/fluid to drink
want v 03 1 O to wish for; desire
airplane n 03 2 O a type of aircraft

always a 03 2 O at all times; forever

Arabic n 03 2 R language of Arabia; spoken in Asia, Africa and throughout
the world
car n 03 2 O automobile
Chicago n 03 2 R a city in the midwestern U.S.
Chinese n 03 2 R language spoken in China
English n 03 2 O language spoken in the U.S., U.K., etc.
French n 03 2 O language spoken in France and other countries
French fries n 03 2 O fried thin potato slices
hamburger n 03 2 O a cooked beef sandwich
has v 03 2 O 3rd person singular, present tense to have
have v 03 2 O to hold/own/possess
have (food) for (meal) e 03 2 O to eat/drink something
hear v 03 2 O to receive and understand sounds by using the ears
how often a 03 2 O what frequency/number of times

Italian n 03 2 R language spoken in Italy

Japanese n 03 2 R language spoken in Japan
know v 03 2 O to recognize/distinguish
Korean n 03 2 R language spoken in Korea
language n 03 2 O human speech
learn v 03 2 O to get knowledge by studying
leave v 03 2 O to depart
Los Angeles n 03 2 R U.S. city in southwest California
never a 03 2 O not ever; at no time
New York n 03 2 R city in northeast U.S.
on (day of the week) p 03 2 O on this day (on Monday)
plane n 03 2 O airplane
Russian n 03 2 R language spoken in Russia
say v 03 2 O to speak; express in words

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
see v 03 2 O to perceive with the eyes
sometimes a 03 2 O occasionally
Spanish n 03 2 R language spoken in Spain and Latin America
speak v 03 2 O to talk; communicate by talking
take (a vehicle) e 03 2 O to travel by (bus, train, plane)

taxi n 03 2 O auto in which passengers are carried for a fare

train n 03 2 O connected railroad cars pulled by locomotive
truck n 03 2 O vehicle usually used for hauling loads
What language(s) do you speak? e 03 2 O request for linguistic background information
when a 03 2 O at what time
ago a 03 3 O in the past
answer sheet n 03 3 O paper onto which answers are to be put
April/Apr. n 03 3 O 4th month of year; ab
August/Aug. n 03 3 O 8th month of year; ab
booklet n 03 3 O a small, thin book
Canada n 03 3 O country in North America north of the USA
China n 03 3 R country in East Asia
choose v 03 3 O to select; to select something from a group
country n 03 3 O a nation, including its land and people

December/Dec. n 03 3 O 12th month of year; ab

dictionary n 03 3 O an alphabetically arranged book of words and their meanings
Egypt n 03 3 R country in northeastern Africa
England n 03 3 O country located in the southern part of Great Britain
February/Feb. n 03 3 O 2nd month of year; ab
France n 03 3 R country in western Europe
hour (hr.) n 03 3 O 60 minutes; one of 24 parts of a day
how many...? a 03 3 O what amount, quantity
in (time frame) p 03 3 O contained within a time frame (seven days in a week)
It wasn't bad. e 03 3 R used to comment on something; It was okay.
January/Jan. n 03 3 O 1st month of year; ab
Japan n 03 3 R country in East Asia
July/Jul. n 03 3 O 7th month of year; ab
June/Jun. n 03 3 O 6th month of year; ab

last j 03 3 O most recent

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look up v 03 3 O to find in a book
March/Mar. n 03 3 O 3rd month of year; ab
mark v 03 3 O to put a mark/line/dot on something
May n 03 3 O 5th month of year
memorize v 03 3 O to commit to memory by studying

minute n 03 3 O 60 seconds
month n 03 3 O approximately 30 days; 1/12th of a year
next j 03 3 O immediately following
November/Nov. n 03 3 O 11th month of year; ab
October/Oct. n 03 3 O 10th month of year; ab
quiz n 03 3 O test; exam
review v 03 3 O to look at again; restudy; reexamine
Russia n 03 3 R very large country in Eastern Europe and northern Asia
Saudi Arabia n 03 3 R country in the Middle East
second (time) n 03 3 O 1/60 of a minute
select v 03 3 O to choose; pick out
September/Sept. n 03 3 O 9th month of year; ab
Spain n 03 3 R country in southwestern Europe
test n 03 3 O exam

test booklet n 03 3 O book with test questions inside

the United States n 03 3 O a North American country
Venezuela n 03 3 R a country in northern South America
was v 03 3 O past tense of be (singular)
were v 03 3 O past tense of be (plural)
What country (are you) from? e 03 3 O request for information about your citizenship
Where (are you) from? a 03 3 O request for information about your origin
year n 03 3 O 365 days; 12 months
yesterday a 03 3 O on the day before today; recently
airman/airmen n 03 4 O US Air Force enlisted man/woman E-2 (Amn)
all right a 03 4 O satisfactory; unhurt; correct
Army n 03 4 O a branch of the military
bad j 03 4 O not good
civilian n 03 4 O a person who is not in the military

colonel n 03 4 R US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officer O-6

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drive v 03 4 O to operate a vehicle
driver n 03 4 O one who drives a vehicle
enlisted j 03 4 O military person below the officer ranks
fly v 03 4 O to pilot an aircraft; travel by aircraft
good j 03 4 O having a favorable character; opposite of bad

here a 03 4 O at/in this place

Here it is. e 03 4 O at this place; over here
Here they are. e 03 4 O expression to point to something/someone
in (the Army, Navy, etc.) p 03 4 O a part of; included in military service
Marine n 03 4 R a member of the Marine Corps
Marine Corps n 03 4 R a branch of the military
military n 03 4 R armed forces
Navy n 03 4 O branch of military
new j 03 4 O having been made a short time ago
officer n 03 4 O military position of authority
right now a 03 4 O immediately
sailor n 03 4 O enlisted US Navy person
short j 03 4 O opposite tall; little in height
soldier n 03 4 O enlisted person; army member

tall j 03 4 O higher in stature than average

there a 03 4 O at/in that place
There it is. e 03 4 O at that place; over there
There they are. e 03 4 O at that place; over there
walk v 03 4 O to go on foot at a moderate pace
want to v 03 4 O to desire to do something
work v 03 4 O to labor
work n 03 4 R occupation
again a 04 1 O another time; once more
all j 04 1 O the whole amount/quantity of
ball n 04 1 O a round object used in games
baseball n 04 1 O a game played with a bat and ball
basketball n 04 1 O a game played with a ball and a basket
break n 04 1 R a period of rest

Chicago n 04 1 R a city in the midwestern U.S.

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city/cities n 04 1 O a large town with many people and businesses
clean/cleaned (up) v 04 1 O to free from dirt
cook/cooked v 04 1 O to prepare food for eating using heat
Dallas n 04 1 R U.S. city in north central Texas
did v 04 1 O past tense of do

didn't t 04 1 O did + not

downtown a 04 1 O the business center of a city/town
end/ended v 04 1 O to finish; to stop
football n 04 1 O game played with a ball and goal posts
game n 04 1 O a form of sport or play
Georgetown n 04 1 R small town in central Texas near the state capital, Austin
Houston n 04 1 R U.S. city in southeast Texas
How about (Saturday)? e 04 1 O suggesting a day
How about you? e 04 1 O And you?
How's it going? e 04 1 O informal expression similar to How are you?
Let's get together. e 04 1 O I suggest we meet.
like/liked (to) v 04 1 O to enjoy
live/lived v 04 1 O to have your home in a particular place
long a 04 1 O covering a certain time

Los Angeles n 04 1 R U.S. city in southwest California

New York n 04 1 R city in northeast U.S.
play/played v 04 1 O to take part in a game or sport
pro football n 04 1 R professional football
restaurant n 04 1 O place where meals are bought and eaten
San Antonio n 04 1 R U.S. city in south central Texas
show n 04 1 O program for entertainment
soccer n 04 1 O a game of football played by kicking a ball
sport n 04 1 O a game/activity done for fun or exercise
start (to) v 04 1 O to begin; commence
team n 04 1 O people who work, play together
tennis n 04 1 O a game played with rackets, a ball, and a net
town n 04 1 O where people live/work; a small city
visit n 04 1 O time spent in a place or with a person

visit/visited v 04 1 O to go and spend time in a place or with a person

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Washington n 04 1 R Washington D.C, capital city of the US
What about you? e 04 1 O And you?
1st Lt ab 04 2 R abbreviation for First Lieutenant in the US Air Force
(abbreviation is different in US Army and MC)
2nd Lt n 04 2 R abbreviation for Second Lieutenant in the US Air Force
(abbreviation is different in US Army and MC)
become/became lv 04 2 R to come to be
begin/began v 04 2 O to start
break n 04 2 O a period of rest
bring/brought v 04 2 O to take with oneself to a place; to carry
cap n 04 2 O a flat, close fitting head-covering
Capt ab 04 2 R US military captain
captain n 04 2 O US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officer O-3
cigarette n 04 2 O rolled tobacco used by smokers
Col ab 04 2 R colonel (O-6)
colonel n 04 2 O US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officer O-6
false j 04 2 O not true
first lieutenant n 04 2 R US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officer O-2
Gen ab 04 2 R general
general n 04 2 O US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officers O-7 to O-10

gold j 04 2 R bright and shiny yellow in color

ID card n 04 2 O identification card
identification n 04 2 R something that proves who you are
insignia n 04 2 R emblem(s) of rank
It's 2210 hours. e 04 2 O It's ten after ten p.m. It's 10:10 p.m.
lieutenant n 04 2 O US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officer O-1 and O-2
lieutenant colonel n 04 2 R US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officer O-5
Lt ab 04 2 R abbreviation for lieutenant O-1 and O-2
Lt Col ab 04 2 R lieutenant colonel (0-5)
Maj ab 04 2 R major (O-4)
major n 04 2 O US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officer O-4
military n 04 2 O armed forces
name tag n 04 2 O label bearing a name
naval j 04 2 O pertaining to the navy

on time e 04 2 O at the right time

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pack n 04 2 R a box (of cigarettes)
post n 04 2 O an Army installation
rank n 04 2 O official military position
Really? e 04 2 O expression used to show interest
report v 04 2 O to tell a supervisor you are present and ready for work

salute v 04 2 O to greet an officer by raising the right hand to the forehead

second lieutenant n 04 2 R US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps officer O-1
sergeant n 04 2 O US Air Force, Army, and Marine Corps enlisted ranks E-4 to
Sgt ab 04 2 R abbreviation of sergeant in the US Marine Corps (Jan 2006)
silver j 04 2 R shiny gray-white in color
smoke v 04 2 O to put a lit cigar/cigarette/pipe in mouth
stripe n 04 2 O band of color
take a break e 04 2 O to stop working, to rest/relax for a short time
true j 04 2 O yes; according to fact
uniform n 04 2 O distinctive clothing worn by military personnel
with p 04 2 O by means of
apostrophe n 04 3 R punctuation mark (')
asleep j 04 3 O sleeping
awake j 04 3 O not sleeping

belt n 04 3 O a band worn around waist

blouse n 04 3 O shirt worn by women
boots n 04 3 O a kind of shoe which covers the ankle
can m 04 3 O expresses permission (request / response)
can m 04 3 O expresses ability
can't t 04 3 O can + not
clothes n 04 3 O pants, shirts, dresses, etc.
coat n 04 3 O a type of clothing usually worn to keep warm; jacket
comma n 04 3 R punctuation mark (,)
contraction n 04 3 R shortened word with an apostrophe
dress n 04 3 O woman's clothing that covers from shoulders to knees or
fall asleep e 04 3 O to go into a state of sleep
gloves n 04 3 O garment used to cover the hand and fingers

Great. e 04 3 R That's very good.

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hang/hung (up) v 04 3 O to put on a hook or hanger
hat n 04 3 O cap with complete brim
indent v 04 3 R to put a space at the beginning of a paragraph
jacket n 04 3 O short coat
may m 04 3 O expresses permission (request / response)

must m 04 3 O expresses obligation

must not m 04 3 O expresses prohibition
mustn’t t 04 3 O must + not
necktie n 04 3 O tied band worn around neck, under collar
pants n 04 3 O two-legged outer garment extending from waist to ankles
paragraph n 04 3 R distinct written section usually indented
period n 04 3 R punctuation mark (.)
punctuate v 04 3 R divide sentences with marks (. , etc.)
punctuation n 04 3 R marks used to divide sentences (. , etc.)
put/put on v 04 3 O to cover the body with clothes; apply
question mark n 04 3 R punctuation mark (?)
scarf/scarves n 04 3 O a piece of cloth worn around head or neck for
sentence n 04 3 R grammatically self-contained speech unit
shirt n 04 3 O man's garment worn above the waist

shoe n 04 3 O outer covering for a foot, usually of leather

skirt n 04 3 O women's garment that hangs from the waist
slacks n 04 3 O pants/trousers
socks n 04 3 O a soft covering for the foot and lower leg
statement n 04 3 R sentence
stockings n 04 3 O close fitting foot and leg covering for women
suit n 04 3 O a set of clothes with a jacket and pants or skirt made of the
same material
sweater n 04 3 O a knitted garment used to keep warm
take/took off v 04 3 O to remove
tie n 04 3 O necktie
T-shirt n 04 3 O usually collarless shirt or undershirt
wake up/woke up v 04 3 O to stop sleeping
wear/wore v 04 3 O to have on clothing

well a 04 3 O in a good way

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Wow, you look great. e 04 3 O Your appearance is wonderful.
autumn n 04 4 O fall; cool season between summer and winter
black j 04 4 O the darkest color, like night
blue j 04 4 O the color of the sky on a clear day
brown j 04 4 O the color of the earth

clerk n 04 4 O a person who works in a store

color n 04 4 O various portions of the light spectrum, i.e., red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
cool j 04 4 O not warm; pleasantly cold
cost/cost v 04 4 O to be priced at
dance n 04 4 O a party with music and dancing
dance v 04 4 O to move to music
fall n 04 4 O the cool season between summer and winter; autumn
gray j 04 4 R color between black and white
green j 04 4 O color of leaves and grass
headphones n 04 4 O device that fits over the ears to listen to audio recordings
headset n 04 4 O same as headphones
help v 04 4 O to do something for someone; to aid
Here you are. e 04 4 O Here is what you want.

how much …? e 04 4 What is the price?

ma'am e 04 4 O respectful form of address to a woman
music n 04 4 O combination of tones to form expressive compositions
orange j 04 4 O a color, reddish yellow
over here e 04 4 O near, on this side
over there e 04 4 O in the distance, on that side
pink j 04 4 O light, red color
purple j 04 4 O bluish-red color
record v 04 4 O to copy music/voices for future use
red j 04 4 O the color of blood
season n 04 4 O a period of time marked by changes in weather
sell/sold v 04 4 O to give goods in exchange for money
spring n 04 4 O the warm season between winter and summer
store n 04 4 O a shop; a place which sells goods

summer n 04 4 O the hot season between spring and fall

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take/took v 04 4 O to carry from one place to another; to buy
That looks good. e 04 4 O used to say something appears to be attractive, delicious, or
the day after tomorrow e 04 4 O two days into the future
the day before yesterday e 04 4 O two days ago
warm j 04 4 O moderately hot; not too hot and not too cold

white j 04 4 O the color of milk and snow

winter n 04 4 O the cold season between autumn (fall) and spring
yellow j 04 4 O a color like ripe lemons or butter
about p 05 1 O relating to; on the subject of
ankle n 05 1 R the joint between the foot and the leg
arm n 05 1 O the part of the body between the shoulder and wrist
body n 05 1 O the head, arms, legs, and trunk of a person/animal
bone n 05 1 O the hard parts of the body which make up the skeleton
date n 05 1 O the number of the day, month, year
drugs n 05 1 O medicine or something used to make medicine
ear n 05 1 O the organ on the sides of the head for hearing
eighth j 05 1 O 8th
elbow n 05 1 R the joint where the arm bends
eleventh j 05 1 O 11th

eye n 05 1 O the sense organ for sight

eyebrow n 05 1 R hair that grows on the bony arch over the eyes
eyelash n 05 1 R hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid
eyelid n 05 1 R the skin that covers the eye and opens and closes
fifth j 05 1 O 5th
finger n 05 1 O one of the movable parts of the hand which has joints
fingernail n 05 1 R the flat hard piece that covers the fronts of the fingers
first — twelfth j 05 1 O lst — 12th
foot/feet n 05 1 O a movable part of the body below the ankle
fourth j 05 1 O 4th
hair n 05 1 R threadlike growth on the head, body
hand n 05 1 O the movable part at the end of the arm, including the fingers
head n 05 1 O part of body which contains the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, the
brain, etc.
heel n 05 1 R the back part of the foot

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hurt/hurt v 05 1 O to feel pain
knee n 05 1 R the middle joint of the leg
large j 05 1 O big
last j 05 1 O final
last a 05 1 R at the end; conclusively

left j 05 1 O on or belonging to the left side of body

leg n 05 1 O limb above the foot used for walking and supporting the body
limb n 05 1 R an arm or leg
lip n 05 1 R part of the mouth
long j 05 1 O measuring a large amount in length
medicine n 05 1 O a substance used for treating disease/controlling pain;
mouth n 05 1 O opening through which food passes into the body
move v 05 1 O to change position
muscle n 05 1 R body tissue
nail n 05 1 R finger/toe; flat, hard covering on end/top of toes/fingers
neck n 05 1 O the part of the body which joins the head and shoulders
next a 05 1 O the one after this one
ninth j 05 1 O 9th
nose n 05 1 O the facial organ for smelling and breathing

one r 05 1 O any person or thing

order n 05 1 R the special way in which things are arranged
ordinal j 05 1 R showing position/order: 1st, 2nd, etc.
part n 05 1 R any of the pieces into which something is divided
point (to) v 05 1 O to use a finger to indicate direction/ position
right j 05 1 O on or belonging to the right side of the body
second j 05 1 O 2nd
seventh j 05 1 O 7th
short j 05 1 O opposite long; little in length
shoulder n 05 1 R the joint connecting the arm with the body
sixth j 05 1 O 6th
skin n 05 1 O the tissue covering the body from which hair may grow
sore j 05 1 O painful or aching (due to illness or overuse)
take medicine e 05 1 O to use medicine

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tenth j 05 1 O 10th
then a 05 1 O next
third j 05 1 O 3rd
throat n 05 1 O a passage from the back of the mouth down inside the neck
thumb n 05 1 O short, thick finger set apart from the other four

toe n 05 1 O one of the five parts on the end of each foot

toenail n 05 1 R the nail on the toe
tongue n 05 1 R movable, muscular mouth structure
touch v 05 1 O to feel or press with a part of the body, usually the hands or
trunk n 05 1 R the human body not including the head and limbs
twelfth j 05 1 O 12th
What's the matter? e 05 1 O what's wrong
What's wrong? e 05 1 O what's the problem
which j 05 1 O used in questions when a choice is to be made
wrist n 05 1 R joint between hand and the lower part of the arm
a few j 05 2 O not many; some (used with count nouns)
a little j 05 2 O a small amount/quantity (used with noncount nouns)
a lot of j 05 2 O a large amount/quantity (used with count, noncount nouns)
any j 05 2 O some; even the smallest amount/number

barbershop n 05 2 O a business where men and boys get their hair cut
bathroom n 05 2 O a room with a toilet and/or tub/shower
birthday n 05 2 R the day/anniversary of someone's birth
brush n 05 2 O an instrument for grooming hair or brushing teeth
brush v 05 2 O to clean/smooth with a brush
butter n 05 2 O a thick, yellowish product made from milk or cream
can m 05 2 O expresses 100% possibility
change v 05 2 O to replace or make different
clean j 05 2 O not dirty
comb n 05 2 O usually a piece of plastic used to arrange hair
comb v 05 2 O to use a comb to arrange the hair
dirty j 05 2 O not clean
drugstore n 05 2 O pharmacy; store where medicine is sold
dry v 05 2 O to remove the water/ moisture from something

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eighteenth j 05 2 O 18th
face n 05 2 O front of the head from chin to hair
fifteenth j 05 2 O 15th
fourteenth j 05 2 O 14th
get/got v 05 2 O to obtain, acquire

grocery store n 05 2 O a store that sells food and household goods

hair n 05 2 O threadlike growth on the head, body
haircut n 05 2 O having your hair cut/styled
lots of j 05 2 O many, much
make a cake e 05 2 R bake a cake
mirror n 05 2 R reflecting surface
need (to) v 05 2 O to have a need for (to)
nineteenth j 05 2 O 19th
No, I'm sorry. e 05 2 R used to apologize
only a 05 2 O just
pepper n 05 2 O hot, ground seasoning
pocket n 05 2 O bag/pouch sewn into clothing
razor n 05 2 O a device used to remove hair from the body
rinse v 05 2 O to wash in clean water to remove soap, dirt, etc.

salt n 05 2 O white crystalline seasoning added for flavor

seventeenth j 05 2 O 17th
shampoo n 05 2 O liquid soap used for washing hair
shampoo v 05 2 O to wash the hair with shampoo
sink n 05 2 R basin, as in kitchen, for washing/drainage
sixteenth j 05 2 O 16th
soap n 05 2 O a product used with water for washing
some j 05 2 O a certain amount; a little
soup n 05 2 O a kind of liquid food with small pieces of meat/fish/vegetables
subject n 05 2 R field of knowledge; something being considered
sugar n 05 2 O a usually white substance used to make food/drinks sweet
thing n 05 2 O an object
thirteenth j 05 2 O 13th
thirtieth j 05 2 O 30th

toilet n 05 2 R seat-like bowl in bathroom used for eliminating body waste

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toilet paper n 05 2 R soft paper for cleaning after toilet use
tooth/teeth n 05 2 O hard bony object(s) in mouth used for biting/chewing/etc.
toothbrush n 05 2 O a small brush used for cleaning teeth
toothpaste n 05 2 O a substance used for cleaning teeth
topic n 05 2 R subject

towel n 05 2 O a piece of cloth used for drying things

twentieth j 05 2 O 20th
twenty-eighth j 05 2 O 28th
twenty-fifth j 05 2 O 25th
twenty-first j 05 2 O 21st
twenty-fourth j 05 2 O 24th
twenty-ninth j 05 2 O 29th
twenty-second j 05 2 O 22nd
twenty-seventh j 05 2 O 27th
twenty-sixth j 05 2 O 26th
twenty-third j 05 2 O 23rd
wash v 05 2 O to clean with water or other liquid
washcloth n 05 2 R small cloth for washing the face and body
airline n 05 3 O a company which provides air travel services

airport n 05 3 O place where aircraft land and take off

arrival n 05 3 O the act of arriving
arrive v 05 3 O to reach a place
button n 05 3 O a small round/flat object used to fasten clothes; a small part
of a machine that you press to make the machine function
button v 05 3 O to close or fasten with buttons
call v 05 3 O to talk by telephone
come/came back v 05 3 O to return
cuff n 05 3 R the end of a sleeve
customer n 05 3 O person who buys things from a store
depart (from) v 05 3 O to leave; to go away
departure n 05 3 O the act of leaving
doorknob n 05 3 O a handle used for opening/closing a door
first a 05 3 O before all others
flight n 05 3 O a trip by plane

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from p 05 3 O starting at
gate n 05 3 R an entrance
go/went back v 05 3 O to return
graduate v 05 3 O to complete school or a course
graduation n 05 3 O a ceremony where you receive a diploma

handle n 05 3 R part of an object especially made for holding/opening it

in (period of time) p 05 3 O indicates the future, after a specific length of time (in an hour)
instructions n 05 3 R directions which tell how to do something
key n 05 3 R a device used for locking/unlocking doors, engines, etc.
knob n 05 3 R control button on a radio, TV, etc.
lock n 05 3 O an apparatus used to close and fasten something with a key
lock v 05 3 O to use a key to close and fasten a door
make a reservation e 05 3 O to reserve a seat on a plane, train, etc.
meet/met v 05 3 O to come together by chance or plan
next to p 05 3 R close beside
off a 05 3 O not lit or operating
on a 05 3 O lit; in operation
one-way (ticket/fare) j 05 3 O going in only one direction
pack v 05 3 O to arrange items in a container

phone n 05 3 O telephone
pick up v 05 3 O to go and get
pull v 05 3 O to move something towards yourself
push v 05 3 O to move something away from yourself, sometimes with force
push-button j 05 3 R able to be put in operation by a button that starts/stops a
reservation n 05 3 O accommodations secured in advance
return v 05 3 O to go back to
round-trip j 05 3 O referring to going somewhere and coming back, usually
describing a ticket
school n 05 3 O a place of education for children/adults
sharpen v 05 3 O to make sharp
sharpener n 05 3 O a device used to sharpen things
sleeve n 05 3 O a part of a garment which covers the arms
stop v 05 3 O to cease/cause to cease the moving or continuing of an

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Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
suitcase n 05 3 O a container for carrying clothes, etc., when traveling
take a trip e 05 3 O to travel
telephone n 05 3 O phone
ticket n 05 3 O admission
together a 05 3 O with one another; joined into one group

tonight a 05 3 O on this present night

travel agency n 05 3 O a business that arranges people's trips
travel agent n 05 3 O a person who owns/works in a travel agency
trip n 05 3 O journey from one place to another
turn v 05 3 O to move in a circular motion
turn off v 05 3 O to stop the flow of electricity
turn on v 05 3 O to start the flow of electricity
twin n 05 3 R either of two children born to the same mother at same time
will m 05 3 O expresses future time
won't t 05 3 O will + not
zipper n 05 3 O metal/plastic device used to fasten clothes, especially pants
and jackets
among p 05 4 O in the middle of/ surrounded by three or more things
bar n 05 4 O a piece of candy, soap, etc., that is longer than it is wide
bean n 05 4 R a seed from which food or drink can be made; a vegetable

between p 05 4 O in the middle of two things

bottle n 05 4 O glass/plastic container with a narrow neck used to hold
bowl n 05 4 O a deep, round container for holding soup, cereal, etc.
cake n 05 4 O a sweet, baked dessert
can n 05 4 O a small closed container in which foods/drinks are preserved
without air
candy n 05 4 O a sugary snack, such as chocolate
carrot n 05 4 R a long, orange vegetable
cheese n 05 4 R a solid food made from milk solids
chocolate n 05 4 R a candy made from chocolate
cookie n 05 4 O a sweet, flat, snack/ dessert cake
corn n 05 4 R a yellow vegetable; maize
cup n 05 4 O a small round container usually with a handle which holds
dessert n 05 4 O usually sweet food served at the end of a meal

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dial n 05 4 O face of a telephone
dial v 05 4 O to make a telephone call
dial tone n 05 4 R sound which indicates the phone is ready for use
dish n 05 4 O flat, round, or oval container for holding or serving food
dozen n 05 4 O a group of 12

fork n 05 4 O an eating utensil

gal. ab 05 4 R gallon
gallon/ n 05 4 O 4 quarts; 3.78 liters
glass n 05 4 O container used to hold liquids for drinking
half j 05 4 O either of two equal parts; 50%
ham n 05 4 R a type of pork
have to m 05 4 O expresses necessity or obligation
I think I'll … . e 05 4 R used to make predictions with the modal will
ice cream n 05 4 O a sweet frozen dessert made of milk/cream
kg. ab 05 4 R kilogram = 1000 grams
kilo/kilogram/ n 05 4 R equals 1,000 grams (approx. 2.2 lbs.)
knife/knives n 05 4 O utensil used for cutting food
lb. ab 05 4 R pound
lettuce n 05 4 R a green vegetable used in salads

make/made v 05 4 O to do or construct; equal

many j 05 4 O lots of
much j 05 4 O more/most
napkin n 05 4 O paper/cloth used while eating to protect clothes/wipe lips
not have to m 05 4 O expresses a lack of necessity
onion n 05 4 R a strong smelling/tasting vegetable
ounce/ n 05 4 O measurement equal to 1/16 pound
oz. ab 05 4 R abbreviation for ounce
paper n 05 4 O material used for writing, covering walls, etc.
pie n 05 4 O baked dessert made with filling and a crust
piece n 05 4 O a part of a whole
pint/ n 05 4 O a unit of measure equal to 16 fluid ounces
plate n 05 4 O shallow dish from which food is eaten
potato/potatoes n 05 4 R a root vegetable

pound n 05 4 O weight measurement; 0.373 kilograms

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pt. ab 05 4 R pint
qt. ab 05 4 R quart
quart/ n 05 4 O a unit of measure equal to .946 liters
receiver n 05 4 O the part of the phone you hold to your ear
sandwich n 05 4 O two pieces of bread with meat, cheese, etc., between them

slice n 05 4 O a thin, flat piece cut from something

spoon n 05 4 O eating implement/ utensil
squash n 05 4 R a type of vegetable
tomato/tomatoes n 05 4 R a soft, red fruit eaten as a vegetable
ton n 05 4 R a unit of measure equal to 2,000 pounds
tube n 05 4 O a metal container with a cap; a hollow, pipe
vanilla n 05 4 R a flavoring for food
vegetable n 05 4 O a plant grown for food
Very funny. e 05 4 R used to express ironic humor
change n 06 1 O something different
clear j 06 1 O without clouds
cloud n 06 1 O a vapor mass in the sky usually white or gray
cloudy j 06 1 O full of clouds
Do you think it'll rain? e 06 1 R question about the weather

dry j 06 1 O not wet

get/got lv 06 1 O to become; to acquire (a characteristic)
grade n 06 1 O score
how a 06 1 O state/condition; in what manner/way
How's it going? e 06 1 R informal expression similar to How are you?
It’s (weather). e 06 1 R the weather is snowy, sunny, etc.
nice j 06 1 O pleasant, kind, good
rain n 06 1 O water drops condensed from the atmosphere; precipitation
rain v 06 1 O to fall as water drops from the clouds
raincoat n 06 1 O water repellent coat
rainy j 06 1 O abounding with rain
score n 06 1 O a grade, as on a test
shine/shone v 06 1 O to emit light
shower n 06 1 O rain that lasts only a short time

sky n 06 1 O space around the earth and beyond

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snow n 06 1 O white, frozen, water vapor particles
snow v 06 1 O to fall like snow
snowy j 06 1 R weather characterized by falling snow
storm n 06 1 O atmospheric disturbance like rain, snow
stormy j 06 1 R weather characterized by a storm

sun n 06 1 O bright sphere about which the earth and other planets revolve
sunny j 06 1 O full of sunshine or brilliant sunlight
sunshine n 06 1 O light and heat from the sun
think/thought (about) v 06 1 O to consider; form/have in the mind
umbrella n 06 1 O a device used for keeping rain off your head
weather n 06 1 O the condition of the atmosphere concerning temperature,
wet j 06 1 O not dry; moist; damp
wind n 06 1 O strong moving air
windy j 06 1 O with a lot of wind
anything r 06 2 O any one thing
anything else e 06 2 O more
awful j 06 2 O very bad/poor in quality
blade n 06 2 O the flat cutting part of knife
boat n 06 2 O small, open vessel for traveling across water

by p 06 2 O through the use of

check n 06 2 O restaurant bill
cry v 06 2 O to produce tears as a sign of sorrow, sadness, pain, etc.
cut/cut v 06 2 O to divide into parts with a sharp instrument
delicious j 06 2 O tasting very good
else j 06 2 O other/different; more
get/got (to) v 06 2 O to arrive
get/got in v 06 2 O to arrive
get/got off v 06 2 O to leave a vehicle
get/got on v 06 2 O to enter a vehicle
get/got out v 06 2 O to exit a vehicle
helicopter n 06 2 O aircraft with horizontally mounted blades
her r 06 2 O objective form of she
Here you are. e 06 2 R Here is what you want.

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him r 06 2 O objective form of he
home a 06 2 O at home
home n 06 2 O place of residence, e.g., house, apartment
house n 06 2 O building occupied by one family or person
jet n 06 2 O plane

later a 06 2 O at a future time

leave a tip e 06 2 O give a gift of money for a service
leave/left v 06 2 O to allow to remain
me r 06 2 O objective form of I
menu n 06 2 O detailed list of foods served at a meal
nothing r 06 2 O not anything; no thing
nothing else e 06 2 O not anything more
order n 06 2 O a request; a command
order v 06 2 O to request (food) be supplied
server n 06 2 O waitperson; person who takes orders and serves food in a
ship n 06 2 O large boat for navigating deep water
something r 06 2 O some unspecified thing
something else e 06 2 O a different unspecified thing
sure a 06 2 O certain; without a doubt

sure j 06 2 O having no doubt

them r 06 2 O two or more things (in the objective form)
This is on me. e 06 2 O I will pay for this.
tip e 06 2 O money left to show appreciation for a service
travel v 06 2 O to go from one place to another
upset j 06 2 O worried, unhappy about something
us r 06 2 O objective form of we
vehicle n 06 2 O something designed for carrying, i.e., car, truck, bus, etc.
waiter n 06 2 O man who serves food in a restaurant
waitress n 06 2 O woman who serves food in a restaurant
What's up? e 06 2 R What's happening?
without p 06 2 O lacking; not having
would like (to) m 06 2 O expresses a desire, want, wish (to)
address n 06 3 O number and name of a location where someone lives, works,

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BOOK LISTING RANGE 01 to 06 by book and lesson
Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
also a 06 3 O too; besides
bank n 06 3 O a place where money is kept and paid on demand
cash a check e 06 3 O to exchange a check for cash
check n 06 3 O a written order to a bank to pay money
crowded j 06 3 O filled with many people

deliver v 06 3 O to take things to a person's house or place of work

driver's license n 06 3 O license which allows holder to drive car
envelope n 06 3 O the paper cover of a letter
finish v 06 3 O to bring/come to an end; to complete
give/gave v 06 3 O to hand over as a gift; to supply
help n 06 3 O assistance; aid
identification n 06 3 O evidence of identity
in line e 06 3 O in a row; to be in an organized succession of people
letter n 06 3 O mail
letter carrier n 06 3 O mail carrier
mail n 06 3 O letters, packages transported by post office
mail v 06 3 O to send by mail
mailman/mailmen n 06 3 O mail delivery person(s)
money order n 06 3 O an order for payment of sum of money

near p 06 3 O close to
package n 06 3 O wrapped/boxed item; parcel
pick out v 06 3 O to choose
post office n 06 3 O place where mail is sorted, stamps are sold, etc.
postcard n 06 3 O picture card for mailing
return address n 06 3 O sender's address on a letter/package
send/sent v 06 3 O to dispatch; have a package delivered
show v 06 3 O to exhibit; display
sign v 06 3 O to write one's signature
stamp n 06 3 O postage stamp
street n 06 3 O public road in a city
teller n 06 3 O bank clerk who pays out/receives money
traveler's check n 06 3 O check used to exchange foreign money to local currency
write a check e 06 3 O to pay for with a bank draft

at first e 06 4 O at (in) the beginning

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BOOK LISTING RANGE 01 to 06 by book and lesson
Term Cat BK Lsn O/R Definition/Explanation
at last e 06 4 O finally
because c 06 4 O for the reason that
but c 06 4 O on the contrary
camera n 06 4 O a device for taking pictures
check in v 06 4 O to register; to report your arrival

check out v 06 4 O to leave; to report your departure

film n 06 4 O a roll of substance used to take pictures
final j 06 4 O last; coming at the end
for (time) p 06 4 R duration of time (for four days)
go sightseeing e 06 4 O to go about seeing sights of interest
hotel n 06 4 O an establishment providing lodging for travelers
lake n 06 4 O large body of water
load v 06 4 O to put (film) into(camera)
long (time/trip) j 06 4 O duration
mountain n 06 4 O land mass higher than a hill
ocean n 06 4 O body of salt water that covers 70% of the earth's surface
overnight a 06 4 O during the night; the length of a night
relax v 06 4 O to rest from work
rest n 06 4 O inactivity after exercise

rest v 06 4 O to lie down; to stop being active

roll (of) n 06 4 O a cylinder
short (time/trip) j 06 4 O brief in time
sight n 06 4 O a place of interest
sightseeing n 06 4 O looking at places of interest
smile v 06 4 O to show pleasure, amusement, affection on the face
state n 06 4 O political subdivision
stay v 06 4 O to dwell/live; remain in one place for a certain amount of time
take (a) picture(s) of e 06 4 O to photograph
take a rest e 06 4 O to be temporarily still or inactive
take a vacation e 06 4 O to have a period of rest and relaxation away from school or
tree n 06 4 O large woody plant with one trunk and many branches
vacation n 06 4 O period of rest from work/school
why a 06 4 O for what cause/reason/purpose

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